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What is it with Shiva lately?Follow

#1 Sep 07 2005 at 9:28 AM Rating: Excellent
1,255 posts

I don't know what it is, but something has everyone's nerves (read: panties) in a bunch. Both in-game and out, I hear "this person did this," or "this person stole that" and "this ls is made of thieves and liars." LS leaders treat players as commodities to help reach their own goals, and players trade linkshells like baseball cards. No one is happy with any accomplishment, no matter how big or small.

What is our problem?

Do we dish out these insults because we are better than them? Do we steal something from another person because someone stole the same thing from us? Do we really deserve to yell at someone for doing the exact same thing we did?

What happened to inviting a player who doesn't have the most uuber l33t equipment or fully-levelled subjob? Yes, you may want to get out of the dunes faster...but would you have gotten out of the dunes if someone hadn't invited you with your whopping 1.5k gil armor? So what if you currently have an underlevelled or gimped sj at the moment. Your main job is 50+... You know better! You're just levelling your sub!

And let's not forget the players that MPK you at supermegagildrop NM. Forget that they wiped you and stole your claim. What right do you have to MPK them back? Where does it say that MPK'ing only ok when you do it?

And when it's all said and done, we complain. We complain in ls, we complain in /shout in the middle of Jeuno. We log onto alla and vn and ifrit and we complain. We argue, we namecall, we blame, and we complain. We complain to anyone who will listen, even if they don't want to. We unload our hatred onto others and bring the collective morale to an all-time low. Who cares if the people I'm complaining to weren't involved? Now they feel just as bad as I do!

And in all that complaining, no one ever works things out. Nothing ever gets solved. We take the fight to their linkshell and bash everyone in it. We attack them all. They're not getting away with this! We'll go on complaining and hating and then next time...oh next time....

It's a cycle. It's our cycle. We are the ones who keep it going. Do we really have to put up with it? WHY do we put up with it? Does it make any sense that we have feuds that have gone on for years? Does it make sense that entire groups of people hate entire other groups of people because they are from superkilltehmonsters LS?

If you have something to say, say it and get it out. Don't tell me, I don't care about it. Tell the people who it affects and tell them directly. If you don't like something that someone did, tell them--don't tiptoe around it. If they won't do anything about it, blacklist them and for Heaven't sake move on with your life.

Don't hate them.

Don't hate their linkshell.

Don't hate their friends.

Don't bring it on here and tell me about what a bad person they are. If I want to know, I'll tell you.

And do you see what I did here? I complained, just like countless others have done with posts and threads before me. And what good has it caused? It's a damn endless cycle, I swear it is. But it doesn't have to be.

Average Joe Player
Level 3, Bastok

#2 Sep 07 2005 at 9:47 AM Rating: Excellent
3,139 posts
Wow, i think you need a downer Sophus. Maybe in your circle it is like this, but thank heavens in mine its not. In fact in the last few weeks, i have seen a lot of people come together, and become close friends. Ive seen a lot of people helping others, and being nice to eachother.

I agree with what you said completly, but i feel very bad for you. It almost as if your bearing all this drama on your shoulders, and are being affected by it. I suggest you remove yourself from any drama you see or hear about, and make friends (or hang out with friends), who dont subscribe to the drama weekly.

#3 Sep 07 2005 at 9:49 AM Rating: Good
I really do not get stressed out over these forums. The people here especially the anon flamers just have low self esteem and need to feel like a big person on an internet forum. I enjoy my life and enjoy the game so I have no reason to let people get to me no matter how hard they try. I just feel it is sad that some people must devote thier lives to flaming a character on a role playing game, but oh well they are the ones who have this pent up anger all day and all night, not myself.

I like the politcally incorrect saying "Winning an arguement on the internet is like winning the special Olympics. In the end you are still retarded"

#4 Sep 07 2005 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
ru sure it doesn't bother u kramer?? the way u freak out all the time seems to differ from what u say.
#5 Sep 07 2005 at 9:58 AM Rating: Good
thetrolley wrote:
ru sure it doesn't bother u kramer?? the way u freak out all the time seems to differ from what u say.

