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#1 Sep 12 2005 at 10:25 PM Rating: Good
I hope I'm not the only one that has certain "requirements" of a xp pt. I know it finally clicks with most over 60, that certain jobs are required in a xp pt. I am currently lvling PLD, after lvl 37 (flash) you notice your mp pool go down a bit faster than before. Once I reached the 40's all was better with refresh, but some ppl (usually the heavy seekers) think they are "useless". These are the types that we all know about, mages especially, mages get invites fast, for a reason. Incidents over time have made me write this, I'll start calling them "ghetto" pt's. A person sends u a /tell (usually some sort of DD) wanting to start a pt, he probably has his flag up at the time he asks you, no big deal hopefully he isn't an idiot. He begins to pick out 3 other DD's(most likely because they seeked all day too and attempted to make ghetto pt's themselves) meanwhile I start to wonder when will he/she get a mage. OK lets say there is no whm seeking, so before even thinking to wait for a whm to pop or even ask some that are in pt's when they will be finished, they immediatly goto SMN. And of course if there is no rdm seeking(even though they didn't look or even really attempt to in my opinion) they grab another misc. DD. My first thought is that they are new, they've learned this crap from the dunes and clutched onto it like it was gold knowledge. So i set a some requirements: 4 requirements, WHM, RDM, BLM, and mages would not be the highest lvl in the PT. If anyone paid attention when the game was released, this is how it was, JP's had made that rule, thats how they did things it wasn't definite, but it was extremely common. Granted, at this job new into the 40's almost all the rdm's melee, completely and totally forget their job, hell I even had one in PT that didn't even buy the scroll Paralyze. I have had a couple 75 jobs, but each time I lvl a new one to 75, I always ask several lvl75's of that job on advice for lvling, occasionally they will drop by to "observe". I think thats what a friend should do, if your doing something wrong, it's better to tell them early, or then u have the lvl 60+ job acting like they fresh out of the dunes. This may sound like a rant, but this "Ghetto" crap needs to die, and the knowledge w/it. NO! A smn cannot replace a whm. NO! I will not join a xp pt w/o any kind of refresh and expect to chain well. These ppl that seek all day (and ***** about it to everyone) need to get some "class", I would rather have an organized PT, then a 5 DD & 1 semi-healing job. I think they need to have a special moogle for these ppl, where they can pick up their once a week check from "SE Moogle" for all the ghetto asses out there that have 0 knowledge on how to build a PT. It's simple, if one's not avail, you wait til one is, losing patience and inviting another job to do the job you really need done is BS. I'm not naming ppl, way to dam many, I'm just hoping they will read this, and learn something. The downside to the "Ghetto PT leaders" is that they already know everything, It doesn't matter if they haven't finished LB1, they will tell you what you need to do on all your jobs that are already lvl75, these are the ******** that need to monitored, that way you can pre-blist them. Thats the end of my opinion, hopefully more will agree, than disagree. Take care ppl, cya on Shiva.
#2 Sep 12 2005 at 10:31 PM Rating: Decent
dude i have to laugh at that because you are so right XD
#3 Sep 12 2005 at 11:03 PM Rating: Good
5,055 posts
if a smn cant replace a whm then they should never get to 75.. lets see here typical pt setup:

Tank well obviously a smn cant do that
2 DDs usually melee jobs
refresher welp only a brd or rdm can fill that position
healer since a smn cant do it that only leaves whm
nuker blm smn cant hold that well cause they can only do blood pacts every 60 secs. heck at higher lvl 1-2 mins is all the time it takes to kill a mob (imma thf and ive never gotten sa or ta recharders a second time in the same fight after using it) and who wants a "blm" that can only nuke once a minute or in this case one a fight?.

So nthen where is a smns place in apt other than a gimped whm? The only reason i honestly look for whms for hours before inviting a smn is because i want the rb2 or 3 insurance just in case death ever happens... if i smn had both those spells id gladly take one in a second if no whms where seeking
#4 Sep 12 2005 at 11:14 PM Rating: Good
1,029 posts
So dont suck and make ****** parties. Id rather have a smn healer anyday over a whm. More mp auto refresh combined with brd or rdm giving them at least 4mp/tick. Ntm if you get a ninja tank the smn can main heal (which wont be much) and MB every fight with avatar.

If your so scared about not having rb2/3 then simply dont suck and make a bad pty.
#5 Sep 13 2005 at 12:15 AM Rating: Decent
2,727 posts
really? i was under the impression that almost DD heavy parties will work faster than the "standard" setup. its no fun when your job is suddenly not required in a party, which makes the game harder for other jobs.

i managed to get a party in garliage (garliage for FFS) with 33-35 (me being the only 35, along with a SAM) and a PLD lv 33 tanking. the only other mage was a WHM and we managed fine.

now, i do not know for sure if this will hold true much later on, but killing faster should save mp compared to having someone refresh (which is always a plus, if you can freakin find one)
#6 Sep 13 2005 at 4:17 AM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
Depending on the mob a heavy DD pt can make lvling a bit faster. I was in a pt that was the basic set-up, 3 DDs, 1 healer, 1 tank and 1 refresher. The whm went afk for 40mins so our JP leader continued and we managed to kill mobs in Boyahda Tree with almost no down time.

