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"That's gay", "What a ******", "I bFollow

#52 Sep 09 2005 at 1:54 PM Rating: Good
900 posts
Anyhow, just wanted to say, from one gay man to another....Bartholomew, YOU GO BOY!!!

Wow, I come out of the "FFXI closet" and I get rated down? How lame can some of you people get? Whoever it was, I'd love to have you send me a /tell in game that it was you that rated me down on here, and why you felt the need to do so.

I doubt any of you that rated me down are brave enough to do so.
#53 Sep 09 2005 at 2:26 PM Rating: Default
SiviardOfShiva wrote:
BTW, the gay man that was on the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania on 9-11 was Mark Bingham. He was a gay rugby player from San Francisco. They have since started (not sure of exact name) the Mark Bingham Cup, which is a huge rugby tournament that attracts all gay teams from around the world.

No I did not rate you down, but reading your most recent post inspired me to go back and read your original one. I noticed something in it that bugged me. Who the hell cares if someone on that flight was gay!!!!!. I myself feel sorry for everyone who died on that flight wether they are white,black,chinese,gay, straight, jewish, catholic, etc.....

Hey, got a challenge for you, without using google name me another person who was on that flight that died?

Just like I thought you cannot. You only name the homosexual person from that flight. Is that the only person you care about that died that day?

What about Mary Smith who was flying back to her husband and 2 childern after visting family. Oh I am sorry she never got any speicla recognition because she was just a housewife.
#54 Sep 09 2005 at 3:00 PM Rating: Default
394 posts
Hot lesbians are God's greatest creations, or so says the passage in Dirk Diggler 3:23. "He whoest watches the acts of woman upon another, shall be enchanted with a ***** lasting til the end of time."

#55 Sep 09 2005 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
The One and Only Proroc wrote:
Hey, got a challenge for you, without using google name me another person who was on that flight that died?

I honestly didn't remember Mark Bingham's name until Siviard said it or it would have ben in my OP (I know, I'm a baaadd gay man for not knowing it). The only person I specifically remember is Todd Beamer, but that's because he and his wife Lisa got the most publicity. Most people aren't going to remember all the details. Maybe people cling to who they identify as their personal heroes, I don't know. That doesn't mean anyone would think the entire events of 9/11 (anniversary is Sunday, btw) were any less tragic or that any individual's death was meaningless.

I believe my only purpose in mentioning him in the first place (and I'm sure I speak for Siviard as well on this) is that gay men and women have played just as much a role in our history and culture as straight people. It is in no way meant to diminish straight people's role. Just because one individual is highlighted doesn't mean we're attacking others or deaming them unimportant.
#56 Sep 09 2005 at 6:35 PM Rating: Good
398 posts
Also, don't talk about immorality and **** because you know what? That ******** doesn't ******* apply to everyone. I hate people who mix morality with freewill. Organized religion is ******** and so are you.

So one person is not allowed to be angry at the practice of homosexuality but you are allowed to hate people for "mixing morality and freewill"? If hates is wrong for one group it is wrong for all of them.

This is often the way society treats Christians. We are portrayed as narrow-minded, uneducated, intolerant, biggots.

Why is it that people who are for abortion are labeled as "Pro-choice" as if they are for something, which has a positive conotation, while people who disagree with abortion are labeled as "Anti-abortion" as if they are against something, which has a negative conotation?

Another example of people painting Christians in a bad light. (I will, however, admit that a lot of "Christians" deserve this. While organized religion does have it faults and failings, the Bible teaches us that God wants his followers to assemble together for worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and evangelism.

Too bad more people dont realize that Christianity does not stand on Christians, it stands on Christ.

Morality is based off of what is right and wrong (good or evil). The teachings from Christian faith distinguish what is moral and what is not. Basically, they're telling you how to think and 'teaching' you what is good and evil (right and wrong).

What the poster here overlooks is one of the basic values of ANY religion and that is that people who follow that religion have a desire, generally based on their concern for people, to help them see the error of their ways. (Hold on before you go off on this statement.)

