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"That's gay", "What a ******", "I bFollow

#102 Oct 16 2005 at 10:51 AM Rating: Default
ya think if we rate down this mule enough he'll get banned? or does that even happen?
#103 Oct 16 2005 at 8:09 PM Rating: Default
418 posts

and that's cause...

teehee again
#104 Oct 17 2005 at 5:11 PM Rating: Excellent
582 posts
Sexual orientation has nothing to do with playing FFXI and I don't care if the cute female taru SMN is actually a big black muscle man from Southern LA. I don't care if the sexy hume male PLD is actually a girl from UK.

My LS is like a Craweler's Nest full of sexual deviants.

My Dynamis shell leader likes to shave his butt and use wet toilet paper, but didn't know what dingle berries meant. He's German, so that can get really kinky.

The BRD likes to hit on the NIN, the RNG makes her NIN hubby wear **** rings. The THF confessed that his pee-pee was 5 inches long. The WHM wanted to have a threesome with the RNG and the NIN with the **** ring, and then offered her BF to the RNG as well. When the BRD hits on the NIN, the Dynamis leader gets jealous often. The bald hume MNK pre-ejaculates. We frequnetly discuss seriously about the importance of washing your butt hole before a date....

The BRD's very horny and he offers 100K to cyber frequently. I am not sure if anyone has recently accepted the offer.

My LS pearl's color is pink.
I like bald hume men in subligars, although recently I have started to like Galkas... I think they are more daddyish...

My LS leader is straight, knows the difference between drag queens, chelsea boys and the boring just plain gay men.

My personal goal is to reign as Queen of an all Galka, all Gay LS, and march thru Ru'Lude Gardens in Subligars and Harness on Gay Pride, passing out Rainbow Cloth. OMG that would be sooo much fun!!!!! I'll call my LS BearButtom!!

...sorry...I have very "flaunting" attitude... seriousness - to the OP:

If you have someone say something bad about you in LS or in PTs, you should have the courage to stand up for yourself. I am, for one, Japanese. I have had LS members say "the ***" this and "the ***" that. I have had the same in PTs, or even worse, in blind /tells...from a complete stranger - just because my language preference is set on "J". (O boy, that scared them when I cussed back in full blown drag queen like rapid burns...)

Unfortunately, there's lots of kiddies that just say things cuz they heard someone else say it and thought it was cool... Kinda like how little 4 year olds say "FucX" and "****" just cuz they heard the 6 year old who learned from the 9 year old say it.

You gotta point it out to them that it's not correct, and be the "parent". It's unfortnate, yes. But you have to start some where. So be brave and you just have to say something when something bothers you - directly - to that person. I know I do.
#105 Oct 17 2005 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
143 posts
thank god i'm not around during these late night sessions
#106 Oct 17 2005 at 6:54 PM Rating: Good
21 posts
that Horny bard sounds like a jackass... i charge only 75k
#107 Oct 17 2005 at 9:42 PM Rating: Decent
2,727 posts
um...nothing wrong with cleaning the butt with wet toilet paper. regular dry paper does not get all the excrement (it merely spreads it thin.) add in the fact he shaves it, there is no body hair to capture the excess and help make disposal easier, hence the need for wet toilet paper

nothing wrong with being clean
#108 Oct 17 2005 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent
i had a friend who used baby wipes instead of toilet paper =(
#109 Oct 17 2005 at 11:42 PM Rating: Decent
"The bald hume MNK pre-ejaculates"


**** ring ftw~!
#110 Oct 18 2005 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
440 posts
Ragnarzero wrote:
WOW OMG its mike... is he back??

Sorry to highjack the Thread...

Haha, yes. ^^; I been leveling a bit. Got to 71.. How's it going, trying to get off this BS topic.. Such stupid crap.

