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i dont get it....Follow

#1 Oct 04 2005 at 8:59 PM Rating: Default
what the hell is the deal with everyone from other FF players to poeple on television ranting and raving about World of Warcraft? i played that game for several weeks and it's garbage..... its a repetitive cartoony button-mashing noobfest and is not really very fun. its entirely too easy to lvl your char to the max lvl. i was an orc rogue and i found myself just spamming a couple buttons on my keyboard until mobs (and players) died. i mean, i could watch TV and play this game without any trouble. i also repeatedly encountered people who would kill you and then camp your body so they could keep killing you which is a pain in the *** and stops any fun you were having pretty damned quick. i admire blizzard for making an attempt at an MMORP but i seriously think its for beginner MMO players and is totally not fun for anyone who has a brain =(. this obsession with a ****** game is driving me nuts. please discuss. XD

Edited, Tue Oct 4 22:18:33 2005 by Ayazz
#2 Oct 04 2005 at 9:07 PM Rating: Decent
88 posts
I like WoW a lot more than this sh*tty game, there's more strategy and more fun things to do than hit auto-attack and stare at the screen, occasionally stomp some macros. It's all the same, I guess. I just have more fun with WoW because there's more to do than level grind, do stupid quests with *** rewards and gay missions that are boring. God, I hate FFXI compared to WoW. I should quit.
#3 Oct 05 2005 at 6:43 AM Rating: Good
223 posts
I hate FFXI compared to WoW. I should quit.

Then why oh why dont you quit? Do us all a favor and go back to WoW if you love that game so much.

Edited, Wed Oct 5 07:58:56 2005 by TheDodger
#4 Oct 05 2005 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
meowmixalot wrote:
I like WoW a lot more than this shi[/i]tty game, there's more strategy and more fun things to do than hit auto-attack and stare at the screen, occasionally stomp some macros. It's all the same, I guess. I just have more fun with WoW because there's more to do than level grind, do stupid quests with *** rewards and gay missions that are boring. God, I hate FFXI compared to WoW. I should quit.

Omg how did you figure out how I play. I just hit Auto-attack and walk away from the screen and when I come back I have gained a level. Yeah FFXI has no Strategy. I am guessing you beat all Dynamis, Kirin, all HNM's and got to The Sea with no problem or strategy?

I am guessing you are not even level 50 yet seeing you did not complain about AF in your bit[i]
ch post. You are proably just mad that you are unable to level as easy as you can in Wow and think FFXI is too hard. Have fun in Wow, I won't see you there.

edited: After reading another of Meow's posts I see he/she is atleast a level 75 Monk so I cannot understand why Meow thinks there is no strategy here.

Ace: Meow is posting on a FFXI board so I think we may be a little biast with a just cause as to which game we prefer.

Edited, Thu Oct 6 16:25:28 2005 by Proroc
#5 Oct 05 2005 at 9:09 AM Rating: Excellent
3,139 posts
Ok everyone, lets not tar and feather Meow for likeing WoW better then FFXI. IT is his choice, and opinion, and he is entitled to feel that way. He didnt tell us all were stupid for likeing this game better. He simply expressed his thought on the matter (Which Ayazz asked for).

FFXI rewards those who can stick it out to lvl 75 with at least one job. I have just recently started to do some of the fun end game stuff (though i have a ton more to do). At lvl 74, i just realized that while i may be exceptional in EXP situations, i have quit a bit to learn about other types of fights, and strategies. I realize that to be the best WAR i can be, that i will need a lot of practice, and getting my *** kicked. The fun activities are nothing like exping. I havent played WoW, but from what i hear, you can max out a job in a few weeks, and the hard fights are no where near as involved as in FFXI. As such, i will not play WoW, because after playing a game so in depth and strategy based as this one, i am sure WoW would bore me.

WoW is a popular game, some people like it better the FFXI, heck some people even like evercrack better then FFXI (this i dont understand). So what the news is hypeing it up, im sure blizzard payed a decent chuck for that hype. They will get many many new customers from it. The main difference beetween WoW and FFXI, is the turn over rate for WoW, is like 85% more then FFXI.

Not only that, but as soon as the xbox is released, they will probbly have to open up a bunch more servers to hold all those people.

#6REDACTED, Posted: Oct 05 2005 at 11:48 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I never thought it would ever happen, but for once i agree with Azzface. Wow pales in comparison in every category to ffxi, I think wow is just for lil kids, and idjits.
#7 Oct 05 2005 at 2:08 PM Rating: Good
1,324 posts
Not a fan of WoW but...

