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DivineXtasy - New Casual Player LS - RecruitingFollow

#1 Nov 08 2005 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
582 posts
We are a brand new LS, oriented toward the casual player.

Do you find that you only have a few hours to play a week?

Do you feel that because of your hours you are limited to what you can do in Vana'diel?

Do you want to do trigger NMs, perhaps even Sky, but find that most end games LSs too time constraining?

Then why not join us...a group of casual players with experience and levels to try out some of these things within the time frame that will work for you. We can help you accomplish your goals, help with your missions and quests.

We may not do many things as fast as other LSs and we will certainly never be be a HNMLS. But hey, with careful planning and coordination of schedules, you'll be surprised at things that you can accomplish!

We are still brand new, so we are small bunch right now. But with every new member, we will have more potential to adventure far and wide. No more shouting in Jeuno for hours, wasting your precious time away!

No experience in end game necessary. No level, rank, or mission restriction.

We weclome new players and veterans a like. Kazahm Keys? Ha, no problem. ZM4-12? I've done and led them many times! AF quests? You bet!

All we ask from you is your sense of humor and an adventrous spirit! O..and a little tolerance on some of our more subligarish jokes.

DivineXtasy is a place for the casual player, a weekend warrior, a dad, a mom, a husband, a wife - anybody that has a busy Real Life, but will still would like to experience this game to its fullest potential.

If you don't have the time, but want to get more out of this game (hey might as well get something out of the $15 dollars you pay for your account!), then come join us and adventure in a fun, casual, drama-free environment that is DivineXtasy.

Please contact Uchipu, Durnik, or Net if you have any questions or would like to try us out. Feel free to click on the link in my signature and leave a message on our boards as well.

Thank you for your kind attention to my post :)
#2 Nov 10 2005 at 2:04 PM Rating: Good
248 posts
bump. Great shell. First weekly Avatar run went really well.

I promised a few people I'd update my blog a week ago and I will do it tonight. I swear!

Edited, Thu Nov 10 14:22:15 2005 by Cornnholio
#3 Nov 10 2005 at 5:54 PM Rating: Good
185 posts
OO sounds perfect atm, i'll get hold of you guys when i can.
#4 Nov 30 2005 at 12:11 PM Rating: Excellent
582 posts
Bumping this up because now we've grown quite a bit!

We're not a huge group or anything yet, but we now have a steady number of people to hang out, adventure and accomplish things!

Here're some big things we did in a month!

+ Carby Mitts Run! I think we had 10 mitts!
+ CoP Static! We have two active CoPs and more forming!
+ Weekly Escort Quests! Easypeasy 1300 EXP Points!
+ Sleepga II Quest! Why spend the dough?
+ Coffers & AFs! 3 BLM Coffers and counting!
+ Mega BC, KS Runs! Burn through all your seals with experienced players that know how to work it!
+ Avatar Runs! Avatar, goodies, or money, your choice!

As we grow, we plan to add more to our list of regular activities, like ENM Static and Subjob/Mule EXP Statics. We don't have a level restriction, mission requirements to join.

However, because we are a bunch of individuals with limited play schedules, we cannot do things "right this second". If you want to jump in, get our help and never come back....well, I guess that'll most likely not get the help immediately. We work around limited play times, and things must be worked into our schedules. This LS isn't for somebody that wants things done ASAP.

So if you like subligars, have recently lost interest in this game, feel a little tired of what you have currently, come join us - because there's more to adventure in this game~!

