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Yet another post-update Gil-seller thread from Aet... {/cry}Follow

#1 Jul 30 2005 at 8:21 PM Rating: Good
Well I think I scored one for the average player today.

No I didn't dupe some gil-seller into giveing me gil, and no I didn't teleport them to someplace other than their desired destination. I did nothing real shady besides being a nark...

I feel bad about narking on anyone, since it's not something I usually do.

Heres the story:
Crttb and Basketball were spam shouting in Bastok Markets about ore for sale. I don't mean once every 2 min or so, I mean once every 5-10 seconds. It got irritating after a while, so I typed out /blist add "Crttb"... Before hitting enter I remember a few of my friends saying they're in Gusgen now... Alot of people craft and make money from mining there... Hmmm...

I deftly hit the esc key, and filled out the Call GM/help desk thing. Again I hesitated, thinking "Nah, GM's never do anything. They're pretty much worthless." So I closed that and waited, thinking about what I would do.

2 more min of spam and I see some chat in ls mode, my friend started talking about quitting. I sent a /tell asking why and he replied something like "I just can't win. They stopped the gil sellers in ordelles, but that just moved them to Gusgen. They're stealing mining points like they used hunted Stroper Chyme!"

I had made up my mind. I was to call a GM, and I did just that.

After explaning the situation to GM Thund---, he replied that he'd look into the situation, like all GM's do...

That done, I waited to see what (if anything) would happen.
Someone responded in /shout to Basketball's shouts with something like "LOL Gil-sellers are mining now. How funny!" Someone else then mentioned "They must be hard up for gil."
I /shouted "Hmm... Isn't spamming supposed to be against the ToS or something? lol"

About 20 seconds of silence passed after my shout. All of a sudden both Crttb and Basketball start uber-spamming (like 2 shouts from each every 3 seconds from both of them.)
It continued for approx 30 seconds and then it suddenly stopped...
Could it be? Did the GM actually put them in jail or ban them?
I enjoyed the pure silence for 15min before warping to Jeuno.

I'm not sure what actually happened, but I think the GM's are just looking for a reason to cancel their accounts. Then again, maybe I'm just wishful thinking.

Take that {too weak} Gil-sellers. ~Aet
#2 Jul 30 2005 at 10:14 PM Rating: Default
lol not just anyone can doupe a gil seller into giving them gil... takes skill... well ok i lie anyone can do it.
#3 Jul 31 2005 at 12:47 AM Rating: Good
47 posts
lol, that rocks
#4 Jul 31 2005 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
1,255 posts
I dunno, just because someone is a gil seller doesn't mean they're a bad person. The first gil seller I ever talked to was one who spent an hour trying to get a raise for me because I was showing off and bit off more than I could chew. When the raising mage died (long story), the gil seller found someone else to come raise both of us...all the way from Jeuno. I tried talking to him to thank him, but he didn't think I would like him because he was a gil seller. Still, I was so impressed with him that I added him to my friends list.

Ever since then he has offered to help me AND my friends out on numerous occasions with assistance, major discounts, and even gil (no, not paid-for gil...gil for free). A few weeks after the first incident, I ended up dying on a lower level char and the same gil seller found me and without so much as a /tell shouted that he would pay 50k for someone to come and raise 2 me. When no one responded in 20 seconds, he upped it to 100k. I didn't want him to waste that money so I promptly home pointed.

My point is...yes selling gil might be against the ToS, but hate the game, not the player (or playa if you happen to be a whitey gangsta). Every action has an equal and opposite was of facking things up. We complained about nms being overcamped. Well we got what we asked for--and now the gil sellers are in the mines. So in a few months once all the mining materials are priced sky high...and all accessories and armor costs 10x their original value...will we really be any better off than we were before?
#5 Jul 31 2005 at 6:34 PM Rating: Good
248 posts
#6 Aug 01 2005 at 5:48 AM Rating: Decent
whether or not someone is a good person doesnt matter to me if they are a gil seller. gil sellers main aim is to bring in the money.

they may be the most nicest person in the world. but in the end they are just playing for profit.

i personally take gil from gil sellers just to **** them off the same way the **** me off. without gil sellers the econemy wouldnt be ****** up as much as it is now and the things i want would be much cheaper. meaning i could play the game for less time instead of ******* about trying to make a mill for that ochudos kote that used to sell for 400k a year back.

the way things are going i shoudl get as many kotes as i can now and in a years time they will be double what i paid for them. in theory of course.

gil seller = i dont give a damn about and will **** them off as best i can

real players = i dont care if your a prick to me or im a prick to you but i wont scam you because i know you are playing FF11 the way you want it to be.

gil buyers = lol ya your getting scammed.
#7 Aug 11 2005 at 9:20 PM Rating: Excellent
55 posts
Ok, I'll say this......