One thing that WoW has over FF is the solo game. I've never played WoW but a co-worker of mine plays it all the time. I'm surprised that you can solo almost every lvl and pts are optional. Now thats a big thing since we all pay monthly to play. If you log on to play after 3hrs and no pt it would seem like a wasted day in FF, in WoW you could at least solo and gain exp while waiting. I've had too many days like that, even a 12hr wait for pt. All MMOs are time sinks but if you spend most of your time waiting then some people tend to switch over to other MMOs.

Now you could say while waiting for pt you can farm/quest/camp but I've done enough of that and made enough money to last me till 75 if I even get there lol. Maybe its because Drk is my main that my invites are slow, and yes I do make pts but 98% of the time there are key job missing and people who don't want to join w/o them. Ironically I tried lvling my Brd, which is at 6 and I got bombarded with /tell for pt...AT LVL 6!. I kept telling the leaders I can't go to Dunes at 6. One of them even said asked if I could hit lvl 10 in 5 mins and then join. -_-
#8 Oct 05 2005 at 2:37 PM Rating: Good
1,755 posts
Wow is in fact what you make it.

For some that do high end raids and actually have skillz its a blast for others not so much. It can be the same as FFXI in almost all ways and as different as night and day. I have never found FFXI to be diffcult a pain in the **** yes overly diffcult no leveling in FFXI is about gil and time eventually you will kill enough crabs like me and hit 75. Dynamis have enough peeps that can listen and are 75 and most of the cities can be beaten dynamis lord rdm/drk doing chainspell/stun for the win the hard part having the number of level 75/37 rdm/drk.

I play both more FFXI now a days why I am not 100% sure lol I think it is that ffxi forces social interaction and I have some friends still playing. You can play WOW and never interact with any other gamer have great gear and farm and solo with ease so much so that peeps ignore a huge part of the content never join a active organized guild to do anything or a bad guild which can be really bad. With a great guild WOW is awesome without not so much it isn't as serious as FFXI where people seem to implode at a drop of hat.

Many aspects of WOW are slowly finding the way into FFXI developers caps seems more and more with each update. Not like playing either game you need to be a rocket scientist its about fun and enjoyment if your getting more than that you may need help.

I enjoy and play both the changes slowly being made into FFXI makes it better for me heck the npc quest was a godsend lol. With new jobs coming makes me happy. I only wish TRAVEL wasn't such a huge pain in the **** +10-20 minutes to get to places drives me crazy.

With all MMORPG I have found it is about enjoyment and friends that keep many playing heck some people just use them as cool chatrooms lol.

Edited, Wed Oct 5 15:45:57 2005 by kenshynOnShiva
#9 Oct 05 2005 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
88 posts
Gee, thanks for rating me down for having an opinion. This is exactly the reason I hardly play this game anymore, because almost all of you think alike and act alike, and if you try something slightly different, then you're a moron. I didn't go around saying "everyone who plays ffxi is a ******", like basically most of you people are saying about people who enjoy WoW. So you're saying because I enjoy a game more than another one, it effects my intelligence? Yeah, you guys are real intelligent.

And for your information, I'm a 75 Monk, and have gotten White Mage, Black Mage and Bard to 50, AF weapons on White Mage, Black Mage, and Bard. I have leveld ALL jobs to at least 20, many are well past that.

I have beaten all the Sky Gods and NMs multiple times, and I also have beaten Kirin several times, I have obtained the Pole and the Osode. I have two pieces of AF2, have beaten Dynamis-Jeuno, Windurst, Bastok, and San D'Oria -- Multiple Times. I am on Promyvion-Vazhyl, my static broke so I'm trying to find some friends to continue the trek to Sea. I've also helped various strangers and friends with Coffer Hunts, Key Hunts, BCNMs, etc. Also defeated way more HNMs than I can mention, as well as tanked a few as MNK/NIN, as well as claimed with Chi Blast. Simurgh, Orc God, Serket, Bune, etc etc etc, the ones everyone and their brother has fought.

How about you, Proroc? With your crap attitude like that, no wonder several people from WASP have migrated into our LS. I'm not telling you my character name or my LS name (though you can probably guess) because I don't want you flaming us.

Perhaps that's WHY I am so bitter about FFXI and I enjoy WoW more, because I have achieved so many things and seen pretty much everything in FFXI, it feels like I have "beaten" the game, so to speak. As far as the Auto-Attack thing, I forgot to mention that was just about leveling in EXP. I do monk Chi Blast rotation in Sky, which requires excellent timing, speed and skill, indeed. I also have to be able to heal others as MNK/WHM. I'm not getting into all of that, though.

I still play FFXI, and frequent these boards because I like to know what's going on, though I do play WoW more and I post on the WoW boards. Ayazz asked a question, I discussed my opinion on it. So because my opinion differs, all of you treat me like a jackass. You're all so intelligent, I'm overwhelmed. Real champions you guys are.