Yes, I am sure. Smiley: smile. The only thing that may bother me is you are to worthless to post and flame people with your ingame name.
#6 Sep 07 2005 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
worthless?? idk about that. i am just exposing how much of a **** and your favoritism towards ppl. so why would i want to put out my real name? so u could flame me and harrass me none stop like u do with other ppl??
#7 Sep 07 2005 at 10:09 AM Rating: Excellent
1,255 posts
Ace, it's just something that has been getting on my nerves for a while now. Heck, take a look at any of the threads concerning people wanting a new LS (esp HNM or sky) as well as HNM/SKY LS announcements. They can't even make one without it getting hijacked. Two posts and it's done. It's one thing to have those discussions over certain topics, but somehow they always turn into flame-fests and rate-down wars. It's sickening that our malcontent turns us against others who simply want to be heard.

I don't hang out in "those circles," but I do hear about them every day. Really, it's hard not to. It's on these boards, other boards, in /shout, in /say, and in /tell. Heck, my very first postwas about the VD/Rokugen/Osode deal. And where did I hear about it? On the alla main page, with a nice little paragraph about how this server-specific incident affected everyone that played ffxi.

I can tell you who MPK'd who, who stole what, and who broke into who's account, and who left the game. I wasn't involved in any of these events, yet I know about them like I was there.

I'm not saying that knowing this information is bad. Because of certain threads or warnings, I knew about Bobbyjai loooong before he asked to borrow my Monster Signa. That doesn't mean we need to have a majority of threads hijacked to know who is which LS, who was removed, why they were removed, and where they are going next.

The other day I saw someone who was levelling in Beaudeaux. They were a level 60 Bard. Three months ago, they were a level 4 blm/no sub. Something about that got to me. Did he level fast because that was his play style? Or did he do it because *we* demanded it of him?

When he thinks back on his experiences in the game, what does he see? Does he see the fun, the joy, and the excitement of travelling to new places and learning new things? Or does he utterly, miserably dispise it because he has to level so he can finally get the equipment that will get us off his back? Sometimes I wonder...

We set all these goals and desires for ourselves and then we push them off on other people. Not everyone is like us, not everyone can be the best. Some of us just want to enjoy the time that we have.

There is more to this game than just us. There are others, and to those others this is *still* a game. It's not life.
#8 Sep 07 2005 at 10:46 AM Rating: Excellent
3,139 posts
Ace, it's just something that has been getting on my nerves for a while now. Heck, take a look at any of the threads concerning people wanting a new LS (esp HNM or sky) as well as HNM/SKY LS announcements. They can't even make one without it getting hijacked. Two posts and it's done. It's one thing to have those discussions over certain topics, but somehow they always turn into flame-fests and rate-down wars. It's sickening that our malcontent turns us against others who simply want to be heard.

I don't hang out in "those circles," but I do hear about them every day. Really, it's hard not to. It's on these boards, other boards, in /shout, in /say, and in /tell. Heck, my very first postwas about the VD/Rokugen/Osode deal. And where did I hear about it? On the alla main page, with a nice little paragraph about how this server-specific incident affected everyone that played ffxi.

I can tell you who MPK'd who, who stole what, and who broke into who's account, and who left the game. I wasn't involved in any of these events, yet I know about them like I was there.

I'm not saying that knowing this information is bad. Because of certain threads or warnings, I knew about Bobbyjai loooong before he asked to borrow my Monster Signa. That doesn't mean we need to have a majority of threads hijacked to know who is which LS, who was removed, why they were removed, and where they are going next.

The other day I saw someone who was levelling in Beaudeaux. They were a level 60 Bard. Three months ago, they were a level 4 blm/no sub. Something about that got to me. Did he level fast because that was his play style? Or did he do it because *we* demanded it of him?

When he thinks back on his experiences in the game, what does he see? Does he see the fun, the joy, and the excitement of travelling to new places and learning new things? Or does he utterly, miserably dispise it because he has to level so he can finally get the equipment that will get us off his back? Sometimes I wonder...

We set all these goals and desires for ourselves and then we push them off on other people. Not everyone is like us, not everyone can be the best. Some of us just want to enjoy the time that we have.

There is more to this game than just us. There are others, and to those others this is *still* a game. It's not life.

Like i said, i totally agree with you. But i have somehow managed to block out all that drama crap i guess. I play for fun, and if at any point, i decide im not haveing fun, thats the last anyone will see of me.

Ill rate you back up, someone didnt agree wiht you it seems.

#9 Sep 07 2005 at 12:52 PM Rating: Excellent
1,220 posts
hehe...I am with Ace. I have managed to stay out of the drama for as long as I have played the game. I actually read all about it and kinda chuckle, especially when you see one person bashing a LS or it's leader, then like a month later you see them applying for that shell.

