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GM Justice!Follow

#1 Oct 03 2005 at 8:31 AM Rating: Good
For the first time in this game I have actually seen a GM do something good to help a player(s) who called them.

I was leveling my Blm last night in the Valley of Sorrows. I was not the party leader for the first 1-1/2 hours of the party. I kept getting mad at our Mnk because he would not do the SC we set up and kept doing and going whenever he felt like going. Myself and 2 others kept trying to tell him to SC, but it was a lost cause.

The original party leader had to go and gave me the lead. The new Whm got there about 5 minues later. We do our <call>'s and everyone is present except the Mnk. So we start to fight without him. It has been about 15 minues and the Mnk still is not back yet so I kick him from party until here returns.

After about 15 more minutes of him still being AFK I ask another Mnk to come to our party. The original Mnk returns about 5 minutes after that, but it is too late I already invited a new member. I try to send him a tell, but I get an error message saying "you cannot use this command when players are on your blacklist".

I check my blacklist and sure enough this guy had been on it for a few months now. I am guessing it was due to running a casino, but I am not sure.

So we continue to party and next thing we see is Dansom (the original Mnk) coming by us with a Peryton trying to Mpk us. We all zone and I call a GM as does another party member. I talk to the GM and he says he will investagte the matter. I figure same old GM crap as normal.

We all enter back in and wait for the Peryton to leave the tunnel so we may resume. All the sudden he comes Dansome again to rezone the Peryton. I retell the GM after I zone that he just did it again. The GM tells me to have my whole party zone in and wait for the Peryton to leave and act normal.

The GM is watching this time. So we all wait for the Peryton yet again. Sure enough here comes Dansome to rezone it. I am thinking got ya, seeing the GM is now watching the events unfold. The GM says I saw the whole thing and action will now be taken against this player. I wave goodbye to Dansome and he dissappears instantly right in front of us while standing there. I know they did not take him to GM jail cause I did a /sea all and he was nowhere to be found.

It was finally nice after almost 2 years of playing this game to actually see a GM do something.
#2 Oct 03 2005 at 8:41 AM Rating: Excellent
3,139 posts
Thats awesome a GM actually did something. Amazing someone has to try to MPK you 3 times before they do anything, but no matter, justice was served.

I prolly would have left the persons name out.

#3 Oct 03 2005 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
acepod wrote:
I prolly would have left the persons name out.

Why would you leave out the name of a person who blatently tries numerous times to MPK a party?

I am just curious...
#4 Oct 03 2005 at 10:52 AM Rating: Excellent
haha i lol'd when i read that story. i love to hear that the GMs actually do something from time to time
#5 Oct 03 2005 at 11:03 AM Rating: Excellent
3,139 posts
Why would you leave out the name of a person who blatently tries numerous times to MPK a party?

I am just curious...

Meh just me i guess.

The story would have been just as good wihtout burning dansome. But none the less, i guess its good for people to know.

#6 Oct 03 2005 at 11:15 AM Rating: Excellent
3,011 posts
To some people, they believe on public forums that names should not be mentioned, regardless of how violent a person's crime is. Thank you for dropping the name, because I'm going to blist Dansome and never party with him again.
#7 Oct 03 2005 at 12:02 PM Rating: Excellent
3,139 posts
To some people, they believe on public forums that names should not be mentioned, regardless of how violent a person's crime is.

Not exactly how i feel about it. I just figured dansome was properly punished already. Everyone makes mistakes (even on purpose ), should dansome be exiled forever? Not for me to decide.

Carry onn folks nothing to see here ;)

#8 Oct 03 2005 at 1:41 PM Rating: Excellent
1,255 posts
Time for me to play devil's advocate and side with ace.

If someone does something crappy to others, I can see why you should post the name. That way people know to be on the lookout for that player. No one forgets Bobyjai.

Dansome, on the other hand, got caught for his actions and was punished accordingly. That should be deterrent enough for him, especially since he now knows that the GMs are watching him.

