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English rdm seeking HNM/Dynamis lsFollow

#1 Aug 07 2005 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
Hi i am a lvl 65 rdm looking for a ls that does dynamis/HNM
some where near uk playing time, the ls im in atm does all their events too late for me being in the uk so im guessing that quite a few NA lses do thier events too late for me as well. If anyone knows of any lses that do thier events near uk playing time please let me know.
#2 Aug 07 2005 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
u can check out my ls soulfire i think we accepting redmages right now
#3 Aug 07 2005 at 10:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,255 posts
Soulfire does have some good people there. However, if you do join please remember to slap Alderon for luck. Tell him it was from Sophus :D
#4 Aug 08 2005 at 1:39 AM Rating: Good
1,090 posts
We usually start our Dynamis at about 8:30 EDT on Wednesdays, so that may or may not be too late for you.
#5 Aug 08 2005 at 8:45 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts
yeah 8 EST is too late for me >.>,it starting at 8 EST makes it too late for me cause thats 1am in the morning for me and from what i understand is that dynamis takes a few hours cause i dont want to be up till 3 in the morning still doing dynamis
thanks for the info though.
#6 Aug 08 2005 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
here are some HNMLS.

Wasp - Kramer (brand new nice helpful people)
Nanoface - Linknard
Soulfire - Meara
Heroes of Carpie Diem - Neorie
Vindicated - Shahala (i cant spell her name)

i dont know much about the HNMLS cept nanoface which im in. there are other HNMLS i just forget there names and there leaders. Nano does dynamis 1am on tuesday our time and 8pm on saturdays. Im from the UK too. Nanoface has like every rdm in the server in it. seriously we have like 12 lol.

ive had a few people from europe contact me before and ask me to get them in nano as nano does events in more suitable EU times. (i hope to make an EU HNMLS in the future... hopefully it will stop me being an *******)
#7 Aug 08 2005 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent

We do have several Europeans in Soulfire (a couple Netherlanders and some Brits) and I constantly feel bad at keeping them up all hours. Most of our events, unfortunately, are based on EDT time. This makes it difficult for the European and Asian members of our linkshell to attend. I try to make weekend events smack in the middle so everyone gets a chance to attend (and put up with my PDT'rs groaning about having to get up at 7am in the morning).

I believe there was a British linkshell that formed a couple of months ago called "BritishBulldogs" but I don't know how far they've gone concerning end game events. You may want to look them up though (if anyone knows the name of a member, I don't recall any names) and perhaps they can be molded into an end game linkshell with the kinds of events you're looking for.
#8 Aug 08 2005 at 3:42 PM Rating: Good
27 posts
"and put up with my PDT'rs groaning about having to get up at 7am in the morning"

#9 Aug 08 2005 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
i knew you were from uk xellith cause you used to be in britishbulldogs so ppl on there spoke about you sometimes(not bad things btw) .Ive looked at the nanoface website and i dont meet the requirements anyway =/ but soon i should get 70 and hopefully sky when i get the requirements ill apply but like you said with all thoose rdms >< well i hope i can join that ls someday and be in the same ls as snag again ^^
#10 Aug 08 2005 at 7:11 PM Rating: Good
398 posts
I would suggest you check out but we start most of our events between 7-8pm ET.

Send Fulgore a tell in-game. He is from France and decided to leave DVS for an LS that had a larger EU population. I am not sure where he ended up but he may be able to help you out.

Edited, Mon Aug 8 20:11:04 2005 by LacysDad
#11 Aug 08 2005 at 9:28 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
He ended up in Nanoface Alek. The URL is [link][/link] :).