Honestly, I think the problem you are talking about Sophus (which I agree with you is out of control) is simply more and more people are getting to "high levels", which I consider to be 65+. They start looking for and HNMLS to join and just the competition between the shells starts the drama. Then there is the competition over the HNMs themselves, which have a 24 hour spawn, you camp for 4 hours with a group of people, tempers are going to flare.

The game takes a dramatic turn at these levels. You are nearing the end of EXPing (at least for that job) and are focusing on other stuff. High dollar items, high demand gear and too much competition makes people edgy. I try to do stuff that is hard, challenging, yet not heavily camped (such as Rapido, Guivre, ect.) Of course, being a BST I am not looking for the big ticket item to get gil so that helps as well.

One last note, remember all this stuff is like the news. Front page is murder, disastors, theft, and all the negative things, while on the back page you hear about the heros, helpers and good people. Bad news sells (Alla, VN and other boards are no different than RL news)
#10 Sep 07 2005 at 1:14 PM Rating: Excellent
557 posts
Front page is murder, disastors, theft, and all the negative things, while on the back page you hear about the heros, helpers and good people. Bad news sells (Alla, VN and other boards are no different than RL news)

Lokki; *Back page* [can i have it]! Let's get this board back to what it is meant for: camaraderie (sp?) and information about game!

I agree with you and Acepod! I come to these boards for information on my jobs, quests, missions, and jobs that pertain to mine to help myself better my game! I read way much more than I post; however, I'm not one to sit idly by and not defend myself when necessary....hehe.

I like Acepod have always said that when the game; people I associate with in the game becomes no *fun*, too much drama then it's time for me to say goodbye! Only I can make that decision.

Thankfully, I have always been the type of person who is not influenced by the opinions of others so I take much of what is put on here very lightly. I judge the people I associate with by my experience and how I and others are treated as a whole.

And, as I have posted in a different threads I will never justify the comments by replying to someone who doesn't have the guts or decency to at least post their name as they flame a person or people. It's a real shame that people can't sit down and talk face to face without bringing others who have no clue into the picture - whether in real life or in game. /sigh....

So, I took a great day off from the real world today and sat humorously reading the many posts from time to time....which I'm sorry to say sounds alot like the real world! o.O ...

It's just plain silly!

Edited, Wed Sep 7 14:21:47 2005 by femwhispers

Edited, Wed Sep 7 14:27:01 2005 by femwhispers
#11 Sep 07 2005 at 1:45 PM Rating: Excellent
1,255 posts
I appreciate the responses. I personally don't wish to explain away these actions. I'm glad that many can remain outside the circle of events. There does come a point, however, where one can no longer remain outside. At that time, we take a step back and look at what we're allowing to happen.

There are many reasons why arguments happen. On that basis alone, I don't have any problem with them. We're human, and people tend to argue, fight, and disagree.

What I notice is that these problems never go away. We argue, fight, and complain but nothing positive comes from it. We may be adults, yet nothing ever gets resolved. What I wouldn't give to see a problem solved every now and then...before it turned into a flame war.

People end up hating people because of an event. Then LS hates LS. Eventually, everyone hates everyone.

Sometimes our reason to hate may fade into the distance...but the feelings of animosity will always linger in the backs of our mind. It waits for the proper moment when it can rear its ugly head. To ensure this, we teach others (who were never involved) to keep our hatred in their hearts as well. Rest assured, our angst will remain.

Turning every thread into a flame war won't solve our problems. Telling everyone what you think about someone else won't solve our problems. Attacking the person you disagree with adds fuel to the fire. The bigger the fire, the harder it is to put out. Eventually, there will not be enough water on earth to quench it. We will all go down in flames.

My own personal opinion....

These problems arise because we can't apologize. Really, it's much easier to attack than it is to apologize. An apology, a heartfelt apology, is difficult to do. It's even harder to give to someone if you are right.

But if you are fighting with someone, then their opinion obviously differs from yours. In their eyes, you're not right. Or maybe in their eyes you ARE right. You are so right that they fight to make you wrong because admitting that you are right means that they are not.

Be the bigger person. Apologize and mean it, even if you are right.

These feuds and problems don't need to be forgotten, but they can be forgiven. Apologize, move on. Apologizing doesn't mean that you're wrong. It means that you concede.

Conceding doesn't mean that you are wrong. It means that you no longer wish to fight. Sometimes conceding makes you the bigger winner. You show that you are above petty arguments, and you are willing to put the wellbeing of others before yourself. You save sanity, create a chance for peace, and allow yourself to move on.