People make ghetto pts because everyone wants to lvl if they haven't reached their end-game. Most players will refuse a pt invite unless they know there is a healer or refresher. Now since only 2 jobs can refresh a pt, Brd and Rdm, its hard to find one lfp for more than 5 mins, even then if you send a /tell or invite right away doesn't mean someone else has done it faster. I've been in and seen pts with 2 whms or 2 rdms and even 2 brds and a rdm, seems like a waste to have an extra job when so many pts need that one job to be ready for xping. Also pts with a whm and then a PL also seem a bit wasted. I remember a pt where the DDs were Rng/nin and the tank was a nin/war, the pt had a PL and the whm eventually asked after several battles, what was she supposed to do, cause she was getting bored. The PL along with all melee using shadows made for little healing.
#7 Sep 13 2005 at 5:58 AM Rating: Decent
I've pretty much learned that if I make a party, there are two sacred rules regarding tanks:

1. PLD needs a RDM or BRD for refresh
2. NIN needs a THF for SATA and a second voker

That's why the tank is the first thing I figure out - it determines the rest of the pt setup. If there are no tanks seeking, I don't attempt to make a pt.

Not all parties will have a BLM. SMN can't "replace" BLM but can make a difference in a pt even if there is already a WHM. I believe it is unfair to ask a RDM to main heal in place of a WHM unless everyone is /NIN, simply because dispel/ refresh/ enfeebles/ MB/ haste is already quite a bit to worry about. I also think it's unwise to have more than 3, maybe 4, DD because whoever is healing is likely to run out of MP fast, especially if its not a taru.

If you have NIN, THF, WHM, BLM, and two open spots, you don't NEED a RDM or BRD even though it's nice. One more DD (with voke) and a SMN would round out the party pretty well, IMO.

But I understand what you're saying about unbalanced parties; the solution is not to leave town if you feel the setup won't work. Also, sometimes you can get your point across to the pt leader regarding what you need by saying it in /tell to make it stand out from the others and prevent them from contradicting you when you know better.
#8 Sep 13 2005 at 7:16 AM Rating: Good
88 posts
I've played in parties where I was the only white mage (Post-Refresh, mind you), and the experience was fantastic. I've also played in parties where there was only a rdm/drk and a blm/rdm main healing. I've also played in parties where there was a whm/drk (for stun) healing. All those were great experience parties. What about the best exp in the game, the slaughterfest parties? Rng pts, Mnk pts, Blm pts, War "cannon" pts.

There are no "rules" that you speak of in this damn game, it's only everyone thinking they need to follow a cookie cutter way of playing. The most fun I've had are in unusual party set ups instead of the norm. I'd rather have variety and have fun instead of level grinding with the typical pld whm rdm blm rng thf type parties.
#9 Sep 13 2005 at 7:57 AM Rating: Good
4,447 posts
1) A good pld does not need refresh.
2) A good nin doesn't need a thief.

BUT EVERY PARTY SHOULD HAVE DISPEL. When I exp my pld (54) I occasionally put (/no) (Dispel) (No thanks.) or something along those lines. When you fight beetles with evasion bonus and crabs with defense bonus no dispel is what truly ruins the chances of the party doing well.

At the lower-mid levels it's a lot of work (and gear) for a melee to do good damage. It's not so hard for a blm to do this. A heavy DD party is not usually the best idea at these levels. A heavy DD party rocks at 75 however.

My main issue so far leveling pld is that the two melees in the party can only make like, scission. Thief is my main, I always had SATA to close a distortion chain and wow is that nice. A level 1 sc really isn't that great, please choose a combo of DD's that can make a level 2 sc, it makes things so much easier.
#10 Sep 13 2005 at 8:09 AM Rating: Decent
440 posts
Bah, now this does **** me off...

First off, everyone thinks that because SMN's have such Godly MP, auto-refresh (WHICH IS ONLY 1 MP/3 SECS ><, and Cures 1-3, they can cure better than a WHM? Um, no, ok? Get this through the heads, PLEASE. We have to spam cure 2 or 3, which totally smacks the hate in on us, compared to a WHM during Cure 4-5, which is a cure to just about full, almost no hate...

Many SMN don't like being main healers... why? Because they'll want stoneskin, blink, hastega, spring water, which all of this, even though we can't fit it into one fight, eats our MP... You know how long it takes me to recover over 1k mp after it's eaten away? Which causes what? Yes... More downtime...