Edited, Mon Aug 8 22:28:53 2005 by Shinkyu
#12 Aug 09 2005 at 1:58 AM Rating: Decent
britih bulldogs is in chaos and ruins. people are confused angry and dont know what to do really.

sanumanu started out as a little tarutaru shouting for people from the Uk to come join his Linkshell. he managed to get lots of noobs and a few high levels. High levels were myself and shanaleonhart. shana would help everyone out whenever she could. i didnt agree with this policy.

a free ride doesnt teach you anything really. asking a high level to come get people a lich paper when there are eneough level 50s online to plan and get it themselves.

a few agreed with this. a few didnt.

the linkshells co-founder was snag aka snagette. aka bigsnag... he has many other snag mules.. dunno how he afford it lol.

anyways. sanu gained levels. everyone gained levels. i left the Linkshell after i became unhappy with the way i was being talked about and why they were expecting me in some cases to just go help with almost anything. only a few bad apples outright disrespected me. the main problem was when i went on the shell and bad things were being said. i eavesdropped. i knew my allies and enemies then.

Sanumanu asked me many times to come back to bb but i never actually did. shana was loyal to them and the linkshell progresed rapidly.

sanumanu then gained the higher elvels. and sky. with his level 70+ whm. with all this accomplished his head became too big for his little tarutaru shoulders.

he began to disrespect people who didnt agree with him. he joained extreme. i told him they botted he said "i dont care im not the one doing it". he said "if i was a friend i wouldnt break my friendhsip with him". i said "if you was my friend you wouldnt cheat me in this way by never letting me get chances at this stuff". he replied with "its only a game". i said "dont cheat" his reply "i want to win". i think thats the just of the conversation anyways. was several months ago.

shanaleonhart was kicked out of bb as she had made a light heated joke in the LS about a member. instant booted. her purpose served so she was kicked along with mech.

snag and a few others left BB shortly after. even its co founder quit because sanu was being a ****.

This is as much truth as i have heard it and seen it with my own eyes. if i am wrong on this subjec t or anyone wishes to add or ammend anything i have writeen please do so. the truth should be heard. not fair just giving my side to the story is it?

I urge you strongly to avoid the new BB. its a sickly shadow of its formor self. Me and snag should make a "New British Bulldogs" for all the people sanumanu is pissing off basically.

people still use bb and ive noticed many of those are in xtreme also and share sanumanus delight of ge tting kills regardless of the methods.
#13 Aug 09 2005 at 2:13 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts

Edited, Tue Aug 9 08:47:58 2005 by revoninuk
#14 Aug 09 2005 at 4:18 AM Rating: Decent
306 posts
Well i have been debating over whether or not i should reply to "Xellith's" post, i don't want to start an argument across the Shiva's boards that is not my intention!

In response to your “his head became too big for his little tarutaru shoulders” if that was remotely true then why would I even bother with BB anymore, why would I even come on the LS even more…as you said my head is way to big and I don’t give a **** do I, your WRONG!!!!

WOW its amazing how a conversation can get twisted so much, I think it went a little more like this Xell…you started asking me what HNMLS I joined and I told you which one, you then proceeded to tell me everything that YOU thought that was wrong with the LS. At the end of the conversation you basically gave me the ultimatum “I cannot be friends with a person who is part of that LS, consider our friendship over”, (that’s the words you used Xell, kind of strange they don’t come up in your little “chat” we had) in my opinion a friend is a friend and for you to say something like this is just petty and shows that you was not a friend in the first place as you was too quick to discard the friendship that I thought we once had. I know people in Nano, im friends with people in Nano, they are still friends with me regardless what LS i am in..its called being mature and that word "friendship". As for the last part of our little “chat” we had…”I want to win” this is complete utter BS as not once did I say that, but making things up mate just to make your self look good and to make our conversation look bad as them words did not come out of my mouth!

Yes as you said a "co-founder" quit, but there is still one co-founder who is still in the LS that you forgot to mention! Again Xell pick and choose the little bits that are gonna make ure post look "good"!

At first when I saw your post I was quite interested on what you had to say and as I went further and further down the post I had to laugh to myself as I really don’t know where you get all your information from as most of what you said has just been concocted in that imagination of yours. Xell you DO take this game too seriously, you live, breathe this game, this game is your life…….

Ohhh and just for your information Xell when you use quotation marks it actaully means you are referring to a quote that someone has said, not some random **** you have made up!