Edited, Wed Sep 7 14:52:30 2005 by SophusTehNewb
#12 Sep 07 2005 at 2:35 PM Rating: Excellent
3,139 posts
I appreciate the responses. I personally don't wish to explain away these actions. I'm glad that many can remain outside the circle of events. There does come a point, however, where one can no longer remain outside. At that time, we take a step back and look at what we're allowing to happen.

There are many reasons why arguments happen. On that basis alone, I don't have any problem with them. We're human, and people tend to argue, fight, and disagree.

What I notice is that these problems never go away. We argue, fight, and complain but nothing positive comes from it. We may be adults, yet nothing ever gets resolved. What I wouldn't give to see a problem solved every now and then...before it turned into a flame war.

People end up hating people because of an event. Then LS hates LS. Eventually, everyone hates everyone.

Sometimes our reason to hate may fade into the distance...but the feelings of animosity will always linger in the backs of our mind. It waits for the proper moment when it can rear its ugly head. To ensure this, we teach others (who were never involved) to keep our hatred in their hearts as well. Rest assured, our angst will remain.

Turning every thread into a flame war won't solve our problems. Telling everyone what you think about someone else won't solve our problems. Attacking the person you disagree with adds fuel to the fire. The bigger the fire, the harder it is to put out. Eventually, there will not be enough water on earth to quench it. We will all go down in flames.

My own personal opinion....

These problems arise because we can't apologize. Really, it's much easier to attack than it is to apologize. An apology, a heartfelt apology, is difficult to do. It's even harder to give to someone if you are right.

But if you are fighting with someone, then their opinion obviously differs from yours. In their eyes, you're not right. Or maybe in their eyes you ARE right. You are so right that they fight to make you wrong because admitting that you are right means that they are not.

Be the bigger person. Apologize and mean it, even if you are right.

These feuds and problems don't need to be forgotten, but they can be forgiven. Apologize, move on. Apologizing doesn't mean that you're wrong. It means that you concede.

Conceding doesn't mean that you are wrong. It means that you no longer wish to fight. Sometimes conceding makes you the bigger winner. You show that you are above petty arguments, and you are willing to put the wellbeing of others before yourself. You save sanity, create a chance for peace, and allow yourself to move on.

I agree with you (yet again ) 100%.

Although i would love to save the world (or vanadiel in this case), i refuse to get involved in other peoples problems. I refuse to force people to play/act/behave the way i do. Instead, i choose to zip my lips, and show them. Actions do speak louder then words afterall. I cant tell others how to feel, and especially how to act. I can only make those i come in contact with smile, laugh, giggle, and maybe show them what they are missing.

I applaud you for your effort Sophus, and as i said i completly agree wiht you. But dont be to dissapointed, when your words go unheard. Never the less, dont give up, and show everyone everyday, how to love thy neighbor, and respect eachother. Maybe, just maybe, youll rub off on someone, and make a difference.

#13 Sep 07 2005 at 2:51 PM Rating: Excellent
You're wrong Sophus, you can remain outside the circle.

That's what gives me the right of a self-appointed high exaltedness and a Holier than Thou status of which I am oh so fond. I'm better than them because I can see it for what it is, and am not blinded by the drama, although this in itself is drama of it's own accord. Why? Because people b*tch.

Those involved in the drama are cannibals. As long as you're strong, they flow together, but as soon as somebody messes up, and the smell of blood is in the air, everybody swarms in on them, ripping and tearing voraciously until nothing is left but the bones. Then they all take a step back, looking not at their own discrepancies but on the shortcomings of the fallen ones and stand there and judge them, even though they are no better. All it would've taken was a simple twist of the cogs of fate and it could have been anybody else.

And these people live for it, that fight or die mentality involved in this. Call it what you want, I don't care. The joy of winning a claim on some notorious monster. If you win, what goes through your head and the chat logs? "Oh yeah, we're better than them because we won it, they suck, we own". Attacking somebody just because of circumstances. But if you lose the claim, it's surely not your fault, you have latency to blame, or the other linkshell botted or cheated somehow. Getting a member some much desired piece of equipment or mission or quest is no different really.

