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NPC Update ThreadFollow

#1 Jul 22 2005 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
I am going to be posting on here what happens each day with my NPC, to see where I went wrong and what I did right, and also to share what I have learned. If you would like to keep a log to help others out as well please do so.

Day 1

Area: South Gusta
My Job: level 7 Red Mage
Time she stayed: 12 minutes
New Armor: No
Level: 30

Log: We were chaining Toughs for the 12 minutes and neither of us had to rest the whole time. She was tanking better than most War's in the dunes.

What I learned: Call NPC is not possible in Promyvion and Dangruf Wadi

Day 2

Area: Battilia Downs
My Job: level 75 Paladin
Time she stayed: 17 minutes
New Armor: Body - level 40 BreastPlate
Level: 30

Log: Just fought with her killing orcs and tigers, I was skilling up great sword. I did the tanking this round and just let her fight.

What I learned: She lost a very small sliver of hp due to an Aoe, so I casted cure II on her to see what that sliver was worth and it healed her 37hp. My guess is she has somewhere around 500hp maybe more even.

Day 3

Area: Eastern Altepa Desert
My Job: level 75 Paladin
Time she stayed: 28 Minutes
New Armor: Body - Body, some kind of doublet
Level: 30

Log: Killed spiders and Ants

What I learned: You cannot call NPC in crawlers nest. That you can call your NPC 2 times a day, by dropping your pearl and getting another one from him/her

2nd calling
Area: Batilla Downs
My Job: level 56 Black Mage
Time she stayed: 5 Minutes (I dc'ed)
New Armor: Body - Body, some kind of doublet
Level: 30

Day 4

Area: Sauromnge Campaign
My Job: level 75 Paladin
Time she stayed: 45 Minutes
New Armor: Body - Had full armor of the cloth doublet type
Level: 31

Log: Fought Weapons

What I learned: She was able to have 3 job types, attacker, Healer, and Shield. I chose attacker for now.

2nd CallingArea: Eastern Altepa Desert

My Job: level 75 Paladin
Time she stayed: 32 Minutes
New Armor: Body - Body, some kind of doublet
Level: 31

Day 5

Area: Eastern Altepa Desert
My Job: level 75 Paladin
Time she stayed: 28 Minutes
New Armor: Lizard Boots
Level: 31

Log: Killed spiders and Ants

What I learned: Not much, just fought and she left

2nd calling
Area: Western Altepa Desert
My Job: level 75 Paladin
Time she stayed: 38 Minutes
New Armor: What Looked like Dark Knight AF hands
Level: 32
New Weapons: Bronze Zhangal Lvl 1 Scythe

Log: Killed spiders, Ants, and Scorpions

What I learned: Luto will offer you an option to trade her a weapon, I believe the weapon has to be level 5 or under to begin with. I tried trading multiple weapons and the only one she accepted was The Bronze Zhangal. I also heard she will accept a Buttefly Axe lvl 5 GA. She also was doing decent damage on the Scorpions who were Easy Prey to me at 75, and didnt take much damage from thier AOE attacks.

Day 6

Area: Western Altepa Desert
My Job: level 75 Paladin
Time she stayed: 45 Minutes
New Armor: New Leg armor, not sure what type.
Level: 32

Log: Killed spiders and Ants

What I learned: Not much, just fought and she left. I also did not have time to calll her 2 times this day.

Edited, Sun Jul 24 14:52:00 2005 by Proroc

Edited, Tue Jul 26 10:05:20 2005 by Proroc
#2 Jul 22 2005 at 12:00 PM Rating: Good
153 posts
Day 1: Summon her then talk to her wich unsummon. D'oh!!

Day 2: go out as 5 drg to s gustaberg. fall imediately on someone who zoned a train of aggro. the guy made it but i was some collateral damage.

