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Question about gil-selling and buyingFollow

#1 Sep 19 2005 at 9:41 AM Rating: Good
96 posts
Just have a question I hope someone can answer. While I do feel people paying a monthly fee does entitle them to play the game in whatever fashion satisfies them the most, I am a fairly casual player of this game who doesn't understand most of the high level aspects of the game. I do wholeheartedly agree that buying gil is cheating, and wouldn't do it myself.

But what I need to understand is, why the topic of gil-selling and buying bother other players so much? I don't really understand how one player buying something at the auction house with purchased gil has any negative effect on other players. Maybe someone can clear this up for me? Thanks to anyone who does! ^^
#2 Sep 19 2005 at 10:06 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
My own personal opinion, but I think people are bothered by it because it allows others to accomplish the same things that we do, only MUCH faster. We are jealous when we spend months farming to buy the much-expected Sniper's rings and see someone else get it in less than a day.

Also my own personal opinion, but I don't see gil buying as cheating...unless you are talking about cheating yourself. Being forced to take up missions and farm builds up character as well as knowledge of the game. It can also build relationships and trust. The less time you spend doing things like this, the less of your potential you can actually reach.

I wouldn't know that someone bought gil unless they told me. Whether or not my whm bought gil to get that Noble's Tunic doesn't matter to me. I just care that they can do their job. If they happen to mention that they buy gil later on...well, that's something different.
#3 Sep 19 2005 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
Well I know a big reason why. It has to due with inflation at a much faster pace then it should be. People will state gilsellers have nothing or little to do with inflation, but that is so untrue. They jack of prices on the AH (as do many others), they provide more gil into the community that is easily obtained by lazy players. Those players that buy gil do not care as much if things are overpriced and still buy them seeing all it took was a few clicks to get thier gil while others work hard for it.

Example: I was saving to get a Gigant mantle for the stat of plus 80hp for a back item. It was 5 million gil when I started saving for it. I earn enough gil and go to check the AH and it is now 8 million gil. I say ***** it and buy a Terra's Staff and Soil ring which both had also almost doubled in price from when I started saving.

I guess I will just have to try to get it through the ENM that drops it if I want it.

I have also learned that saving gil in this game is the bad way to go. If you spend 2 months saving 8 million gil for items you want they will proably be 12 million by the time you save it. The better way to go is buy every item you can that is going up in price and sell them again when you have enough in items to buy what you want. Playing the AH is the only way to go.
#4 Sep 19 2005 at 10:19 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
We are as much to blame for inflation as gil sellers are. People could still be selling those items for their original prices; we choose not to because we don't want to miss out. I mean, why sell an item for 5mil when you could sell it for 8? Who cares if you only bought it for 3...

Another thing to remember: gil sellers don't create gil, they redistribute it. The gil has to come from somewhere.

I do agree about the items though. Items are the stock market of FFXI. Buy low, sell high. It's a great way to make money.
#5 Sep 19 2005 at 5:07 PM Rating: Default
137 posts
Try and think how Vana'diel would be without gilsellers. NMs would be easier to camp granted some greedy LSs/players would monopolize some NMs, but that would boild down to repect for other players.

The prices would be lower couse when a gilsller is a sole source of somthing like sirens hair they would keep the price as high as possible and it would stay that price or raise.

Crafting would become common place among all players couse there would be no gil to buy, and with so meny crafters and so meny iteams the prices would reach resonable levels(Sometimes even lower in value).

Without gilsellers the game would be played the way it was mean't to be played, you would become a looser or a winner and the only time you would become a looser is when you give up!

#6 Sep 19 2005 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
Gil sellers bother me a lot. Reason? They monopolize certain NM's to get drop, sell for gil, and then sell for RL money. My LS members have been MPK'd several times trying to camp an item that they wanted to use for themselves, the jobs that they were playing. One person actually camped for 8 hours, getting harassed and MPK'd by gil sellers. They camp items they don't need for themselves, items that could help them become a better player and refuse to share with anyone else. They also are extremely rude about camping in a place that is already occupied by another party and refuse to move, camping on top of the melees so that nobody can see anything and try to force us out of the camp-this happened to me recently. Gil buyers bother me also, as they help support the gil sellers in what they do - which is suck the fun out of the game at times. It can get frustrating, when you want an item that is very expensive at the AH, but if you try to camp the item successfully, you can get mpk'd and probably never 1. get the nm, 2. get mpk'd when/if you do get the NM. ; ; People want to play and do the best they can at their job, with the best equips possible and enjoy the game.
#7 Sep 20 2005 at 10:27 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
I'd say that's an overgeneralization. I knew a gil seller who not only *didn't* mpk, but he often offered to help others camp it. One time I died in front of him and he spent his time looking for a raise for me--not camping the NM. He even paid the person to do so.

