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#27 Oct 10 2005 at 2:38 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Hellkid never heard of me? I'm heartbroken :(

Oh well, time to blackmail.

Confession Post..............check
IP Address...................check
Anyonymous tip to the IRS....coming soon!

Anyone have 100mil gil they want to send me? :D
#28 Oct 10 2005 at 3:04 PM Rating: Excellent
79 posts
/em bursts out laughing beside Sophus...

#29 Oct 10 2005 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
440 posts
Teaming up with gil-sellers?

I don't see Croft doing something such as this, but so what if they did? Is it your LS? Do you part-take in events? No, so it's none of your concern.

I layed dead in SSG for 10 mins, being passed by JP's, NA's, ect.. Who raised me? The gil-sellers... Hmmm... Who's starting to look bad?

Sure, they ***** our economy up and all, but they help us in other ways.

As far as people who buy gil, well, I have come to understand why. Stupid, rich, greedy people jack prices, or match the rediculous prices today. Austere Robe jumped about 500-600k since I was level 50, which brings it to about 700-800k, and saw it hit 1 mil at some point.. So why can't people buy gil now if they can't afford to begin with?

I, personally, never bought it, and everyone knows I'm one of the poorest people ever on this game, so don't try pinning that BS on me...

Just my opinion.


Edited, Mon Oct 10 17:19:54 2005 by Nieko
#30 Oct 10 2005 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,255 posts
BTW, rating up everyone to undo the jack@$$ who showed the size of his e-peni$ by rating everyone down.

#31 Oct 11 2005 at 1:05 AM Rating: Default
ugh im so tired of the gilseller and gilbuyer argument. ive explained my position on several occasions and wont do it again. i maintain that anyone who voluntarily associates with gilsellers to help them (or to help yourself, you greedy piece of ****), is garbage. dont bother posting anything to the contrary because it wont make any difference. i hope all gilsellers get booted and all the gilbuyers get hunted down and banned (i know that will never happen but its a nice wish)
#32 Oct 11 2005 at 5:17 AM Rating: Decent
ayazz id rate up your last commentbut im below default. im gonna post a link here soon tho. "How to scam a gil seller" nice little vid of how i scammed oozz or something like that. >=)
#33 Oct 11 2005 at 9:59 AM Rating: Default
lol id love to see that XD
#34 Oct 11 2005 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
332 posts
you guys are gonna love this one..

#35 Oct 11 2005 at 5:12 PM Rating: Default
im confused.... that looks like you are helping the gilsellers... if you told me retarded *** aww died during that fight id be happy. (btw i helped aww when he/she was lvl 1 and i REALLY regret it now =(. damn people )
#36 Oct 11 2005 at 6:31 PM Rating: Default
i havent seen any gil sellers in awhile r they still on?
#37 Oct 12 2005 at 12:25 AM Rating: Decent
222 posts
They are still around Glitter, Oo's are trying to XP and the Superstars are still in Kuftal tunnel. The thing that blows my mind is; How can you actually do the exact same thing for days on end and for so long. Most of us that have jobs do the same but things chance or get spiced up a bit. Werid.

#38 Oct 12 2005 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
379 posts
Ayazz wrote:
i didnt want this to become a huge flame war or anything. i was just pointing out what was going on because people should be made aware.

lol, what did you expect? Instead of sending a tell to Vancroft (LS leader) and asking wtf was going on, and bring it to our attention, you post on a public board and make accusations

'nuf said.
#39 Oct 12 2005 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
SophusTehNewb wrote:
Oh noes it's teh endz of teh worldzorz.

If you hate them that much, stop buying gil. Then they become as dangerous as condom sellers at a unic convention.

And where is this Unic convention? I'd like to meet more of my kind.
#40 Oct 12 2005 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
186 posts
lol, what did you expect? Instead of sending a tell to Vancroft (LS leader) and asking wtf was going on, and bring it to our attention, you post on a public board and make accusations

'nuf said.

while i do agree whith your point, that doesn't make what happened OK.

Bottom line: They original people shouldn't have sold their accounts (says a lot about the original members who were so called "good guys" from HK in that link) and the new people shouldn't be selling gil, causing lag, stealing mobs, MPKing, and what ever else they do to **** people over.