Edited, Tue Aug 9 06:16:42 2005 by Sanumanu

Edited, Wed Aug 10 04:33:32 2005 by Sanumanu

Edited, Wed Aug 10 11:20:07 2005 by Sanumanu
#15 Aug 09 2005 at 6:23 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts

Edited, Tue Aug 9 08:39:36 2005 by revoninuk
#16 Aug 09 2005 at 7:47 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts
though i have a disagrement with somethings that were done by some ppl id like to thank the following ppl for all the help i have received while in british bulldogs ls: sanumanu for main healing quite a few times on my coffer hunts, kyron for having to tank some nasty mobs as war/nin before NI and taking me to castle O as my drk so i could get though the door to use coffer key, minivyre for getting up at the ungodly hour of 6 in the morning just help with the huge AF3 run we did, finalflame for being the drg we use to laugh at:P j/k you are missed, shanaleonhart for having to tank AF3 mobs and try to keep hate while having some powerfull DDs in pty and for taking me and others from our static to 5-2 im sorry for what happened but when my pc broke i couldnt come back for 3 weeks sad to see you, flame and mech gone from the game.

Edited, Tue Aug 9 08:54:19 2005 by revoninuk
#17 Aug 09 2005 at 8:02 AM Rating: Decent
233 posts
So, sanu managed to get "Lots of noobs" to join his LS did he? What the hell is that supposed to mean!? Are you insulting the "lots of noobs" that happen to be from the UK? Tell me this then mr smart ***. Im not one of those high levels, but im certainly not a "noob" either. Ive played LOADS of MMORPG's before FFXI, I know how to act without annoying people. A n00b is a person who lieks t0 TalK lIkE th1s!!1!11!11!Eleventy!22"1!11!. And i dont talk like that -.-. BB is in chaos and ruins? jeez you realy arent very well informed are you fool? Im not confused, but I am angry, with idiots like YOU who think they know it all.

Shana helped everyone out? She may have at times, but at other times she was the opposite. We were in phominua aqueducts recently, and everyone has agreed I could come along if i brought my own silent oils etc, and to leave me to die if i got aggro. We got to the upper levels, everything was going smoothly. I had a guide in front of me, so i told everyone EXACTLY WHAT IT SAID, and we went where it told us to go. Needless to say we wound up back on the ground floor, because the guide was wrong. Everyone else was ok about it, tellin me it didnt matter and we could o it again some other time, but shana went and posted mesages on our forums about how stupid and idiotic i was and what a n00b i had been. Oh im sorry xellith, are we talking about the same person here? i dont think so. And NOW shanna is selling her account on ebay, which will probably go to some ebay n00b who will ruin other players fun my messing around with everything, she did a BRILLIANT job didnt she? /sarcasm off -.-

Just because a select fiew people in a HNMLS use bots means that noone else can join it? you know what thats like saying? Thats like saying "oh no, those germans are bad, there are still people who support the ***** there!!!eleventy!!1!". I know german people, and theyre great fun, great to be around. If you werent so damn narrow minded you would be able to see that sanu is fine in doing what he is doing. Sanu joins a HNMLS with a select few botters in it, so you slam him for it. Thats just like walking up to a german and punching them in the face. "if you was my friend you wouldnt cheat me in this way by never letting me get chances at this stuff". Awwww, cant take the competition? sorry, did you just say SANU wouldnt cheat you in that way? OMFG! YOUR ACTUALLY RIGHT FOR A GODDAMN CHANGE! know why? heres the punchline. SANU ISNT THE ONE THAT IS BOTTING YOU FOOL! so, your right, sanu isnt doing that to you. Are you gonna blame 1 person who isnt even involved in illegal 3rd party programs for the fault of others in that HNMLS? you are!? well my friend, try and get some damn logic and some common sense before you go outside into the real world, wouldnt want you going and blaming a random, good natured german person for world war 2 now would we?

sanu's head is too big for his shoulders is it? If he REALY was that self centered, that selfish and abnoxious, would he still stay with BB? The answer is no, but wait! that couldnt be right could it? cause, h-hees still here! what a shock! well you know why hees damn well still here? its because he actually GIVES a damn about the LS, about its members, and that he is a great guy. The LS has given me SO many more new friends, so many more people i can turn to for advice, and SANU IS ONE OF THEM! so mr xellith, i suggest you shut up, move along, and dont let the door hit your big head on the way out, if you can fit it between the doorframe that is ^^