Oh well one day i will be able to try out my npc i hope. lol

#3 Jul 22 2005 at 1:29 PM Rating: Good
500 posts
Day 1: Western Altepa Desert
Me - 69 BRD
We ran around killing TWTBW Spiders and EP Ants and Maticores. My NPC started out using Fast Blade, but by the end was using Red Lotus Blade. Not sure if that meens she skilled up or not. She stayed for about 45 minutes before I zoned.
#4 Jul 22 2005 at 1:43 PM Rating: Good
418 posts
Day 1- went out as a 57pld and killed stuff in rolanberry. Like Meth said she was using fast blade. then started using red lotus. She stayed for a 30hr then left

Day 2- She showed up wearing centurions armor. I was a 37sam this time. We killed for like 20minutes when we got aggro. I went to switch targets figuring she can kill the half dead bee. Clicked on her and she said "see you next time" or whatever and left me.
#5 Jul 22 2005 at 4:56 PM Rating: Good
Today was my 3rd day with my NPC, every day going until she told me that, "We reached our quota". As I checked my Rendezvous point today, not only did she have new armor, she had the option to switch her job between those of "sheild", "attacker", and "healer", and when set to "attacker" a new option in the battle signals appears to make her tell you when she has tp. Albeit I can't tell how well it works due to the 20hrs ; ;. However, I do believe that after the 3rd time they are summoned, or the 3rd time they leave on their own, they gain the ability to change jobs. I got the sexy Mithra one too, so all in all, a fruitful endeavor.
#6 Jul 22 2005 at 5:12 PM Rating: Good
630 posts
Day 1
tried out my npc for the first time and leveled up in dunes with my 34 drk, she stayed for around 28 minutes and took way less damage and had more hp than me. I battled I dunno, maybe around 10 atleast? O_o When I went and checked on her she had elvaan female RSE pants but was still level 30, so I assume that there level doesn't reflect what they can wear and means soemthign else.She also hand ddiffrent hand gear though I can't remember which.

Day 2
Battled as my level 16 rdm she was supposedly capped but she still had a largte hp pull and very good defense. I can't remember how many battles she stayed but she left after only 19 minutes that time. I believe that the lower the level the quicker she leaves. Another scenario maybe that they leave after a certain amount of battles. I didn't check on her afterwards so i don't know if she updated gear.

Day 3
Called her because we couldn't get a full pary together, ended up dying in the pt so she only fought for 3-4 battles.

edit: Just checked my npc after day 3, she had a doublet, or a higher version of it O_o and she had RSE glove. her foot gear had also changed.

edit: awesomeness i just noticed somethign else, she has "lets talk jobs" now and I can change to attacker or healer, I guess after three calls they unlock it.

Edited, Fri Jul 22 18:18:20 2005 by Xelltrix

Edited, Fri Jul 22 18:19:59 2005 by Xelltrix
FU everyone!
Matrix Rodent is Watching!
(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination.
#7 Jul 22 2005 at 5:41 PM Rating: Good
630 posts
Also another thinf I foudn out

Sheild= Pld, you can tell becaus it has mp, and intimidates skeletons. How to get it tp us mp howe4ver is beyond me.

Attacker= Drk, I know this because it also has mp.

Healer=whm I know this because first of all it says healer and secondly it does not have and attackign combat options, only hp and mp and nop combat option which also leasd me to know for a fact that attacker and sheild wore dark and pld respectively because the npc only shows what it does.
FU everyone!
Matrix Rodent is Watching!
(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination.
#8 Jul 22 2005 at 8:47 PM Rating: Good
Day 1
Level: Me, 5drg, her 30"shield"
Mood: Angry
Log: I talked to her (Elvaan female, Radille) and she disapeared. At least I killed two things first.
New Armor: No

Day 2
Level: Me, 73mnk, her 30"shield"
Mood: Bored
Log: Farming *****(Tabar Beaks) in Sauromongue Cham. for Giant bird feathers for a quest.
New Armor: Possibly, didn't notice