This is our forums page: DivineXtasy Come find out what we are all about :)
#5 Feb 21 2006 at 5:06 PM Rating: Good
248 posts
Bumping because we are recruiting again. Please contact Cornnholio, Emagyen, Mithrandel, Garybaker, Fernanda, Kirbyprime,Xylos or Uchipu in game if you are interested in joining. You can also check here: DivineXtasy. Thanks

Edited, Tue Feb 21 17:08:43 2006 by Cornnholio
#6 Feb 22 2006 at 10:15 AM Rating: Default
you website is where i always go to buy my gil please keep up the good work the rmt banners
#7 Feb 22 2006 at 12:11 PM Rating: Excellent
1,255 posts
It's a free website, Cindy. The guys who run it use meta keywords to put in banners so they can make money (much like mysterytour). I *highly* doubt anyone who runs DX supports gil selling/buying. Those banners/ads are just the price you pay for using a free service.
#8 Feb 22 2006 at 4:13 PM Rating: Excellent
248 posts
Sophus is correct. THe forum we use is the free version hosted by runboard with ads they put up themselves. We have no control. We don't condone gil selling/buying by our members. Sorry you were distracted by them.
#9 Feb 23 2006 at 9:16 PM Rating: Good
1,261 posts
OH UCHI I miss our Monday night adventures ^^ I'd love to join =D I haven't had any time to do anything lately because of school schedule so I feel like Im doing nothing for wasp =(
#10 Feb 24 2006 at 10:11 AM Rating: Excellent
582 posts
I can say something really mean to Cindykitty, but I'm not going to because I'm not like that.

ALL Free Message boards do have meta-ads as Sophus mentioned that produces automatic banner ads. Even Killing Ifrit, and this website, Alla as well. If you are a premium user for Alla, you will not see these ads. Alla is naturally more technically advanced than I am so they were able to tweek it several months ago to only show ads that are non-RMT. But KI does, for example.

We have no control over what ads pop up our boards, and we do not profit from it - Runboard does, if anything.

I never see ads on Alla nor on my own boards, as I have paid premium membership for these. I believe a few of our members have done so for our boards as well. So it never really bothered me.

However, you are absolutely correct in that having RMT ads on our boards can persuade those who just wandered in to buy gil. Afterall, that's what advertisements are for - to persuade people to buy something.

One way to get rid of these ads on our boards would have been for me to pay extra $50+ to buy bandwith and page hits from Runboard. Every $25 you get more page hits. Seeing that is was a Canadian company (and I'm pro-Canadian - hubby's Canadian - GO LEAFS!! @_@) I did spend $100 today got us mucho page hits.

Two of our members even went further, purchased a IP Address (not yet operational) and bandwith and are taking some time to build us a real website.

So I guess all in all, thank you for pointing it out. It did motivate us to go the extra step in improving our website.
#11 Feb 24 2006 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
123 posts
banners on KI too >.>
#12 Feb 24 2006 at 9:20 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Uchi if you guys want some tips on hosting servers, webpage formats or message boards then give me a /tell. *Someone* might as well benefit from the hell I went through setting FU's up :/
#13 Mar 03 2006 at 2:17 PM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
Hey Sophus I checked out the FU website, good job! I know nothing about making websites but it looks great.^^

Our new message board is at

It is still on the works as far as looks go, but we are already using it. Thank you for offering help too. Any input is appreciated. =D

Edit: I don't know why my little post isn't showing right. >.>

Edited, Fri Mar 3 14:34:33 2006 by Camilleclaudel
#14 Mar 03 2006 at 2:46 PM Rating: Good

Nice forum avatar, Fernanda O.o
#15 Mar 06 2006 at 2:37 AM Rating: Good
515 posts
Hmmm... I was wondering where you all ran off to...

Sounds... interesting...

Why did you all leave again? Not cool enough, eh?
#16 Mar 06 2006 at 10:48 AM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
We changed websites because of technical stuff which I don't really know, like speed and amout of stuff we can spam in the forums and such. Not really sure lol. Also because Runboard was a free service and had random ads if you were not a paying user. Uchi ended up having to pay to have the ads removed for a certain amount of time. The new board is still on the works as far as the visual goes, but it's already more user friendly.^^


Nice forum avatar, Fernanda O.o

LMAO were you the guest? =P

Don't tell anyone but I stole that avatar from a post I saw somewhere here in Allakhazam. o.O
#17 Mar 06 2006 at 11:56 AM Rating: Good
I visited but I don't think I left any messages there.
#18 Mar 06 2006 at 12:29 PM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
Oh it's because there was a guest message about the mithra tail shaker lol.^^
#19 Mar 06 2006 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
515 posts
Hey now, honestly, what happened to cause the whole lot of you to leave? I was on hiatus from the game when ya'll moved out, and no one in GB will tell me what happened... It's really quite disheartening when a big chunk of your friends leave without saying anything, and then when you try to contact some of them, they forget you exist.