I think some people are picking on the wrong person here. I am now aware of these people now and I would not have been had he simply sent a /t and left it at that.

maybe next time ayzz can phrase it as a question instead of a statement so then some people won't have to hit a 9 out 10 on the tension scale.
#41 Oct 12 2005 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
Meara the Magnificent wrote:
I have a thief who hangs out with the Superstars from time to time. He gets free stuff from them, then he sometimes accidentally MPKs them. Gil sellers are funny.

Edited, Fri Oct 7 23:54:38 2005 by Meara

#42 Oct 12 2005 at 12:28 PM Rating: Default
well by stating what i saw instead of asking for an explanation i was kinda hoping for the same effect. i was thinking someone would come on and rationalize what i saw or say i was mistaken. the fact that i STILL HAVE YET TO SEE SOME KIND OF DENIAL is speaking volumes about this linkshell........
#43 Oct 12 2005 at 12:43 PM Rating: Good
379 posts
Ayazz wrote:
well by stating what i saw instead of asking for an explanation i was kinda hoping for the same effect. i was thinking someone would come on and rationalize what i saw or say i was mistaken. the fact that i STILL HAVE YET TO SEE SOME KIND OF DENIAL is speaking volumes about this linkshell........

Either you are a troll, or can not read (I'm hoping it's the latter, but I'm not ruling out the former)

Check the link in my post, and drop it already

and just because you read/post on this forum all the time, does not mean that everyone else does. Hence why I say you should have contacted the LS leader first in game, otherwise, you look like a troll

Edited, Wed Oct 12 13:58:16 2005 by xXMalevolentXx
#44 Oct 12 2005 at 1:15 PM Rating: Default
link didnt work last time. did on my other PC. im very happy to see the situation got resolved by van.

EDIT. im aware that not everyone posts on here but im fairly sure 1 member of each large LS does. someone could have informed the other members when this thread was started.

Edited, Wed Oct 12 14:29:12 2005 by Ayazz
#45 Oct 12 2005 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
I didn't know Aww was a gilseller?, unless she sold her character a while ago.
#46 Oct 13 2005 at 7:36 AM Rating: Decent
88 posts
I posted on their boards a long time ago when this thread first started, and they banned me from their board, even though I sent them a link to this thread. I didn't contact one of the "leaders" or whatever of their Linkshell because I do not know Vancroft's play times and I do not know who the Linkshell leaders are. Yeah, don't use that "don't bring it to public attention" bull either.. it's the public's right to know what is going on when things like this happen, so something can be done about it by everyone before it becomes worse. So whatever.
#47 Oct 13 2005 at 1:25 PM Rating: Default
Okay hold the phone kids, if you didn't know who the "leaders" where & was once in that ls (("I used to be in UC, and they have")) that just don't hit-home base to me imho. I don't blame them one bit for banning you. Especially since your on the same side as Ayazz in your ****** up 'public gotta know even though we don't have the full facts yet because we want to get attension and we like to attack hnmls for fun and popcorn **********

Seems like all of this is
a dramashow than caring about bringing
something to our attension which you ALLLLLLL didn't even have the FULL FACTS AND THE OTHER SIDE OF THE POINT OF VIEW TO BEGIN WITH YOU DUMB STUPID **** RETARDED *****!

WHO THE HELL deamned you the goddess
and created the law that we "gotta know".... sounds like a big *** witch hunt to me.... grow the **** up you twats
wowzers that gave me a tingle inside! Later gaters! have fun in shiva o' losers! and yesy, somebody had to say this to your dumbass hyprocrit faces
#48 Oct 13 2005 at 3:03 PM Rating: Default

The only thing I have to say on this is...... Wtf does it matter what they do and who with.... Maybe there wasn't a defense auto cause people like you are a joke posting stuff like its "Days of are Life". Gil sellers will never go away I hate to break your heart but as long as there is a product there will be a sale. Can you tell me that you believe people can work 40-50+ hrs a week and have time to farm for days. Then actually play the game? Then on top family/other rl stuff. If there working for the money @ work or in ffxi what is it any of your buisness? There is no diffrence then them buying a candy bar or soda. You really need to stay out other peoples buisness have some respect quit "Gossip'n" if you had your nose in my familys buisness like that I would punch you in it. You say they ruin the economy? There isn't a huge list of stuff controlled by gil sellers most times a player raises prices and they don't go down example "RB3" that wasn't a gil seller. Amt is one thing that was bad but still we survive. Sky items sea items hnm items are almost all open to anyone with the time and people. If you haven't noticed with enms you can make lots of gil on top of xp. If you static 1-2 times a week you can make lots of gil and thats free!!