1. I do not agree with gilsellers. I think they mess up the game, and make it less enjoyable for the rest of us.

2. I also don't hate the person behind the gilseller character. For the most part, he/she is just doing a job to make money for his family. Can you imagine sitting for 10-12 hrs a day doing exactly the same thing? So boring..... They don't do it to have fun, but to try to make a measly living.

3. Gilsellers would not, could not exist with out gilbuyers. IGE etc. could stop it, but they are out to make money, as are we all day to day. The gilbuyers, however, are just buying gil because they are lazy, spoiled children that don't want to work for the rewards.

So remember the next time you start seething, that it's the 'Rank 1 30war/15mnk with 4 million in gear on that doesn't know how to set his macro for Provoke' you should really be pissed at. Without him, the rest would vanish.

Just one mans opinion.
#8 Aug 12 2005 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
Don't you have anything better to talk about?

T-shirt Slogan "Your mom supports Gil-sellers"
#9 Aug 12 2005 at 10:44 AM Rating: Good
xellith this self proclaimed crusade against everything RMT that you have going on is very annoying.

i mean seriously, we get it already, you dont like gil sellers. but gil sellers are NOT the reason the economy is messed up. they did flood the economy with certain items, but basic economics tells us that when supply is greater than demand, costs go down. gil sellers try to move whatever they have farmed for the most profit possible, while at the same time selling faster than everyone else, hence they typically undercut and not raise prices. the reason for inflation is a GAME DESIGN flaw. there is much more gil being put INTO the economy on a daily basis than there is being TAKEN OUT. if this gil was NOT in the economy then people wouldnt be able to buy things at the inflated prices, which were jacked up by these "true FF11" players that you speak so highly of. all the fish bots that so many had can be blamed for doing far far worse to the economy than these stroper campers and amemet monopolizers that you devote your game life to scamming.

seriously, stfu.
#10 Aug 12 2005 at 11:47 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Good post Cohle, definate rate up. I agree with what you said with one small exception:

gil sellers try to move whatever they have farmed for the most profit possible, while at the same time selling faster than everyone else, hence they typically undercut and not raise prices.

While this is true of drops in heavily-camped areas, the lack of competition in other areas does give a seller more controlover the price. Drone Earring and the Ooze in Beadeaux are perfect examples.

For months, the oo's had been perched on the Ooze spawns, gaining a majority of the claims. My friend purchased 2 of them for 10k each a while back (before the Oo's). When he came back, he sold them for close to 100k apiece. Why the steep change in price for an item dropped by a non-nm? There was a severe lack of competition.

The Oo's had near-total control over spawns because they were always there. They were good because they had been doing it for so long (and maybe they had a program, I don't know). They were so good that eventually people gave up. Because of that, they were able to control both the drops and the pricing of those drops. For the next few months, the majority of the Drone Earring's history was filled with Ooxx --> Player for an ever-increasing amount.

The same is true with the Ochudo's kote. I can't count the number of people who complained that they were too expensive because of "those damn gil sellers" and said that they area was overcamped. Yet many times I went to Castle O and was lucky if I saw 1-2 people camping them. I decided to stick around one time and guess what...I got the claim. No drop, but it wasn't as difficult as people made it out to be.

If people actually tried camping the NMs for the items they want, I think they would find a similar situation. No one ever goes to the "overcamped nms" because everyone always thinks that they are overcamped. People complained about Leaping Lizzy because of all the gil sellers...yet I got 8 pairs of boots on nothing more than a RDM (no th1 or th2). People complained about Valkurm Emperor, yet in 5 attempts I got 3 claims and 2 hairpins...again, as a RDM.

The new patch has helped with the claiming process...why not take advantage of it? Find the items you want and try camping them. It'll take a little while to get use to it, but you'd be surprised how easy it really is.
#11 Aug 12 2005 at 3:53 PM Rating: Good
SophusTehNewb wrote:
Good post Cohle, definate rate up. I agree with what you said with one small exception:

gil sellers try to move whatever they have farmed for the most profit possible, while at the same time selling faster than everyone else, hence they typically undercut and not raise prices.

While this is true of drops in heavily-camped areas, the lack of competition in other areas does give a seller more controlover the price. Drone Earring and the Ooze in Beadeaux are perfect examples.

