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GUN FOR HIRE! Empress Hairpin, do you need it? 500kFollow

#1 Oct 12 2005 at 6:05 PM Rating: Default
I miss my old bread and butter, I can't stand being "idle" waiting for a stinking party, why not have some fun, and make some money. I think 500k is a great deal for an Empress hairpin, since the reg one is 1.5-2mil. Anyways, I think my 300+ claims on the Valkurm Emperor says all that needs to be said about my qualifications. My skills at claiming, and my knowledge will decrease camp time substantially. Send me a /tell if interested, my 74/thief/ranger is waiting to satisfy you.

P.S. please keep the "jealousy", and "envy" to a minumum.

Sincerely yours, your not so friendly Girlyman.
#2 Oct 12 2005 at 7:05 PM Rating: Good
299 posts
i hope you are not serious

if you are, i just have to say this; N00B, EMPRESS HAIRPIN IS RARE/EX!!!11!11!one!!

if you arent, i just have to say this; N00B, EMPRESS HAIRPIN IS RARE/EX!!!11!11!one!!
#3 Oct 12 2005 at 8:02 PM Rating: Excellent
54 posts
he wants you to pay him, he claims/kills it, and then you lot the item...

personally, I think encouraging anyone to sell r/e drops is absoloutely disgusting... but I'll leave my comments at that

#4 Oct 13 2005 at 1:15 AM Rating: Excellent
836 posts
Don't do that, AGM. >< It supposed to be free for a reason, lol. Let ppl camp it, before others try to "sell" Rare/Ex stuff.
#5 Oct 13 2005 at 1:41 AM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
I actually don't see a problem with this. It's true mercenary work.

Now, if he was there and claimed VE and charged people to join his party or some crap, then I'd see a major issue. But if he's better at claiming and someone wants to pay, go for it.
#6 Oct 13 2005 at 7:50 AM Rating: Default
you have to realize, while camping the ve is a breeze for my thf/rng, other jobs are very hard if not almost impossible without widescan and flee. I have read storys where people camp ve for two weeks and never see the d@mn thing, I know that is true cause i have experience 3 one hour pops, and i would kill it off in a corner, log for an hr, come back and the same people would still be there killing flys. 500k perfect price point to make both parties happy.
#7 Oct 13 2005 at 8:41 AM Rating: Good
I actually think that idea is bullsh[/i]it. The whole idea of making it rare/ex is so the really good pullers would get thier pin and move along. That would leave a chance for the average pullers and then the crappy pullers. Start this crap and others will start, then gilsellers will start, and next thing you know it will be gilsellers charging 1 million gil to people who want it and it will be back to the way it was.

Why don't you just go camp a new NM where you can actually sell the drop instead of fuc[i]
king with SE's good idea to make the Emp Pin a fair item to obtain?
#8 Oct 13 2005 at 9:02 AM Rating: Good
3,139 posts
I agree with Kramer.

But i am kinda against the mercenary aspect of this game anyways. This is a group oriented game, we should work together, not against eachother.

#9 Oct 13 2005 at 9:05 AM Rating: Good
424 posts
How about this. People camp thier own rare/ex items, and you don't make a cent. Sound good?
#10 Oct 13 2005 at 9:21 AM Rating: Good
191 posts
This is not for real...

Aren't you like almost 100 in leathercraft or something? Go make something +1!

Also, just forgetting for a second that this is pure BS and talking from a business point of view... You can't guarantee a drop. So who is willing to spend 500k to hang out in dunes doing nothing waiting for you to get a drop??? I've killed VE a lot with my THF/RNG and guess what? It doesn't drop often!!!

Tsc tsc... =/
#11 Oct 13 2005 at 10:02 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
/em hides his 2/2
#12 Oct 13 2005 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
3,011 posts
To all you guys that contest to this post, I only have one thing to say:

Thief's Knife.

Until SE fixes that horrendously awful NM, I see no problem with thieves performing mercenary work. Hell, I'll even do some myself for Bounding Boots.
#13 Oct 13 2005 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
Shaolinz wrote:
To all you guys that contest to this post, I only have one thing to say:

Thief's Knife.

Until SE fixes that horrendously awful NM, I see no problem with thieves performing mercenary work. Hell, I'll even do some myself for Bounding Boots.

