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Desperate Gil SellersFollow

#1 Dec 08 2005 at 10:38 AM Rating: Good
36 posts
Couple days ago, my LS and I were camping Serket. We saw many gil sellers as well as normal campers. When Serket popped, it was clamied by the normal campers.

At the same time, gil sellers started (forgot actually the name) brought so many mobs to the party that claimed serket especially magic pots.

Maybe its because I don't enough experience camping hnm's but I looked in horror while people started dropping like flies by magic pots and the aoe by Serket.

I am hoping this is a sign of the downfall for gil sellers. We should all target them of where they are and steal their mobs. Perhaps, prices will drop.

(At work, so the sentence and grammatical maybe off)
#2 Dec 08 2005 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
299 posts
ShiroMage wrote:
Couple days ago, my LS and I were camping Serket. We saw many gil sellers as well as normal campers. When Serket popped, it was clamied by the normal campers.

At the same time, gil sellers started (forgot actually the name) brought so many mobs to the party that claimed serket especially magic pots.

Maybe its because I don't enough experience camping hnm's but I looked in horror while people started dropping like flies by magic pots and the aoe by Serket.

I am hoping this is a sign of the downfall for gil sellers. We should all target them of where they are and steal their mobs. Perhaps, prices will drop.

(At work, so the sentence and grammatical maybe off)

its called MPK. sometimes, its not just the gil sellers that do it. you could try to steal their mobs, but might be kinda hard as they bot all day and night at the same NM most of the time. its a good idea tho ^^
#3 Dec 08 2005 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Hmm, I know its MPK. (still at work while Boss is gone), but what I have noticed is if u watch example saitayang (don't know the spelling is right) using /sea function, basically, u can see where they are going. I've done that couple of times, (since bored) and most of the time, the NM pops out.

My idea was just track on to them since most of the gil sellers band in one place when the window is about to be open and utlize that information for getting ToD.

Anyways, just an idea. Just sick and tired of all these un-reasonable prices on AH because of gil sellers. Although, it seems SE is finally getting of their lazy butts to do something about it.
#4 Dec 08 2005 at 4:33 PM Rating: Good
75 posts
gilsellers have started following lses around now there were @ kb ealier but CoD got pull so the gilsellers spamming voke at kb but had to pull back cause of AOE.
#5 Dec 08 2005 at 10:04 PM Rating: Decent
People need to remember to use /blockaid.

I'm gonna have to go to these events more often.






Edited, Thu Dec 8 22:07:17 2005 by Takumaku
#6 Dec 08 2005 at 11:09 PM Rating: Good
this is exactly the crap that irritates me. not the MPK itself because i know that happens. the thing that pisses me off is the fact that evn though these events occur almost daily, people still claim that gilsellers are not a problem. i have heard a number of people (some who post on these boards even) defend gilsellers by saying "eh they dont do anything to me" or even "because i hung out with gilsellers before they dont bother me or my LS at NM spawns". those people make me sick and by spreading this trash about gilsellers being OK they just make the situation worse.... ok im done ^^

/end teh rantsorz
#7 Dec 09 2005 at 12:47 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Not to correspond with the other post, but I do have a wish. On Sunday 11th, for the entire server or other server as well, that all hnmls's or ls's go out to the camp where the gil sellers are. Honestly, don't care which ls gets it, but as long as it not gil sellers.

I for one really hate gil sellers since they jack up the prices and take the joy out of the game. Hopefully by Jan. 2006, the new year will be rid of these immoral little piece of **it.

Just imagine buying serket ring for 200k(wishful thinking), or reasonable price.

I will be keeping an eye on Serket especially since they are always there on that day. I hope others will join in getting rid of the FF cockroaches and in hope of exterminating them permanently, taking back the game which we love.

#8 Dec 09 2005 at 1:21 AM Rating: Decent
lol one time SUPERSTARS and GARD teamed up and were STEALING King Behe from Tarutarudan an old JP HNMLS. broke months back.

anyways they stole it and did get claim.... then they died. and Raised and stole again and again and again. me and generalramuh just cast tractor and raise 1 on there bodies before there raise 3 could hit. Timed right the raise 3 has "no effect". Someone might wanna try this on time on them if your feeling a bit bored. :P

needless to say they spammed us with tells saying ********** you" and other stuff. we didnt care lol.
#9 Dec 09 2005 at 1:55 AM Rating: Decent
Planning LS events to **** off gil sellers actually sounds fun. I remember Evermore, Kennykk, and myself were camping Morion worm, and the gil seller stalking the NM kept calling us 'Dog' for stealing the ???, lol.
#10 Dec 09 2005 at 4:40 AM Rating: Good
1,029 posts
Yea gil sellers are bad for the game and cause some inflation but 90% of the inflated prices today are caused by none other than the normal player.