#111 Oct 18 2005 at 11:54 AM Rating: Good
uchipu wrote:
You gotta point it out to them that it's not correct, ... you just have to say something when something bothers you

I thought that's what I was doing by posting this. I brought it back because after I pointed out someone else's use of the phrase, I responded, which sparked the debate again, and I figured it should go back on this thread instead of hijacking someone else's.
#112 Oct 18 2005 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
saying that you're gay is one thing. coming on here and hollering about cockrings and all kinds of other inappropriate stuff is another altogether. not that im against all that stuff or anything. but standing up for being gay and comin on here and making all kinds of inapporpriate comments about other stuff arent the same thing. some of the players on here are kids =(. remember that. and why in the hell would anyone care that your LS is filled with freaks?

Edited, Tue Oct 18 16:22:57 2005 by Ayazz
#113 Oct 18 2005 at 10:56 PM Rating: Good
792 posts
meatwadbdumb wrote:
I'm dumb as hell

Yes. Yes you are.

I hope you die just for being such an idiot.

Edited, Wed Oct 19 00:04:37 2005 by Speedly
#114 Oct 19 2005 at 1:05 AM Rating: Default
and saying thats gay and you *** to your friends is not the same as harassing or blatantly assaulting someone verbally on the basis of their sexual orientation.

calling your friend a ***** or saying you drive like a girl is not the same as openly attacking a woman, merely for the fact she is a woman, at work and telling her she should be at home making sandwiches instead of doing a mans job

saying whats up n1gga to one of your white friends is not the same as calling a black person a n1gger and sayin he should move back to africa

no matter how thin the line there is a line between self expression and all out insults, no matter how vulgar or offensive it may seem. again offense and vulgarity vary from person to person and unless you are in direct control of the have all the floor to speak but you have zero room to impede and say who is wrong, who is right, whats needs to stop, what is permitted to go on. its called freedom of speech...hanging teens b/c they are gay wasnt brought about by a bunch of ppl saying "you ***" or "thats gay". countries in control by evil and intolerant ppl do. im sure someone who can at least assosciate and speak the word on a daily basis is 100x more tolerant than someone who refuses to believe homosexuality even exists

Edited, Wed Oct 19 02:33:55 2005 by Klawisgay
#115 Oct 19 2005 at 2:34 AM Rating: Default
162 posts
If you are gay, you are mentally misguided.

Simple instructions; Insert Tab A into Slot B.

Having sex with a member of the same sex is perverted. You are looking to get your rocks off and are too insecure with the opposite sex.

If you can't follow nature's instructions, what can you do right?

That said, you do what you want. I'll never call you out in the game to embarass or disparage you. However, phrases like "That's so gay" have been inserted into our popular culture for a long time now; it is not going away. Think about how that phrase got started in the first place.

Although it does take a certain courage to stand up for such an obviously absurd and wrong position, Gay Pride is a false pride.


Now that the social commentary has been dispensed, I wish no ill will on gay and lesbian people playing Final Fantasy XI. If immature shouting offends you, take the majority of the advice here and blacklist the offensive heckler(s). If the abuse is overtly personal, the Terms or Service gives you the right to call a GM, who are not paid to take a position on the issue, but to keep the game experience as enjoyable for everyone as possible, free from destructive griefers. Anyone who engages in discrimination out of spite devalues the experience for everyone.

My personal views are laid out bare here which some may find offensive, but they are based on dearly held principles. My values compel me to express this in as plain language as I can.

This is not intolerant, this is debate.

I don't have to accept that gay people are correct but I will party with gay people.You're a good player, communicate well, and are reasonably equipped? Fine, let's party. Don't push your real-life problems or agenda on me and I won't give you mine.

Want to see this topic discussed ad-nauseum? More fun than a barrel of monkeys in heat. The internet claws and screeches feverishly for YOUR uber-opinions. Cast your ballot; Vote or Die, says P-Diddy. Savvy technocrats and righteous idealogues, bandwagon all-aboard, the Chic Express, clacking noisily on trendy trestles. Rants and rhetoric are In this season, and the latest fashions are never wrong; wizards in the Know have assured me personally aboard the Mother Wheel UFO. PT Barnum said, "Click the link!" Do it NOW!;mid=1128970487105296214;num=126

Pavlov says, "Don't click it! Ding-ding-ding."
#116 Oct 19 2005 at 9:20 AM Rating: Good
Iriseon wrote:
If you are gay, you are mentally misguided.

