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Tired of it ;_;Follow

#1 Oct 16 2005 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
3,011 posts
I went to 9 different places to get money today, and at every place I was at, there was a gilseller. They are everywhere, and there is NO way we can make money outside of BCNMs anymore.

So, the answer to getting rid of the sellers once and for all...

SE has to sell gil (that they make) for cheaper than the gilselling web sites do, and advertise it via NPCs in the game. The gilsellers are literally in every corner of this game, hijacking our economy and dragging it to its death. However, they are not fully to blame, because they would not exist if people had any moral conviction about buying gil. (I.e., no gilbuyers= no gilsellers). It has came to the point to where every NM that has a value, every mob that can be farmed, and even every craft that can be made for profit is done by a gilseller. It is impossible to escape them...

I'm so demoralized ;_;
#2 Oct 16 2005 at 5:12 PM Rating: Default
thats an interesting solution you have there. and i agree. gilsellers are ruining the fun for many players.....
#3 Oct 16 2005 at 8:06 PM Rating: Good
530 posts
I haven't been able to properly farm anything for more than 30 minutes at a time before people move in. Maybe they're gilsellers, but probably not. They're probably just regular people who are forced to move onto crappier farming zones because the good ones are taken up 24/7.
#4 Oct 16 2005 at 11:50 PM Rating: Good
292 posts
Not sure what you mean, Shao, about SE selling gil that they make...sounds like you're asking SE to endorse gil-buying and I'm not comfortable with that idea. Gil Sellers have been here for awhile and we all know that they are not going anywhere, there's not much we can do about it.

I don't know what a possible solution to the problem could be, I know for me, in about 10 hours I made about 1.5 million, but it took alot of patience and perseverance, and it seems it takes alot of that these days to make the gil needed. Even with Angel Skins, which I stopped fishing for due to overfarming, took alot of work. For me I don't mind, for others, I understand that we shouldn't have to put that much work into it. But, on the side I get xp(as little as it may be, it all adds up, is how I got a few of my merits), Kindred seals and Beastman Seals.

I don't do NMs, not unless I absolutely have to, most of the places I farm are DC and EP mobs and rarely do I see any gilsellers there. Might not like the BCNM or KSNM route, but it is good money, and you being a somewhat uber thief ( Smiley: grin ), you should have no problems farming the seals. It's all a matter of taste I suppose.

If you want Shao we can always go on farming trips, two thieves can do some mad stuff, up to you though.
#5 Oct 17 2005 at 11:14 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Okay I know this idea is going to sound crazy, but if you want people to leave an area you want to camp....


and at every place I was at, there was a gilseller

Just one? And you left??? So disappointing :(

The thing about nm campers/farmers is that they stay in areas without much competition. The more people, the more competition. The more competition, the less likely they are to get what they want. The less likely they are to get it, the higher the chance they will leave for an alternative area.

It's like exp'ing. There are several great places to level, especially if your party is alone. As more parties show up, everyone's exp starts to suck. Eventually, some parties leave because they can't get the exp they want. If you stayed, your exp slowly goes back to normal. If you left, their exp goes up.

Camping/farming is usually no different.
#6 Oct 17 2005 at 2:01 PM Rating: Good
4,447 posts
I got Amemet last night :)
#7 Oct 17 2005 at 5:09 PM Rating: Default
174 posts
They should put caps on items when they go on sell in Ah so gilsellers don't sell them at crazy prices.

#8 Oct 17 2005 at 5:44 PM Rating: Good
292 posts
Unfortunately it's not just the gilsellers, 100k for Nomad's Mantle, which normally sold for around 60-70k, I had to get it sadly, I couldn't find mine....another instance was Colossal Axe +1, price history showed it listing at a consistent average of about 200k..I went up to 400k before I slapped myself and walked away from the AH.'s not just the gil sellers raising the prices...on the flip side though, when I use to farm for the Water 4, I noticed the Gards would actually undercut the going price of the item for it sell. Take that for what you will.

By no means am I sticking up for them, but they are not the only greedy ones on this server.

Edited, Mon Oct 17 18:59:00 2005 by SKPohina
#9 Oct 18 2005 at 3:27 PM Rating: Default
reason why the nomad's mantle is higher in price, is because just like all the other crafting material the traveler's mantle is 120k.
On the other high end items if you dont craft a +1 you can lose a mil or hundreds of thousands of gil. It's not getting better, it just keeps getting worse.
#10 Oct 18 2005 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
When I got it there was only one up there, the seller decided to take advangtage of that and raised his price. I was unfortunate enough to actually need it at the time and couldn't find the one I had placed on my mule.