As a Christian, I believe what the Bible says. (See a point just below for more on this.)

One of the final things that Jesus said for His followers to do was to go out and teach all nations about Him. Any religion's goal is to lead others to see the teachings of that religion as true. To ask a religious person to do otherwise is like as the sun not to shine.

You apparently have "heard" about ex-gay ministries and are eager to cling to hope that maybe we can change because a religious zealot says so. As far as I'm concerned those people have merely learned to hide who they truly are and live according to someone else's standards. Too bad you haven't actually listened to anyone directly about their experiences in struggling with their sexuality.

I just have a quick point.... who decides what is moral and what isn't? Morality is a personal issue, and needs to be determined by each and every individual. The only "absolute" moral values, in my opinion, are those that infringe on another persons basic rights (murder, rape, kidnapping, etc, are immoral). Does one person being gay interfer with your life? Probably not, so the moraltiy of it is not for you to decide.

This quote is so filled with paradox it is almost not worth responding to... "absolute" and "my opinion" in the same sentence?

Let's say you are walking through the mall and walk past someone sitting on a bench. At the moment you walk by the person moves his/her leg in order to get more comfortable, causing you to trip. Does that make you mad? It may for a moment but you will almost immediately realize that the person did not intend to cause you to trip and you will forget about it.

Now say the same situation occurs but the person on the bench causes you to trip on purpose. Does that make you angry? Yes, and with good reason.

That is not something the Bible taught you. The Bible is not the only thing in history to lay out a series of beliefs and guidelines upon which someone should live his/her life. And each of us has a sense of right and wrong from birth.

The fact that we are having an arguement about this or any other subject implies that there is a true standard of right and wrong. We just disagree on what the true standard is. At some point we will all find out who was right and who was wrong.

Sorry that you continue to cling to delusions that we need to be cured, controlled, or eradicated. Sorry that you freely accept one interpretation of a document of dubious authenticity without even knowing or understanding the original languages it was written in.

I am assuming the Bible is the document that Bart was referring to in the above quote. Actually I have studied it in great detail. I have studied it in the origianl languages that the Bible was written in. In college I took a year of Hebrew and 2 years of Koine Greek. I studied the Bible at a Christian College and at a state sponsored university.

The Bible is actually very accurate in its historical references. While some things remain unconfirmed by other historical writers of the time, most of the historical passages of the Bible ARE confirmed by historians of the early 1st and 2nd centuries.

What I am saying in my scattered and shattered comments is this...

There is an unquestionable RIGHT and WRONG in our lives. The fact that our society denies this and extoles the virtues of living life based on our individual whims is the greatest tragedy of all time.

The paradox of God's creation is that He created all of us with the ability to make our own decisions. Why? Where would be the fulfillment in being loved by beings who had no choice in the matter? The result? The consequence of freewill to God is that He daily suffers when His children do not accept Him.

So how does this relate to Bart's original post?

I believe that the practice of homosexuality is wrong. I also believe that lying, murder, cheating, harming one's body by overeating, smoking, drinking, or doing drugs is wrong. The Bible says that any one of these things is a sin and since God is sinless we are seperated from Him.

NOT ONE OF THESE THINGS IS ANY MORE OR LESS ACCEPTABLE TO GOD THAN ANOTHER. But for some reason most Christians focus in on homosexuality as THE sin when the Bible teaches that is A sin. As a result you have a lot of morons running around speaking out of place.

The thing that not enough Christians act on is this...

God HATES sin. God LOVES sinners.

Jesus did not hang out in churches. He hung out with thieves, murderers, cheaters, liars, prostitues, and the like. Not because He condoned their actions but because He LOVED them.

Bart, I dont want to "cure" you or any other homosexual in the world. That isnt my place or ability.

What I want, if you dont already have one, is for you to have a relationship with Jesus Christ.

