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GUN FOR HIRE! Empress Hairpin, do you need it? 500kFollow

#77 Oct 14 2005 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
836 posts
I like "Closer" also.

Yeah, that rate up thread was mine. Hehehe, I have no shame. Rate me up!! ^w^
#78 Oct 14 2005 at 4:15 PM Rating: Good
610 posts
Be like "water" rip, let all that bs flow off and away from you. I been to "Hell", and back so nothing Phases me. People kill me, taking everything so personal, and go to bed having nightmares that "Agirlyman" is coming to get me!!! I will see both friends, foos, and mine enemies later today when i awake.

Sweetdreams to all my friends, foes, foos, and the lying, backstabing, two-faced, weak-minded coward@$$ monkeys that dance to music of my choosing.

P.S. Papa, Stunkyu, and whoever else that wants some, meet me in sky by Ulli zone at 4pm eastern time so I can smack the 3 or more of you right of the edge like the f@cking three stooges.


Getting better girly. Keep dancing poppet, I'm not done amusing myself with you yet. By the time I'm done watching you dance l'il poppet you just might make a halfway decent threat to someone one day, but for now you're pocket change.
#79 Oct 14 2005 at 4:16 PM Rating: Default
FOCUS people! you're forgetting ME ME ME! lol

Well I got a "lil" sleep, now gotta work a double shift fri, and sat...whoa is me. Time to boot up FFXI! lmfao!!!
#80 Oct 14 2005 at 8:41 PM Rating: Decent
174 posts
What happen to helping people just to be nice?
#81 Oct 14 2005 at 8:49 PM Rating: Decent
3,011 posts
Money is hard to come by, thats what happened ;_;

If we're complaining about ****, I have one big complaint:

Rogue's Cullote+1 has Dex+2
Noct Brais:+1 has Dex+3.

**** YOU SE!
#82 Oct 15 2005 at 1:53 AM Rating: Default
Makes no sense shaol, I just don't get it. I am "nice", I am "nice" and "evil". lol
#83 Oct 20 2005 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
766 posts
I'm a Paladin/Warrior. This is not an ideal job for NM claims, so I think while I am bored of LFP I'll sit outside Jeuno and watch for low level players making their Jeuno run for the first time and charge them to Provoke the mobs that chase them to the zone off them. "{Provoke} {Do you need it?} 10K"

After all it's true mercenary work.
#84 Oct 20 2005 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
ys! resurrected from the dead after 5 days! @.@


it was so close to fully dying too...


edit: speeeeeling! XD

Edited, Thu Oct 20 14:52:52 2005 by doomygir
#85 Oct 20 2005 at 5:58 PM Rating: Default
damn I totally forgot about this post, **** all you jealous ******** i'm going to do what I want, don't hate me cause i have the perfect jobs to hunt NMs. Get off your lazy @$$, and your "Soap box", and level your own 75thf/rng. As farm as I'm concerned consider me "Japanese", cause "I don't speak any english".

Alot of people do not have the jobs, or do not like, or want to camp NMs. I offer a valuable service for those people who will end up buying a "Emperor hairpin" for 1.5mil or more. I am saving these people 1mil, you have to know me by now, that nothing you say or do, concerns, or effects me in the least.

"That dog will never hunt"
#86 Oct 20 2005 at 6:05 PM Rating: Decent
299 posts
on the weekends only, if you want, /tell me and if im not busy ill help you get this for free
#87 Oct 20 2005 at 6:36 PM Rating: Default
See now there you go, everybody who wants a free hairpin, send a /tell to Mszsliccc, only on the weekend, and if he is not busy.

I think you should make it a topic, and /shout it in jeuno, if you really mean it, maybe you can help dozens of people get a free hairpin as I have done, maybe hundreds??? Boy o boy, that brings back all those memories of day, upon days in the dunes...good thing my charity days are over.

Good luck with that!

P.S. If you don't want to wait til the weekend, or if Mszsliccc is busy bring your 500k to me, and i'll satisfy your need for a "Hairpin".

