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What happened to LOTB?!?!Follow

#1 Jul 23 2005 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent
#2 Jul 23 2005 at 8:15 PM Rating: Decent
Hi sorry for the mistype. My name is the game is Kione and I used to be part of a great ls names lords of the beasts. It was a ls for beastmasters and while I wasn't always the most active contributor I always wore the shell and enjoyed the interactions that went on while I played. I even did a few bcnm runs from time to time. I went on vacation and later when I return my linkpearl is broken and there is no such ls. I wonder what has happened. has everyone moved somewhere else or have i done something to offend someone and lose membership? Without this ls (or something like it) it is almost not worth it to come back to the game. if anyone can explain what happened please reply.
#3 Jul 23 2005 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
Supposedly they split LOTB into 2 LS's, one for lower lvl bsts and one with the higher lvls, mainly 60+ I think. I also have a pearl with LOTB but being only lvl 20 I wasn't on too much.
#4 Jul 23 2005 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
96 posts
we had a disruption between for LS owner and some of the members. We are handing out pearls to the LOTB green shell now to get people back together. For more info go to

We have started to hand out pearls to members of the pink shell to reform the LS. We didnt boot you. A lot of people were affected by a series of events that resulted in the original being tossed. There are several pearlsack holders usually online. Lokkii, mrfrodo, skibum, bosco, xenorex, darcy, nuclearmayhem, and a few others hold pearlsacks at the moment as we try to reach out to our fellow bst once again. I will be on late this evening. Send me a tell and i will try to hook you up.

Edited, Sat Jul 23 22:40:23 2005 by walmartwarrior
#5 Jul 23 2005 at 9:44 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
Okay that clears it up.
#6 Jul 25 2005 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
291 posts
Last night LOTB dropped a new NM (from last week's update) in the Crawler's Nest called 'Demonic Tiphia'. It started with one of our higher level members getting claim, and tanking it for a while.

Tiphia is a bee-style NM, and it was one nasty bugger. While our higher level BST kept it busy, all the higher level BSTs from the shell converged, and we had about 12-15 people there. We threw scorpions, Courier Carries and Knight Crawlers against it.

This thing was nearly impossible to kill.

We'd hammer it down to half health, and it would Pollen itself straight back to full health, often curing itself for 2000+, and we witnessed a pollen cure of up to 3,000. It also used Sleepga a lot. This went on for about an hour. We had some of our members switch to their level 75 mage jobs, to try to nuke it into submission... no dice, it just kept curing itself back to full health when it reached 50% health.

From all the battle spam it was hard to see, but I think we finally got a high level melee job to do a 'Spirits Within' just as it reached 50%, while three or four of our highest level BSTs performed a Light-based skillchain.

It was such a rush to see that *******'s health dip below 50%, and then they did the SC, and the Spirits Within - and it dropped. Not sure what it drops, or if we got the best drop.

We got a throwing item called 'Tiphia's Stinger' - which Thekenny got, because we all felt like he deserved it the most -- he spotted the NM and tanked it for over 2 hours. It also dropped royal joyal.

If we had to do it again, I think it would take a lot less time. But still, not bad for a new NM that no one knew anything about, and on-the-fly strategizing. :)

So yes, LOTB is alive and quite well.
#7 Jul 25 2005 at 8:05 AM Rating: Good
958 posts
That is the best drop it is known to have and in my opinion the only reason it died it because it did Final Sting on the monk for 1300 damage. Silence seemed to help but Pollen healing for 3,000+ really puts a damper on the fight. A 74 beastmaster was taking hits for 60 each so this is easy to tank. I would say a small grou p of black mages would be the best way to take it down to keep the TP on the mob low.
#8 Jul 25 2005 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
the weapon -is- the best drop, just read it sold for a price ranging from 2-3 mil on some server (not ours I dont think) o.o
#9 Jul 25 2005 at 3:00 PM Rating: Good
1,220 posts
If you were a member before (with a few exceptions) we will try our hardest to get you a pearl again. We apologize for any confusion that occurred, but yes the original pearl was tossed by the owner for reasons explained in the link supplied by Jaydin. We are currently revamping the shell and we are alive and well. Hit up the members listed to get a pearl. Looks like the lotb pearl we made is a refuge while we get the LordsoftheBeasts shell back in order.

More details soon...
#10 Jul 26 2005 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent

general discussion.. sad sad thing, they were IMO the best LS i ever had.
#11 Jul 26 2005 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
96 posts
Still are the best. Where else can people with sporactic play schedules get so much done. Bst Power. In the words of Lefein RAWR!!.

#12 Jul 26 2005 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent

Splitting a linkshell into two linkshells based on level is a sure fire way of destroying friendships and at least one of those linkshells will fail.

