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DVSIII refocusedFollow

#1 Aug 16 2005 at 5:17 PM Rating: Good
398 posts
I try to make regular posts here to continue a flow of new recruits into our LS. Hopefully this one will stay flame-free! Smiley: rolleyes

In my opinion our LS got off-track lately. We got focused on things that werent really who we are. I guess it happens to a lot of peeps when they get to the "eng-game" portion of their career in FFXI. Well we are in the process of refocusing ourselves on what matters most to us... FUN!

We have previously referred to ourselves as an HNM/Sky LS. I think we want to be known more as an "end-game" LS similar to Meara's group. We will and have fought gods, camped HNM, etc but this will not be our main focus. We plan to spread our attentions around to things like ENM, Rank Missions, CoP Missions, etc.

If you are looking for an LS to make tons of gil and kill Kirin every week... we aren't for you. Yes, we will make gil for our members. Yes, we will kill Kirin from time to time. But we are more interested in the fun and excitement of the hunt rather than the gil that results.

Does this sound like you? Are you a helpful person who is willing to put the good of others ahead of your personal gain? Are you someone who tries to steer clear of drama and controversy? Do you play this game in an honorable manner and treat others inside and outside the LS with respect and courtesy? Do you play FFXI to have fun, accomplish new tasks, expereince the excitement of dying to an NM you have never fought before? If so, we want you!

We are currently accepting applications for all jobs with the exception of PLD. (Sorry PLD but we are well stocked at that position.) To apply we ask that you simply have a job 60+ and are at Rank 6. (Exceptions to those requests will be considered on an individual basis.) Sky is NOT required. We make regular Sky runs to assit members of our social LS (Deadly Viper Squad) in transitioning into DVSIII.

To apply to DVSIII please visit our webpage at *Edit on the link... can't get this thing to work... Smiley: banghead

Thank you for checking us out and we look forward to seeing you in-game.

Edited, Tue Aug 16 18:29:41 2005 by LacysDad

Edited, Tue Aug 16 18:18:53 2005 by LacysDad
#2 Aug 16 2005 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
385 posts is the link to our site and applications board ^-^
#3 Aug 16 2005 at 6:26 PM Rating: Good
143 posts
gah. i don't mean to be disrespectful and if i am i apologize for it.

but i find it quite annoying that people don't wanna designate there LS as HNM/SKY in other words "we're not a greedy ls". when i see people at fafnir, sky and tit tom tat. last time i check they were sky/hnms. really you don't think the usual sky/hnm LS don't do this? i mean last time i checked i did dynamis, sky, CoP, ENM, POP NMs, kirin, HNMs and even camped a king or two. hell dark legecy did that **** prolly like 4 months ago

I see it like this, that people view the NA HNM as greedy or "egos kings" of all of shiva. with recent drama in the whole HNMls world people don't wanna be refered as HNMls. I mean do you guys seriously think all we do is hunt for gil? skip that i haven't got a god damn penny hunting HNMs. I mean when your peeps need gil to craft, or buy items you think the 100k from getting rank 10 will do enough? how about that whm who wants a nobles.

my point is this, you do the same **** every other HNMLS is doing. calling yourself a "end game" LS isn't going to get you away from the drama, or controversy or have your guys act in a honorable manner in or out of the LS cause i say the same **** and my guys/gals still mess up lol, they're human.

like i said i don't mean to be disresectful towards you or your linkshell. i have no quarels or beef with either you are meara. But it was just something i personally had to get off my chest.

like i said there is NO SUCH thing as a end game LS we are all HNMLS
#4 Aug 16 2005 at 6:45 PM Rating: Excellent
610 posts
There are HNMLS that go for nothing but making large sums of gil.

There are HNMLS that go for gil but are more focused on having fun with the hunt.

Some will argue there's no difference. That both groups are having fun or both are going for gil.

There is a difference betwixt the two in my opinion.

The difference is simple to me. Are you having fun? For me, having fun doesn't mean farming sky 7 days a week. Having fun isn't spending hours upon hours going for 1 HNM until we get it. Having fun is going out, doing missions, skilling up with friends, doing bcnms, or popping in and saying "Hey guys, ah've got the pop items for the NM that drops the item ah'd love to have. Who's interested in setting a date to kill or be killed?".

When ye have people getting pissed cause they lost a claim or died then y'ain't having fun. When ye do nothing but the same thing day in and day out, y'ain't having fun.