Flame Ring can be made fir 2.4-2.5m yet its sold for over 3m. And i know its a good ring blah blah, well when the price used to be 2m its lame.

Gilsellers didnt cause many of the items people have to go up in price. How many times did you see a gilseller camping emp pin or leaping boots? Me never, yet those both got over 2m at one point.

Stop blaming the server problems on them and look within and find faults with yourself and other players. Cuz gilsellers arnt the main problem tho they do help it along.
#11 Dec 09 2005 at 7:32 AM Rating: Good
1 flame ring ingredient Orichalcum Ring x1.

Last i checekd gil sellers such as superstars mined that ore in ifrits. I dunno if they still do but im pretty sure they do every so often. Mine the ore yourself and get the items custom made my crafters if you cant afford the prices.

the gils sells MAIN problem is that they sell gil to companies who store the gil. then when some gil buyer comes down he brings ********* to the econemy throwing it out of balanace spending big bucks because he doesnt need to make a saving.

This is what causes prices to majorly increase. Ppl will pay the prices ppl set because they have the gil to do it.

I personally dont do that ****. If i cant afford it i dont buy it. No emp pin. Nin is 48. No leaping boots or fuma kyhan. No kote. ^^ yip i dont give a fig.
#12 Dec 09 2005 at 9:52 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
I swear, I will not rest until people actually think about what they're saying before they say it....

the gils sells MAIN problem is that they sell gil to companies who store the gil. then when some gil buyer comes down he brings sh*tloads to the econemy throwing it out of balanace spending big bucks because he doesnt need to make a saving.

Xell, gil sellers and companies do not create gill! I'm sorry, but everyone seems to think that because they camp nms, they get a magic "creat gil" button. They do not.

The gil that they "store" is no different than the gil you "store" on your character or your mules. Buying gil that they "store" does not cause inflation. It's *much* more complicated than that...

the thing that pisses me off is the fact that evn though these events occur almost daily, people still claim that gilsellers are not a problem. i have heard a number of people (some who post on these boards even) defend gilsellers by saying "eh they dont do anything to me" or even "because i hung out with gilsellers before they dont bother me or my LS at NM spawns". those people make me sick and by spreading this trash about gilsellers being OK they just make the situation worse.... ok im done ^^

Ayaz, I will openly defend gil sellers when people blame them for inflation. Why? Because gil sellers are not the major cause for inflation. I will also defend them when people say it's unfair because they dominate claims. Why? Because anyone with the time, skill, and patience to camp nms can beat any gil seller to a claim.

What I will NOT defend them for is stealing mobs, stealing mining points, mpk'ing, being annoying, or anything else. For that, they deserve the negative PR, GM calls, and anything else bad that should happen to them for it.

Please try to understand, it's not that I like nor agree with selling gil. All I'm doing is holding people accountable for the things that they actually did. It's no different than when I defend someone on these boards when they are getting attacked after doing/saying something insightful or helpful, versus when I berrate them for wronging another player. I hold them accountable only for what they are actually responsible

It's not that I agree with everything gil sellers do. Likewise, I don't agree with everything that other people do. However, I will only hold you accountable for what you actually did...not what others THINK you did.

I apologize guys, I am just severely frustrated with this scapegoat economy that we have. If you are really worried about inflation, encourage everyone to sell those haubys at their original 1.7mil price instead of the inflated 3mil. They're not losing 1.3mil in the process, they're halting inflation! Otherwise, tell them not to complain when someone charges them 18mil for a 7mil noble's tunic...

Edited, Fri Dec 9 09:57:46 2005 by SophusTehNewb
#13 Dec 09 2005 at 10:55 AM Rating: Good
186 posts
Ayaz, I will openly defend gil sellers when people blame them for inflation. Why? Because gil sellers are not the major cause for inflation. I will also defend them when people say it's unfair because they dominate claims. Why? Because anyone with the time, skill, and patience to camp nms can beat any gil seller to a claim.

what about the people with jobs, girlfirends, social life? huh? how the **** am i suppossed to spend countless hours getting this ****? there is only so much time in a day that i can play video games. i don't have the time to waste camping the same mob over and over and over because someone has spent years camping it and won't stop and let other people do so. yeah i can get the claim if i stay there long enough, but that is ******** because i shouldn't have to make playing this game a full time job in order to do so.

I'm really thinking that i'm gonna buy gil, because i don't want to waste the few hours have to play this game on farming/camping. 40 mil gil for 200 bucks. lmao, what is 200 bucks??? I can make that in no time. I spend more then that on a saturday night in Manhattan.

guess what i'm gonna do next? i'm gonna go buy wing boots, emp pin, peacock charm, haub +1, astral rings... and I'm prob gonna raise the price on them all.