And I know I'm not wrong in this. I do read the forums afterall, this is what Sophus is talking about. This person stole this, that person mpk'd another person, this linkshell did such and such. The create drama under the guise of trying to prevent drama, but in reality they thrive on it, or why would they bring it up in the first place? They want people to know the truth? They want to bring somebody to their own form of justice? They want to warn others? Take a lesson of the educators here in America. History for example, if you don't teach it, or talk about it, it never happened. Endgame drama could be the same way, but as I said before, they feed on it.
#14 Sep 07 2005 at 3:11 PM Rating: Excellent
3,139 posts
Those involved in the drama are cannibals. As long as you're strong, they flow together, but as soon as somebody messes up, and the smell of blood is in the air, everybody swarms in on them, ripping and tearing voraciously until nothing is left but the bones.

Damn tarus and their INT


Rate up Poki, i agree with you 100% also. Is that possible????

#15 Sep 07 2005 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
/CLAP gogo civility.
#16 Sep 12 2005 at 1:51 AM Rating: Decent
I read this and felt compelled to reply. Alot of you have valid points but also perhaps because not directly involved with leadig over 40 people and setting a goal and helping them and the team try and reach it-- it changes perspectives when things can be in a way "robbed" of you. Someone asked, "Why post about it- feel the need to tell the truth or you thrive on drama ?" (paraphrasing this is not verbatum off this thread). My perspective is simple. Its ne of my jobs as a leader in a LS and actually my responsibilty to them to let people know in general what has happened. Yes, in part it is a warning (hey maybe so and so isn't someone you want to lend an Osode to? You just might not get your over 10 million gil item back...) But it also says soemthing in general about these people who do this stuff as well- that it simply isn't going to fly if over 3,500 people are going to cohabitate on the same server and go after the ame things. There has to be a form of civility and ethics. Yes, it may be just a game, but it has grown mini civilizations of people and the dynamics and issues that go with natural human behavior.

In the past month or so, alot of endgame leaders of linkshells have gotten along much better. Nothing will ever be perfect and I doubt you will ever see us all barbecuing anytime soon. But we make an effort of respect, resolution, and the bottom line is- we don't want this server becoming trash (or trashier?). Allowing crap to consistetly happen by not vocalizing about it turns the server into just that.

At the end of the day, I do my own thing and I don't really think about the drama inside a game. But while in it, I think about my friends and my responsibilities to them. Fighting for what is ethically right- is one of them.

#17 Sep 12 2005 at 4:31 AM Rating: Excellent
2,727 posts
i have yet to actually see any drama ingame. all i have seen so far was the failed attempt by bastokans to control the ronfuare region.

today i went ot garliage citadel and invited a fellow warrior. he was only leveling it for pld, and he only used a sword. this really pissed off my warrior side since warriors rock around that level with SA Sturmwind (note: nin sucks at this level, but thats another rant). but hell i invited him anyways. i am somewhat elitist, but i dont care that one person isnt severely "gimped" if everyone else is not "gimped". gimp to me is level 35 with a level 3 sub with scale mail armor.

as for these rants people make, i find it funny that they take the time to complain about it so that others will make them feel better because they feel as though they were always right and the other guy is the bad guy. especially when its about race/sexual preference/religion/whatever because they will always be for the one that they are a part of, and never willing to see it from the other side. i'm glad i am in the RedKnights and not some "inner circle" where everyone is after gil, and then forget how the game is supposed to be about fun

#18 Sep 12 2005 at 8:09 AM Rating: Good
Aye Soph, can you PM me FU's website. thanks Bud

Oh and FU!!!
#19 Sep 12 2005 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
as for these rants people make, i find it funny that they take the time to complain about it so that others will make them feel better because they feel as though they were always right and the other guy is the bad guy.

I apologize, my post wasn't intended to make anyone (especially myself) "feel better." On the contrary, it was meant as a wake-up call of things that I have noticed. It's funny, but sometimes you need to state the obvious for others to see it.

What I said comes from the perspective of the average player. That's why I signed it:

Average Joe Player
Level 3, Bastok

I realize that in this game I'm nothing special. With thousands of players on our server--in countries all around the world--I wouldn't kid myself by saying that I am anything special. There are those who are better, richer, and those who level faster. There are also those who are worse, with less money, and who level significantly slower. I may lead a ls with good people in it, but I'm no different than anyone else. My opinion bears just as much weight as anyone else's. I am an average player.

The things that I mentioned are seen through the eyes of an average player. I get to participate in both spectrums: high and low. Some days we are better than on others, but some days we're rediculous.

Yesterday, a person mentioned how he loathes the day when FFXI will be released for the XBOX 360. He hopes that the new players don't like the game and quit. Why? Because he didn't want the n00bishness that they would bring.