For months, the oo's had been perched on the Ooze spawns, gaining a majority of the claims. My friend purchased 2 of them for 10k each a while back (before the Oo's). When he came back, he sold them for close to 100k apiece. Why the steep change in price for an item dropped by a non-nm? There was a severe lack of competition.

The Oo's had near-total control over spawns because they were always there. They were good because they had been doing it for so long (and maybe they had a program, I don't know). They were so good that eventually people gave up. Because of that, they were able to control both the drops and the pricing of those drops. For the next few months, the majority of the Drone Earring's history was filled with Ooxx --> Player for an ever-increasing amount.

The same is true with the Ochudo's kote. I can't count the number of people who complained that they were too expensive because of "those damn gil sellers" and said that they area was overcamped. Yet many times I went to Castle O and was lucky if I saw 1-2 people camping them. I decided to stick around one time and guess what...I got the claim. No drop, but it wasn't as difficult as people made it out to be.

If people actually tried camping the NMs for the items they want, I think they would find a similar situation. No one ever goes to the "overcamped nms" because everyone always thinks that they are overcamped. People complained about Leaping Lizzy because of all the gil sellers...yet I got 8 pairs of boots on nothing more than a RDM (no th1 or th2). People complained about Valkurm Emperor, yet in 5 attempts I got 3 claims and 2 hairpins...again, as a RDM.

The new patch has helped with the claiming process...why not take advantage of it? Find the items you want and try camping them. It'll take a little while to get use to it, but you'd be surprised how easy it really is.

yes you're correct, certain items rising in price can be directly attributed to gil sellers, but not inflation in general. they are not the sole blame for inflation and everything wrong in vanadiel as many people such as xellith would like to believe. yes, gil sellers are a detriment to the ingame economy, and they use shady tactics to accomplish the ends that they try to achieve, i am not defending them i am simply saying that anyone who blames them for EVERYTHING is largely misinformed. we should be blaming SE for allowing these things to occur, not getting mad at the guy who's just doing his job.

having said that the few gil seller stories i have are also probably more interesting than hearing how xellith scammed xifan out of 2k for an altep tele.

i guess...i'll just let this screenshot do the talking.
#12 Aug 12 2005 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
2,727 posts
inflation is caused by more money being put into the economy, yes. this is exactly what gilsellers do. they claim the gil for themselves, then sell it to those who don't want to farm or earn it. because of this, its easy to gain money enough to flood the economy with overpriced items.
#13 Aug 13 2005 at 12:53 AM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
Well another reason for inflation is players jacking up the prices, and not because of gil-seller/buying, though it CAN tie into this.

Example: Last year a stack of Fire crystals when I started playing was 1K, of course there would be more than 30+ listed at the AH. Now if a player who was listing his stack of crystals sees that its an even 1K and there are fewer than 10 on the AH he would raise the price until the crafter buying the crystals would pay 1.5 or 2K when that player's stack is the last one. Another player has his crystals ready for AH and checks price it went up, so either he/she will list it at the old price or the new inflated price. Majority of the time its gonna be the higher since we all want gil to continue lvling. Things cost more to make, crafted products go up, people want gil to buy this inflated stuff and may resort to gil-buying. Sure we have under-cutters, and we all hate under-cutters when it comes to something WE sell but don't mind if its not. We'll probably never see the day when the AH is priced like the old days...though I hope it does happen sometime
#14 Aug 13 2005 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
TaterzZ wrote:
inflation is caused by more money being put into the economy, yes. this is exactly what gilsellers do. they claim the gil for themselves, then sell it to those who don't want to farm or earn it. because of this, its easy to gain money enough to flood the economy with overpriced items.

you dont seem to understand. selling stuff on the AH is not putting gil INTO the economy. its just moving gil around. gil simply changing hands is not what causes inflation. gil being put into the economy by quests, selling items to NPCs (fishermen), NMs, beastmen etc.

RevenantVDA: you can look at the cause of inflated prices any way you want, it doesnt change this one simple fact. that fact is that there is TOO MUCH money floating around out there. if people do not have the gil to afford items, or for whatever reason dont, again simple economics tells us that a surplus will happen, and prices will go down. there would be highs and lows for the average prices of things but overall they would stay relatively the same, as it did in the past before so many fishing bots popped up.
#15 Aug 13 2005 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
1,255 posts
So what you're saying is that it's a good thing that everyone misses more on ranged attacks because arrows and bolts are a gil sink?

Okay, I'll shut up now :D
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