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Best Leaders on Shiva!Follow

#1 Sep 28 2005 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
After all the scams and negative vibe one screwed up person can be i figured it would be a great time to ask everyone who you think is the best leader on shiva and why?
#2 Sep 28 2005 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
398 posts
Miriel, leader of Deadly Viper Squad and DVSIII.

I have a lot of respect for some of the other leaders in this game like Meara, Theron, and Neorei to name a few but Miriel is by far my pick.

Why? I sure this is true of others, and most people will pick their LS leader, but Miriel has always put others ahead of himself. He rarely takes time to level himself, once he got 75 PLD, in order to assist others in the shell with getting Sky, AF, ENM, Rank, etc.

I also admire his patience and respect for everyone. I have never seen Miriel bash another person in the shell. He allows people to be themselves even with they annoy the hell out of everyone because he feels that people are entitled to be themselves. Therefore, he does not allow personal opinions to make his decisions.

Miriel is also someone who is not afraid to admit when he is wrong. He recognizes that other people have valuable opinions and that he can learn from anyone. He is not afraid to ask for input and admit when he needs assistance.

I count Miriel as a personal friend and someone that I would follow as a leader in real life as well.
#3 Sep 28 2005 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
Aeristar's boobs > all of you.

What? That's not a qualification for a leader? Damn.

Well how about she took half of ex-EK, half a bunch of Dynamis newbs, and won Dynamis-Bastok with time to spare with only one near-total wipe (27.5 people). Quality crew.

<3 Aeris.
#4 Sep 28 2005 at 6:01 PM Rating: Good
836 posts
My fave leader is 2 ppl:

-Zayne of BanishedChronicles

-Kramer of Wasp

I've known Zayne since West Ronfaure. Once him, me and Kakashin was doing a mission in Ordelle's Caves, and it took the power of us 3 (Kaka-WAR, Zayne-MNK, me-WHM at the time) to get there and stay alive since were we so low level. It was late and we logged out outside of O. Caves and promised to login together at the same time so we could make it home safe...and we did! Hahaha, that was fun. Zayne is like a brother. ^^

Kramer, I've known around lvl 60ish, when I used to PT with him. At first I thought I wouldn't like him, because he wasn't a 'gangsta' (ok, I'll let it end^^), but he was a cool guy. When he was in DVSIII, he asked did I wanna join, but I wasn't into the HNMLS scene. But I trusted him, so I joined. It was a good experience. When he left, I left with him. Kramer's a good guy, a winner. I'd be stressed out all the time if I were him.

All in all, these ppl are nice enough to put up with my humping for this long, they can't be bad.^^
#5 Sep 28 2005 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
hes an absoulte horrific ******** but my vote goes to Faraoh of PhoenixDown for the simple fact that out of every single event we did, he NEVER (NOT ONCE) took any item for himself. out of all out god runs and everything he asked for nothing. in addition to that he was a very knowledgable guy on everything from NMs, to sky, to just about everything else. ugh i feel like such an *** kisser =(. FAR IF YOU READ THIS, I STILL THINK YOU SUCK. ok i feel better
#6 Sep 28 2005 at 7:31 PM Rating: Default
1,261 posts
Barhumper wrote:
Kramer's a good guy, a winner. I'd be stressed out all the time if I were him.

<.< And my offer to Kramer for Rogaine still stands (plus he's newly's an extra box, buddy, and congrats ^_^b).
#7 Sep 29 2005 at 2:21 AM Rating: Good
137 posts
I don't know the best leader on Shiva but I know what makes a good leader................

The best HNMLS leaders are online alout,
They keep everyone well informed on how to win@!,
they let players be themselves(Up to the point where there rude),
They help out alout and put in hours of time for others,
they fell into the role / they didn't just wake up one morning and bought a linkshell from a NPC,
there not too greedy couse true power is power shared,
they lead by example(Showing respect to get respect),
they play for the Allmighty Win@!,
they don't give up and show an example of determination,
they keep things fun for all there members,

A leader is not above us or beyond us, a leader is the example of friendship and teamwork, someone that binds players to a comman goal. We look to a leader to mearly understand.

/em sheds a tear.
/say Thanks for saving my life Pal^^
#8 Sep 29 2005 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
I'm going to nominate Lokkii and Darcy as great leaders. Head people that keep LordsoftheBeasts going.

Lokkii always been very helpful and will go out of this way to help others get things they need without worrying about compensation for himself.

Darcy's also been very helpful although after some fun events I'm surprised he hasn't gone postal. Poor darcy, stuck with people like me.
#9 Sep 29 2005 at 12:28 PM Rating: Default
hahah yeah darcy is pretty cool. makes a big effort to keep LoTB fun.
#10 Sep 29 2005 at 3:08 PM Rating: Default
418 posts
For the love of equality! Quit praising someone for spending 8k on a videogame! They aren't above you!

