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Real life difficulty...Follow

#1 Oct 06 2005 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
3,011 posts
Ok, I've never quite had any skill with the ladies so I'm really new to this.

I'm 18 and a Freshman in College.

In three of my classes, there is this girl that is as obsessed about Ninjas as I am, and she plays/loves Final Fantasy VII, VIII, and XI.

She has got to be the hottest girl I have ever seen. (2938749827324/10).

I've never had a girlfriend and I'm always nervous when it comes to asking them out so...

What to do?
#2 Oct 06 2005 at 7:25 PM Rating: Good
start a conversation about FFXI. ask her about some game related things. then offer to show her your char or ask for help with something. anything that will make her come over to your place. then by that time you should be ready to ask her to do something socially. done things like that before. tends to work well. good luck XD

after reading this post i just realized how easy it is to talk to chicks now that im a little older..... too bad im married now XD. too little too late i suppose

Edited, Thu Oct 6 20:33:01 2005 by Ayazz
#3 Oct 06 2005 at 7:55 PM Rating: Good
418 posts
I praise you for posting that here a lot of people would be afraid of flames. But bravo man!

I realize you're nervous but don't come at her like your desperate and get all sloppy.

Just play it cool. You guys got classes together, ask her if she wants to study. Or just hang out. Be casual just like you're talking to a good friend. Try to find out what else she's interested in. Don't re-hash the FF and ninja card. She might start thinking you have no other interests, or don't care about hers.

You got this. If worse comes to worse buy some walkie talkies and i'll hide in the bushes. We can make it happen for ya bro^^
#4 Oct 06 2005 at 8:25 PM Rating: Good
hahaha no woman can stand against the walkie talkies. yea when i said talk about FF i meant so you can get to know her and move to other subjects. wrip makes a good point. dont come off as a super nerd lol
#5 Oct 06 2005 at 8:31 PM Rating: Good
418 posts
Well Ayazz when it comes to a subject matter i'm comfortable with. I do put my Mentor Cap on.

You are correct though. Nothing says I'm into you like a stranger hiding in the bushes feeding him lines to say.

So...when can I be expecting my walkie talkie?

Edited, Thu Oct 6 21:44:29 2005 by Wrip
#6 Oct 06 2005 at 8:42 PM Rating: Good
4,447 posts
A hot college girl obsessed with ninja's and FFXI?

If she exists, I want her first. Kthx >.>
#7 Oct 06 2005 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
3,011 posts
She is real...

See what I mean? lol
#8 Oct 06 2005 at 9:21 PM Rating: Good
it says i have to log in..... how can i drool over her if i have to log in? booooooo to you sir
#9 Oct 06 2005 at 9:39 PM Rating: Excellent
418 posts
I just happen to have an account there so here you all go.

Here she is


Edited, Thu Oct 6 22:51:47 2005 by Wrip
#10 Oct 06 2005 at 10:07 PM Rating: Good
4,447 posts
Won't let me see her pic, probably have to be friends with her?

I can't say I can offer much advice, I typically don't make any moves (at least not introductory ones) and I just hang out with someone a few times in a group setting before we do any 'dating'. So sorry, can't help you >.>
#11 Oct 06 2005 at 11:46 PM Rating: Good
525 posts
Most of you may laugh, but read on.

I've always found there was one simple pick-up line that worked 100%. Go up to your favorite lady at your favorite park, or secluded location and ask her the question, "Does this smell like chloroform to you?"
#12 Oct 06 2005 at 11:57 PM Rating: Good
i lol'd at the twin hotties
#13 Oct 07 2005 at 12:19 AM Rating: Good
Most of you may laugh, but read on.

I've always found there was one simple pick-up line that worked 100%. Go up to your favorite lady at your favorite park, or secluded location and ask her the question, "Does this smell like chloroform to you?"

I've actually tried that line before. Too bad your sister already heard it.

Anyway, in my experience with women, which isn't as impressive as others, but hey, at least I actually have the balls to ask girls out. Here's the best damn way to do it.

"Hey, <name> would you like to go to <location> to <eat, drink and/or be merry> with me on <day>?".

It's like.....I don't know, the most tried and true approach to dating in the history of the world. Why is it that it seems like in the past 10 years or so, people have tried to differ from it, write BOOKS on picking up women/men? It's not that damned hard. You don't have to throw out some damn corny line. You are asking somebody on a date no matter what you say, so just cut the bullsh*t, grow some balls and do it.

Hell, my dad did it to my mom. The ol' ******* ended up getting laid, it's why I'm here on god's green earth. My grandfather used it, I'm pretty sure it's a family tradition.

Now I'll be honest, it's not a 100% success rate. But in my experience, women who are approached by a guy who's got enough guts to actually talk to her are
A) Impressed and interested and will agree.
B) Busy with something and willing to reschedule or change details.
C) Think you're a disgusting pig and spray you with Mace.
D) Already taken.