But, this is how ah see it. Not everyone sees it the same way.
#5 Aug 16 2005 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
143 posts
honestly you think these people don't have fun? you i mean do you remember the first time you got the claim to a HNM? or getting that drop? or getting your guys to be uber. To me i have one hell of a ball. i mean if people didn't have fun in my LS i prolly won't anyone in it. and goes for every other "HNMLS"

here i'll show a quick video of my LS not having fun

#6 Aug 16 2005 at 8:20 PM Rating: Good

We don't care if people want to call us an HNM linkshell, we just don't call ourselves that. It was never a big deal until someone decided to try to insult us on it on VN, but that was more an attempt to make us look bad than caring about what we're doing.

What does it matter what we call ourselves? We can call ourselves a Linkshell Dedicated to the Extermination of Opo-Opos and it still is going to mean absolutely nothing to anyone outside our linkshell.

Personally, while we sometimes go after HNM I don't feel we do this often enough to be termed an HNM linkshell. To me, an HNM linkshell is a linkshell that goes after HNMs every day, day in day out, regardless of the HNM. My linkshell might go after one HNM in a week if we have a ToD. I personally hate camping HNMs and try to avoid it as much as possible, even though my linkshellies guilt me into it when they can.

Some people in my linkshell call my linkshell an HNM linkshell. Others still haven't completed LB1 and have no clue what an HNM is let alone that they are in an HNM linkshell. While others still are former members of some of the big name HNM linkshells and joined us to get an escape from the HNM grind but still a taste now and then.

LacysDad, you should just make your linkshell what you want it to be, not what others want you to make it. It is, after all, your linkshell.
#7 Aug 16 2005 at 9:18 PM Rating: Excellent
610 posts

Again ah'll say IMO.

Y'all may feel y'all're having fun. And ye might be having fun. But what most HNMLS do isn't for me. This isn't a flame war. My post wasn't an insult.

There are HNMLS that do a wide variety of things. Then there are HNMLS that do nothing but certain things time in and time out. Some people are motivated in the end game by how much gil they can get or what uber items they can get so that they can be elitist.

Personally ah don't care about how much gil ah can get from fighting gods or HNM. Ah like going out and doing things. Ah enjoy fighting gods not for the gil or items but for the fun of it. Ah like helping others get the items they want. As 75 blm there is only 1 item from god drops that's of any use to me. Of all the HNMs out there, very few drop anything worthwhile for a blm. Ah actually have more fun dying in Dynamis than fighting gods.

Everyone's looking for something different in the endgame realm. Personally ah found what ah was looking for in DVSIII. Good luck to you Neo and sorry ye seem to feel ah was attacking every other HNMLS.
#8 Aug 16 2005 at 9:26 PM Rating: Excellent
836 posts
I don't know. I agree with Neorei and Lacysdad, though they have different opinions.

I agree with Lacysdad, in that he doesn't want to be termed a "HNMLS", being that most people have something against them. I was one of those ppl. Being called an "Endgame LS" does sound better...but like Neorei said, you pretty much do the same thing anyway. It's like taking taking a library and calling it a "house of books." Same thing, different name.

That idea/technique will attract ppl that don't like the "HNMLS" idea, but in the's the same thing, and you will find out together. But as long as you get your gear, gil and have's all good.

I see HNMLSs like cars. You just gotta pick the right one for you. Don't get one that has "terrible gas-mileage", etc. Get one that's "economical" and at the same time, "fun to drive". Dependable and worth your time and effort. If all else fails, ride the bus.
#9 Aug 16 2005 at 9:51 PM Rating: Good
398 posts
I think everyone here is clearly stating their opinions and in a calm manner... thank you.

All I was trying to say is that DVSIII started down the road of farming Sky 7 days a week, etc and a lot of us were unhappy with that style. We are simply refocusing on what brought people to our LS in the first place... having fun.