Your high levels will never visit the low level linkshell because they will be too busy in the high level linkshell, regardless of intentions. Therefore the low level linkshell will never have anyone to look up to in their linkshell and they'll eventually wander off to other linkshells. Also, they will feel resentment over being left out of activities.

Also, once all your high levels hit 75 and have the desire to level a second or third job to 75 they'll not be able to put on their high level pearl because they'll be on other jobs. Trust me, everyone who gets a 75 and sticks around eventually levels another job to 75 and so on. This will kill your high level membership eventually.

While I agree that there should be some limitations set I think your limitations and rules are extremely harsh and unnecessary, even given the special case of this linkshell being a one job linkshell.

In my linkshell our limiations on membership started at a level 40/rank 3 minimum and worked up to level 60/rank 6 after time. I'm sure they'll go up again. Your best best would be to do something similar. You could even have membership applications for 'quality control'.

There is no reason why someone level 40 and up in any job cannot be in a linkshell aiming towards end game activities, especially if this is a new linkshell and these people are given a chance to level. Anyone who has gotten past 40 in a job is likely to take it further, especially if they have positive reinforcement.

When I started aiming towards this I simply put a minimum level requirements on events (usually 50 for regular events), rather than the membership. I still have some people who do not meet the requirements of the linkshell or even the events but they have been around a long time and are valued and loyal members of the linkshell.

I hope you reconsider the break and reunite your linkshell into one.
#13 Jul 26 2005 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
356 posts
We've come to a similar conclusion Meara. more details on the website, but basically the high-level shell will become an event shell and the normal shell will be where we all hang out.
#14 Jul 27 2005 at 12:37 PM Rating: Good
1,220 posts

While the input is appreciated, you have to know the circumstances surronding the situation. The split came about as there were some issues happening within the main shell that did not settle well with some of our more seasoned veterans that had been with the shell forever. Unfortunately, this turned into us losing quite a few members to HNMLS or other high level shells, such as Soulfire.

To combat this, we decided to try an experiment with the new shell. Originally, the thought was not to split the shells into two seperate distinct entities but rather have an "event" shell, sorta like DVS does with DVSIII and Chasing Infinity, to have a place for communication strictly mission based and focused for those BST interested, unlike the Lords shell that was a happy mishmosh of random thoughts, questions such as "where do I EXP at XX level" and just general chat. As I stated in my synopsis of what occurred and lead to the break of the original shell, it was the original LS owner (well, second original owner, long story....^_^) that wanted the second shell not to be an event shell.

Believe me, we recognize the need to help the lower BST and we love to do so and it was not our intention of being seperate or alienating the "lowbies". In fact, we all made it a point to help out others lower than us on a regular basis, for Rank, missions, AF, LBs or whatever. I cannot count how many times I have taken someone all the way through the Rank 5 missions to get their airship pass. That being said, there were some internal problems, which I will not go into, that made for some tension within the shell. Therefore, the thought came up that maybe we need a place to communicate about and concentrate on high level stuff and the idea of lotb was born. I am sure you can appreciate no wanting to spam your LS chatter with communication regarding a specific mission. And remember that our level range is from 1-75...not just 40-75.

While it may seem on the surface that the split shell was the sole and only reason for the break of the "purple shell", this is not the case. And the shell is alive and well, we just took down Haku for two more members last night, we are working on ZMs for others, CoP for others, rank for others and AF/LBs for all that is needed.
#15 Jul 27 2005 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
291 posts
Which limitations were you referring to, Meara?
#16 Jul 28 2005 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent

Double post

Edited, Thu Jul 28 16:06:02 2005 by Meara
#17 Jul 28 2005 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent


My suggestions are just suggestions. I am not, nor ever will be, a member of your linkshell and you have every right to run things as you see fit. I am, however, leader of one of the longest, if not THE longest, running linkshells on Shiva, so have been around the block a bit with a lot of drama possible in a linkshell (although I'm sure my linkshellies will happily come up with new, even more frustrating drama for me to deal with in the future). That's why I offered some advice.

Your inner workings of your linkshell I have no idea about nor do I have any idea what sort of future you wish to plan out for your shell. Nor would I presume to think I know these things. I can only look at what I know and offer what suggestions I know to have worked in my own particular case.

As I can see now there are several ways to run a linkshell that does end game events. Most linkshells, such as my own, appear to run most events through our own linkshell. As you said, the chat can get very hectic and my linkshell is not known to be quiet in the first place. We do this for all of our events except our Dynamis runs, where we have a second linkshell (LionsPride) we work off of.

I have heard of other linkshells that have a second 'event linkshell'. I only know of one of these personally and the 'event linkshell' eventually turned into the 'main linkshell' while the 'chat linkshell' was phased out over time. This happened over a period of time as the members gained levels and all hit the 70+ mark.