Now there are of course some guidelines. Look respectable, nobody likes a slob with bad hygiene. You're 18, just outta the house, no more of mommy's rules, but her advice on those weekly showers was right on. Brush your teeth, trust me, you f*ckers who don't brush, we can smell you from across a room, and not the good kind of smell. Wear clean clothes, that aren't wrinkled. I'm not saying you gotta go buy some fancy pants pants and shirts, a pair of broken jeans and T-shirt is fine, just make it clean. Deodorant.

Don't worry if your nervous and shy, the entire idea is just asking her out. Hell, most girls think it's cute and adorable, you might even break into the pity date.

For the most part, girls don't think common interests are reason enough to go on a date, maybe friendship, and certainly continued dating, but don't break out the "omg I love ninjas and play FFXI, let's mate" line just yet.

Edited, Fri Oct 7 01:33:04 2005 by Pokiehl
#14 Oct 07 2005 at 12:37 AM Rating: Good
418 posts
Poki is right. The only thing I would say is if you're nervous about asking her out on a date kinda thing. Just suggest hanging out. Studying, or whatever. Somethin casual. See how that goes. Get to know her. Then move in.
#15 Oct 07 2005 at 12:43 AM Rating: Good
Poki is right.

Is it just me, or did it suddenly feel really cold?
#16 Oct 07 2005 at 7:11 AM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
1. Note your ahead of the game you actually have a common interest.

2. Use that to open conversation and discussion just try not to drool while talking to her or acting like a spasm.

3. Once you feel you have some chemistry of any kind to work with suggest doing something non date like in public setting or a group thing the some friends are meeting at X would you like to hang.

4. The next step is to the key start with something simple alone help with something or just lunch to discuss something on your mind that she is interested in.

Note Women can smell fear and lame from a mile away but dig a great convo so be interested but not OMFG will you marry me at first sight.

If she is hot understand she maybe out of your league you have to crawl before you can walk and develop your game. That takes time and practice. So to develop your game start with just having female friends that alone will attract more females and take away that Noob smell.

Edited, Fri Oct 7 08:20:43 2005 by kenshynOnShiva
#17 Oct 07 2005 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
Part #1 (at work cannot write all of it at once)

Well seeing that I am officially off the market now, I am able to release a few of my secrets to being a successful dater.

1. The first contact

A. You may want to see her interest level in you before approaching her. Eye contact is where you begin.

- Glance at her and keep doing it until you catch a glance back from her. A very important thing to remember while trying to catch the glance is that most people have a near 180 degree peripheral vision and you do not want her to see you staring her down without you knowing about it, you may scare her off. Keep your glances to a very short and unoticiable until you catch her looking back then connect eyes with her for a brief moment of time.

It is hard to tell sometimes on first glance how she feels about you. So repeat the first step and see if she will return the favor again. When she does connect eyes again and exmaine her a little longer this time, maybe even wait for her to turn away or for a reaction from her. I say to connect eyes because you may not always get a clear sign like a smile or a snear. I myself can tell alot about a person through eye contact and wether a woman has any interest at all in me is one of the easiest things to pick out.

Here is my Philosophy of what some glances may represent:

- Warm look and a smile means you are in if you just play your cards right on the aproach. It could also mwean she is in a relationship and just having fun flirting, either way an easy approach. There is no shame in approaching an already taken woman (if you do not know she is taken that is!). It is an easy gentle let down and you can keep your confidence for if she was not involed she would have been yours.

- Smile, but nervous look where she glances away quickly and looks down or somewhat embarrased afterwards. This means she is shy and most likly interested. Be a little more careful as to how you approach her for you may scare her away if you are too aggressive.

- Smile with a cold unwelcoming look, but yet she still sent a smile your way. This could mean three different things.

1. She is not interested, but still wants to be polite. You may choose to approach still, but start with more of a friends approach here and down to road work on the later.

2. She is involved and does not flirt the above mentioned.

3. She is playing hard to get. Some women live for that just to see what kind of a confidence level they are dealing with. I would say approach this one as well, but be ready to prove you are what she is looking for from the very start.

- No smile soft look when eye contact is made. This means she has horrible teeth but is really interested, ok so I am just kidding. Hard to make this one out sometimes, but with a soft warm look she is really worth trying to approach. She will not let you down harsh if she does so really only thing to lose is to not try.

No eye contact very quick look - She is shy. Once again be catious on how you approach.

A snear, rude look, disgust that you are even checking her out. Well your let down is already there. That is pretty much a turn down from the start. If you really want to get brave approach her just to test yourself on how well you can do. I have approasched this type quite a few times at bars and have even dated a few. If you are not up for the challenge though move along.

This is what I know about the look, some may have opinions that differ, but all I know if that I have had a very successful dating life since I turned 12 years old ( yes 12, movies are very popular dates at that age). Part #2 will be written shortly: The Approach.
#18 Oct 07 2005 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
I will need to rush to the store after i say this, and wash my mouth out with bleach. But Poki is right.

Lots of good suggestions in this thread, so i wont repeat those.

I happen to be quite the ladies man. I dont think i ever went more then a week without a chick since i was 12. I all those years of being a pleaser, i learned a few things.