Newsflash in case you weren't aware, the American Psychiatric Association and similar mental health organizations world-wide have been in agreement for the past several decades that sexual orientation is not a disease or abberation of thought.
Iriseon wrote:
You are looking to get your rocks off and are too insecure with the opposite sex.

I am quite secure with having female friends; many times straight men wonder why gay men can have such close "platonic" relationships with women when they don't seem to be able to. Take Shaolinz's detailed experience he felt compelled to share on this board - that doesn't make him gay. While sexual desire is certainly a part of what it means to be gay, that is not all. It's about who you fall in love with, who you develop feelings for, and who you want to share your life experiences with.

But you are entitled to your beliefs in how you conduct your personal life. I must state once again, the OP is targeted at language used in the course of public interactions with people who for all intents and purposes are strangers. I'm still not fond of people using terms like nig**r or *** or pu**y in their private arenas either, but that is you're prerogative there. I'm talking about using unnecessary derragatory language in everyday discourse with people who are not your close personal friends.
#117 Oct 19 2005 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
and saying thats gay and you *** to your friends is not the same as harassing or blatantly assaulting someone verbally on the basis of their sexual orientation.

correct, just like saying "thats's gay" on this site is not automatically attacking someone's sexual orientation.

my point exactly in the other thread.

99% of the people on these boards are smart enough to tell when someone is attacking a person for being a homosexual and when they are simply saying "that's a lame idea".

I understand lawtech points here, and he is partly correct, however i still believe context has to be taken into account before you start giving lip about something that wasn't even being attacked in the 1st place.

If you are gay, you are mentally misguided.

wrong! You are gay <--- meaning stupid. ;-)

really you are misguided for thinking that.

I am quite secure with having female friends; many times straight men wonder why gay men can have such close relationships with women when they don't seem to be able to.

that's cause gay men are never trying to bang them. staright men have this as well when the relationship is truly "platonic" and not one trying to bang the other.

#118 Oct 20 2005 at 8:02 AM Rating: Good
440 posts
My God, can't people get over this crap?

Seriously, if someone were to verbally assault a gay man, then, yes, that would be one things, but this is another..

Ok, so you're gay... Ok then.. If someone says it in game, or here, just PM them, or send them a tell in game to resolve it.

I, for one, say, "That's gay." Am I attacking gays? No, lots of my friends, both sexes, are gay.

But, as said, you can not stop it. I'm good friends with most of the 'gay' people of Shiva, so don't try knocking me on being ****-phobic.

But anyway, dude. It ain't gonna stop, no matter the effort. Just correct them when you see it, and try to leave it at that. Otherwise, we get this crap.

#119 Oct 20 2005 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
Nieko, I don't know you personally, but I have known Messenger since he used to be good friends with several people from my old LS. He and a few others helped many of us with LB1 and other rank missions. Knowing you are friends w/ Messenger tells me loads about you, since I believe Mess to be a great person. Incidentally, I also have a couple of friends in Avatar as well. I've never claimed you were a homophobe. Most people who say "that's gay" aren't homophobes and have gay friends. That does not change that by saying something is "gay", they are calling it "stupid/retarded/etc.", which means that even if not intentional, they are still equating being gay with those things. I consider this to be incredibly offensive to me and all other gay people. Maybe some of my "family" will say oh well and ignore it as part of daily life, but it is so plain and obvious to me that the language is derragatory, and I choose not to lie down about it.

As I've already said, I can't stop it completely or erase it from common use, but it remains disheartening to hear it day in and day out from people in certain LSes, in parties, in shouts, in tells, in says, in emotes, ..... And it is worse when many of these people are those I otherwise like and enjoy spending time in game with. I have no desire to b-list everyone; I'd rather try to get them to understand why the language upsets me and save the b-list for the true asshats.