I dont often talk about my faith in-game or on these boards. And I am sure that, quite often, I dont act out my faith in-game or on these boards. Thank God that I am just a poor reflection of God and not God himself. Dont base your acceptance of God or Christianity in general on Christians. Christians did not die for your sins, Christ died for them. Christianity and its teachings rise and fall on Jesus Christ not Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell or anyone else.

Sorry for the long post.

Edited, Fri Sep 9 20:30:39 2005 by LacysDad
#57 Sep 09 2005 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
Alek, you know I respect you a great deal, and while I may not be your best friend, I've probably been able to interact with you more than anyone else in DVS. I respect all people's belief in their faiths provided they do not use it as an excuse to harm others. There are extremes in any belief system and I do not classify all Christians as zealots, just as I do not classify all muslams as terrorists. As such, I sincerely hope you do not feel those specific comments of mine were an attack on you; if that did happen, I am truly sorry. I'm sure others can recognize that for things we feel passionate about we may have a tendancy to go overboard with how we express it.

I am THRILLED you have studied Hebrew and Greek; I truly wish more would do so, or at least seek to understand certain phrases before relying on them without considering possible alternative meanings. I do not wish to get into religious debate on these boards; if you'd like to discuss what I believe the Bible has to say sometime privately, I'd be more than happy to have a civilized discussion about them. Suffice it to say that "abomination" in Leviticus, the desire of certain men from Sodom to "know" the angels, and Paul's use of "unnatural" (Gr. para phusin) have certain implications that I firmly belive people today misinterpret. As to the Bible's historical accuracy, I am not questioning that. My reference to authenticity was merely to say that the Bible was written by men, and whether or not it was handed down from God is impossible to prove in our lifetime, much the same as it is impossible to prove if God handed Joseph Smith the Book of Mormon.

I do not confirm nor deny that there may be absolute truths out there, real RIGHT and WRONG. As an agnostic in all things, I believe truth is not something we can know in this life. As Plato attributed Socrates as saying, the only thing I can ever truly know in this lifetime is that I truly know nothing. My point is not that there isn't some absolute, but only that there will always be different interpretations on what that absolute is. A pluralistic society like a democracy must allow people to follow their own path except in cases where it impedes others to do the same, because otherwise there is the chance that someone was forced to live the "wrong" life; we simply won't know until we die. If the majority decided their interpretation of RIGHT was different from your own and must be followed, could you do it? Please think about this.

As I alluded to, I struggled with my own sexuality for many years, most particularly because of my family's religious beliefs. It is not easy to reconcile the two. I don't believe a straight person can ever understand the inner turmoil a gay person coming of age must go through. Sexuality is such a fundamental part of who we are as people, and to force yourself to deny something you feel very strongly about inside, down to your CORE, is excruciating. It CAN be done, and from my own experiences in dealing with this, I have come to the conclusion that the only way I can imagine someone being "cured" of their homosexuality is to learned to conceal their inner selves and deny who the are. Simply imagine if I told you that you must stop loving your wife, or your daughter. Just step back for a moment and consider it. Could you do it? Could you stop loving them? I would assume (and hope) the answer is no. THAT, my friend, is what you are asking me to do, and after trying to do so for five years, I stopped trying because I knew it was futile. Yes I opened my heart to God and Jesus and asked for help, as I was taught to do. Having received no answer, and pondering why after asking for so long I never got an answer, I came to a conclusion (well, two sort of). Either He did not answer because He did not exist, or He did not want me to deny who I was. I am an agnostic, not an atheist. I don't know if God exists and won't know until I die; but if He does exist I am pretty confident that He would be proud of me and who I am. I don't attend church not because I don't believe in God, but because I believe no one should shove one interpretation down another's throat. And to me, in organized religion, there is no room to dispute their interpretation and live according to your own. Fortunately, at least in our country, I am allowed freedom of religion, and that does not mean I have to choose only from one established by others.

I appreciate that you may want to show others your faith because you believe in it, but in all honesty, and please don't take offense, I don't need your help with this particular issue.