Like I stated above. Here it starts and as this continues eventually gilsellers will own these NM's again and SE's update will be nulled.
#14 Oct 13 2005 at 10:35 AM Rating: Default
3,011 posts
Now hold on there. There is a difference between Mercenary Work and monopoly.

Mercenary Work is getting paid to go after something, in other words, being used as a tool.

A Monopoly is getting something then waiting to be paid to kill it. That I don't agree with.

In other words, if you get hired to go after a NM, go for it. If you get the nm and hold it waiting for people to hire you, that's gay, I mean it's low and selfish and is against the TOS as it interferes with others' ability to play the game.

Edited, Thu Oct 13 12:22:47 2005 by Shaolinz
#15 Oct 13 2005 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
186 posts
why don't you change the title of this to...

"I'M A BIG GUN! Empress Hairpin, do you need it? FREE!!! I'LL HELP YOU GET IT!!!"

I might actually have respect for you then. If you are such an ace, you should not have any problem helping some people get this item for nothing more then a little bit of your time. why do you feel the need to charge?

Edited, Thu Oct 13 12:10:45 2005 by DukeFame

Edited, Thu Oct 13 12:14:41 2005 by DukeFame
#16 Oct 13 2005 at 11:07 AM Rating: Good
Shaolinz wrote:
If you get the nm and hold it waiting for people to hire you, that's gay.

No, it's low and selfish and is against the TOS as it interferes with others' ability to play the game. It has nothing to do with sexuality, so STFU before I find every single one of your posts and rate your *** down to sub-default status.
#17 Oct 13 2005 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
186 posts
No, it's low and selfish and is against the TOS as it interferes with others' ability to play the game. It has nothing to do with sexuality, so STFU before I find every single one of your posts and rate your *** down to sub-default status.

Come on, he didn't mean it to have anything to do with sexual preference. I know you know this, so stop trying to hard to defend something that wasn't even being attacked.

this had nothing to do with anyone being homosexual until you made it that.

if your gay then your gay. big deal. you should also be smart enough to know the difference between soemone attacking you and someone using a word in a completely different context.

If i say "fuc-k that a$$hole" it does it mean i'm talking about ******* someone in the ***...or am i saying they should go to hell?

#18 Oct 13 2005 at 11:42 AM Rating: Good
418 posts
i'd pay 500k for binding boots.
#19 Oct 13 2005 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
Wrip wrote:
i'd pay 500k for binding boots.

Good give me the 500k and have fun camping them.

Good luck on the claim and drop, I will be there with you in spirit.
#20 Oct 13 2005 at 11:51 AM Rating: Good
he didn't mean it to have anything to do with sexual preference

Then why did he call it gay? He used a word that is intended to reference sexuality in a completely inappropriate way. His intent was to express that an activity or subject is "bad", and by using "gay" he is claiming that being gay is the same as that activity. Calling anything "gay" because you don't like it is demeaning and derragtory. I rate down any post that uses the term in this manner, and when someone repeatedly uses the word in that way, I associate the individual with that and continue to rate down that person on every new post until he/she stops using the phrase. I've never gone as far as tracking down all a user's posts, but I have been tempted for a few people.

Other than that, I'm not gonna hijack this thread any further. I've expressed my arguments already on this a couple months ago - you can dig up the old post if you feel the need to discuss it more.

Edit: saw he edited post - POSSIBLY he didn't mean to use the word; if so, he should take out the word altogther. Many people use this without thinking without foul intent; as long as they apoplogize and try not to do it again, then yes, I forgive them.

Edited, Thu Oct 13 13:11:03 2005 by lawtechguy
#21 Oct 13 2005 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
People call me an @$$hole at times. That doesn't mean @$$holes are a bad thing. If it weren't for them, the taco bell I ate the other day would have devoured me alive. :/

edit: damn word filter

On a side note though, damn those people who charge for free services.....

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go find a teleport-dem.


Edited, Thu Oct 13 13:17:27 2005 by SophusTehNewb
#22 Oct 13 2005 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
sophus, that's not the same thing, and you know it.

#23 Oct 13 2005 at 3:29 PM Rating: Excellent
3,139 posts

I realize you are gay. I realize that you associate the word with your sexuality. But you have gone a bit to far with it.

Lets have some examples.