Now, then again, if there's no WHM's available, I'll accept main healer so long as there is Refresh.. No refresh? Well, find a WHM, or have NIN tank...

Asking a SMN to main heal is like doing this set-up:

WHM tanks
PLD main heals
SMN refreshes
BLM melees
DRK debuffs

Why? WHM has lotsa good cure spells, so they can tank, right? PLD main heals because if hate comes to them, then can take smacks too, yes? SMN refreshes by handing out all the juices from having to play healer, BLM melees so they can level those wand/staff skills! DRK debuffs from those absorb spells!

See my point here, anyone? Just because a job has certain traits, doesn't mean they should play a different job than their's.. Any of you have a SMN RDM WHM PLD DRK THF party? SMN plays buffs? My God, that was one of the best parties EVER... But since so many are hell bent that SMN are main healers, many do not see our potential...

*End Rant* Thank you...


Edited, Tue Sep 13 09:15:39 2005 by Nieko
#11 Sep 13 2005 at 9:32 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
I've had kickass parties with 3 melee, 1 blm, and one bard. The bard was the main healer. No whm, no rdm, no smn, heck no 6th person. We got extraordinary experience.

4 melee, 1blm and 1 rdm...same experience as above.

3 melee, 1brd, 1blm, 1 smn...some of the best experience I've seen.

The only thing I can somewhat agree with the OP is that the tank should be a higher level than the mages...if they are a paladin. If it's a NIN tank--and they can keep hate--then it doesn't really matter.

I think that the problem isn't with whom you fight with (jobs), but what you fight with and where you fight it:

*If these "ghetto" parties are ghetto because of the players' abilities then it's just because of that Their job choice has little or no bearing. They would probably suck even if you had a whm.

*Many are still stuck on the "ok we have our party, now where's the hardest place we can battle--and still live--syndrome." There's nothing wrong with finding an open spot with several T-IT and chaining them in <1 min per battle. Your overall experience will be more, you'll chain higher than 5, and there won't be any need to spam cure spells. You also get more drops.

*Nothing says that you need 6 people to perform, either. Sometimes 4-5 people killing weaker mobs works just as well as 6 people killing IT. It's also easier on your main healer.

Maybe I'm just being difficult? I do often tend to disagree when people say that things *need* to be a certain way. I also tend to disagree when people say that they *need* to be a certain way because some other power ordained it to be so.

The short of it is, I've had just about every type of party setup you can imagine. One setup worked great in one area, but it sucked in another; sometimes the people (and their abilities) were the same. It all came down to what we fought and where we fought it.

Edited, Tue Sep 13 10:39:21 2005 by SophusTehNewb
#12 Sep 13 2005 at 4:51 PM Rating: Decent
The point I was trying to make, wich many didn't seem to get. Is that PT's are being made by dumabasses that think whm is easily replaced by smn, and rdm serves no purpose. The pt setup i was ******** about is as follows: Tank, DD, DD, DD, DD, SMN. And of course most of the DD's have no idea how to sc, their gear is 20 lvls behind them, they don't even understand the concept of a rdm. It's simple, Tank, DD, DD, WHM, RDM/BRD, BLM. Now if your killing slow because of that setup, then i would check your DD's, a blm alone can remove 50% of a mobs life if he wanted to. The DD's shouldn't have "I'm broke" issues to where it gives them an excuse not to spend 5k on a stack of miths, or atleast gear their lvl. Half the pt's I come to the mages are better equipped than the DD's. Choky, you know i don't suck at making pt's, many can vouch for that, hell i invited you many times.. I'm speaking of the ones that i get invites to. And as far as killing faster saving mp, well yes it does, but how do you think that will happen when ppl choose lvling over farming and they come to pt's w/no food and back dated gear. Ladyofhonor, we have pt'ed together many times, neither you or i question each others skills, but yes a PLD regardless of skills has to have some form of refresh if you plan to chain 4+. I'm not speaking of lvl 75 chars here, you all know what needs to be done. Yes, Tank, DD, DD, WHM, RDM, BLM is the normal setup. It's organized, and yes its more effective than u think, If i am earning 7k+/hr, why would I choose to change it? The reason ppl usually get bored of the same setup i just posted, is because half of them aren't doing their job in the first place. Last night rdm says he was getting bored during pt, i said "Fine! lets add on some responsibilities" he wasn't enfeebling, just spamming refresh like a droned out robot. In about 20 mins, he would initiate like so: refresh, para, dia, slow, refresh, continue on whatever wore off. Gee thats a novel idea, when mobs para wears off, stick it to him again. Just to tell you how gimp these ppl are, me as a PLD (no dex gear or acc) getting 100 TP faster than a sam and drg. I don't have to say anymore about that subject, if you know anything about this game you know that the DD's aren't doing something right.
#13 Sep 13 2005 at 5:05 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts
I don't know. To be honest, the only jobs "required" is a TANK and a HEALER, that's it. Everything else just makes the fight flow better.