End-game LS v. HNMLS is a matter of semantics. Neo is right in that most of the LS's that refer to themselves in one of those 2 fashions probably still do the same activities. I simply want people that come to us to know we arent focusing all of our energies on making gil, etc.
#10 Aug 17 2005 at 12:14 AM Rating: Good
143 posts
being in a HNMls is no differnet from being a regular LS that hunts the same yago, orc, or quadv for AF. It's just this time your items drop from dynamis, faffy and ************ serket.

your goal is the same as my goal, get people happy as possiable while having some sort of fun in the game of fustration. and i bet it's the same as every other LS that is considered or considers themselves as HNMls.

but i personally feel that when ya'll call yourself "end game" LS and don't wanna be called a HNMls it's like a big slap to my LS face cause ya'll do the exact same thing we do. it's like ya'll don't deal with dumb HNM but you still go for it.

it's like saying i'm not asian when i am. i bet my asian peeps will be annoyed if they heard that.

i'll let ya'll go on with ya'll topic, i'm sorry if i said anything to disrupt your topic.
#11 Aug 17 2005 at 1:15 AM Rating: Good
/shakes his head disaprovingly at Neorei.

Ok, this is how I took it. They were calling themselves a HNM/Sky ls. Therefore they did HNM/Sky things. Right?

They lost sight of something important to them, fun. By concentrating solely on HNM/Sky things. Right?

By moving more away from HNM/Sky things, into the ENM, Rank missions, and CoP missions they aren't truly a HNM/Sky linkshell, are they? No, they are a more diversified linkshell encompassing a broader range of events, more or less. Many of which are directed towards players of higher levels. Therefore instead of HNM/Sky, they are Endgame. Right?

I didn't see anything about HNM/Sky oriented not being "fun". I didn't see anything directed at HoCD or any other ls about being ONLY HNM/Sky ls and not doing anything else. They are getting back on track to their members view of fun. Your linkshell may get their jollies off on camping some HNM for hours on end and getting claim, and getting the drop. But not everybody is like that, I sure as hell am not. I have to say, CoP and Rank missions appeal to me more than HNM/Sky, i.e., more fun.

If they want to perform a wider range of events for their members, take a slightly different route, and call themselves a Endgame ls instead of a HNM/Sky ls, let them. I understood, at least I think I did, what Lacysdad is trying to say.

Neorei, I didn't see anybody take a big ol' slap at you and your linkshell. Why are you getting your panties in such a bind about this? Or are you just causing a big stink to be nothing but a stinker?
#12 Aug 17 2005 at 4:29 AM Rating: Excellent
34 posts
I think Neo meant that most HNM/Sky LS's also do ENMs, CoP, Rank Missions, etc. also. The lable HNMLS just means that linkshell also goes for the higher level notorious monsters in addition to all the other things that come with being a linkshell. i.e. helping their members with progressing in the game whether it be rank missions, AF, etc. well that's how I see it.

oh yeah /angry neo~ don't evar deny your asian roots lol XD
#13 Aug 17 2005 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
Yes, that was somewhat my doing with DVSIII farming Sky 7 days a week, but when leading Sky what am I supposed to do when I get tells everyday from people wanting to go to sky Smiley: confused. It is all good now though, even in Wasp we don't go to sky everyday of the week. We went 2 days this week and got enough items to pop 2 X Genbu (+1 extra Winterstone), 1 X Suzaku, 1 X Seiryu, and 1 x Byakko, so I guess when you can achieve your goal goal in 2 days why spend 7 doing it.

I wish you guys the best of luck, and I also agree that an HNM/LS is not a bad thing. We currently refer to Wasp as a Sky Linkshell though because we have not really started focusing too much on HNM's yes, but we will be soon.

DVSIII is a good linkshell, we just had different views on what we wanted from endgame. I want to be able to kill Tiamit someday soon or at least give a Valant effort on him, where as most of you guys considered Kirin the final step in your endgame scene.

I wish you the best of luck and hope you guys get the members you are looking for.
#14 Aug 17 2005 at 8:38 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Not to hijack your thread, but I decided that every Friday night I was going to bring in hot Mithran hookers and have them dance for us. On those nights, we will call FU an "Entertainment" linkshell.
#15 Aug 17 2005 at 9:59 AM Rating: Good
557 posts
/sigh. This is incredible! Drama over what someone wants to have their linkshell known for and insinuation that by changing a ls 'designation' infers that someone else's ls is something they claim they're not! LOL I can't help myself. I guess it's simply group dynamics even in game!

I personally agree with Meara, whom I don't even know! Lacy'sDad - go for it; have fun and make it whatever you want.

On a side note; a comment. As someone who belongs to a very small ls; I personally don't care WHAT it's called. What I look for is respect; honor; fun; coooperation with others and most of all, as someone who likes to help people, I'm not looking for a ls full of 'command performances' so-to-speak; and I don't mean that in a critical sense other than I think sometimes it's implied and probably only comes for the large group atmosphere.