And to turn this back around (hopefully) one last time, the point of my OP was not to have other people like me or who I am; it was that despite any differences everyone deserves to be treated with respect. So yes, I would really appreciate it if the name-calling and derrogatory language would stop.

Well this post has now signficantly cut into my playing time for tonight; probably won't make Radical's Minotaur run. Oh well. See you in game.
#58 Sep 09 2005 at 10:02 PM Rating: Default
ok this is my opinion, not everyone will like it.
I am not gay, or homosexual.
I was raised in a tiht and very stupid christian home. My parents basicly hated Gay people or lesbians.
Well in the very end, my father wisened up. He is a Minister and since alot of gay subjects came up, he told me a few things. No one knows how god judges people. The bible was in fact written by humans, just like us.

religion may be a tough thing to tackle, but the ONLY reason people dont tend to like gays and lesbians is because of christians.

i want to say that, i dont like gay couples, BUT, noone should ever prosecute them because absolutely no one on earth knows what the hell is going to happen to them. People shouldnt prosecute of any of that good crap to them at all. gays and lesbians are just like those black people 30 years ago. they wanted their rights and they eventually got them.

If the world can change from this prejudice, them im sure it will also chande for the gays and lesbians. Homosexials shouldnt give up on what they believe in, because for all other people knows, then they are right and they are wrong.

For you christians, please, just lighten up, yes the bible says homosexuality is wrong, but non of you knows how he will pass his final judgement. so please, stfu.
#59 Sep 10 2005 at 6:19 AM Rating: Decent
398 posts
I was raised in a tiht and very stupid christian home.

religion may be a tough thing to tackle, but the ONLY reason people dont tend to like gays and lesbians is because of christians.

For you christians, please, just lighten up, yes the bible says homosexuality is wrong, but non of you knows how he will pass his final judgement. so please, stfu.

Thank God us Christians are around. If we weren't who else would you "open minded, tolerant" people have to hate so much?

Funny that Bart and I had an open, honest, and peaceful exchange here and we talked last night in-game. We have a good relationship in-game and have never had any problems with each other.

Just because I disagree with someone's lifestyle, whether it be a lifestyle of promiscuous sex, heavy drinking, drugs, lying, or homosexuality, does not prevent me from counting that person among my friends.

All I can do is simply live my life the best way that I know how. I cannot change the actions or attitudes of others. I believe that is between God and that person. All I can do is what God commanded me to do throughout the Bible, to love God with all my heart, mind, and soul and to love others as myself.

Sorry if my attitude offends you...
#60 Sep 10 2005 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
Starilae wrote:
the ONLY reason people dont tend to like gays and lesbians is because of christians.

Starilae wrote:
i want to say that, i dont like gay couples

This hardly seems to make any sense. You don't like gay couples, but you don't like Christians either? Obviously there seems to be some reason other than religion for why you don't like homosexuals. Fear of what you don't understand and machismo have a great deal to do with why people persecute (um, not prosecute for whoever said that) homosexuals.

Christianity is not to be blamed for the world's problems any more than homosexuality is. There is a difference between someone who believes in God/Jesus and the Jerry Fallwells of the world. Why do you have to be offensive and tell Alek to "stfu"? People, re-read my OP; I have already admited that my own word choice at times may have been a bit overboard and have apologized for any name calling I did. But the basic premise behind it is that it is a call for everyone to stop the name calling, on BOTH sides, not for people to like other people. Show others some respect, be sensitive to how others may react to your words, and you shall be shown the same courtesy in return. And if you do make a mistake, apologize for it and try your best not to let it happen again.
#61 Sep 10 2005 at 8:16 AM Rating: Excellent
610 posts
What purpose does bringing religion, ethnicity, sexual preference or even the sex of someone serve in a fantasy game?

Society is what it is. Amazingly Christians out weigh any other religious or non religous group in the US and yet they feel picked on. 76% of US citizens are of the Christian faith and you want acceptance for being what they consider to be deviant?
I don't care what you are. If your a black gay Jew dating a pink gay Muslim go for it, but leave it out of the game.

