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Scammed on ShivaFollow

#1 Aug 06 2005 at 9:46 AM Rating: Default
Ok well you all know people who run casinos in jeuno right? Well I was gambling last night winning alot of money and I put up a bet of 100k. So I roll and win double my money and he D/Ced. I called a GM and they gave me run around crap such as "We will investigate further and take action accordingly". I am really not happy because this money was going towards spells and gear to help aid my party. So I guess I just got screwed for 200k. His name was Pharamirskid. He was running a casino called the crazy taru casino roll 555+ 2x your bet roll 0 3x your bet or roll trips 3x your bet. He also scammed a few others that were there above the AH in lower jeuno.
#2 Aug 06 2005 at 10:28 AM Rating: Good
379 posts

lol, it amazes me the number of people that get scammed by casinos, yet they still do it.

Most people won't lend equip/money to a friend, yet they'll fork over 100k to some stranger's mule. Then they're shocked that this nice honest unknown person, seems to have disappeared after you handed them a large chunk of money.

It's not like these guys are licensed by SE to gamble, they're usually just some /anon yahoo shouting in Jeuno. And if you can't trust /anon yahoos, who can you trust?
#3 Aug 06 2005 at 12:05 PM Rating: Default
Well im sorry the guys connection was messed up. He gave me the money so its cool now. Im sorry I posted all these bad things about him hes not such a bad guy after all. XD Pharamirskid Im comming to hit up your casino again! lol
#4 Aug 06 2005 at 12:10 PM Rating: Good
440 posts
xXMalevolentXx wrote:

lol, it amazes me the number of people that get scammed by casinos, yet they still do it.

Most people won't lend equip/money to a friend, yet they'll fork over 100k to some stranger's mule. Then they're shocked that this nice honest unknown person, seems to have disappeared after you handed them a large chunk of money.

It's not like these guys are licensed by SE to gamble, they're usually just some /anon yahoo shouting in Jeuno. And if you can't trust /anon yahoos, who can you trust?

I very much agree...

Either way, scammed or not, it's truly your own fault.

I gambled a few times, but with people I knew, never a stranger, and it was always for like 1 gil..

You get scammed, then it's honestly your own fault or problem.. No one's gonna black list someone because you trusted them too much...

Just my opinion..

#5 Aug 06 2005 at 9:03 PM Rating: Default
Obviously you didnt read the changes to the ToS! It clearly states now players MUST follow through with any promises they made such as bets. If a player is obligated to pay another player he or she must do so. So before flaming me read the ToS.
#6 Aug 06 2005 at 9:23 PM Rating: Decent
440 posts
Either way, scammed or not, it's truly your own fault.

Just my opinion..

{Please check it.}

You should read the post more clearly. It wasn't a flame, as it says, Just my opinion

And the ToS means nothing, at all...

I could claim Malevolent owes me 500k from a long passed agreement, which he doesn't, and scam him...

People need to think and read things better before opening their mouths, or laying down a new rule in the ToS..

Score one more for the opposition. XD

#7 Aug 06 2005 at 10:37 PM Rating: Good
379 posts
Don't listen to a thing Nieko says, he owes ME 500k.

I am so calling a GM...

j/k :)
#8 Aug 08 2005 at 8:57 AM Rating: Good
440 posts
xXMalevolentXx wrote:
Don't listen to a thing Nieko says, he owes ME 500k.

I am so calling a GM...

j/k :)

That's because I gave you some {Mog House} {fun} and {excitement}.

Unless you're gonna report me for selling myself, unless I sell myself to the GM, too. ;D Muahaha

#9 Aug 08 2005 at 9:07 AM Rating: Decent
{Casino's} {No thanks}

You guys are the whores and the Casino owners are the pimps. The Pimps will ***** slap you in the end and kick you off thier corner and there is nothing anyone will do or say to help you. Next thing you know, you are a broke hoe crying yourself to sleep at night, while the pimps just get richer and richer.