Other than that name and title mean nothing to me - it's what's inside the package that counts!

#16 Aug 17 2005 at 1:33 PM Rating: Good
1,220 posts
Here is my thought on it. When I think of shells like HoCD, Vindicated, Dark Legacy, ect. ect. ect., it seems to me their main focus is on gods and/or dynamis and their drops. Most "HNMSL" required level 65+ mages, 70+ melee and sky access. Also, only certain jobs are needed at certain times because you are gearing up to fill voids to take down the gods/HNMs. I think of LS owned items, LS bank, sky points and camping HNMs for a good chunk of time.

Personally, this does not sound fun to me. I know EXACTLY what DVSIII is trying to accomplish. Do end game stuff (which involves HNMs and sky) but to recruit members whose main focus is not on the HNMs, Gods or their drops. Why do I know exactly what they are trying to do? Because LordsoftheBeast is trying to do the same thing.

As most of you know, Lords is a job specific shell for Beastmasters. Well, we now have about 20-30 65+ BST and a ton of others making their way there and are able to participate in end game stuff, but most are not into the HNMLS scene. Nothing against those people that are, if that makes you happy go for it. However, we are able to kill HNMs easily (have killed Serket, Guivre, Cactrot Rapido, Vivian and are prepping to do some gods and others), but we hunt these things for one purpose only.....the thrill of the fight. The drops are just a bonus and if we get it, Rare/EXE gets lotted and AH stuff gets sold and split by the participants. Hell, we kill Guivre any chance we get and we all know Guivre drops absolutely nothing. I cannot tell you how many NM we have killed and then after it is dead have asked "wonder what does it drop anyways?"

Because we have so many high levels that like to do things all BST, we have organized into what I would call a partial end-game LS (partial because we still have a ton of pre 50 members too, so we are still doing LBs, AFs, Rank 2-6, ect.). Do we hunt HNMs? Sure. Are we gonna farm Sky? absolutely. Are we gonna tackle Dynamis? Already doing so with DVS and plan on taking a stab all BST (yeah yeah, I know...we won't be able to w/o mages...but like I said before, it is the sport/challenge we do it for and you never know till you try). However, our main focus is on doing stuff all BST, which includes CoP, ZMs, Rank, NMs, HNMs, Gods, whatever. So does this make us a HNMLS? I think most would say no. Just a LS with a bunch of high level like minded people that enjoy killing stuff all BST all the time.

Side note to Meara: I read all that crap on you know how LoTB felt after the whole Serket fiasco. We were dragged through the mud unwillingly, blind sided by the HNMLs Drama we did not even know existed till that happened. As i stated during that whole deal, there is two sides to every story, and in this sage the people against SF will skew the story any way possible to make your shell/members look bad (like they did LoTB). My advice, ignore them, the whole thing will blow over soon.

Good luck to DVSIII, I know what you are trying to do and I applaud you for it. BTW...if you ever do a weekday Dynamis run, let LoTB know...Personally I really want to go but Saturday afternoons (I am west coast so it is 5pm when it starts) is just impossible for me.
#17 Aug 17 2005 at 1:39 PM Rating: Excellent
I for one am very re-assured by Alek's post, as I just joined DVS (1) yesterday and am working towards 60 and DVSIII over the next few months. As someone who does not necessarily play everyday or more than 2-3 hours at a time (except Saturdays), I am not looking to be part of an LS that forces members to do any single activity X days a week, and yet all of the other LS's I've been in are either static XP parties (which of course doesn't work with my playing schedule) or little more than chat rooms that never DO anything. For me, the happy medium is being part of a group that is organized, schedules events, and has members that help each other out, but also gives some room to let members do their own thing once in a while and doesn't lose focus on what this game is about: having fun.
#18 Aug 17 2005 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
Lokii, in regards to being about the gear and drops, most LS's that want that gear don't want it to just show off, they want it to make thier LS better. I am sorry, but you take a LS filled with AH armor to the 3 Kings, the Dragons, even I would assume Dynamis Xcabard, you are really decreasing your chances to win. Those things are hard enough as it is when you show up in the best gear possible.

So any LS that does not want to take on the Mobs mentioned above, really has no reason to concern themselves with all that armor.

I don't want to say anything bad in regards to DVS because they have alot of great people there, but Lokii, some of thier leaders are not as innocent as they want to appear in regards to God armor. There was alot of talk about wanting Osodes, Shura gear, Adaman gear.

