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Maat QuestionsFollow

#1 Aug 30 2005 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
Well I'm only 60 but im curious/nervous about the RDM fight with Maat.
Got a few questions:

Vids: Can anyone supply me with a video of a decent Maat fight?
Strat: Any RDM's that beat Maat have a good strategy that worked for them? Please share!
Level: What is the best level to fight Maat?

ty for the info ^^
#2 Aug 30 2005 at 9:14 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Your best bet is to look in the RDM forums. There's a lot of good Maat stuff in there
#3 Aug 30 2005 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
Maat for RDM blows chuncks. 2 RDM's in my LS, have done it. Both excellent players. One of them beat him on 11th try, the other on the 7th.

Definatly check the RDM boards, they will be able to help you with a strat.

#4 Aug 30 2005 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts
maats evil as rdm he beat me twice last week ive heard its best to fight him at 69 so youll have aero 3 and fight him on dark day so sleep works better.
#5 Aug 30 2005 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
Yeah i just finished reading a RDM maat strat guide...
Intense just reading about it -.-;;

Apparently when he hits 1/2 way HP wise - Sleep him, convert, regain your HP, then Chainspell and normally 3 Aero III's will kill him.

Run in, cast stoneskin/blink, Dispel his blink, sleep II him, pop yag drink. Bind him, if hes awake, sleep II him, Nuke once, sleep II, etc, once halfway, sleep II him, convert, use Cure IV once or twice, get in Casting range, Chainspell and Aero III him. lol so repetative though. Id like to see this visually before i do it

Edited, Tue Aug 30 11:01:29 2005 by doomygir
#6 Aug 30 2005 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
Found an interesting way to beat Maat, from Airspirit's old FaQ

Airspirit wrote:
RDM 202: Mashing Maat

For all the fear of this fight there are a few simple things you can do to virtually ensure success. First, you must get over the fear of the situation: panic is the number one killer in this battle. Second, you must know what you are facing in there. Third, you need to have the proper equipment in order to get this done.

I will be gearing this guide to those who are willing to go the extra mile to save themselves a month of heartache. I will be recommending very nice equipment (i.e. expensive) along with potions. The upside of this is that barring disaster it will be impossible for you to lose.


First, we will be only fighting on Windsday. In order to pull this off you will need as much damage per nuke as you can muster. Second, you will need over 670 MP to pull this off. If you are Elvaan or Galka this guide may be nothing more than a curiousity piece for you, though with the best gear available an Elvaan will be able to achieve this amount of MP. Unfortunately, I don't believe it is possible for a Galka to pull this off. Third, you will need to acquire a Wind Staff, be it by loan or by purchase: I kid you not, this is the most critical piece of equipment you can buy.

When I went in my equipment (Hume F) was as follows:

Wind Staff (Critical)
Phantom Tathlum
Warlock's Chapeau
Elemental Torque (Critical)
Moldavite Earring (Critical)
Morion Earring
Fencer's Earring (Critical)
Warlock's Tabard
Marine F Gloves
Astral Ring x2 (Electrum's may work here)
Eremite's Ring x2 (+3 INT ring ... any will do)
Red Cape +1
Ocean Rope (anything that gives you MP and INT ... most RSE ropes do this)
Warlock's Tights
Custom F Boots (+3 INT ... other gear may suffice for other races)

For food I used a Melon Pie +1 and I brought both a Vile Elixir and Vile Elixir +1 (critical to do this). I ended up with +25/31 INT (varies on rings) inside the arena. A taru would not need this much to do this. An elf would need more.


First, you will need to make the following macros on your toolbars.