I say to you stop being a ***** and maybe the pimps will finally go away.
#10 Aug 08 2005 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
if you do a casino (dumbass) and you get scammed. then tough ****. call a GM but as we all know they dont do ****.
#11 Aug 08 2005 at 10:39 AM Rating: Default
Well look at this:

1 I didnt get scammed I got my money back and made money not lost it

2 GMs CAN do sh%# because they can check back through chat logs to see what was said and done.

3 If you claimed that malevont owed you 500k and had no proof no duh they wouldnt do nothing

4 For all you people that think ooooo they cant do anything if you get scammmed heh they are dead wrong all it takes is a little evidence and the ToS new rule to put them into GM jail
#12 Aug 08 2005 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
87 posts
Well, try this instead. Gambling is stupid because the odds are against you, plain and simple.

Also, your original post said, and I quote...

"I am really not happy because this money was going towards spells and gear to help aid my party."

Even though you ended up getting the money back, betting money you can't afford to lose is a dumb decision everytime.
#13 Aug 08 2005 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
1,029 posts
Yea GMs do nothing. You talk about proof. Over a year ago my account was hacked over 5m in items and i was able to prove who did it yet the person still plays to this day. For you to think that SE or Gms actually care about your welfare is just stupid.
#14 Aug 08 2005 at 1:06 PM Rating: Good
440 posts

Maybe it's just me, but, you made a thread about it before even knowing what happened...

Hmmm, someone likes to jump the gun a bit, eh?

Point is, you get scammed, it's your own problem. Don't post and whine to us that you did. Shout it in Jeuno and leave it there, or whatever...

You get no sympathy from the public, especially if you accuse before knowing the facts of what happened...

#15 Aug 08 2005 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
ACCORDING to the new ToC, if someone makes a "promise" to deliver something and they don't deliver, they can get a strike or something against there account. So /slap the stupid GM for not doing anything about it and giving you the macro'd speech.

A promise in a casino's case would be there shout would be rules, if you win, that's technically a promise they are supposed to deliver.

On a side note, as an EX casino, it's all gambling and you can win or lose. Just trading X number of dollars to a random stranger is a gamble in itself. So I guess the main thing is, play at your own risk.
#16 Aug 08 2005 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
Or not play at all so the casinos will go away.

Think about it, if Casino's didnt always make money there would not be 500 of them in lower Jeuno. Stop already, make them earn thier gil like the rest of us. There is only 1 casino I have ever seen give back to the community and that was Crayola. She got cooking to 100+ then sold all her food cheap to others. That is proably why she is/was the only casino not on my blacklist.
#17 Aug 08 2005 at 2:43 PM Rating: Good
3,139 posts
#1 Casinos are a gamble, so dont gamble more then your willing to loose.

#2 Why do people hate casinos so much? Like Proroc, saying to stop gambling so they will go away. I have never been able to figure this out. At first it was their so called *spam* that everyone hated. I guess i can kinda understand that, but after all it is just a few more pieces of text scrolling through your chat box. No worse then /sh for tele, or my favorite comparission battle log. If it is truely that difficult for people to filter out in their mind the casino /sh from the rest of the /sh, i dont know how those people can even exp. I mean there is so much battle log, how can you handle it??? Then it was "There all scammer", so everyone /blisted them, and hated on them. Then it was "You cant win", so everyone /blist them and hated on them.

The best part about it, is that 99% of the people who /blist someone just for being a casino, either have never played, or played once and lost. So i think it is people jealousy that makes them /blist casino's, and hate on them. They are either jelous that they dont have the gil to gamble, or jelous that the casinos make more gil then them. Either way, thats a pretty stupid reason to /blist and hate on people.