The limitation that caught my eye the most was the rule that you had to be BST only on the linkshell. As I said, most people, after hitting level 75 in one job will generally level a second or even a third. I personally (as you can see from my signature) have three jobs over 60. I have two people in my linkshell with two level 75 jobs and several more who are close to this. I wanted to point out that if you limit it to one job only after having completed levelling BST to 75 you may lose people.

In general LOTB appears to be a fairly healthy linkshell with a good base of members and a strong connecting force (the single job). You're doing a lot of events and seem eager to try more, which is good. It will get wearing and you will find yourself piled on with more and more 'policies and rules' as you go. I started out with no rules except no begging for gil or power levelling on the linkshell and now we have so many rules we could publish a book I think.

What I am basically trying to say is start simple and work your way up. You'll learn what kinds of things you want to put in place and what certain activities require concerning organisation as you go along. Don't try to write a whole book like old fogey linkshells like my own have now. You'll have your own tome of rules and regulations that will drive you bonkers soon enough.

Best of luck!
#18 Jul 28 2005 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
291 posts
In general LOTB appears to be a fairly healthy linkshell with a good base of members and a strong connecting force (the single job). You're doing a lot of events and seem eager to try more, which is good. It will get wearing and you will find yourself piled on with more and more 'policies and rules' as you go. I started out with no rules except no begging for gil or power levelling on the linkshell and now we have so many rules we could publish a book I think.

I think that's wise advice, Meara.
We had problems with the last LS because we pushed hard to get as many BSTs into the shell as possible, only to discover that some of the people on the shell pretty much gave up on the job, and were now just hanging around to beg the high level players for help. And they weren't just asking for help on quests or missions that were difficult -- we had members asking to be taken to a BCNM40 (Tails of Woe) -- six members. They could have easily started their own PT, but instead wanted someone else to babysit them.

Some of them were leechers. We were losing the character of the shell. The way we see it, a good BST is a player whose first reaction is to try to do something on their own, not immediately beg for help! This irked many of the older, more experienced members, and we started to lose them.

So when the last LS owner wigged out (I did not witness it myself) we figured it was time to set ourselves up a little bit better. The rules/guidelines we've developed are pretty vague, actually, especially in terms of enforcement, etc. My idea was that it would be better to make the LS a benevolent oligarchy. About the only hard and fast rule we have is the 'NO MPK' rule. Even fake claims of MPK create grief, so we extended the rule to 'NO THREATENING TO MPK' as well.

We've decided we don't want every BST on the server in our shell, just the best players. So now we're trying to refocus on recruiting character first, and training for skill.

The BST-only Rule has been since modified to say 'Keep it BSTly, Whenever Possible' - we want to remain focused on trying to do as much in-game as possible, as a group of BSTs. What we're really exploring is what PTs and alliances of BSTs are capable of accomplishing. We know who it really pertains to. We would never kick our level 75 BSTs who have since moved on to level other jobs.

What I am basically trying to say is start simple and work your way up. You'll learn what kinds of things you want to put in place and what certain activities require concerning organisation as you go along. Don't try to write a whole book like old fogey linkshells like my own have now. You'll have your own tome of rules and regulations that will drive you bonkers soon enough.

I think we're still a far cry from being BST-lawyers. We have, so far, five guidelines:

2. Keep it BSTly, Whenever Possible
3. Loyalty - posting ToD, etc. is not tolerated.
4. Respect other Gamers
5. Activity - you'll get out of the LS what you put in.

#5 and #2, taken together, root out the 'leechers' - the people who really don't love the BST job as we do, but appreciate being able to participate in only one way: begging for help. The rules are there mainly to tell our members what's expected of them, and what's frowned upon.

Question: Do you have any procedure in place for kicking members from your LS, Meara? Our procedure is that four LS leaders would have to agree to any kicking or punishment, so that no one in the LS would feel that upsetting any single leader is going to get them kicked. How do you handle those rare, highly-disruptive members?
#19 Jul 28 2005 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent

Actually, in a year and a half, we've only had to kick 4 people from my linkshell. I kicked three of them for disruptive behaviour after repetitive warnings and the other one was kicked by one of my sack holders because she wouldn't stop harassing everyone for help constantly and it finally drove him crazy.

I generally try to talk to people first about their behaviour. They tend to get the idea at that point and either clean it up. If they don't do that they generally are insulted I talked to them and wander away from the linkshell, solving the problem of having to kick them entirely.

I think the linkshell leader should be in control of the kickings. Any sackholder can kick people for disruptive behaviour or severe breaking of the rules but only with the leader's approval. That's more or less how we've been running things, but as I said, we've not had to kick many people out.
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