People, leave religion off the boards as well. Religion guides your decisions in life. No need to start blasting someone who's different from you because of yer religious preference.

For some reason, too many people are uptight that they can't force their religious belief on the rest of society. Being Christian doesn't make a person **** retentive and evil, nor does it make you the fountain of all that is holy and pure either. Being Pagan doesn't make me a devil worshiper.

Whatever name or title you give to the creator bear in mind something, it's God's place to judge us spiritually, not mankind.
#62 Sep 10 2005 at 8:25 AM Rating: Good
610 posts
Morality is based off of what is right and wrong (good or evil). The teachings from Christian faith distinguish what is moral and what is not. Basically, they're telling you how to think and 'teaching' you what is good and evil (right and wrong).

So only Christians are capable of morality?

Not neccessarily the religion itself (because that's not possible) but the people who may consider themselves Christian or Catholic.

Um. Dude. Catholics are Christians.

#63 Oct 13 2005 at 4:37 PM Rating: Good
Resurrected because of the "GUN FOR HIRE" thread-
acepod wrote:

I realize you are gay. I realize that you associate the word with your sexuality. But you have gone a bit to far with it.

Lets have some examples.

Damn = A wall made to keep water in/out By adding a letter it supposidly is considered a curse word. Someone went a little to far wiht this.

******* = Donkey hole
Now come on, seriously, can you really be mad at someone for calling someone else this? It is only offensive, because someone decided to take offense to it.

***** = A dog that has had at least one litter of puppies.
Again, this is only offensive, because someone was too sensitive, and let it become offensive.

**** = *****.
Again a duck by any other name is still a duck. Why is **** offensive, but ***** isnt? Because someone was being too sensitive, and allowed it to get to them. They probably had to work really hard at makeing people think it wa soffensive, and then right wind idealists, forced it to become offensive.

***** = ******
See ****

Gay = Happy. Gay did not = homosexual, untill people began to associate the words. In fact im inclined to think that Gay's original definition, was actually someones nice way of describing a homosexual. "That guy is a little gay (meaning happy). Hes not like the rest of us".

So since your takeing Gay so far, lets think of some others you should also be against.

Fruit. Some people call homosexuals fruits. So anytime someone calls someone a fruit (i say this sometimes, and it has nothing to do with sexuality), then you should take a stand.

Fairy. Some people call homosexuals fairy's. Make sure you take a stand on that as well.

***. In Europe ***=Cigarette. So make sure you get on the Europeans abotu useing it.

Now I realize your beef is with people useing it in a derogatory manner. But what your doing is takeing a word, that originally had a different meaning, that society added a meaning to, and takeing it offensive.

So lets start a new trend right here right now.

The word Joy = Happy (to summarize). This is almost exactly the same meaning the word Gay originally had. From here on out, the word Joy is going to have a second meaning. Is is going to mean "Someone who lives in a trailer, spends all their money on alcohol, and beats their wife".

Instead of trailer trash, we will now call these people Joy. In a few years, society will adapt to this new meaning. And at that point your telling me people will have a right to be upset when someone calls them a Joy?

Im sorry, but you just cant steal a word, assign a meaning to it, and then be mad at people for useing it wrong (i say you, but im refering to the gay people who actually adopted this meaning to the word).

If your secure wiht your sexual preference, the word gay should have no affect on you. People useing it wrong should have no affect on you. Because in all actuality, when someone says something i gay, they mean

1: bright and pleasant; promoting a feeling of cheer

2: full of or showing high-spirited merriment

3: given to social pleasures often including dissipation;

4: brightly colored and showy;

5: offering fun and gaiety;

IF your getting upset because people mis-use words, then you need to be equal about it. Theres thousands of words people mis-use daily here, in RL, everywhere. So if your so stuck on forceing people to use the proper words, dont restrict yourself to just the one that your offended by. Be fair and equal, and protect all words.