/ma Blink <me>

/equip Ring1 "Eremite's Ring +1"
/wait .5
/equip Ring2 "Eremite's Ring +1"
/ma Blink <me>

/ma Stoneskin <me>

/ma Diaga <t>

/ma Dispel <t>

/equip Ring1 "Eremite's Ring +1"
/wait .5
/equip Ring2 "Eremite's Ring +1"
/ja Chainspell <me>
/wait 1
/ma "Aero III" <t>

/ma "Aero III" <t>

/equip Ring1 "Eremite's Ring +1"
/wait .5
/equip Ring2 "Eremite's Ring +1"
/ma "Aero III" <t>

/equip Ear2 "Fencer's Earring"
/p Entering the final phase!
/ma "Aero III" <t>

/equip Ring1 "Astral Ring"
/wait .5
/equip Ring2 "Astral Ring"
/item "Vile Elixir +1" <me>

/equip Ring1 "Astral Ring"
/wait .5
/equip Ring2 "Astral Ring"
/item "Vile Elixir" <me>

Now, on your macro bars set them up as so:

Bar 1:

Bar 2:


Now, what you do is you enter the ring and rush to the battlefield. Literally be holding forward when you enter. Get to the edge of the circle and hit the first two macros. Once you have your two buffs on hit the next macro: Diaga. Then Dispel. He should only have got off one buff if you did this right, maybe two. Once you've dispelled move on to chainspell. This is the one moment of decision you get: if you nuke hits for under 350 damage then dispel him again because he snuck in Shell IV. If not then just use every macro in order from left to right on each
bar in order and you will win. Literally, it is that easy. With my Wind Staff and +INT I was landing nukes at 387 and 423 depending on the level of resistance. Just hit the macro until it fires and once it starts start mashing the next. Keep doing that until you are at the end then mash the last one until he cries uncle.

How this works is babying you to the point of his SP which will come after your third nuke with that equipment. At that point you buff and pop a V+1 then rebuff for safety before going into full attack mode. Each nuke at this point is alternated with blink to prevent him from hitting you. Toward the end before your final elixer your SP is almost out so you can't afford to blink anymore. This is why the Fencer's Earring is critical: if he lands a strong nuke on you each nuke thereafter will be severely gimped letting you finish your last barrage and get your
win. The last macro should be spammed once you reach it until he gives up and dies. The ring swaps are critical to ensure maximum damage. You will always have your astrals on to get max MP back from your elixers while having your +INT rings on whenever you are casting. Doing this will give you a large amount of both free MP and damage during this fight.

There are only two possible ways to lose this fight. The first is if he uses multiple blinks in his chainspell. Your diaga will take out one shadow from each blink only leaving you with too many shadows to overcome since two of your nukes will be absorbed by the other shadows. The second is if he uses his chainspell to cure himself. On my sixth attempt I delivered over 2900 HP of damage and he was still standing ... this is after two were blinked off and 5 cure IVs were cast. That shot didn't go well. From research, either of these things only happen maybe 1/20
fights. One Cure IV or one blink is usually to be expected in his chainspell but rarely both. Either way, if you just get one he will die. In my final fight with him he still blinked up in his chainspell but I killed him in only six landed nukes while two stripped his blink along with the opening diaga shot.

Other than the judgement call on the second dispel (rarely will this ever be needed) you should not EVER deviate rom this casting order. Doing so will cause you to lose precious SP time (once it runs out you will die). If you follow this recipe exactly even if you take some damage during the fight you will be perfectly safe to continue. I never went below 75% HP during this fight and he pulled out every trick in the book other than Asuran Fists. Further, this method set the record on Fairy server by almost a minute's difference.

Anyway, make sure you have over 670 MP going in and as much int as possible (don't do this with under around +25 INT as a Hume or Mithra ... less for Taru and more for Elvaan--if you're obscenely rich). Post on this thread on how this works out for you and happy hunting!
#7 Aug 30 2005 at 10:35 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Now you know why I also levelled bard ;)
#8 Aug 30 2005 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
567 posts
It's not *that* hard, you just need to be a bit lucky. Frankly, I wouldn't rely on someone elses strategy for this. I tried that my first time and I got killed. Red Mage has so many different ways to approach any situation that it's really best to find a method you're comfortable with (i.e. fits your normal style of play) and then run with it. This is the method I used, after about 10 seconds of thought and a bit of an anger management problem.