Edited, Tue Oct 18 17:26:08 2005 by SKPohina
#11 Oct 18 2005 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
76 posts
Why do people blame gilsellers.

It's gilbuyers that create the market. Without people buying gil, there would be no market for gilsellers to earn from.
#12 Oct 18 2005 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
thats true but think about it from a cause/effect standpoint. there were obviously gilsellers BEFORE there were gilbuyers. if they hadnt come into existence this whole issue wouldnt exist
#13 Oct 18 2005 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
Hmm, idk, but this is just my opinion. SE is trying to make money by making us play longer, i see no problem with that exept for the tiny fact that we want to get stuff done as fast as humanly possible.

SE wants money. they know that gil sellers are driving up prices. They are probably selling gil basicly, they are getting money from us for playing the game, they are getting even more money from selling their gil.

maybe they arent selling gil. But the gil sellers could be paying SE some sort of royalty or something to sell the gil in the game in the first place, so they are actually making money.

what people are missing the most is that the most valuble thing here is not the gil, its our time, and thats what SE wants, and with these gil sellers driving up prices to ridiculous amounts, making us play longer and harder to get the gil we need, SE is getting all the time they want, and will get more whenever they want because its all one big *** monopoly.

there are ways to end things like this, but they are close to being impossible, but possible, but will never happen in a trillion years impossible. all we have to do is get nearly every single player on this server to lower their prices and make the value of one gil go up. whats the chances of that? 1/11242346105643786437864355. basicly, never will happen.
#14 Oct 18 2005 at 11:42 PM Rating: Decent
might as well try doing that in real life..... TIS UNPOSSIBLE. but a good idea though
#15 Oct 19 2005 at 12:01 AM Rating: Decent
222 posts
In all fairness to SE, the main arguement I see is "SE does this to make us play longer". Well, I'm not expert but why upset your customer base by "allowing" Gil sellers. They did put a huge stoper on a number of NMs in recent patchs that stop some grossly overpriced items and to be fair this isn't the only problem they have to deal with. Think of all the other problems they have to put most of their resources into (Aka DDos attacks). No I don't support Gil selling but SE does have alot on their plate to deal with every single day, and as a matter of fact us gil seller and regular folk alike don't make it any easier for them. I personally would not wish to work for SE, having to deal with such issues that really, I mean really should not exist and a game for fun/hobby.


Edited, Wed Oct 19 01:09:32 2005 by Calvern
#16 Oct 19 2005 at 9:05 AM Rating: Good
3,139 posts
I just have to say one thing about the gil seller "Problem".

BEat them at their own game !!

The reason gil sellers are profitable.

#1 They monopolize camps.

#2 No one challenges this monopolization

How they monopolize camps:

#1 they stay at these camps day in and day out 24/7, makeing them very proficient in the tactics needed to claim said NM's.

#2 They use dirty tactics to deter others from competing with them. (Please never sink to their lvl and use dirty tactics against them)

The end all be all solution to putting a stop to gil sellers:

#1 Stop saying "Gil sellers have control of that NM it's no use". Take your lazy *** over to that NM, and learn the pop times, spawn conditions ect. And then TAKE that NM from the gil sellers. I would say 90% of the people playing this game, are better players then gil sellers. However, the gil sellers know the in's and out's of the NM's they camp. If you too know the in's and out's, its then just a matter of being the faster claim.

#2 Tell your friends, LS mates, and anyone else who will listen what #1 says.

I know a lot of you dislike agirlyman, but he is bar none the master at claiming VE. How do you think he managed to become that way? It wasnt sitting in his mog house sulking that gil sellers control that NM, and never even giving it a shot, that much i can promise.

#17 Oct 19 2005 at 10:08 AM Rating: Good
292 posts
Yup, agreed, most people see a gilseller there, they turn around and walk away. I've camped a few times against the gilsellers, been successful quite a few times as well, only one I couldn't beat was the one in Ordelle's, she/he was either really good, or cheating big time...

It is a matter of knowing spawn times on placeholders and knowing the possible pop locations of the NM, SE helped us a while back by spreading out the pop locations of NMs, helped us even more by putting that delay before claim on NMs.

