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New Sky LS -no points no bank no BSFollow

#1 Aug 09 2005 at 1:40 AM Rating: Default
xrenegadesx is currently looking for members

we are a Sky LS tht does not have a LS bank or a point system for God drops.

our policy is as follows

drop items like V claws Div logs and such are sold and the proceeds splt between those in attendance for those god fights
(all members this past fri an sat nite made about 500k each}

who gets abj and or equipment depends on which job needs them most and some attendance in hunts or god fights. Ex: any Rng would get first dibs at Kote , Nin - Haidate , Etc
if there are multiple members up for same item then hunt time comes into play and person who helped more gets the item -
if there isnt a distinct diff its free lot between ppl who can use the item(this weekend several mages lotted on zenith slacks}

high end items such as Osode and Nobles(Shining Cloth) are not LS property and belong to the LS member

we have been hunting items non stop and did about 18 pops the past 2 weeks- our goal is to pimp out the LS members and move on to bigger game. alot of ppl tht have just joined recently have Ohats , Zenith , Shura and some nice gil from Gods to show for their efforts. we also have a blast on hunts helping LS members camp , item hunts and KS stuff.

to join mages need to be 65+ and mele 70
sky is not a requirement but does help

if this LS sounds like something you would like to be a a part of goto and apply

#2 Aug 09 2005 at 1:54 AM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
Just wait, you'll have 8 people show up for item hunts and 30 show for God hunts.

Good luck, and it's possible what I just said doesn't happen, but it's very likely.
#3 Aug 09 2005 at 2:03 AM Rating: Decent
last nite we had 18 ppl for an item hunt and usually have a good turn out for them.
#4 Aug 09 2005 at 3:31 AM Rating: Decent
Hankkingsly wrote:
Ex: any Rng would get first dibs at Kote , Nin - Haidate , Etc if there are multiple members up for same item then hunt time comes into play and person who helped more gets the item -

Newb RNG: "I used more bolts than you! So I helped more!"
Ubber RNG: "You're wearing lvl 1 new player armor and have lvl 10 crossbolts."
Newb RNG: "Rules are rules..."
#5 Aug 09 2005 at 3:41 AM Rating: Decent
best way to get people to show for item hunts is to fight the gods as you get the pop sets. it encourages people to show up and keeps you from gettin rusty XD
#6 Aug 09 2005 at 7:14 AM Rating: Decent
Do you guys only do Sky?

What is your website address.?

Edited, Tue Aug 9 08:16:56 2005 by Proroc
#7 Aug 09 2005 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent

says at the bottom of his/her post :)
#8 Aug 09 2005 at 2:42 PM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
Actually to be honest this would work best if all sellables could be sold and split for profit the amount of gil would quickly build to the point a person could buy the osode so no problem no drama and the ls split the loot same with cloth. That would make it very fair for sure. No rng drama or any any drama just maybe a random lot of all who has the gil to buy it get it. Then every one gets a split of the loot.
#9 Aug 10 2005 at 3:25 PM Rating: Good
440 posts
XRenegadesx is a good LS. Being an ex member, and friends with just about the entirety of the LS, I can personally say that they are true to their word.

But certain circumstances lead me back to UChiha Clan, but I, in no way, think any less of you guys than Uchiha.

Truely a good LS.

#10 Aug 11 2005 at 11:53 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
This is one of those things Niek... Lol I'll tell you in game about it.
#11 Aug 18 2005 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
#12 Aug 18 2005 at 3:01 PM Rating: Good
379 posts
You also forgot some other requirements:

1) Must be willing to MPK other LSs when you lose a pull on an NM in sky

2) Must be willing to steal that NM if possible if you lose a pull in sky.

After Renegades actions in sky the past week to my LS and my friends LSs, I have no respect whatsoever for them, or anyone in it.
#13 Aug 20 2005 at 7:13 AM Rating: Decent
Based off what i know, it seems like all the SKy Lses attack others...o.o I dunno which one to join T_T they all seem to be "evil" or something :/

X_X -dies-
#14 Aug 20 2005 at 8:29 AM Rating: Good
440 posts
xXMalevolentXx wrote:
You also forgot some other requirements:

1) Must be willing to MPK other LSs when you lose a pull on an NM in sky

2) Must be willing to steal that NM if possible if you lose a pull in sky.

After Renegades actions in sky the past week to my LS and my friends LSs, I have no respect whatsoever for them, or anyone in it.