#3 You can make gil gambling (please follow #1 above if attempting to ). I am up about 6 mil gil from gambling since the casinos started poping up. I have lost my fair share, but being up 6 mil gil in the past 8-10 months, has helped me significantly gear wise. It has given me the gil to keep lvling cooking, and to be honest i really enjoy a little gambling in my spare time. Why is it that people get so upset about some people haveing fun? So for all those people that think everyone is just giving their gil to the casinos, im here to say your wrong.

#4 Ok, we all know that gambling is a risk. But that still doesnt mean the casino has the right to steal someones gil. So someone gambles, and comes here to tell us that a casino stole from them (i know he gave the gil back, but im makeing a point). And instead of maybe /comfort, or offering some good advice, the people on this forum feel the need to laugh in the OP's face. Tell the OP hes stupid for gambling in the first place, and to hell with the casinos and gamblers anyways. Thats a load of **** guys seriously. If there is a casino scamming people, the entire community needs to know it. Why you ask? BEcause if this person is willing to scam somone at a casino, they will likely carry that mentality into the field. MPKing, Scamming, Stealing things from other people. Not to mention those people who dont see gambling as an offense punishable by death, can also know to stay away from that casino. Are you guys really that mad at casinos? I mean tell me one viable reason, that all casinos should be banned, and /blisted? Ive mentioned the 3 reasons i always hear, and pointed out why i think there BS, but im wondering if someone actually has a viable reason.

I am glad you got your gil, and i hope you learn the lesson, to not gamble more then you are willing to loose. That is an extremly important lesson if you choose to gamble in the future. I'm sorry everyone here felt the need to hang you at the stake for gambling, i dont see it as such a bad thing, and if you enjoy it, by all means keep playing (again never bet more then your willing to loose).

#18 Aug 08 2005 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
Yea gms wont do anything. Just cause it says that doesn't mean jack. I have called gms on gil sellers for mpk and they never did a thing. You really think there gonna do something about some moron who rips you off when they don't even do anything about the people who ruin the ffxi economy and monopolize items. LoL get your head out of your ****** and clean your ears out and wipe your face off. Quit buying into fairy tales you can keep posting they will do something but you know they wont lol. Hence the proof I made ^^.

#19 Aug 08 2005 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
1,255 posts
There is only 1 casino I have ever seen give back to the community and that was Crayola. She got cooking to 100+ then sold all her food cheap to others.

Then again, I know a lot of high level cooks who were mad because for the longest time they were severly undercut and couldn't sell their goods.
#20 Aug 08 2005 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts
Heck, I say forget Casinos. I'm gonna start a ***** House in Jeuno. All I need are a few more NPCs...
#21 Aug 08 2005 at 10:01 PM Rating: Decent
SophusTehNewb wrote:
Then again, I know a lot of high level cooks who were mad because for the longest time they were severly undercut and couldn't sell their goods.

Well it's up to you if you want Sole Sushi for 32k, or 40k. But by all means, I'll stop selling cheap and join the crowd and rob you blind if that's what turns you on. :)

I take into consideration the prices of ingredients to determine my price. It's not undercutting, it's smart selling. I still make a profit, without making an enemy sorta speak. Besides, it's the HQ that is the real profit, NQ is just chump change for us cooks. Any cook that says elsewise, farms, harvests, fishes, and gardens there own ingredients.
#22 Aug 09 2005 at 7:20 AM Rating: Good
440 posts
BarchielReturns wrote:
Heck, I say forget Casinos. I'm gonna start a ***** House in Jeuno. All I need are a few more NPCs...

WOOT! I'm SO in that biotch.

Now that that's off my chest:

Agreed, Cray has been the best Casino along with Hellkid..

I only black list a casino if it's constant spam. Going for my Fenrir fight, gathering members, I couldn't read anything for it. LS, tells, party, all of it was on hold, and all kicked up due to the spam.

PS: I normally took them off after I left the city.

Secondly: The reason why I show no sympathy for those who are scammed, 2 reasons, actually.. 1: Like this guy did, he posted this thread before knowing what happened.. Goes back to the Witch Trials, "He don't know a Commandment, burn him!" Same thing applies here, "He DC'd! He scammed my ***!" Seriously... Get the facts first...