Proud member of the Britishbulldogs LS

EDIT: :O ratedowns? the horror of it all, my little digital numbers! noooooooooo! /sarcasm off -.-

Edited, Tue Aug 9 09:14:44 2005 by DevilDude
#18 Aug 09 2005 at 8:07 AM Rating: Good
75 posts
please stop posting notice i edited my posts and posted that last 1 to stop this becoming a flame war oh and if it was you ark who rated me down thats really lame this thread was about me seeking a HNM/Dynamis ls not about flaming someone.

Edited, Tue Aug 9 09:12:33 2005 by revoninuk
#19 Aug 09 2005 at 8:16 AM Rating: Decent
233 posts
i didnt rate you down man, its xellith im annoyed with spreading lies about our LS ok? i have no problems with you, youre a good guy, youve done nothing to annoy me, k? ^^

EDIT: rate up for you to counter the trolls rate down revon ^^

Edited, Tue Aug 9 09:35:33 2005 by DevilDude
#20 Aug 09 2005 at 8:18 AM Rating: Excellent
75 posts
hmmmmm must be random troll running loose again then.
there he goes again lol any rngs about so we can try to see if the trolls on widescan XD

Edited, Tue Aug 9 09:31:04 2005 by revoninuk

Edited, Tue Aug 9 09:20:04 2005 by revoninuk
#21 Aug 09 2005 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
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I have no (open) opinion on this matter. Stop ************* and make separate linkshells if u can't stand each other
#22 Aug 09 2005 at 6:54 PM Rating: Default
lol by lots of noobs im referring to the fact that the average player in BB when i joined was about level 20. if your level 20 your a noob. i dont care how many MMORPG you have played. at level 20 you know jack. it wasnt a reference to player competance as you have taken it. it was a reference to player levels. noob = low level n00b = a dumbass. learn the differences. (hard to tell i know)

and sanu. so basically you stealing **** from me with botting is friendly? so im camping nidhogg or fafmirr for hours and my chances of getting it are severely less than yours because your LS is cheating. you "dont care as long as you get the kill".

yeah sounds like a friend sanu. cheating other friends at a fair opprtunity. you hippocritical *******.

and yes i do have no life. try working 10pm-6am our time. it kinda restricts you from going out at regular times. and you know my work schedule so stfu.

sanu didnt want to lose friendship with xellith
Xellith said that being in xtreme was wrong because they botted.
Sanumanu said he didnt care as long as he got kills.
Xellith said that a real friend wouldnt cheat another friend out of a fair opportunity.
Sanumanu said Sanumanu said that its only a game.

Edited, Tue Aug 9 19:53:38 2005 by Xellith
#23 Aug 10 2005 at 5:01 AM Rating: Decent
233 posts
xellith, i believe the correct term for a noob is a person wo goes around begging for "gilz", talking in 1337 speak and basicaly just acting like a stuck up ***. A newbie, on the other hand, is a person who is new to the game, appreciates the help they are given, dont beg for gil, and are realy nice people. I was not a noob. By level 20 i knew more about this game than most people did by lvl 20. I knew about dynamis, the shadow mantle, the shadow ring, how to complete the rank 5 mission (which i did at lvl 30). I knew LOADS about crafting, had a huge (at the time, now mugwort has plumeted -.-) income from harvesting and farming the bees and crawlers in saru. I researched this game months before i actually got it, knew where to head at lvl 12, knew the best ways to make money. The average lvl 20 player who is new into the game wouldnt normaly know this information unless they had researched it, or had a knowlegable mentor (which i had aswell). So xellith, i think it is YOU who needs to learn the differences between a noob and a newbie, and you need to stop stereotyping lvl 20's and under as knowing jack, cause i sure as hell knew more than jack!

#24 Aug 10 2005 at 5:08 AM Rating: Good
85 posts
Wasn't the whole point here to look for a HNM/sky/dynamis ls that goes out on a timescheduel that is more fitting for the european timezones? Well if you find one let me know. I'm looking for one too...
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