I know this was kind of long, but I have seen you go on about this mis-used word a few times. And im here to tell you your over reacting. Thats of course my opinion, and i attempted to back my opinion up with some facts. Take it or leave it, but i think if your going to take such a huge stand against something, you should take that stand for all words, and not just the one that suits you best.

P.S. Searchign the forums and rateing down all of someones posts, is a sure fire way to never rate anyone again. I had someoen do that to me, and they will never rate anyone again. Not to mention its rather pointless, and pathetic.

Ace, no one's perfect, and I freely admit there are times I am tempted to and regrettably do use words because society trains us to think it is acceptable. Calling something "retarded", "ghetto", calling any girl the "c" word, calling a guy the "p" word to question his manliness, or saying "that sucks" (derrived from sucking *****, which of course no one in their right mind would want to do, right? - nevermind that every man wants it done TO him and that he should be greatful to receive such expert service...), etc.

Anytime I use a word like this, I chastise myself and apologize when/where appropriate. These are all things we may not think anything of. It is not simply a matter of mis-using words, it is a matter of assigning a negative connotation to a word - putting malice, hatred, and one's own fears into a word so that it not only takes on new meaning, it takes on a derrogatory meaning. Whenever I am tempted to lash out and call something a name I want to associate with something "bad", I check myself.

Society may throw the phrase about casually, but that does not change that its primary intent is to HURT others. Even if you personally do not have that intention, you are allowing yourself to re-inforce the message that a person is "bad" simply being black, gay, a women, a man who doesn't fit a stereotype of masculinity, etc. I don't think anyone is naive enough to think people say "that's gay" to indicate it is happy.

It's not word mis-use I'm against; it's epithets. And I will continue to stand by my belief that it should not be too much to ask for people to show some courtesy and respect to everyone else who inhabits this world.
#64 Oct 13 2005 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
I just think if your gay it woulden't bother you. I dunno I don't wanna get into it but most Homosexual men seem "overly joyful" at expresing thier sexuality. If a Homosexual man called me straight in a dirogitory manor I woulden't be upset, I am straight why get mad? If I overheard Homosexual men making fun of straight people I woulden't be upset, I'd go on about my day and woulden't think twice of it. It's your sexual preferance don't let what others think get under your skin bro. Comon let's do what the Flinstones do and "Have a gay old time.... WILLLLLMAAAAAA!!!!"

Edited, Thu Oct 13 18:11:50 2005 by Shinkyu
#65 Oct 14 2005 at 12:27 PM Rating: Default
1,099 posts
I'm non-religious, I dont believe in God, Buddah, Father Christmas, I'm also not American, I'm British.

As a British person, my countries moral grounds on capital punishment (the death penalty) is that it is morally and ethically wrong, infact, if any of you Americans murder someone in a state that has the death penalty, come to the UK, its against British law to extradite any person to a country where they face the death penalty. Of couse, many Americans would think my countries standpoint on the death penalty is wrong, so who is the ethically correct one there?

The UK is also very liberal in very many respects, but people of a homosexual persuasion have stolen our words and put it to their own use. The word gay does mean "happy", or at least it used to. ***** also meant peculiar, as in "i'm feeling a bit *****", but that word was stolen and put into different use too.

If I'm feeling under the weather, I will say "i'm feeling a bit *****", because it that sense it means "I'm unwell", should I be chastised for using the word "*****"? Or if I see a brightly coloured item, and I say "thats a bit gay" I'm going to offend people for using the correct terminology?

So what it boils down to, when a person says "thats gay" are they saying "that homosexual" or are they saying "thats bad", or is it just in the mind of the people who see the word "gay" and think "insult" that any use of the word gay is bad?

And for the record, ****** is actually a food item, its very disgusting, here is the ingredients:

1 pigs liver - diced
1 pigs heart - diced
6 rashers streaky bacon - cut into strips
250g pork belly - diced
2 medium sized onions - peeled and sliced
1 egg
100g breadcrumbs
2 tsp of finely chopped fresh sage
salt and pepper to taste
a large knob of butter

Ya, pigs heart and pigs liver, though I actually like liver, so yeah, calling someone "******" which is the more demeaning, homosexual or someone made out of the above?