Secondly, the people who get scammed, you'll find them gambling again the very next day.. Like you don't learn the first time... Then another thread is made, and we all know where it leads by now I hope..
More flaming, more burning, ect...

Un-needed drama and BS, then they go gamble... again...

So, after all the threads about scammers, I think most of us have heard enough. Especially since it was a false accusation.

Again, just my opinion.. Love it or hate, but don't judge me by it, haha. :D

#23 Aug 09 2005 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
142 posts
Acepod wrote:
The best part about it, is that 99% of the people who /blist someone just for being a casino, either have never played, or played once and lost. So i think it is people jealousy that makes them /blist casino's, and hate on them. They are either jelous that they dont have the gil to gamble, or jelous that the casinos make more gil then them. Either way, thats a pretty stupid reason to /blist and hate on people.

Your thoughts are incorrect. I |/blist| every casino because I find their spam offensive; there is no jealousy or envy. I think anyone who gambles is deluding themselves. The house always wins. So you are up 6mil? that is nice and I congradulate you on your success. Yet if you think for a moment that your instance is the norm then you are deluding yourself. In gambling there are only two games that the player can have the advantage at and those are Blackjack and Poker. Even then those games take skill to play to the point where you as a player have an advantage. This |/random| casino business is offensive to me because everytime I see them I feel they are saying "you are stupid in the head. come give me money." Don't read anymore into what I just said than what I said because youare just going to get offended. I said that was 'I felt they were saying to me'; that does not mean I think those who gamble with the Casinos are stupid in the head. As I said I believe those who gamble are either nieve or are deluding themselves.

However, like I said. Congradulations on winning 6mil gil on gambling. I just hope that doesn't inspire anyone to gamble who would otherwise not because the odds are they will loose whatever gil they gamble.
#24 Aug 09 2005 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
1,255 posts
Well it's up to you if you want Sole Sushi for 32k, or 40k. But by all means, I'll stop selling cheap and join the crowd and rob you blind if that's what turns you on. :)

I take into consideration the prices of ingredients to determine my price. It's not undercutting, it's smart selling. I still make a profit, without making an enemy sorta speak. Besides, it's the HQ that is the real profit, NQ is just chump change for us cooks. Any cook that says elsewise, farms, harvests, fishes, and gardens there own ingredients.

From the cooks' perspectives, an item may have been +/- 100 gil each for an extended period of time. Next, the entire history was filled with Crayola --> Person for -500 or more. In order to sell any goods, regular crafters then have to sell their goods for an even steeper discount. Since this cuts directly into their profit, I can see why this perterbed them; not everyone sells food to skill up. If I look strictly at the history, it looks more like a person getting rid of skillup items at the cost of other crafters.

As a non-cook, I'm not complaining. I like lower prices. However, I don't expect Jeuno to have lower prices. My personal experience and preference: if I want cheap I go to Windy, if I want convenient I buy from Jeuno.
#25 Aug 09 2005 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts
The house always wins.

Tell that to the guy that just won 6 mil.

Anyway, do I like casinos? Well, not totally. I think I played a total of 4 times. It can be kinda fun and a little alternative to the game. Do I think it's so bad? No. I agree that the spam can be a bit much if there are multiple casinos in town, but so is WHM teleporters, ppl shouting for help, etc. But really, do you think that casinos would be there if they constantly LOST money? Or if no one wanted it? I see ppl asking "/s is there a casino here today?" It has a demand. You may /blist them but the casino owners don't mind, because you aren't one of their customers.
#26 Aug 09 2005 at 2:08 PM Rating: Good
440 posts
By: BarchielReturns

248 posts
Score: Decent [2.94]

I don't see "***** House Owner"...


I'm making a thread about this crap! UGH! You're SO screwed!


~Nieko :D
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