All giving his name does (after he's been punished) is work to continuously predjudice others against him. They will remember your story, the acronym MPK, and see him as an MPK'er before they've even given him a chance. He will be continually punished for his mistake, even if he has already learned from it.

Last but not least, the topic was about GM justice. If the story is about how a GM finally prevailed, does it really matter the characters involved? If so, wouldn't it have made sense to include everyone else's names/jobs/levels as well?

So all that being said, remind me never to side with ace again. It makes me feel dirty :/
#9 Oct 03 2005 at 2:05 PM Rating: Good
3,139 posts
So all that being said, remind me never to side with ace again. It makes me feel dirty :/

Sophus how dare you agree with me! Dont do it again

#10 Oct 03 2005 at 2:13 PM Rating: Good
Yeah, Ace can only agree with Sophus, not vice versa.
#11 Oct 03 2005 at 2:32 PM Rating: Good
3,139 posts
Yeah, Ace can only agree with Sophus, not vice versa.

I'm Disapointed in you lawtech. No linkie to back it up lol.

#12 Oct 03 2005 at 3:32 PM Rating: Good
well, in this case there's just too many of them :p
#13 Oct 04 2005 at 9:32 AM Rating: Good
82 posts
Ive seen a GM appear by Serket pop area whilst exping... it was strange.... he ran up a cliff where the chests pop..

The GM was speedhacking!!!!11111111111111111111 lets report him!!!!!!!1
#14 Oct 05 2005 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
Ha! Im flatered. You wrote a whole story just for me! Thank you. But everyone knows there are 2 sides to every story. And this on most certainly does. And here is the truth behind some of the editing skills of our friend Kramer a.k.a Mr. Know it All.

Kramer: I was leveling my Blm last night in the Valley of Sorrows. I was not the party leader for the first 1-1/2 hours of the party. I kept getting mad at our Mnk because he would not do the SC we set up and kept doing and going whenever he felt like going. Myself and 2 others kept trying to tell him to SC, but it was a lost cause.

Truth: First of all you should stick to being a PLD. Second, you were complaining about me not listening to our faithful leader, which you were not even there for most of the time the others were there including myself. Everyone knows that a sholder tackle ws from a monk is somewhat weak source of damage. Ahhh *** it ill give to you all like this.

Warrior WS = 150
Monk Ws w/sholder tackle = 45 >.<
Magic Burts From our Leader = = 450

And this is what i was doing. I would solo my raging fist because our leader could not find a better solution.

Warrior WS = 150
Monk Solo w/Raging Fist = 270
Then the same spell not metioned above = 396

Being the Judge and doing the math, priceless.

Enough with that lets move on.

Kramer: The original party leader had to go and gave me the lead. The new Whm got there about 5 minues later. We do our <call>'s and everyone is present except the Mnk. So we start to fight without him. It has been about 15 minues and the Mnk still is not back yet so I kick him from party until here returns.

Truth: I told everone I was going afk for 5-10 mins, because a friend of mine, who is serving in the armed forces, USAF. Had come back from a deployment and had stop by with a surprise visit. I even mentioned that to them. So I go, because my original leader was cool about everything else. Not to metion the long periods before waiting for replacements for other who had left before. I was totally comitted to this party until it died. So im shooting the breeze with my friend, drinking a 40oz of mickeys.... oh yeah babe! I come back to see I have been booted out of the party in which I was so graciuosly choosen for, and have been in the last 4-5 hours >.<. So im like hey maybe they didnt want me leeching off thier exp, which is understandable. So I say to them, hey im back please invite me back. What do I get.... no reply.
I sat there waiting for 5 minutes for a reply. Finally one of the party members has the courage to tell me he invited someone else. I was so heated, so angry..... why do this To Handsome Dan...why?

So yes, I had my reasons to do what I did. I was pissed. Im sure some of you have been there. But hey no one died. The zone was right there....and honestly it was amusing and soothing to know, that hey they screwed me, I can ***** them right back....but unfortunate for me it was for a short period. I have a real good screenshot of the GM w/the lil jail i was in lol man that was crazy.