So, to end, stop stealing words to make your own then get insulted by people using the words in whichever manner they wish, if I were to be offended by the "new" use of the words "gay" and "******", would you stop using them? No, so dont try to stop people using words which change meaning in whichever way they seem fit (and as far as I'm concerned, whenever someone says "thats gay", my interpretation of what they are saying is "thats bad" and is in no way related to homosexuality, so it is really a non issue)
#66 Oct 14 2005 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
Gay is old like niggaz.

But I dont use either term and they dont mean crap. I am straight and I will never call you a *** or anything because you said I'm sexy =P @ Bart.

Ya kids will be stupid kids.
#67 Oct 14 2005 at 1:05 PM Rating: Default
Ayazz wrote:
thats like a crackhead getting mad for being called a crackhead instead of a drug addict. i disapprove of homosexuality on many levels and will not conform to societies standards of political correctness as far as homesexuality is concerned. im so sick of homosexuals acting like society owes them something. "we want marriage", "we want these rights", "we want those rights". ugh dont act like we're the bad guys when YOU are the ones who choose to be immoral. i refuse to cater to homosexuals and care nothing for their feelings as homosexuals. this doesnt mean i would deprive them of everyones right to be respected as a person but dont ask be to respect your feelings as a homosexual. as far as im concerned if you dont like being called a ***, dont be one.

P.S. after rereading this i can already hear the screams of bigot and ******* and ignorant *******. i am not in any way a bigot but i do feel strongly when people who have no right to complain, do =(

EDIT: i just got out of the army about 3 months ago... i was one of those people fighting for our right to free speech. i intend to exercise it completely and encourage everyone on this board to do the same.

EDIT: hmmmm gay people calling us breeders and not liking the word ***? gogo hypocrisy

Edited, Thu Sep 8 16:09:27 2005 by Ayazz

Edited, Fri Sep 9 20:03:15 2005 by Ayazz

You are a moron. I don't like you. All you do is talk trash. You are so sick of this that, why don't you go back to Iraq and let Jihads clean you up.

P.S. I still don't like you. Grow up yourself.
#68 Oct 14 2005 at 1:11 PM Rating: Default
Jezgod wrote:
Hot lesbians are God's greatest creations, or so says the passage in Dirk Diggler 3:23. "He whoest watches the acts of woman upon another, shall be enchanted with a ***** lasting til the end of time."

It sounds good until you actually experience it. I experienced it a few weeks ago. Whats more fun and wholesome than watching the chick you are trying to hook up with getting ...ummm.. with glowsticks by your best friends girlfriend. It was not as cool as we thought it would be.

"I thought the rockies would be rockier than this"
"Ya that Dirk Diggler guy is full of **** man"
#69 Oct 14 2005 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
It's not word mis-use I'm against; it's epithets. And I will continue to stand by my belief that it should not be too much to ask for people to show some courtesy and respect to everyone else who inhabits this world.

I agree wiith you 100%, and might have forgotten to mention that i dont find it ok for people to use any words in a derogitory manner.

I just felt you were takeing your crusade a bit to far is all lol.

#70 Oct 14 2005 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
I really haven't read all of this thread, tried to keep the gist of it down.

1) OP asking for tolerance to sexual preference. Good idea, good reasoning, I agree.

2) Somehow Christians aren't entitled to the same tolerance?

If you think that Christians are the're wrong. People make fun of religion so much, at least with sexual preference they usually don't make fun of homosexuality itself, just use it as an insult to someone. Countless times I've been laughed at for being a Christian and people tell me I'm stupid for having such beliefs, oddly enough, many of these people talk about how we need to be tolerant of everyone o.O

I'll get more into this later, I have to take care of my bro for now.

My conclusion after some time and experience with people is that there are bad people on both sides of any issue, but in the end, there is a line where both sides can beat and agree upon. Once again, I'll go more into this later >.>
#71 Oct 14 2005 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
lol who is this nuzin ****** and why is he bashing me for a post i made OVER A MONTH AGO.