I decided that rather than waste a bunch of time sleep/nuking him, I would just activate Chainspell right off the bat. Alternate nukes with Bind until he uses his 2hr and then immediately sleep him. Take that time to convert, heal up, use meds, whatever, and then quickly finish him off. I was able to finish him before my Chainspell ran out, though it was rather close.

Above all else, make sure you have Aero III and a Wind Staff for extra damage. Then pack on as much +int as you can. I recommend fighting him on Windsday since I've never noticed a significant increase in Sleep effectiveness on Darksday.
#9 Aug 30 2005 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
ty for the additional info ryld ^^
#10 Aug 30 2005 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
why am I being karma bombed for asking for advice?
#11 Sep 01 2005 at 8:43 AM Rating: Good
358 posts
RDM forums have various strategies posted but for reference, here's what I did :)

First of all, I went in at 66 because I wanted to see what it was about. Then I got obsessed and decided I wanted to beat him before 69 (when we get Aero). I came very close in one battle and it spurred me on. I ended up beating him at 69 though because my static leveled faster than I could fight him. Aero III really did help alot, but it can be done earlier with alternating Water III and Stone III (I found that he resisted at least one nuke if I only cast the same one so I alternated)

I'm Elvaan so my gear/food focused on 3 things: INT, MP and Elemental Skill.

My reasons for failure in the first 4 fights were: hesitation, being overcautious, bad luck.

After reviewing a number strategies, I eventually won with the following:

1. Enter, buff with Blink and Icespikes (this helps remove shadows if he has them. It also stuck para far better than actually casting the spell) then run in and cast Stone (again in case he has blink up) then Sleep II. If you take a lot of time buffing, then he will be doing the same thing.

2. Dispel till he's clean. Buff with Stoneskin, Phalanx, etc. Then Hi-Ether, Aero III, Sleep II (note: some say that if you are resisted on both sleeps, then you have failed. Not true. Just try to stay calm and wait out the timer and cast again).

3. Dispel, Hi-Ether, Aero III, Sleep II. (Note: in previous battles, he didn't chainspell until I had hit him 3-4 times. He Chained after two this battle. Normally I would have repeated the cycle at least once more, then converted, rebuffed)

4. Sleep Maat during his Chainspell. Buff. Bind. Chainspell Aero III, Vile Elixer, Aero Aero Aero.
#12 Sep 01 2005 at 9:18 AM Rating: Good
3,139 posts
I rated you back up doomy

#13 Sep 01 2005 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
ty lol
#14 Sep 02 2005 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
500 posts
I did this fight 4 times for a freind of mine. Here is my experience.

For reference, she is a Mithra RDM, AF from head to toe, Electrum and Ermite rings, INT earrings(don't remember which), Red Cape +1, not sure on the belt, wind + ice + light + earth + dark staves. Items = Melon Pie +1, Yag Drink,

First run: Entered, ate food, ran in, aero 3, sleep 2, aero 3, sleep 2, aero 3, sleep 2, forgot about convert(in my defense I am a bard) and died.

Second run: Entered and ate food, slept and dispeled Maat, then comenced the aero 3 sleep cycle. I remembered to convert this, but he two-houred and thundered me to death.

Third run: Entered, slept maat, ate food, then dispeled. 2-hour aero 3 three times, then slept maat as he two houred. Everything looked good at this point, but I got impatient and woke him while his 2-hour was still active and got wasted.

Fourth run: Pretty much the same as run three, except I blinked and stoneskinned before commencing my barrage. Slept after initial barrage of aero 3, converted, recast blink and stoneskin, and finished fim with a few rounds of aero 3, water 3, sleep 2.

What I learned: Red mages need HP to convert :p. Patience is your friend, ethers take forever to use, and blink + stoneskin is a lifesaver.

Hope this helps.
#15 Sep 02 2005 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
Beat him on my first go. All this info is great, only thing I can add is cap all your Magic skills before you enter.

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