I told the Gm what happened, He said he was going to tell me about mpk, cause i have never done it before. He said im not punishing you this time because you didnt know. I said kool. where do I go from here, can I get sent to my homepoint because I doubt i get back in with the party. He said no problem, but next time ill give you a real warning, and then the next time after suspend your account.

I havent blisted anyone yet, and I dont plan to. Everyone is just having fun...certain days a lil more fun than others...and that you cannot blame them for. Just brush your shoulders off.

But Kramer, I think Justin Timberlake said it best, "Cry me a River"

Let me know if you guys wanna see that pic with the gm Judge, with all his wierd judge gear on... Ill Holla!

#15 Oct 05 2005 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
299 posts
hmmm well it seems only six ppl know the real truth, and you two have both posted two diffrent sides of the story, which could even possibly be adapted to better help show the other as wrong (not saying they are changed, just saying that it is possible) and Dansome did admit to MPK, which if he does MPK some1 again, i doubt he will be letoff so leinantly.

So about the GM pic :D

Edited, Wed Oct 5 15:42:41 2005 by Mszsliccc
#16 Oct 05 2005 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts
Well, to be honest, if your boy just came in town, you should have just disbanded. If I didn't see a cool *** friend like that in a long time, I'd have to go. That way you don't hold up the PT, and so you can be a gracious host to your buddy. Also, ppl don't try to MPK others just so they can run to safety. You do it to kill a ****(s).

I've been to jail, but never seen a GM. Post your pic, I wanna see. Did you see Bubba? I hope you didn't drop the soap.
#17 Oct 05 2005 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
As I stated before I did not see you say you were going AFK because you are on my blacklist for a few months now. I am guessing it is from running a casino, which I blacklist all people who run casino's. No one else in the party had said that you were going AFK and they were all mad as well, so I kicked you until you came back, which took forever so I asked party and they agreed to invite someone else.

As for the SC I kept asking what SC we should do, but noone ever answered, so finally I picked one.

The fact is you attempted MPK us 3 times in a row, enough said.

edited: ps Dan, I did try to send you a tell to let you know what was going on and that is when I received this message "You cannot use this command when people are on your blacklist"

I did not know until then that you were even on it, I just figured you did not speak english when I asked you questions and you never responded. If you did run a casino you will come across this alot more as you reach higher levels. I am not the only one out there that blacklists every Casino runner.

Edited, Wed Oct 5 15:58:33 2005 by Proroc
#18 Oct 05 2005 at 2:44 PM Rating: Good
557 posts
Let me know if you guys wanna see that pic with the gm Judge, with all his wierd judge gear on... Ill Holla!

Two thoughts:
First, I respect you for owning up to what you did and telling your side of the story.

Secondly, I honestly don't find it amusing at all; I have no desire to see the picture with the gm in it - doing so would only give credence to what you believe was justified... /sigh.

What you did was wrong and could have killed more than just the party that ticked you off including a blatant disregard for anyone else who might have been in that area.

Whether or not you were 'wronged' and felt justified in being angry does not give you the right to train mobs to mpk anyone.

That's just my opinion.

#19 Oct 05 2005 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
Dan, I don't get it though you blame me for not knowing what WS works best for a Monk at that level. I always thought that it was a Blm's responsiblity to know the Mobs weakness and which MB's were preferred and the DD's to know the best WS's they could do to make them.

I also knew a Monk could not make a Distortion or Revibration SC until 60, so I set up for Scission to MB Stone III. When the next Monk came my MB's were hitting for around 700dmg, not sure what they would have hit for ebfore because we never even pulled off a SC with you in the party.
#20 Oct 05 2005 at 6:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
Dansomes been on my Blist for a long *** time. If I remember right, it was Casino Spam. <.<

Guy needs to get a life (IMHO, lol)
#21 Oct 06 2005 at 9:30 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
says the girl with almost 1200 posts which she accumulated in only a few months
#22 Oct 06 2005 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
418 posts
lmao if only all your posts were that short and sweet sophus...that's just priceless.
#23 Oct 06 2005 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
ill get that pic as soon as my fricken e-mail works online
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