Aside from those few that use the bots(don't see alot of those, except for Sozu camp), and packet sniffers(not sure if those even exist on this server), the gil sellers have the same in game mechanics that we do to claim these NMs. It's all a matter of desire and patience and perserverance.
#18 Oct 19 2005 at 11:57 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
they know that gil sellers are driving up prices

Gahhhhhhhh. I swear, this is going to be the end of me :/

Gil sellers don't create gil, they sell drops for gil. Then they sell the gil for rl money. *WE* are the ones who rise the prices. If everyone refused to buy -OR SELL- an o-kote for more than 1mil, I bet the price of an o-kote would shoot down to 1mil pretty quick...
#19 Oct 20 2005 at 12:51 AM Rating: Decent
its just my opinion, but if the gil sellers wasnt here in the beginning then we wouldnt have gil to buy for real money and drive our online prices up with.

If there were no gil sellers, we couldnt buy gil.

If there is no gil to buy, we would still be getting gil on our own.

If we were getting gil on our on all this time, the prices for nearly everything would not be ridiculously high like it is now. Look at the price for crystals.

A bunch of little kids are taking their mommy's and daddy's credit cards and buying the damn gil from the gil sellers.

It is true that the prices wouldnt be up if it wasnt for us buy the gil, but if they was never here to begin with,we would of had no gil to buy to drive up prices with.

so in my opinion, which is only an opinion nobody has to agree with, It all the gil sellers fault's for even deciding to exist.

~thank you~
#20 Oct 20 2005 at 10:38 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
But that's like saying "because there's weed at a party, I have to smoke it." I'm not into the herb; that's a personal choice. It gets offered to me, I reject the offer. Just because something exists doesn't mean you have to do it.

edit: I sold an item for 80k the other day that went for 50k two days ago. Then the next few items sold for 70-80k. Does that make me a gil seller since I "caused" the 20-30k inflation?

P.S.--the price dropped *before* and *after* I sold it due to supply and demand.

Edited, Thu Oct 20 11:48:23 2005 by SophusTehNewb
#21 Oct 20 2005 at 10:50 AM Rating: Good
3,139 posts
its just my opinion, but if the gil sellers wasnt here in the beginning then we wouldnt have gil to buy for real money and drive our online prices up with.

If there were no gil sellers, we couldnt buy gil.

If there is no gil to buy, we would still be getting gil on our own.

If we were getting gil on our on all this time, the prices for nearly everything would not be ridiculously high like it is now. Look at the price for crystals.

A bunch of little kids are taking their mommy's and daddy's credit cards and buying the damn gil from the gil sellers.

It is true that the prices wouldnt be up if it wasnt for us buy the gil, but if they was never here to begin with,we would of had no gil to buy to drive up prices with.

so in my opinion, which is only an opinion nobody has to agree with, It all the gil sellers fault's for even deciding to exist.

~thank you~

You are correct to an extent. If there were never gil sellers, then the economy would have probably taken longer to iflate to the point it is at now. However, due to ignorance on SE's part, there is and will always be more gil going into the economy, then comeing out. This means the economy will continue to inflate indefinatly.

There are a lot of things that inflated the economy much more so then gil sellers (who do raise the prices, but can never raise them past what people are willing to pay).

padded cap exploit.

Fish bots

Those 2 are the biggest cause of inflation. Those 2 exploits caused so much gil to enter the economy, and with no way to elimintae it, caused a huge inflation.

The reason gil sellers cause inflation, is not because they raise prices on items (because EVERYONE does that), but because:

#1 they accuirre an item (archers ring for example).

#2 they sell the item and get the gil for it.

#3 they sell the gil via RMT

#4 the gil buyer goes back to the AH and buys an archers ring with it, giving them the gil right back.

#5 rinse and repeat.

This means at one point, they had a virtual unlimited supply of gil (due to the fact that they were farming the items people bought the gil to buy, and had monopoly on them).

It really is a genius way to do it, though of course i disagree with it. But none the less, that still IMHO didnt cause nearly the inflation the padded cap exploit, and fish bots caused.

But this topic isnt about inflartion, its about being betrter then the gil sellers, and going out and winning the claim on those items you want!!!


#22 Oct 20 2005 at 11:22 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
There are a lot of things that inflated the economy much more so then gil sellers (who do raise the prices, but can never raise them past what people are willing to pay).

padded cap exploit.

Fish bots

Exactly, the rest is all supply and demand
#23 Oct 20 2005 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
i dunno about you guys, but id MUCH rather get beaten by a normal player on an NM spawn than get beat by the gilsellers..... i think thats why people hate them so much. they arent even real players and they go out and ruin other peoples fun. im not saying we cant go out and totally rape them on claims, but most people think they shouldnt have to do that.
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