About the monopolization, all it takes is a couple people (just as dedicated as them) to give the campers a run for their money. You can't walk out onto the football field and expect to beat the NFL players. You need talent, practice, and patience. Eventually you will eventually get it, just not right away.
#8 Sep 20 2005 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
SophusTehNewb wrote:
I'd say that's an overgeneralization. I knew a gil seller who not only *didn't* mpk, but he often offered to help others camp it. One time I died in front of him and he spent his time looking for a raise for me--not camping the NM. He even paid the person to do so.

About the monopolization, all it takes is a couple people (just as dedicated as them) to give the campers a run for their money. You can't walk out onto the football field and expect to beat the NFL players. You need talent, practice, and patience. Eventually you will eventually get it, just not right away.

Damn skippy. Stop being 'the victims'

You CAN beat them. Try and not cry.
#9 Sep 20 2005 at 11:16 AM Rating: Excellent
3,139 posts
At this point in the game, everyone has decided they either hate gil buyers/seller, and or buy gil themselves. So the topic in and of itself, is burnt out for most people, and so most people prefer not to discuss it anymore.

Gil sellers do cause inflation, but that inflation is no more, then the avergae player/s camping the same item over and over, increasing the price consistently. And the rest of the community, inflates the prices on everything else, to correspond to the price of the high dollar items. YEs leaping boots and emp pin have tripled in price since i started the game, but so have fire crystals, silk thread, beehive chips, tree cutting ect. It all balances out (for the most part), but the number is just higher (there are of course exceptions to this but in general).

IF you buy gil, i dont want to know, just please at least play your job well ><

#10 Sep 20 2005 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
acepod wrote:
At this point ... the topic ... is burnt out for most people, and so most people prefer not to discuss it anymore.

Exactly; thank you.

Kramer don't you have a dead horse emote or something?
#11 Sep 20 2005 at 11:51 AM Rating: Good
i hate the gilsellers for one major reason. they provide the means for lazy players to get the bast gear for their job. why is this bad? well like sophus said, farming with a friend or camping an NM builds trust AND builds your skills as a player. also everytime i know someone has bought gil i have to think: "if this player is too lazy to farm his own gil and struggle like a normal person, do i really want his lazy *** in my LS? do i want to party with someone who might get me killed by being lazy?". some people would say thats stretching it a bit far but i would still rather have a "Gimp" dedicated player in my group than some spoiled jackass with all the best gear.
#12 Sep 20 2005 at 6:21 PM Rating: Good
34 posts
lol. cry? it was a response in relation to the topic.
#13 Sep 20 2005 at 10:46 PM Rating: Good
i hate the gilsellers for one major reason. they provide the means for lazy players to get the bast gear for their job. why is this bad? well like sophus said, farming with a friend or camping an NM builds trust AND builds your skills as a player. also everytime i know someone has bought gil i have to think: "if this player is too lazy to farm his own gil and struggle like a normal person, do i really want his lazy *** in my LS? do i want to party with someone who might get me killed by being lazy?". some people would say thats stretching it a bit far but i would still rather have a "Gimp" dedicated player in my group than some spoiled jackass with all the best gear.

i dont think all people who buy gil are lazy. maybe they are just casual players who dont feel like farming for weeks. inflation sucks, but its a damned game, go play ofline games if it bothers you that much, you dont have to have the absolute best gear available to get by in this game, and if you think you do, maybe you should go outside and take a break instead of over obsessing about a game.

my neighbor buys gil. but thats cool with me, they work a full time job and go to college and they only have time to play about 1-2 hours a day on weekdays, if they even get chance at all. and on weekends they rather go out and have fun with friends and only play while they have nothing else to do. and in game, she is one of the nicest players i know. she is not lazy, she just wants to enjoy the game.

i get annoyed when i want to buy something at AH and its millions, but i get over it. there are plenty of good offline games to play instead, and its not like im gonna lose sleep over the prices.

i just cant believe how big a topic this is. there is more to life then final fantasy, who cares if people across the country that you dont even know are spending money to be entertained.

everyone can flame me all they want, but im just an average person, so i wont care what is said by people i dont kno, about what is only my opinion.

#14 Sep 21 2005 at 1:11 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Before the big update when several "overcamped by gil sellers" items went rare/ex and SE really stuck it to them:

*Items like the Emperor's Hairpin slowly inched from 300k to 800k in the course of a year

After the big update when several "overcamped by gil sellers" items went rare/ex and SE really stuck it to them:

*Items like the Emperor's Hairpin went from 400k (it dropped right after the update) to over 1.7 million in the course of a month.

Yeah, those damn gil sellers and their inflation.

I'm rolling my eyes right now in case you couldn't tell.
#15 Sep 21 2005 at 5:00 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts
yeah but have you been to castle O and seen mee deegi or gallant camp its stupid its almost impossible to get claim plus gilsellers camp there 24/7 and the okote has gone up 1 mil since the gilsellers started to camp it.
#16 Sep 21 2005 at 6:41 AM Rating: Good
1,099 posts
I know, damn those gil sellers, look at Monster Signia for instance, it had its very own 24/7 camper in the guise of Quanting, bot/gil seller, most likely. The signia was a constant 800k, the guy is gone, the bot is gone, no more, so the price of the signia goes up to 1.1mil. Gil sellers are not increasing the prices, its normal players that get the drops that hike the price up by 300k.