By speaking out, SOME people may wise up and realize what they are doing because they are good people and considerate of others. Some people don't give a damn because they are only concerned with themselves, and some people are blatantly trying to offend others for whatever childish reasons they have. Not everyone understands that society is more than a mass of individuals doing their own thing, or that freedom and privilege also begets responsibilities; but some people do know the true meaning of what a community is supposed to be.

I posted on Alla to try to reach multiple people at a time. If I took the time out to talk to every single person individually in tells or PMs, I would have no time left in my life to do anything else. I was actually originally going to PM this to you, but I also felt maybe it would be worthwhile for others to hear. I know I have reached some people, and for that I am glad and can count them among my friends, or at least as people I can go through the game with cordially. For the others who continue to be blatantly offensive, I know to b-list them and move on.

The fact that this post remains near the top of the board or that I may respond to certain posts has nothing to do with trying to seek attention for myself. Tired of reading about it? Then don't read it. And certainly if you'd rather this post go away then don't keep bumping it. I certainly don't feel I have to have the last word, so others can freely post after me and I may not necessarily respond. There have been several posts in this thread I didn't respond to and was quite content to leave it be (if you noticed, Papawarlock had the last word the first time around). But if I happen to think I have something worthwhile to add or clarify or respond to, then I'll continue to post. If you "get it", then great; I'll just wait for this to die or the next flamer to come along. To the extent I've already addressed what is to follow in one of my other posts, I won't re-iterate my argument.

Edited, Thu Oct 20 23:55:52 2005 by lawtechguy
#120 Oct 20 2005 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
you get all up tight about people using words that are offensive to gay people but then you say...

I'll just wait for this to die or the next flamer to come along.

wait..."FLAMER" as in bad name for a gay person?!?! I find that offensive!!!!!!!

nope my bad, I can see you just meant "flamer" as in someone who is giving lip on an online mesg board.

say it together "C-O-N-T-E-X-T"

Your free lesson is over.

Please come back when you can't stay so long.

#121 Oct 20 2005 at 7:14 PM Rating: Good
440 posts
I truely understand your point in this, Barth, but with many, you're just adding fuel to the fire.

Some people find this hilarious, and continue to post negatively to get at you, which keeps this going on..

See what I mean?

I don't flame people, dude, just state my opinion in a blunt manner.

#122 Oct 20 2005 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
lawtech your problem is you are more narrow minded than the ppl you are trying to "correct".

you think if ppl are considerate and respectful they will basically do what you say b/c what? are you supposed to know what is offensive and not offensive in the eyes of all gay persons? and if they dont basically stop saying "thats gay" or try to then they are self centered.

how many times do i have to reiterate it. your view are your views they arent widely known fact or scientifically correct or anything like that. i am respectful of everyones sexual choice, race, or idealism...but im not going to stop sayin thats gay or you're a stupid *** where do i fit in? im not trying to attack gay ppl but i have my own freedom to speak and express myself in any fashion i want.

you arent going to lie down? so what, you're a hero? you are nothing and doing nothing but wasting your breath on ppl who are listening but not hearing you. im sure you think you are enlightening ppl but in reality you really arent, its called personality. you can stop ppl from saying "thats gay" around you it doesnt mean they learned anything, they are either respectful of you and dont want to say it around you to avoid offense, generally have no interest on the subject and will do anything to shut you up, and i will give you that .01% of ppl that you will have generally swayed, but in reality were probably a little too simple minded to make their own choice in the first place.

well i'll tell you be your hero to the anti thats gay crusade, and i wont lie down against the homos who obviously wont stop until you agree with them or they mute free speech. im sick of ppl saying "just correct them" its not wrong to express yourself. it may be offensive, it may be vulgar, but it is far from needing a correction. as long as it is not physical or indulged in controlled areas like school, work, etc...a place where it is impossible for a person to voluntarily walk away or not hear it, then anything you say is correct to your own personal belief.

dont think that b/c you are nice, thoughtful, and/or intellectual about your opinion that it is more tolerant or less confining of an attitude than another who is merely expressing himself and offending you at the same time

Edited, Thu Oct 20 20:43:15 2005 by Klawisgay
#123 Oct 20 2005 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent
i hate to say it but i agree with parts of this.
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