I think the true thrill for most people lies in watching Vtra or the Dynamis Lord fall before your eyes, not in the gear they are wearing when they do it. The gear is just needed to help you get to the stage to watch these mobs die at your hand.

I know I have contributed too it, but why does every thread on here get highjacked?.

Rated everyone up in this thread. I don't see it as a flame war and with the point I made I was not trying to flame either. I just know that DVS members have wants and desires for cerain gear as well, and stating that they don't is just lying. Thier focus is just at a slower more laid back pace. Also to note, I never force anyone to come to sky or do events in my LS, it is encouraged, but never forced upon, we just have alot of people that enjoy those things.

Edited, Wed Aug 17 15:13:45 2005 by Proroc
#19 Aug 17 2005 at 2:33 PM Rating: Good
1,220 posts
I hear ya Kramer...but I think that may be why they are trying to re-focus. As stated, you "need" the uber gear to take on the kings (or at least make the fight easier), therefore your LS "focus" turns towards getting as many pieces of uber equipment so you can equip your LS mates for these runs so you try to get as many of these drops as possible, recruit as many people that are focused on getting this gear and spend a good chunk of time camping the mobs that drop the stuff.

I am not saying this is a bad thing. For those that like having the uber gear, don't mind the camping and like being in an HNMLS that helps them get it, more power to them. Personally, it is not for me and it seems that DVSIII was slipping down that path, but now the majority of the LS does not wanna walk that path.

Of course...this is coming from a BST who thinks the best piece of uber equipment the game has to offer is a group of EM pets in the vicinity of a NM/HNM/God....hehe
#20 Aug 17 2005 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
Just to clarify, I didn't intend to specifically implicate Wasp, or any LS in my post. And for many people, yes that is what they want and they can afford that much time - more power to them. Just saying it doesn't work for me.

I remember I was on one website while investigating LS's and there was something about "if you're online, and there's an event, you're required to attend; doesn't matter if you're in a party, etc." Then when I looked at the calendar, there was a sky or sea run scheduled every night at the only times I get to play. So you can imagine that wouldn't work for me - I'd have no time to level or do anything else.

Personally, I would think it's fair to expect a minimum attendace of at least one or two events per month, but no way I myself could committ to the number that particular site expected.
#21 Aug 17 2005 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent

Pfft, Lokkii, my name and my linkshell get dragged through the mud every so often when someone has a gripe with us. I find it more amusing than upsetting. The drama on VN is there for show only, it doesn't mean anything and is only meant as entertainment.
#22 Aug 17 2005 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
edited: by request of a friend.

Edited, Thu Aug 18 21:13:19 2005 by Proroc
#23 Aug 17 2005 at 4:05 PM Rating: Good
610 posts
Having read the posts from today, I'll say a few more things and then unless I feel compelled to say something, I'm going to leave this thread as it is.

HNMLS. Endgame. Tree Hugging Hippy High Levels in Thongs. As stated prior, semantics. Potato or Taters? Does it matter what you call yourself? Does it matter what someone else calls you? In DVSIII we prefer "endgame". Call it what ye want and move forward.

Happiness. Again a matter of semantics. One group enjoys being in sky 24/7 and another group likes being in sky once/week. One group wants to go to sea for the thrill of completing CoP and another scoffs at the concept of farming anywhere other than Garlaige Citadel for Serket. One man's happiness is another man's misery. Again, look inside yerself and ask yerself if your happy. If you are, more power to ye and good luck to ye. If y'ain't then ye need to reassess yer priorities.

Everyone that gets to endgame, gets there for their own reasons. There's a ton of high level tree hugging hippies in thongs linkshells. Scout them out. Ask questions of their members and decide if Tree huggers in Pink Thongs or Tree huggers in purple thongs is the group ye want for the end.

Thank you all for keeping this as clean as can be kept. Peace.
#24 Aug 17 2005 at 4:30 PM Rating: Default
143 posts
woot kramers post wasn't edited!
#25 Aug 17 2005 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,255 posts
Damnit! You found it before me :(

However, I did see that everyone's rating was up but his so I rated him up. I figgured that either he rated everyone up and couldn't get himself, or someone reallllly hated him.
#26 Aug 17 2005 at 6:39 PM Rating: Decent
neorei wrote:
woot kramers post wasn't edited!

Smiley: lol and it was a long one too O.o
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