So of course, the price goes up 300k to 1.1mil, and so who will it attract then? Yep, the gil sellers who can now make 300k more on a staff because people keep raising the price to make it more attractive to the gil sellers.

I've nothing against gil sellers personally, I dont know who most of them are (cept the obvious), heck that stupid dragon killed my rdm in Kuftal, and one of the superstars gave me a raise 3, as well as my friend a raise 3. Even in other parties they have given us a raise when things went titsup.

So bottom line, players raise the prices because they do not need to make x amount of gil per day, so can wait for the item they stuck on the AH to sell for 10-20% more than the normal price.
#17 Sep 21 2005 at 8:28 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Rev, I've gotten the claim and I camped as RDM/BLM. I beat several thiefs, warriors, paladins, and blms to Mee Deggi. I had no voke, no charm, no nothing. Just poison.

I was even there the other day and there wasn't a soul in sight. Funny, because these are supposed to be the nms that are "camped to hell." Or at least that's what we assume they are.

If we opt not to camp certain NMs because "it's camped 24/7 by gil sellers who bot so why should I bother since I'm not going to get it anyway" then it's our own fault. We can't complain that they monopolize over an area, but give them free reign to do so. If you want it that bad, go for it. Otherwise, move on. It's one thing to not get the claim because someone is better, it's another to not get it because we don't try.

Funny how that works :)

By the way, sorry about taking the thread off-topic :/

edit: Oh one last thing. Rev, the price of something will only go up to what people are willing to pay for it. The price went up 1mil because people are willing to pay that additional 1mil for it. If no one bought it at the inflated price, it would have stayed as-is.

Edited, Wed Sep 21 09:36:59 2005 by SophusTehNewb
#18 Sep 21 2005 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts
i have got claim as rdm/blm too but the problem with mee deggi is the huge area and theres always about 4 gilsellers or more camping it that is why i cant get claim most the time
#19 Sep 21 2005 at 11:48 AM Rating: Good
3,139 posts
Rev, I've gotten the claim and I camped as RDM/BLM. I beat several thiefs, warriors, paladins, and blms to Mee Deggi. I had no voke, no charm, no nothing. Just poison.

I was even there the other day and there wasn't a soul in sight. Funny, because these are supposed to be the nms that are "camped to hell." Or at least that's what we assume they are.

If we opt not to camp certain NMs because "it's camped 24/7 by gil sellers who bot so why should I bother since I'm not going to get it anyway" then it's our own fault. We can't complain that they monopolize over an area, but give them free reign to do so. If you want it that bad, go for it. Otherwise, move on. It's one thing to not get the claim because someone is better, it's another to not get it because we don't try.

Funny how that works :)

Damn sophus, i always agree wiht you. Something is a little weird about that.

#20 Sep 21 2005 at 11:57 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
It helps that I pay you.
#21 Sep 21 2005 at 1:07 PM Rating: Good
3,139 posts
It helps that I pay you.

That reminds me your a little behind on payments /kneebreak
#22 Sep 21 2005 at 1:17 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Damnit, I already rated you up. What more do you want from me? Blood?!?!

...don't answer that.
#23 Sep 21 2005 at 1:29 PM Rating: Good
/target Sophus

/target Acepod
#24 Sep 21 2005 at 1:43 PM Rating: Good
3,139 posts
Damnit, I already rated you up. What more do you want from me? Blood?!?!

...don't answer that.

/em reserves his witty comeback for another time

#25 Sep 21 2005 at 2:38 PM Rating: Good
379 posts
Personally, I have no problem with it. Don't ask, don't tell.

Problem is, the server population is expanding, but the drop rates stay the same. Basic supply and demand, supply stays the same, demand goes up.

The gilfarmers are not the only ones to blame, nor are the gilbuyers, the other players are.

Emperor Pin jumped from 1.6mil to 2mil in one night, that's ridiculous, the gilfarmers had nothing to do with that price spike.

This hits crafters hardest. It now costs even more to level your craft skill, not very many skillup items can be sold for cost (or more) usually at a big loss (a lot of items get NPC'd)

As the prices of raw materials climb, so do the end products. Gilfarmers help a little with this, by providing a constant supply of some materials. If not for this, prices on these items would probably skyrocket.
#26 Sep 23 2005 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
46 posts
I have to say, most of u prolly buy gil. maybe if not now but maybe at one point i dunno. Anyways, gil-selling is wrong if u can't figure that out for yourself then your stupid. There is no FFXI manual or anything related to gil-selling as a job or anything to do with FFXI. Ppl just saw that these nerds that play this game are so into in that they miss their job, school, etc, etc. So what they did was devise a plan to cut the play load by having ppl buy the gil instead of farming. That way ppl can go about there lifes altho most of u are clue to this thing.
So it was basically to make so your life easier, isn;t it working? Geez plz stop with this senseless thing its very duh.
man i'm out later.
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