This person is a very good, kind-hearted player. He would give you the shirt off his back if you only asked, yet that statement condems every new player before they have even given a chance. It condems them before giving them the same chance that he was given. Why? Is it just because they're new? Everyone was new once, even him.

Deep down, we know that we are good, honest, and deserving. But why can't anyone else be as deserving as us? Why can't we give them the same chances and opportunities that were afforded to us?

Instead we MPK, yet cry fowl when someone kills us. We cheer when someone overbids on our items, yet vex those who "steal" after we placed the item for the wrong price.

These feelings are natural, so expecting them to change would be crazy. Yet there are those times when we CAN bring about change.

When someone wrongs us, what stops us from talking to them instead of hating them? It may seem difficult or unnatural, but each time this happens, we are given an opportunity. The next time I see this person, will they help me or hurt me?

Maybe they didn't see the consequences of their actions before they did it? Maybe they didn't know we were there? We won't know until we ask. Perhaps showing them how their actions affected others will stop them from doing it again. Why pass on that opportunity?

If they choose not to listen, nothing bars us from blacklisting them. After that, the problem is gone. There are no ill feelings to harbor for years on end.

This experience on this game isn't made be SE, it's made by us. We determine our own experiences.

Edited, Mon Sep 12 13:42:15 2005 by SophusTehNewb
#20 Sep 12 2005 at 12:44 PM Rating: Excellent
978 posts
Actually we need an influx of fresh blood. I've noticed less and less people leveling making it harder for everyone to find parties regardless of job.
#21 Sep 12 2005 at 1:03 PM Rating: Good

#22 Sep 12 2005 at 1:27 PM Rating: Excellent
1,261 posts
Agawulf wrote:
Actually we need an influx of fresh blood. I've noticed less and less people leveling making it harder for everyone to find parties regardless of job.

Xbox n00bs. {Do you need it?} lol
#23 Sep 12 2005 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
everybodys too busy farming to cover the exhorbinant prices to party....
#24 Sep 12 2005 at 1:50 PM Rating: Excellent
1,324 posts
When the new Xbox players arrive most will be sent to a new server right? Shiva is pretty crowded, though the recent migration has thinned us out a bit.
#25 Sep 12 2005 at 2:01 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
If history is any indicator, here is how it will go:

1) SE will announce a massive, multi-server migration to several new servers
2) Many advantageous people seeking new beginnings (or market/nm/crafting domination) will switch to these new servers
3)(Not counting those with world passes) New players will have a chance of being assigned to any server, including the older ones like Shiva
4) Every server will now have a mix of experience and inexperienced players

Also, if history is any indicator...
1) Beastmen will control most areas as the new players suffer numerous deaths
2) The price of crystals and raw materials will skyrocket
3) The price of everyday/rare items will also increase

If you're smart, you'll be prepared ;)
#26 Sep 12 2005 at 4:40 PM Rating: Good
610 posts
What is our problem?

Are ye sure ye really want to know the answer to that? In all actuallity a large portion of the gaming population are males 12-22. Pumped full of testosterone with little brains and fewer manners. Get a bunch of males together, especially in this age bracket and what generally happens? Bunch of whining and chest thumping insult laden empty threats over *********

What happened to inviting a player who doesn't have the most uuber l33t equipment or fully-levelled subjob?

Because many players who buy gil with either their money or mommy and daddy's money seem think that everyone else will or does buy gil and therefore should have this so called "l33t" gear.

What right do you have to MPK them back? Where does it say that MPK'ing only ok when you do it?

Again look at the age and mentality of those who do the mpk'ing. Sad but true.

It's a cycle. It's our cycle. We are the ones who keep it going. Do we really have to put up with it? WHY do we put up with it? Does it make any sense that we have feuds that have gone on for years? Does it make sense that entire groups of people hate entire other groups of people because they are from superkilltehmonsters LS?

Welcome to the basic human problem. It's far easier to blame others and hate each other than it is to take responsibility for our own actions or to work problems out peacefully. To quote George Carlin "It's all part of the Bigger **** Syndrome."

And do you see what I did here? I complained, just like countless others have done with posts and threads before me. And what good has it caused? It's a damn endless cycle, I swear it is. But it doesn't have to be.

Guess what? Yer only human. Guess what else? 10million posts before yours hasn't changed anything and another 10m past yours won't either, sad to say. But complaining usually makes us feel better for some odd reason.

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