#1 being able to say what you want, is the number one way to snag yourself a chick. If she knows you are interested, but you wait too long to tell her, you will burn in a firery flame. Of course asking out a chick you just talked to for the first time is also a really bad idea. If you have a class that ends right around lunch time or something, ask her if she wants to grab a bite. IF not, then try and talk to her around 3 times (assuming your getting at least a little feedback), and then ask her to meet for something (anything, doesnt really matter).

#2 She may like ninjas and FFXI, but that should be used only as an ice breaker. It should also be reserved for rare occasions. Too much video game talk, and your done for.

#3 Women want what they cant have (or what will be a challenge too get). This is a 100% proven fact. Ask any guy that has gone months without a girlfriend, and as soon as he snags one, he will have 2-3 other chicks (some of them probably knew him when he was single), working their tail off to get him. If you can make her think you have some chick looking to be with you, wihtout ******** up your chances with her, your golden.

#4 Repeat after me "HEllo XXXX, im not really good at this, but i was wondering if you would like to go to XXXX". Yep its that easy. Dont need to be elaborate, witty, or even halfways educated. If she has the slightest bit of interest, she will either meet with you, or tell you she is busy and reschedule. If she says no, then thats probably a dead end. Dont be upset if you arent able to get her, life will probably be full of rejection. But you absolutly need to give it a try.

Good luck man, and whatever you do dont wait too long, or youll be defaulted into the friend category.

#19 Oct 07 2005 at 9:13 AM Rating: Default
acepod wrote:

I happen to be quite the ladies man. I dont think i ever went more then a week without a chick since i was 12. I all those years of being a pleaser, i learned a few things.

Wow Ace so it has been a whole 1 year that you have not gone more than a week without a chick?

#20 Oct 07 2005 at 9:39 AM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
Wow Ace so it has been a whole 1 year that you have not gone more than a week without a chick?

Ahh what i wouldnt give to be 13 again. Those really were the good ole days.

#21 Oct 08 2005 at 12:22 AM Rating: Decent
I can't believe you would post in any forums about this Shao... lol...

That's all I've got to say o_o
#22 Oct 08 2005 at 5:19 AM Rating: Decent
/corneyness on

just be yourself. talk about what interests you and what she wants to talk about. you seem to know a lot about ehr alreaedy. about ninjas and ff games. how about something like

"man ff9 sucked ***. wtf was that crystal in the end about?"

she may reply with

"i have no idea. 8 was worse though"

you can say

"yeah i didnt get that whole time compression crap. got a little out of hand. Hey you seen advent children?"

she might say

"nope? you have it?"

you say

"yeah i do. i got it off the net. wanna hang out at my place after school? we can watch it :D"

hey presto.

you have a chick in your bedroom.
#23 Oct 08 2005 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
532 posts
You have already got one foot in. You have talked with her and she didnt blow you off. She told you interests and she probably has expressed her feelings about classes and such.

When I was in college, I would just ask her to a social event sponsored by the school. Pizza Bash, concert, whatever. Maybe if you have friends that aren't too strange or wierd, you could invite her to watch the football game, go to a party, etc. (Some of my friends over my college years where pretty damn cool, but sometimes they where really strange too, it depends).

Basically, you just need to find an opening. Continue to talk to her, be yourself, and everything will come around.

To everyone that thinks "Hot girls" are out-of-your-league, just try anyway. They are people too and have all the same desires and needs we do. Not impossible to land a "hot girl." Not every guy is asking them out. I found from some of my friends that they can go quite some time before people ask them out. People always assume they must be taken.

Good Luck and Happy Hunting

Mohit Smiley: glasses
#24 Oct 08 2005 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
i still vote we all wear cammo and get walkie talkies and stalk her =(. or you could jump out of a bush and hand her flowers while wearing nothing but a speedo made of aluminum foil.... im sure she would appreciate the thought
#25 Oct 08 2005 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
ok, i shouldnt post this but f it XD

There's this girl i like, shes new and well she doesnt know anybody in my school, to the point of staying alone during lunch, so I go and "visit" her where she sits, she kinda smiles everytime i go, but then its weird, she doesnt really talk to me at all when i see her on the hallways, i know shes like really shy, even though she says she isnt. so im waiting for Kramer's #2 part >.>

dont /laugh

No, im not a geek and i have had gfs before, just never gone for this kind of girl ever in my life, i always chose to ignore them, but this one is just too cute and we have a lot of stuff in common, its kinda hard to talk to her because i have to start conversations. I dont know, any suggestions?

dont /laugh or you will be (Asuran Fists)ed to death. >.>;;

Edited, Sat Oct 8 22:13:07 2005 by TakenoMNK

Edited, Sat Oct 8 22:17:11 2005 by TakenoMNK
#26 Oct 09 2005 at 12:42 AM Rating: Default
was the picture of those 2 girls the ones you were talking about?
......."hot".......I just puked my lunch all over my keyboard, thanx shaolinz...
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