P.S.P.S. Hey don't worry Mszsliccc, i started that post for you, and i'll shout in jeuno and surrounding areas for ya. I am just tickled pink, that I can help you out.

Edited, Thu Oct 20 19:50:55 2005 by agirlyman
#88 Oct 21 2005 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
299 posts
haha im helpin ppl for free cuz chargin them 500k for a hairpin that they cannot even resale to get some of their gil back is just rediculous...

sorry, i have a life... i may be able to get a few ppl free hairpins, but i doubt hundreds of ppl. thats why i said only on weekends, because im to busy to log on durin week
#89 Oct 24 2005 at 3:41 PM Rating: Default
The same people I help, are the same people who would end up spending 1.5mil for reg hairpin. Not everybody likes or wants to camp NM, or take the time to lvl jobs needed to camp NM. I don't know about you, but my time is precious.

Nobody rides for free FOTHERMUCKER!
#90 Oct 24 2005 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
299 posts
they dont have the time or intrest to camp a NM, or have the time to farm/save up 1.5 mil... hmmmmmm

Edited, Mon Oct 24 17:02:24 2005 by Mszsliccc
#91 Oct 24 2005 at 3:52 PM Rating: Default
418 posts
in 7 lvls with my ninja you'll be getting a tell Agm.
#92 Oct 24 2005 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
418 posts
Yes! Ratedown! For wanting to save a mil. So much for wanting to save some gil. Sheesh. I wish I had the gil to throw around where a mil didn't mean that much.

I suck at claiming the emp. And I'm not going to sell it back. I think 500k is well worth it.
#93 Oct 24 2005 at 7:51 PM Rating: Good
90 posts
Hey guys don't down on this idea, I also just started something similar. I like to call it the "Make shiva noobs worse plan". See, I go and get items that any decent player should be able to get themselves, and then they go through thier entire game lives not being able to do anything by themselves and becoming one of those, "how the hell did they get to lvl 75?! players"

I didn't find all that much wrong with your idea till you insulted Papa and Shink, two people that I respect.

Oh and while we're on how people react to curses, my girlfriend's favorite word is c*nt. oh what an angel.
#94 Oct 25 2005 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
agirlyman, i'm just curious, have you gotten any response on this matter at all?

how about crafting? has anyone come to you for that? i think your bazaar comment says it all "blah blah blah insanely high charge blah blah HQ = i keep"

you can do what you want, no one is going to try to stop you from sitting in jeuno wishing someone cared about what you thought, or hoping some gil buying newbie without enough sense about here nor there will come along for you to take advantage of. but when you do inherently stupid things under the premise "i'll do what i want", people are going to get pissed off, especially when it adversely affects them or others. basically what you are saying you will do is monopolize an NM, then sell the rare/ex drop back to someone at a high price for pure profit. seems like you took a page from the hornet/TTD handbook on that one, and look at how many people they pissed off.

i seriously wish i was level 35 and pinless so i could get you to do this for me, then after i recieve my hairpin walk off without paying you a dime. honestly, you're retarded. {leave}
#95 Oct 25 2005 at 10:28 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Quick question. How is what AGM is doing any different than 5 people who offer to help a WHM or NIN BCNM for Erase or Utsusemi, yet want a % of the drops as compensation? Once the WHM or NIN uses the scroll, they can't resell it either.
#96 Oct 25 2005 at 11:52 AM Rating: Good
3,011 posts
If Girly hadn't have done this first, I would have to be honest.

It is really a ***** to find anything worth any money that gilsellers aren't camping. The economy price is so high that it is insane. If you are a friend of his, he'll help you get the pin for free for sure. If not, he's merely asking for a bit of money for his time in camping.

It's no different than how a LS splits money on a big HNM drop. In that case, everyone gets money. In girly's case, he gets some compensation money while you get a hairpin.

He could have been an *** and charged 1 mil for it, but notice how he's charging 500k.