Basically stay out peoples buisness. Its very rude. Remeber were playing a game this isn't congress. And people have altered ego's cause they hide behind a monitor. Also this isn't a war over english 101. Its good to see your a pro at english but don't cut someone down for it are you insane? Do you make fun of a person that can't walk cause his back is broke -_-. People like you insert violence into are culture by thinking your better then others cause you can type proper english. This is one of your many attempts to get over on someone. When your the bitter person who hates themself cause THEY MAKE FUN OF PEOPLES ENGLISH. If thats the best smartass comment you have you better stay home sally......

Stay out of peoples buisness this isn't Jenny Jones,Ophra, or All my children.

Thats all seeya sometime soon.


Edited, Thu Oct 13 16:12:08 2005 by SteveZisssou
#49 Oct 13 2005 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
299 posts
riffy, your mean :(
#50 Oct 14 2005 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
88 posts
Riffyraffy wrote:
Okay hold the phone kids, if you didn't know who the "leaders" where & was once in that ls (("I used to be in UC, and they have")) that just don't hit-home base to me imho. I don't blame them one bit for banning you. Especially since your on the same side as Ayazz in your ****** up 'public gotta know even though we don't have the full facts yet because we want to get attension and we like to attack hnmls for fun and popcorn **********

Seems like all of this is
a dramashow than caring about bringing
something to our attension which you ALLLLLLL didn't even have the FULL FACTS AND THE OTHER SIDE OF THE POINT OF VIEW TO BEGIN WITH YOU DUMB STUPID **** RETARDED *****!

WHO THE HELL deamned you the goddess
and created the law that we "gotta know".... sounds like a big *** witch hunt to me.... grow the **** up you twats
wowzers that gave me a tingle inside! Later gaters! have fun in shiva o' losers! and yesy, somebody had to say this to your dumbass hyprocrit faces

First off, I'm a guy. So goddess, no thanks. Maybe you're a goddess. Or a Queen. A Drag Queen. Whatever. If you're going to flame someome, be original or even witty instead of the "HYUK YOU ****!! POOOOOPIEHAAAAAAAAAAAAED!!!!1111oneshiftone!" Also, a bunch of people left UC a few months ago (around the time I did) so that meant the leaders, as well. I'm not going around stalking UC because people go in and out of that LS like a revolving door to find out who the leaders are. All I know is Vancroft, and I never see him on when I'm on. Sorry I can't play 24/7 like you do, I have OMG a girlfriend, a job, family, REAL FRIENDS, and college.

Guess what jackass? I was told that someone posted on the UC boards that they were indeed, confirmed gilsellers! The original players were HK that were playing for fun, then they disappeared for awhile, turns out they sold their accounts to gilsellers who were.. let's see.. what is it that gilsellers do.. hmm.. I guess.. sell gil? Go check it out and do some research first, YOU DUMB STUPID **** RETARDED *****! HYUK! POOPYHEAD!

Edited, Fri Oct 14 09:10:31 2005 by meowmixalot
#51 Oct 15 2005 at 10:47 PM Rating: Default
ive got a wife, a kid, i go to school, and have a job.... and i dont buy gil. dont try to rationalize that ******** to me. if you dont have the time to invest in something you should quit. thats the fair thing to do all around. its not that i take this game all kinds of serious, i look at posting on this forum as a hobby and when something interesting comes up i post it. as for not having all the info, well thats ******** because according to everything i read i was RIGHT lol. i was right for the wrong reasons but i was still right. UC was not aware that they had gilsellers in their midst (im not sure of that now actually because i have yet to see the names lamuga, caniod, blackboby, or magickaro mentioned as those people whos accounts were sold. we may be talking about different people even now). all i can say is that im not a huge fan of drama but i think the whole FF community has a right to know if any "large" LS is engaging in activities that most would find.........well downright ******. ive made my peace with the subject and would encourage any other drama whores to do the same
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