Yes, I heard about this, too.... Not quite what I'd expect from a LS, especially with so many of my friends in it..

Quite a disgust from them...

And end-game LS's don't just attack one another, dude. Sh*t such as this is what causes the drama between LS's. Greed and all that crap..

Whatever, though. It's not me who has to live with a reputation such as this on my back.

#15 Aug 20 2005 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
Hearing about all this drama crap between the HNMLSs makes you step back and think. As you get closer to the lvls to join one, is it possible to find one that doesn't have any of the negative aspects?
For the most part greed and high lvl elitism have gone to some players heads, only focused on the "big" stuff such as God fights and HNMs, don't forget that you started off as a lvl 1 fighting worms or rabbits while avoiding the beastmen from handing you your noob *** on a plate.

I know I'll get rated down for this but so what, at least I have peace of mind I'm not a thieving, mpking, nm stealing, gil-concerned person in game...wait that sounds a lot like the gil-sellers doesn't it? Difference though is that I hear more stories of the gil-sellers helping people with Rank Missions and AFs than the HNMLSs.
#16 Aug 20 2005 at 4:41 PM Rating: Decent

All high level linkshells, regardless of type or designation, have their problems.
#17 Aug 20 2005 at 4:45 PM Rating: Good
143 posts
see **** like people saying that oh greed and everything is the basis of every single god damn linkshell that hunts big mobs. people always talk about drama with this HNM ls and drama with that HNMls, please there is bigger ******* drama in these games other than what HNMls do.

you have to look at it this way.

HNMls are like movie stars. every move they do they will be watched and every ****** up they make will be blown out of the water. but they yet they do the same thing as regular people. it's just everyone judges them on there actions cause they are on the limelight of this game. people in this world do MPK people do steal and people do have ******* drama. but yet it's the HNMls that gets all the blame for being the flaw. and yes i've seen it all i've been a linkshell leader since lvl 55 when all of NA people were still getting kazzam keys for the first time.

everyone say this is only a game yet this game consist of RL people with what we call emotions. you deal with these emotions like love, hate, anger, envy and even sometimes lust. sometime these desicion people take is based on they're own personal decision.

truth is this you deal with people you deal with drama. you can handle the drama in this game then your not going be able to hang in the real world unless you lucky hell. no matter what HNMls no matter what you do your going to deal with it.
#18 Aug 20 2005 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
Rate up Neo, never thought of it in that context; but theres something off in statement.

You mentioned people in FFXI do steal, MPK, and have their drama and that the HNMLSs get the all the attention when it happens, but there is a big difference when it comes to what your going after. If someone steals a Lizzy in dunes then the worse result is a missed exp chain; now if someone steals Serket the worse result is a possible loss of V.Claw and Serket Ring, which would then cause the inflated drama we've all come to know. Now why are players so angry that they lost Serket compared to losing a Lizzy? Its the gil.

This is just a game but I hope no one takes it so seriously that it mimics the CounterStrike incidents where one player actually shot and killed the other player who beat him in-game.

Sorry if it sounds like a rant, sorry about going off topic Hank, and sorry if you think I'm talking about your HNMLS's, which I'm not. lol
#19 Aug 21 2005 at 7:55 AM Rating: Good
440 posts
HNM LS's are not all bad things. Some people don't get this...

As Neo said, yes, people have their drama, and you gotta deal with it. But to MPK another LS for whatever reason is wrong, period. I don't put down HNM LS's, seeing as I was in a couple, but their negative actions towards people OUTSIDE of the LS is something to be watched. Just as we get pissed when Gil-sellers try to MPK us at Serket, Roc, or whatever else, we get pissed when NA's or JP's MPK us, too, which was the point Malevolent brought up. I'm friends with about every HNM/Sky LS there is, and I'd never put down their LS, but actions such as these...And I wouldn't put down a LS even if I wasn't friends with the leaders.

So don't get the wrong ideas of these LS's. There are lots of them that do it for the fun, challenge, even gil. Why? Because it's a way to make a living, just like when you farm for the same reasons.

My biggest thing with xRenegadesx is that some of my friends are in it, and never thought they'd do something like that. But, then again, as stated, I don't have to live with the reputation, so whatever I suppose...

But, no, not all LS's like these are bad. If you're looking for fun with a challenge to it, then HNM/Sky/Dynamis LS's are the way to go. I hope you change your mind about them...