Day 3
Level: Me, 73mnk, her 30"shield"
Mood: Dedicated
Log: Killed about 30 monsters in about 5 mins in the San d'Oria zone of Carpenter's Landing (linking and killing with AoE WS, Spinning Attack).
New Armor: Yeppers, she had what looked very much like Plate Leggings.
#9 Jul 23 2005 at 4:02 AM Rating: Good
28 posts
ok i got this the other night....walked out killed 2 things and then tried to talk to her...she today i went out to sauromage...i was DRK75/RDM37 ran around killing weapons...she left after 25 minutes...i droped my pearl...went to rendezvue point...talked to her...she now had lizard gear a new pearl...ran back out and killed more weapons...she hit lvl 31...stayed for 35 minutes this time ^^...went back to rendezvue new armor no choice to change jobs...but i have learned 2 things here...1 u can toss pearl and get another and timer is reset on it...but can only do that once per day...second thing ive found is that if u talk to NPC u actually have about 10 seconds to talk to it again and if u do it will stay instead of leaving...i just hope to change its job pisses me off when my NPC who is lvl 31 now vokes off me when im lvl 75...obviously she dont keep hate long but she sure can take a beating lol...whirl of rage {No Thanks!}

Edit-I forgot to say how long it stayed the second time out

Edited, Sat Jul 23 05:07:26 2005 by Alivas
#10 Jul 23 2005 at 7:43 AM Rating: Good
630 posts
Day 4
As we already knwo, there level doesn't affect the items they can wear, but it seemingly does not affect the abilities they get as well. For I have seen my npc Double-Attack during both attacker and defender mode which must mean they are no t limited to their level. My npc stayed with me for 24 minutes and I had her set to tedll me when she had tp she would say "Ok Kiddo, good to go" and when I was ready with tp she automatcally unleashed her tp attacks.
FU everyone!
Matrix Rodent is Watching!
(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination.
#11 Jul 23 2005 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
...but i have learned 2 things here...1 u can toss pearl and get another and timer is reset on it...but can only do that once per day...

Alivas, that information could either be extremely helpful, or extremely mean.
Pokiehl throws away Signal Pearl.
/check Rendevouz Point, recieves nothing, is screwed over from ever having npc buddy ever again.


/check Rendevouz Point, recieves another one, able to level her up faster.

Either way, I'm not trying this till I see some more people test it. I've already thrown away my Happy Egg, Wing Pendant and yesterday almost tossed out my Temple Cyclas. I have really bad luck with stuff.
#12 Jul 23 2005 at 3:12 PM Rating: Good
630 posts
I can support what he sauid, I had five hours left on my npc so I dropped it went to the point and on the bottom was a knew option saying Give me a signal Pearl or along those line and she says "What? You lost it?" And says soemthign else and hands me a signal pearl.
FU everyone!
Matrix Rodent is Watching!
(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination.
#13 Jul 23 2005 at 4:06 PM Rating: Good
153 posts
Day 3 : went as 5 drg again in gustaberg. very very easy fight. I soloed a chain X5 on even and tough @.@ . She stayed around 12 minute (where i got around 1k xp solo) then left.

Went to rendez-vous point and she now have lizard gloves legs and feet but body is still scale.

I can now change her fighting style too and since i got her to go away the first 2 times i think it confirm that she can change style after 3 call whatever happen during those calls.

Thanks. Pyaa^^
#14 Jul 23 2005 at 4:16 PM Rating: Good
153 posts
Just wanted to add.

Rate up everyone fpr the bunch of usefull information.^^
#15 Jul 24 2005 at 12:12 AM Rating: Decent
<bump> update thread without sticky
#16 Jul 24 2005 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
630 posts
Day 5
Day 5 was filled with alot of revilizations. I found out that attacker is indead warrior/mnk. i saw it double-attack multiple times and counter attack as well.The dead give away that it waas not Dark Knight was that MP-Absorbtion did not draain any mp. Also my npc stayed for 700+ exp and I leveled it stayed for a record total of 45 mins which shwos me that level doesn't affect duraion they stay and that thery CAN leave in the iddle of a battle which my npc had done. She has gotten another set of scale feet mpeices whjich I beleive might be brasss scalemail. Anyway how she is still the same level as before so I am baffled as to how to raise it.
FU everyone!
Matrix Rodent is Watching!
(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination.
#17 Jul 26 2005 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
630 posts
Day 6
I took her out as a healer and went to duo with a friend...found out the hard way she odoesn't heal anybody but the person who calls her (me). She will immediatly cast stoneskin, auaveil, and blink when she is called and only casts Cure III, when I am in red-yellow hp.she left after around 30 minutes that time. She is now wearing RSE body and I dunno what kidna pants. Other things I can tell you is when resting, if her mp fully heals she will say so.