I've made 2 WAR/NIN, 2 THF, 2 BRD PTs before at lvl 37 that kicks all kinds of ***. Also NIN, THF, SAM, BLM, 2 BRD PT at lvl 60ish.

I think you should make your PT according to where you want to PT. Don't go somewhere that you need constant Dispel if you don't have a RDM or BRD.

To be honest, I think in some PTs, SMN kick *** as a main healer. But its according to PT set up/camp.

You are calling the ppl that seek for hours "lazy", but what if there isn't the "required set-up" seeking like you just said. I see why they would seek if they were looking for something perfect. Sometimes you just gotta take what you can get and make the best of it.

Hahaha, I remember having a WAR/NIN, MNK/WAR, RNG/NIN, 2 BLM and WHM PT that rocked, with no Refresh. LOL, and EVERYONE was pulling, except the WHM. It was at Bibiki Bay fighting Catas. The WAR, MNK and I just played volleyball with the mobs, and near death the BLM would nuke the living hell out of it as we pull. Much fun. I can understand if you get pissed about n00bs though, but don't be so harsh. It's a game, have fun. Be n00bish, lol.
#14 Sep 13 2005 at 5:27 PM Rating: Decent
117 posts
*Many are still stuck on the "ok we have our party, now where's the hardest place we can battle--and still live--syndrome." There's nothing wrong with finding an open spot with several T-IT and chaining them in <1 min per battle. Your overall experience will be more, you'll chain higher than 5, and there won't be any need to spam cure spells. You also get more drops.

I couldn't agree with this more. I had a party in Kuftal @ ~62-63 chaining VT raptors. We were killing them so fast we almost completely cleared the entire area of them and we were the only party there. We were getting good xp and a whole lot of fire crystals. I don't know why people need to fight IT++++ mobs.

*Nothing says that you need 6 people to perform, either. Sometimes 4-5 people killing weaker mobs works just as well as 6 people killing IT. It's also easier on your main healer.

This is often true too. I had a party at the pond in the tree killing procs. The dark went afk for who knows how long. I just stepped in so the thf could SATA on me and we didn't miss a step.
Some of the best parties I've had in qufim and the jungle only had 5 people too.
XI: Erdrick: Hume RDM, BLU, SMN, GEO - Shiva.
"Well, I make no claims to genius. I let those who see me in action do that."
RM from
#15 Sep 14 2005 at 5:20 AM Rating: Decent
All i gotta say is this :
* party of lvl 52-54 *

see this job here.

that nin/blm did more dmg than any blm or thf or any DD ive ever seen. this party was so insane i couldnt belive my eyes.
very impressive.
at first glance it seemed like an ok party but didnt know how it would work, but hey, lets give it a shot right. well if you ever wanna see a ninja sit back and just cast ninjitsu you will see the next main DD. Given the NIN had mostly INT gear and use Elemental staffs. yea i said odd also. but it was great. ( this nin told me that he rarely gets invites cuz of his blm sub. that he has to make his own partys )

well good luck in your regular partys with your regular jobs.

BTW if you ever see shaady lfp, try him out for a DD, it will make you happy to see what ninjitsu's full potency can do.
#16 Sep 14 2005 at 6:05 AM Rating: Decent
2,727 posts
just got out of a party in the dunes (yea so what) and my party was melee heavy. lemme tell you, we tore the hell through everything that conned T or VT. sure we had trouble on IT, but we killed 5 or 6 T/VT in the time it took to kill about 1 1/2 IT mobs with this setup. when you kill something faster than provoke can reset, you know something is working. hell, i barely got in like 3 swings (it was going so fast i couldnt SA so i just capped throwing =P)

pld/rdm combinations are only needed for IT+++ mobs...with anything else (excluding nin) you can do well, very well, with 5 DD, 1 tank, and a healer (note: that tank is also a DD). no time for resting, just slaughtering. the only downside: not enough mobs to handle the pull/camp style everyone friggin loves. real parties dont camp >_>
#17 Sep 15 2005 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
88 posts
Holy.. I was expecting to get Karma nuked with my post but I got rated up? Wtf? XD Thanks guys, lol.

and yeah, I agree with Ladyofhonor about the dispel part. When I built parties as a white mage and as my first job, I always invited rdms and brds for dispel first, that was way more important to me than refresh. Refresh does help though, but it's not needed. I did fine before it, and I do fine without it. On missions, HNMs, Sky, that kind of thing.. Refresh is a necessity. But in a regular party, I can manage my MP fine without Refresh.
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