Except Fern and Gary, I haven't received any friendly responses from you guys ; ;

Btw, if I knew why everyone hated me, and if I didn't feel so awkward because I do not know, I would want to join. GB is making more runs to do stuff, and they're all going swell. But see, thing is, my highest job is lvl 61, and I'm not of the best help for some important things... Most people in GB have passed me in rank and lvl doublefold, and I feel really left out when I wanna beat up some baddies, but they're all on end game stuff.

Maybe if I could get a few responses on what happened, and why alot of people avoid me, I would join.
#20 Mar 06 2006 at 3:38 PM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
Moomba, I'll tell you how I joined. I love all you guys at GB by the way. At least with me what happend was kinda by accident. I had nothing to do one day, so after fishing in Sea Serpent Grotto I decided to walk back to Kazham instead of using the Outpost Warp. On my way back I found Net naked in the jungle lol. How can you resist a naked bald hume? =P

Anyway, he was bored too, farming for the Teleport-Yhoat scroll item. We teamed up and it dropped on the first kill lol. >.> With our little entertainment done, we sat down in Kazham to chat and Net told me Uchi had the DivineXtasy linkshell up and running. We used that pearl once or twice when we did the Monday night events and it had become a full time LS. Net gave me a pearl and I checked in, I already knew almost everybody from back in the Monday night days so it felt really good to be in touch with old friends again.

At the time GB was pretty empty. Whenever I logged in only Nemkar and a couple more people were around. Bill had a different LS too, I had a pearl but never really checked in much. He got a pearl for DivineXtasy and ended up leaving his LS after a while because we could hang out and talk junk in linkshell together. I still checked back at GB to find it always empty while DivineXtasy was always doing something. I guess that's why I didn't come back to GB.
#21 Mar 06 2006 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
515 posts
It's funny, after a few weeks, and when Aida came back, things started to return to normal. I think the emptiness you were referring to was after that thing in the ENM happened with Gid, Nem, Torn, and whomever...

Nem invited his old friends into our shell now. I don't really consider them friends, per se, because some left and some are uninteresting to me, XD

Most of the GB veterans have come back, and it's funny because you'll see all these pearlsacks on in the LS list, and then the occasional new person will complain about not having one >.>;

My best friend left the game without saying anything to me, so I'm a little depressed about that... Maybe I'll hit ya guys up some day, sooner or later...

#22 Mar 06 2006 at 4:11 PM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
You know, I thought it was kinda obvious but anytime you got nothing to do and want to go do whatever or feel like beating up people in Ballista, send me a /tell. As long as we are on the same team though LMAO! {monk} {double punch} {no, thanks.}

I'm pretty sure no one meant to disappear, it's just that so many people were gone for a while, and you never know who's back until they either send you a /tell or until you bump on them lol.

#23 Mar 06 2006 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
515 posts
I usually go /sam for Meditate, then I like to drink a giant booster, get 3k HP, heal to full, have 120 tp, go Raging Fists> a tp wing > Raging fists, XD

I've got 1000 BPs or so, so maybe I can arrange a Diorama. I haven't tried Brenner yet...


Yeah that's true. I have no reason to be mad. I just don't care for the people that filled your spots ><;;

Mi padres set up a new internet timer, so my time is limited to 7pm-12pm on Weeknights, and 7pm-2am on weekends, and free range access on breaks. It kinda sucks, since I'm a procrastinator, and I save things until my playing time comes around. I can't help it; it's the American way! XD

I'm sorry if I sounded bitter. Maybe I can log on tonight, if I'm not too swamped with work >.>;;
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