edit: And I just noticed somethign O_O; Her hair changed colors to white..has anyoen else experienced this? O_o

Edited, Tue Jul 26 09:55:47 2005 by Xelltrix
FU everyone!
Matrix Rodent is Watching!
(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination.
#18 Jul 26 2005 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
418 posts
Don't know if everyone knows this but I just found out last night.

If you talk to her she says "Are we done already?"

She'll stand in place and not follow you.

If you talk to her again she says "Ok, let's get moving then" or something along those lines and stay.

So if you accidentally talk to your npc it doesn't mean they'll really be leaving. Just talk to them again.
#19 Jul 26 2005 at 11:51 AM Rating: Good
223 posts
found out this yesterday:

<ft> <tp> gives your NPC's tp
<ft> <mp> gives her mp 161/161 and
<ft> <hp> gives her hp total

at lvl 30 my NPC has 974 hp o.O wtf!! she has more hp than my pld at lvl 50 !!!!!

Edited, Tue Jul 26 12:52:26 2005 by TheDodger
#20 Jul 28 2005 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
Day 7

Area: Western Altepa Desert
My Job: level 75 Paladin
Time she stayed: 43 Minutes
New Armor: Breast Plate Level 40
Level: 33

Log: Killed spiders and Ants

What I learned: Not much, but she got level 33.

2nd Calling

Area: Western Altepa Desert
My Job: level 75 Paladin
Time she stayed: 43 Minutes
New Armor: Breast Plate Level 40
Level: 33

Log: Killed spiders and Ants

What I learned: Not much, just fought.
#21 Jul 28 2005 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
Day 8

Area: Western Altepa Desert
My Job: level 75 Paladin
Time she stayed: 38 Minutes
New Armor: Trader boots
Level: 34

Log: Killed spiders and Ants

What I learned: Not much, but she got level 34.

2nd Calling

Area: Western Altepa Desert
My Job: level 75 Paladin
Time she stayed: 44 Minutes
New Armor: Lizard Jerkin body
Level: 34

Log: Killed spiders and Ants

What I learned: I was able to upgrade scythe to a Brass Zhangal with Luto.
#22 Jul 28 2005 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
TheDodger wrote:
found out this yesterday:

<ft> <tp> gives your NPC's tp
<ft> <mp> gives her mp 161/161 and
<ft> <hp> gives her hp total

at lvl 30 my NPC has 974 hp o.O wtf!! she has more hp than my pld at lvl 50 !!!!!

Edited, Tue Jul 26 12:52:26 2005 by TheDodger

I tried this and it said Raka, but gave my mp,hp,tp not hers.
#23 Jul 28 2005 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
I got a cutscene with Luto and she said something about trading her a weapon and she will give it to my NPC. so I bout a Great Sword for my Galka, and now he uses it when we go out! I'm not sure if you can get the weapon back at all to sell back. I think i'll eventually get him to skill up on all of the weapons. ^^ I think you get the Cutscene with her after the 4th or 5th time out
#24 Jul 28 2005 at 11:54 AM Rating: Good
223 posts
Yeah Proroc, found that out last night, trying to find a way to make it work, sorry for the false info guys.
#25 Aug 01 2005 at 7:42 AM Rating: Decent
Day: Im not sure anymore.

My NPC is now level 37

Been going Western Altepa Desert

My NPC died first time yesterday Smiley: cry. I was resting when a Cactuar came and aggroed. I had no MP to heal my NPC. She survived the first 1000 needles attack, but died on the 2nd one.

Nothing new to update yet, but when there is I will be sure to post it.
#26 Aug 01 2005 at 9:56 AM Rating: Good
3,033 posts
I was soloing 5-2 for someone, and decided to call my NPC and get her flared by the Boreal Tiger.

Great fun.
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