A linkshell i've been bugging lately has the right idea. The members LEAD the linkshell. Nobody looks up to anyone as the leader. It's just a friendly community. Are you all just that lost and insecure that you have to have someone to lead you?
#11 Sep 29 2005 at 3:11 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
I don't know. How do you think I should answer that question? :/
#12 Sep 29 2005 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
Wrip even a democracy has leaders, a linkshell is like a family and that is why I love the one I am in with Papawarlock but the simple fact of it usually takes a storn, knowledgable person to accomplish things in this game u can't have just 50 people show up and expect a win becaus eI have seen those kind of throw together groups LOSE!
#13 Sep 29 2005 at 3:54 PM Rating: Good
836 posts
Nah Wrip, I think you are wrong on this one bro. EVERY LS needs a good leader. Most LSs fail because they don't have one. Anyone can have a LS with ppl in it, but to be successful, it has to be lead a certain way. The US has a president to lead, though we vote for him/her. Same with a good LS, no one will stand behind a bad leader. But a good leader, you will follow to the ends of the earth. I mean, weren't you the leader of a LS at one point? Can't just have ppl running around acting an ***. Things do need some control and leadership. It's not about being insecure, it's about getting things done.

Why do you think when aliens invade earth, the first thing they say is "Take me to your leader..." >.>

Edited, Thu Sep 29 17:08:09 2005 by BarchielReturns
#14 Sep 29 2005 at 4:12 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Why do you think when aliens invade earth, the first thing they say is "Take me to your leader..." >.>

Because "Take me to the guy who waters Aunt Matilda's roses." is a little harder to translate.
#15 Sep 29 2005 at 4:17 PM Rating: Good
557 posts
I have honestly only been in two ls with leader's in this game and I can say that both have leadership ability. I say ability because people can have 'qualities' of leadership that don't make them necessarily good leaders.

Legolisgoldleaf who led TOS and Kramer of my current ls.
Both different people but both people who are respected and admired by many people.

Leglisgoldeaf has found other things that currently take him away from a involvement to any degree but is a man who has my utmost respect and admiration. Honest, sincere and truly good of heart.

Kramer is the other leader I've had the pleasure of getting to know. Kramer exhibits leadersip because he doesn't ask anyone to do anything or go anywhere that he doesn't have knowledge or experience of. I think he really and truly wants everyone to succeed to end game; have the things they desire and tries to help us all achieve that end. He plans, and strategizes beforehand so that going in to *anything* we have a gameplan! He's a selfless guy; fair and patient with those who need guidance.

Does being a good leader mean that everyone has to agree and like everything the leader does all the time? Not in my opinion. Tough choices; able to give directions; and not being afraid to take flak! The thing I admire most about Kramer is that sometimes he's not just a "people pleaser". He makes decisions based on what is right for the good of our ls and not what will make certain people *like* him. He is not a Yes man! Traits that I admire and respect.

He knows this game; is giving freely of his time and help and devotes himself to anything and everything anyone else is asked to do.

He has my vote!
#16 Sep 29 2005 at 6:27 PM Rating: Good
105 posts
Well i'd have to say i have 2 Fav's..

Leader of Sleepless knights, hes a funny guy, and is willing to help out with anything and everything. (even if it means certain death, which it usually does.... lol) a good friendly leader (when he isn't on his HNMLS :P )

Leader of my HNMLS DVS3, one of the most amasing leaders of events i've ever seen. he commands everyones respect and respects everyone. he is a fair and just leader too when i've seen conflicts happen inside his LS's. And Alek.. he has bashed... Ruroni.. but then who doesn't bash him... lol j/k he's a preatty kewl guy to..
#17 Sep 29 2005 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
71 posts
Wrip wrote:
> Quit praising someone for spending 8k on a videogame!
> They aren't above you!

I don't really think anyone is elevating LS leaders to the status of deity, or idolizing them.

Barchiel's point that a decent LS leader does more than just plunk 8K gil down and start distributing pearls is a sound one. A good linkshell holder can envision what they want the LS to be and is able to articulate that. A good linkshell leader creates the culture that the linkshell members can thrive in.

Not everyone wants to put that kind of effort into creating a successful linkshell. I see nothing wrong with passing along some praise and appreciation to those people that do take on such a role.

That said, my thanks go out to Zayne of Banished Chronicles.
#18 Sep 29 2005 at 7:58 PM Rating: Default

Meara's the best leader on Shiva! >.> <.<
#19 Sep 29 2005 at 9:04 PM Rating: Good
^^ sure agahnim, :p
#20 Sep 29 2005 at 10:13 PM Rating: Decent
418 posts
I guess i'm just bothered by the fact that people let someone on a game take away their right to even post on a message board. Yes i'm still stuck on that fact.