Edit: Spelling mistakes

Edited, Sun Aug 21 09:08:59 2005 by Nieko
#20 Aug 25 2005 at 4:03 PM Rating: Good
379 posts
It usually comes down to one bad apple ruining the bunch.

yes, there are a few HNMLS that will do anything to get what they want, Bot/Steal/MPK/etc/etc.

However, the majority of them do not. MPK/stealing/botting is looked down upon, and if an LS leader finds out it's members have done such things, they can be reprimanded/booted (our LS has booted members before)

Sure, mistakes are made, we are human after all, emotions can get the better of us, and we do stupid things from time to time.

I'm not one to hold a grudge, and wouldn't condemn an entire LS based on the actions of a few (even though, as long as you wear an LS, you are representing that LS, like it or not), but in the case of Renegades, these actions seem to be the norm, and I personally would leave if my LS did such things.

I have lots of friends in different LS's, and there will always be friendly rivalries, although some can take it too far.
#21 Sep 01 2005 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
185 posts
I am a member of this ls, but have been out of the game for well over a month now with PS2 issues. Prior to my HDD going awol I can say nothing like that happened. Kinda curious as to wth you are going on about there Malevolent. Nothing on the LS page confirming or denying this.
#22 Sep 01 2005 at 5:48 PM Rating: Good
440 posts
While there may not be something saying it did or did not happen, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

You said you were gone, yes? I was gone a month, and many things and people changed.

Fact of the matter is, not only has Malevolent mentioned it, but his entire LS has said it, and I was told about it from many friends inside his LS, since I used to be in it...

Anyway, as said, they have to live with whatever happened, and what comes of it.. Truely isn't anyone's problem but those involved in the actual incident.

#23 Sep 01 2005 at 9:57 PM Rating: Good
185 posts
I agree Nieko it (whatever it was) is between those involved but comments like "After Renegades actions in sky the past week to my LS and my friends LSs, I have no respect whatsoever for them, or anyone in it." And given the fact i havent been on since 7-16-05 it concerns me that i'll be walking back tagged for something I had no part in. In defense of the LS prior to my absence we tok no part in anything like that, cant speak for anything or anyone after that.
#24 Sep 02 2005 at 6:49 AM Rating: Default
OK honestly why doesn't this thread just go away. I'm part of xRx and malevolent to say what he did as something xRx is known for doing is complete and total BS. Just drop it, whats the point at dragging this out. Also if you're going to be talking completely off topic of what Hank posted do it in another thread.
Also remember its just a game, the is still going to come up tomorrow, up will still be up, down will be down, unless you're standing on your head.

If you got MPK'd oh well get over it, most you lose out is 3k xp if you had to home point. I just ask of you to reflect on how you view this game in priority to real life, if its more important then you should really throw your ps2 out the window or delete your game.
This tends to hold truer the more its said REAL LIFE > FFXI
#25 Sep 03 2005 at 12:29 AM Rating: Good
80 posts
Way to make yourself sound like a complete jackass, I must commend you on that. /applaud So if I were to MPK you on a regular basis you wouldn't mind because it's only 3k xp IF you hp?

...That's what you make it sound like. Do us a favor and stfu.

Edit: Deleted a word that made the sentence wierd >.>

Edited, Sat Sep 3 23:53:06 2005 by MessengerOnShiva
#26 Sep 04 2005 at 4:59 AM Rating: Good
OK honestly why doesn't this thread just go away. I'm part of xRx and malevolent to say what he did as something xRx is known for doing is complete and total BS. Just drop it, whats the point at dragging this out. Also if you're going to be talking completely off topic of what Hank posted do it in another thread.
Also remember its just a game, the is still going to come up tomorrow, up will still be up, down will be down, unless you're standing on your head.

If you got MPK'd oh well get over it, most you lose out is 3k xp if you had to home point. I just ask of you to reflect on how you view this game in priority to real life, if its more important then you should really throw your ps2 out the window or delete your game.
This tends to hold truer the more its said REAL LIFE > FFXI

So lemme, get this straight. You're angry that people are dragging your LS through the mud for MPKing, even though this Hank fella wrote in a forum to do it? But apparently that's "talking completely off topic".

I'm gonna devote next week to MPKing you Shadowmonk. Remember, it's just a game, get over it, after all, the most you'd lose is 3k exp right? You can take that time of running back to camp or whatever to reflect on whatever suits your fancy.
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