Once again, thanks for the rate-downs and flaming for having an opinion. You're probably the same closed-minded hicks (ONO I CALLED YOU A NAME!! RATE-DOWN!! *SMASH KEYBOARD*) that get their panties up in a bunch when someone joins a party with an odd subjob or wants to try something different. Grow up.
#10 Oct 05 2005 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
i never realized that people felt so strongly about their respective MMOs. this may turn out to be an interesting thread >.>
#11 Oct 06 2005 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
As for our players migrating to your shell, I have yet to see anyone leave Wasp that I actually am sad to see go, well maybe besides Takumaku, he is the only one that has left that I actually cared when I heard about it. I have no clue what shell you are in, nor do I care. I think you should leave FFXI and go play Wow as you mention above, you seem to have a really sh[/i]itty attitude towards this game and others.

How can you expect people not to get annoyed when you come on a FFXI board and call it a ****[i]
ty, gay (nice use of the word as a derogatory meaning douche), lame *** game...

Ps: Stop crying about getting rated down already...
#12 Oct 06 2005 at 7:54 AM Rating: Decent
88 posts
But I love the attention so much. You know it feels good to have a whole thread about people getting all uppity for having another opinion. Just because it's an FFXI board doesn't mean I'm supposed to give up my soul to love FFXI. OMG DIVERSITY.

Hur hur, douche! I called someone a name! I'm cool! *Smashes keyboard*. :B
#13 Oct 06 2005 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
meowmixalot wrote:
But I love the attention so much. You know it feels good to have a whole thread about people getting all uppity for having another opinion. Just because it's an FFXI board doesn't mean I'm supposed to give up my soul to love FFXI. OMG DIVERSITY.

Hur hur, douche! I called someone a name! I'm cool! *Smashes keyboard*. :B

Smiley: lol Wow some people in this game have some serious problems. I expressed my opinion as well, but I guess that is not allowed, only you are allowed to express yours...
#14 Oct 06 2005 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
Did a little sample to see how the people in Wow would react to Meows post on the reverse side of it.

Edited, Thu Oct 6 09:14:53 2005 by LionsFan
#15 Oct 06 2005 at 10:28 AM Rating: Default
that was a pretty interesting thread you made. i have to laugh at the dumb dumb who said all you have to do is stare at your TP meter. at least we have some kind of variety in combat instead of hitting the 1, 2, and 3 keys until a monster goes down =(
#16 Oct 06 2005 at 10:39 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
What's a dumb dumb?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#17 Oct 06 2005 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
418 posts
WOW IS fun. If I could ever upgrade my pc, or get the money for the laptop I want i'd definatly be going back. I only suffered through horrid playing conditions for the free month and decided my pc wasn't good enough to run it properly so i'm not gonna pay for it.

It's fun and you don't have to play well with others.
#18 Oct 06 2005 at 11:29 AM Rating: Default
836 posts
I love how ppl are too scared to show their in game name for the fear of an asswhoopin'.

Why play FFXI if you are WoW's toothless f**k puppet? Hell, why even waste your time in a FFXI forum? Oh yeah, I remember; you have no life. Friggin' sock-puppet.
#19 Oct 06 2005 at 12:43 PM Rating: Good
332 posts
I enjoy playing WoW because there's always something to do. I love both FFXI and WoW and i used to play both up until last week when i finally cancelled my ffxi account. I didn't leave FFXI because i thought it was a horrible game but because all of my close friends have left and it wasn't as fun anymore. I'd have to say I miss FFXI already because there's abosolutely no drama in WoW.. (<3 ffxi drama..woo!)

BTW, you were in a PVP server. That is why ppl were camping your dead body. hehe. There is a choice of going into a PvE or RPG server where ppl are not flagged to kill you on site.
#20 Oct 06 2005 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
what the hell is the deal with everyone from other FF players to poeple on television ranting and raving about World of Warcraft? i played that game for several weeks and it's garbage..... its a repetitive cartoony button-mashing noobfest and is not really very fun. its entirely too easy to lvl your char to the max lvl. i was an orc rogue and i found myself just spamming a couple buttons on my keyboard until mobs (and players) died. i mean, i could watch TV and play this game without any trouble. i also repeatedly encountered people who would kill you and then camp your body so they could keep killing you which is a pain in the *** and stops any fun you were having pretty damned quick. i admire blizzard for making an attempt at an MMORP but i seriously think its for beginner MMO players and is totally not fun for anyone who has a brain =(. this obsession with a sh*tty game is driving me nuts. please discuss. XD

Shoudn't you post this on the WoW boards? Seems like fun to me.
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