Yes bar I ran my own linkshell for a bit and I never tried to limit what those could or could not do. I just asked for friendly conversation. The only reason my linkshell ended was I lacked the time to actively recruit and didn't have time to help everyone I wanted to.

Someone to lead events, or organize events and whatnot. OK i'll give you guys that. But I don't consider anyone my leader because that means I am giving them rank over me. And I will not let anyone tell me what I can or can't say. I am my own person. Maybe you all think i'm crazy, or i'm wrong. Some might say that is a disrespectful attitude and I could never get along in your linkshell. Well not it's not disrespecting anyone, and i'm not asking to get into your linkshell.

Bar and Ace thank you guys for actually giving an opinion and not flaming me. I appreciate that. I just ask that if sophus replies he keeps his reply to under 100 words. My attention span can't keep up with him.

I'm not going to respond to what Gentoo says because...well to be honest I just don't like him. lol.
#21 Sep 29 2005 at 10:54 PM Rating: Excellent
836 posts
Well, I think its a different story if your leader says you can't say something, but usually, it's for the good of the LS's image. You don't want someone that represents you and others to be a total *******. Like the leaders of the LSs that I am in never asked me to stop humping ppl and what-not, cuz I usually hump for a good cause >.>.

I think you see the leader as a "master and servant" type deal. It's not, a leader organizes, instructs, etc. Pretty much like a manager at work. Though the manager tells you what to do, you can quit at anytime. The manager needs you to keep everything flowing. And you need the manager so things will be organized. It goes back and forth, not a one sided deal.

To be honest, I wouldn't want to be a leader of a LS. All the responsibilities. Its hard work bro, as you already know. So I DO think that ppl should respect leaders, but of course, don't follow a leader if you don't like, trust, and believe in him/her.

As for giving leaders "rank" over you, well, that's just how it goes. They are the leader. They should have some kind of footing. I believe that everyone is equal in a LS to a point. Again, I don't think its about pulling rank, its about having a good group. And a good group consists of good members and a good leader. You can't have a group full of wannabe leaders because everyone will be trying to instruct everyone else, thinking their idea is best. Nor a group of only members, because you won't get anywhere.

You can look at the history of the world. The most powerful of societies had strong leaders. Hell, even the worst kind of leader like Hitler led Germany and gave them power. Some people need leaders. Someone to believe in to pull them through a situation. Look at Martin Luther King, Gandi, etc. They weren't trying to pull rank. They were trying to get things done.

Yeah, Sophus usually does have a lot to say, but I think that Sophus has very intelligent posts. You don't like Gentoo? I love him! He is like a sage to me. I just wish I saw him more because I can't play as much as I used to because of my senior project. Anyway, we need to PT one day bro^^.
#22 Sep 30 2005 at 1:16 AM Rating: Excellent
1,255 posts
Sorry, I know I often write a lot when I post. With me, either the topic concerns me and I talk too much...or I could care less and I am content to say something stupid. Apparently, I have no middle ground. :)
#23 Sep 30 2005 at 12:58 PM Rating: Good
71 posts
Wrip wrote:
> I'm not going to respond to what Gentoo says because...well to
> be honest I just don't like him. lol.

C'est la vie, c'est la guerre.

We've had passive-agressive altercations in game, but honestly, I remain completely indifferent to you Wrip.

Outside of the game, your posts on various forums are openly expressive, sometimes poignant and ... rousing. Although I've responded in like to some of your more vitriolic statements, I respect your ability to articulate your positions, and openly discuss them.

I am apathetic to wether or not you dislike me. That said, if you think I'll quit posting (or even directly responding to your posts) because of it, you'll be dissapointed.
#24 Sep 30 2005 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts
Gentoo, I LOVE your use of words.^^
If I was a dictionary, I'd let you read me all night long. ^^;;
#25 Sep 30 2005 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
299 posts
he can read you after im through lookin up the words he used <.<
#26 Oct 01 2005 at 2:03 AM Rating: Decent
500 posts
Gentoo is the best leader on Shiva!!

By "on Shiva" I mean he leads a LS website, he's not a LS leader in the game... He could be though, I'd join! But why would he do that? I thought Gentoo liked BC.. You know what, if you're going to turn your back on our LS then ***** you Gentoo! Ha, there, I said it... But keep the website up, I like the website. Gentoo rules!!

What were we talking about? I better go to bed.... >.>

Edited, Sat Oct 1 03:09:58 2005 by monsterzero
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