" You are a moron. I don't like you. All you do is talk trash. You are so sick of this that, why don't you go back to Iraq and let Jihads clean you up.

P.S. I still don't like you. Grow up yourself "

you do realize that a Jihad is not a person? it's a holy war. get your facts straight ****** i've never been to iraq while i was in the army. closest i came was south korea. what in the blue **** do you mean "let Jihads clean you up"? that makes no sense. if you're going to post something in which you insult me, for the love of christ at least do it right...... you sound like an idiot/goldenchild when you post.... at least when im an ******* or make myself look bad i use proper grammar and have some ******* inkling of what im talking about. everyone else, have a good day and continue your *** discussion or whatever it has become now lol
#72 Oct 14 2005 at 2:50 PM Rating: Decent
418 posts
That's gay, you're gay, dude...GAY!, that blows, blow me, that sucks, fairy, your a ******, *****, you're a head, bite me, suck me beautiful, b-tch, son of a b-tch, b-tichin, and many others is part of my every day speech pattern. I say these things, and i won't apologize for it. Most of you people use these and don't realize it. Who cares. Get over it.

It doesn't mean I dislike people who choose to like other guys. I don't agree with it. I have friends that are out. Stephen is still one of my good friends and when we hang out I don't give it a second thought. If something happens i'll still say "aw that's gay" and he doesn't get offended. Nor do 99.999% of the homosexual world. It's just attention whores that want to be in the spotlight and post stuff like this on public forums. I mean seriously, you're even in the minority in your own...minority.

but seriously...stop looking at my ***...i'm not a steak.
#73 Oct 14 2005 at 4:06 PM Rating: Good
610 posts
2) Somehow Christians aren't entitled to the same tolerance?

If you think that Christians are the're wrong. People make fun of religion so much, at least with sexual preference they usually don't make fun of homosexuality itself, just use it as an insult to someone. Countless times I've been laughed at for being a Christian and people tell me I'm stupid for having such beliefs, oddly enough, many of these people talk about how we need to be tolerant of everyone o.O

Actually I have to disagree with you on the underlined section Sir. Christians far outweigh every other denomination in the US. However, part of the problem, is 9/10 of the Christian denominations don't acknowledge the other denominations as Christians.

You maybe in an area that has a small portion of Christians in it, I don't know. But I live in the bible belt with Pat Robertson in my back yard. I work at Norfolk Naval Shipyard where 95% of the employees are one form of Christian or another and about 15% are preachers.

You haven't seen intolerance for religious beliefs until you've had a few people tell you that "Witch burnings should be brought back." I've had about tell me that in one form or another in the last few years and I told one if he got within 500 yards of my wife ah'd slit his throat and watch him die.

Does this mean I hate all Christians? No, I know quite a few good ones. But, as you did state there are bad apples on both sides of the tree and we all need to be more tolerant of others.

Edited, Sat Oct 15 01:20:01 2005 by Papawarlock
#74 Oct 14 2005 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
Aye, Papa, I know what you mean. I don't have quite as much experience as you in the south, but I went to college at Winthrop University (Rock Hill, SC, 20min south of Charlotte, NC) for over a year. That's a place where there are a lot of Christians and people who are proud to be ones.

But I'm typically in MD, where it's certainly a minority of people who actually go to Church...and who actually go to Church because they want to (big thing here). You'll find a number of people attend Church around this place because they're parents and want their kids brought up with morals, that's the only reason they come. Not because they truly believe.

For the record, I've majorly disliked Pat Robertson ever since he asked for the assassination of a world leader. That can be something you can joke about with friends, hell, maybe seriously consider as well. But when you're supposed to be setting an example you should not be saying that kind of stuff.

And just to note, a link where homosexuals go wrong (lesbians too!):
#75 Oct 14 2005 at 4:22 PM Rating: Default
haha omg what a ****** up world we live in
#76 Oct 14 2005 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
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