Damn = A wall made to keep water in/out By adding a letter it supposidly is considered a curse word. Someone went a little to far wiht this.

******* = Donkey hole
Now come on, seriously, can you really be mad at someone for calling someone else this? It is only offensive, because someone decided to take offense to it.

***** = A dog that has had at least one litter of puppies.
Again, this is only offensive, because someone was too sensitive, and let it become offensive.

**** = *****.
Again a duck by any other name is still a duck. Why is **** offensive, but ***** isnt? Because someone was being too sensitive, and allowed it to get to them. They probably had to work really hard at makeing people think it wa soffensive, and then right wind idealists, forced it to become offensive.

***** = ******
See ****

Gay = Happy. Gay did not = homosexual, untill people began to associate the words. In fact im inclined to think that Gay's original definition, was actually someones nice way of describing a homosexual. "That guy is a little gay (meaning happy). Hes not like the rest of us".

So since your takeing Gay so far, lets think of some others you should also be against.

Fruit. Some people call homosexuals fruits. So anytime someone calls someone a fruit (i say this sometimes, and it has nothing to do with sexuality), then you should take a stand.

Fairy. Some people call homosexuals fairy's. Make sure you take a stand on that as well.

***. In Europe ***=Cigarette. So make sure you get on the Europeans abotu useing it.

Now I realize your beef is with people useing it in a derogatory manner. But what your doing is takeing a word, that originally had a different meaning, that society added a meaning to, and takeing it offensive.

So lets start a new trend right here right now.

The word Joy = Happy (to summarize). This is almost exactly the same meaning the word Gay originally had. From here on out, the word Joy is going to have a second meaning. Is is going to mean "Someone who lives in a trailer, spends all their money on alcohol, and beats their wife".

Instead of trailer trash, we will now call these people Joy. In a few years, society will adapt to this new meaning. And at that point your telling me people will have a right to be upset when someone calls them a Joy?

Im sorry, but you just cant steal a word, assign a meaning to it, and then be mad at people for useing it wrong (i say you, but im refering to the gay people who actually adopted this meaning to the word).

If your secure wiht your sexual preference, the word gay should have no affect on you. People useing it wrong should have no affect on you. Because in all actuality, when someone says something i gay, they mean

1: bright and pleasant; promoting a feeling of cheer

2: full of or showing high-spirited merriment

3: given to social pleasures often including dissipation;

4: brightly colored and showy;

5: offering fun and gaiety;

IF your getting upset because people mis-use words, then you need to be equal about it. Theres thousands of words people mis-use daily here, in RL, everywhere. So if your so stuck on forceing people to use the proper words, dont restrict yourself to just the one that your offended by. Be fair and equal, and protect all words.

I know this was kind of long, but I have seen you go on about this mis-used word a few times. And im here to tell you your over reacting. Thats of course my opinion, and i attempted to back my opinion up with some facts. Take it or leave it, but i think if your going to take such a huge stand against something, you should take that stand for all words, and not just the one that suits you best.

P.S. Searchign the forums and rateing down all of someones posts, is a sure fire way to never rate anyone again. I had someoen do that to me, and they will never rate anyone again. Not to mention its rather pointless, and pathetic.

#24 Oct 13 2005 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts

Gay = Happy. Gay did not = homosexual, untill people began to associate the words. In fact im inclined to think that Gay's original definition, was actually someones nice way of describing a homosexual. "That guy is a little gay (meaning happy). Hes not like the rest of us".

lol this reminds me of the flintstone theme song, comon you remember "We'll have a gay old time,,,, WILLLLLLMAAAAAA!!"

Edited, Thu Oct 13 16:48:57 2005 by Shinkyu
#25 Oct 13 2005 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
lol this reminds me of the flintstone theme song, comon you remember "We'll have a gay old time,,,, WILLLLLLMAAAAAA!!"

Yep i remeber that one.

Does that date me or what ??

#26 Oct 13 2005 at 3:37 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Step 1) Instead of ***, say buns. Like "kiss my buns" or "you're a bunns-hole."

Step 2) Instead of ****, say poo. Like "bull-poo," "poo-head," and "this poo is cold!"

Step 3) Instead of *****, drop the "t," because Bic is latin for generosity

Step 4) Don't say f-ck anymore. Because f-ck is the worst word that you can say, instead use the word "M-kay."
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