It's a mercenary job in a world that is failing already.
#97 Oct 25 2005 at 1:14 PM Rating: Good
186 posts
Quick question. How is what AGM is doing any different than 5 people who offer to help a WHM or NIN BCNM for Erase or Utsusemi, yet want a % of the drops as compensation? Once the WHM or NIN uses the scroll, they can't resell it either.

Its different because anyone can go do a BCNM and other players doing them doesn't effect the outcome of yours.

where as this guy is camping a NM multiple times and if he continues to claim it over and over again it makes so someone who might not have as much experiance camping/playing has an even harder chance to claim it now. Its ******** people who are trying to do it the right way in favor of someone who is to lazy and or buys gil and then gets a pin cheap with no effort.


a ligit player 40ish thief who can finally camp emp himself goes to the dunes to try and get a emp pin. he sees girly there and says ok i got some compititon. fine with me. girly gets the claim.... but wait girly has a new customer now and contiues to camp it it again and again. why should the legit thief have to deal with girly being there everytime he is. girly doesn't need the drop. but the thief does.

he is almost forced to ether A) pay 1.5 mil for it or B) pay girly for it. !

he can't get it himself cause everytime it spawns an much more experianced prick lvl 75 player claims it for the new player of the day named eyezbuyzgilz.

Edited, Tue Oct 25 14:26:29 2005 by DukeFame
#98 Oct 25 2005 at 1:55 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
K, I'm playing Devil's Advocate

Its different because anyone can go do a BCNM and other players doing them doesn't effect the outcome of yours.

It does if it's BCNM 20 in Ghelsba

where as this guy is camping a NM multiple times and if he continues to claim it over and over again it makes so someone who might not have as much experiance camping/playing has an even harder chance to claim it now.

AGM didn't get good at camping emp simply by showing up. Why should you expect less of anyone else who wants it? It's not impossible, even I've beaten him.

Its ******** people who are trying to do it the right way in favor of someone who is to lazy and or buys gil and then gets a pin cheap with no effort.

They could always do a BCNM for the real deal? Heck, not only is it free and with no wait, but they can sell it for 1.5-2mil. Then they could pay AGM 500k for the rare/ex version and come out 1-1.5mil ahead.

why should the legit thief have to deal with girly being there everytime he is. girly doesn't need the drop. but the thief does.

Again, if they want it bad enough they'll put the time in to camp it and learn the patterns. It's not really that hard. It just depends on how much time you want to invest. But hey, if they don't want to camp it or BCNM, they could always farm.

Edited, Tue Oct 25 15:06:17 2005 by SophusTehNewb
#99 Oct 25 2005 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
he is nulling the entire purpose of making the drops rare/ex. they were not meant to be bought/sold. as i said its no different than nela selling abjurations he doesnt need to NA players who cant get the claim on say fafhogg.

the reason why SE made them rare/ex is so more people could have access to it without paying insane amounts of money and/or having to deal with gilsellers and other campers who camp the drop for profit. things are fine in valkurm and sgusta, but now "venture supercapitalist" agirlyman is trying to ***** honest players out of their hard earned gil and a drop which they want. anyone with 500k in "legit" gil is typically high enough to camp it themselves and doesnt need his help.

if he has 100 leathercrafting he needs to go make profit with that and not bother with "small beans" crap like this anyways. he could make a much larger GPH crafting than he could annoying other players and camping something for a drop that he doesnt even need. he is not trying to help fellow players with this, he is trying to manipulate the system and in his fashion "go against the grain". thats the only reason why he's doing this, no one else is. even though its about as stupid a thing as you can do.
#100 Oct 25 2005 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
121 posts
Is having 300+ claims on VE a good thing? I'm sorry, to me that sounds like someone with absolutely nothing better to do and it sounds kinda sad....
#101 Oct 25 2005 at 2:30 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
I don't know. It was my belief that SE made the items rare/ex to get rid of the relentless botters, not the campers. Otherwise why not do what they did to Aquarius and remove the drop completely from VE?
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