Enjoy your new prices and by all means blame me, but not the people who sold me the gil and gave me the means to do so.

Edited, Fri Dec 9 11:03:29 2005 by DukeFame
#14 Dec 09 2005 at 11:25 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
what about the people with jobs, girlfirends, social life? huh? how the @#%^ am i suppossed to spend countless hours getting this sh*t?

Simple. Stop levelling, stop crafting, stop doing events. Stop doing everything you're doing and camp the NM.

Too many people read on alla about "I'm 4/eleventy billion on Leaping Lizzy" and think that getting nms is a walk in the park. They do the minimal research, head out the the wrong areas, and assume that the nm will just jump right into their laps. Then they leave after an hour or two because "omg, the gil sellers are everywhere! I can't even get the claim and it's been two whole hours!"

It doesn't work like that. You're going up against people who have (probably) been doing it a LOT longer than you have....but they're not God. If you're willing to put the time into it, I guarantee that EVENTUALLY you will get it.

That may mean you'll have to unlock and/or level another job first.

there is only so much time in a day that i can play video games. i don't have the time to waste camping the same mob over and over and over because someone has spent years camping it and won't stop and let other people do so. yeah i can get the claim if i stay there long enough, but that is bullsh*t because i shouldn't have to make playing this game a full time job in order to do so.

Duke, long long ago I did nothing but camp nms. I spent months doing it. My girlfriend passed me to 75. My friends passed me to 75. Even people who've been playing the game years less than I have passed me to 75. But you know what? I haven't been hurting for money in over a year.

Thanks to those few months, I was able to purchase everything I wanted. If I *really* wanted to, I could sell the unsold items I want and also get clothcraft to 100...then I'll REALLY make a lot of money. My point is, sometimes to get where you want, you have to be willing to sacrifice.

And Duke....if all else fails, there is ALWAYS the BCNM. People seem to forget that they can try for leaping boots/emp hairpins/peacock charms/etc with nothing more than 30 beastmen's seals. I think that once more people start to realize that, the prices of those items will finally drop to respectable levels.

Edited, Fri Dec 9 11:27:16 2005 by SophusTehNewb
#15 Dec 09 2005 at 12:09 PM Rating: Good
i both agree and disagree with a lot of the things people have said on here. the inflation equation is not as complicated as people make it out to be really. essentially the way i see it the gilseller make gil, gilbuyers snatch it up, and then proceed to pay the outrageous prices people are charging. for example: if there are no scorpion harnesses in stock and you decide to put one up for say.... 10 million (greedy *******). *MOST* normal players would laugh at you and go do a KS30. but people who buy gil just dont really care. its not like they had to earn the money. they probably got 10 million gil with mommys credit card or whatever. so from then on a standard has been set in the AH and you will start seeing more SH for 10 mil. everyone with me so far? you're probably wondering "wtf does some greedy ******* and a gilbuyer have to do with gilsellers". its simple really: the gilsellers provide the means to get the gil that bought that overpriced item. so what do we do? cut that **** off at the source. no more gilsellers = no more gilbuyers = more responsible buying.

some people may say "well the gilsellers dont MAKE you buy the gil right? how is it their fault?". a crack dealer doesnt MAKE a kid buy a rock and smoke it does he? i know we'd probably like to think otherwise but i'm sure at least half of the players on here are under the age of 18. they probably dont have the best judgement and some of them can convince their parents to buy them gil. so basically what im saying is wiping out the gilsellers is no different than running the crack dealers out of your neighborhood. makes the community and the economy in the area better.
#16 Dec 09 2005 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
essentially the way i see it the gilseller make gil

But they don't. Gil sellers do not make gil. People pay them for the stuff that they farm. That gil has to come from somewhere.

Ayaz, in order to beat something you have to understand how it works. You wouldn't go into Dynamis without understanding what you're up against. Why not do the same for gil sellers? Figgure out how they work, then use that knowledge to beat them.

I'll give you a hint. It's not just "not buying crack" that gets the dealers out of the neighborhood. You can either increase the risk, or decrease the reward. Take it for what it's worth; it's just the same with anything.
#17 Dec 09 2005 at 12:37 PM Rating: Good
Gil BUYERS are what throw auction prices out of round.
If you farm and work for your gil you will be thrifty.
One that buys his or her gils is not going to care what they pay because it is easily aquired with the click of a Pay Pal account.

If there were no gil sellers, of course gil buyers would be no more. Economics at the Auction House would fall into place.

#18 Dec 09 2005 at 12:45 PM Rating: Excellent
186 posts
Simple. Stop leveling, stop crafting, stop doing events. Stop doing everything you're doing and camp the NM.

in other words stop playing the game for months just to sit around for hours upon end waiting for the same monster and going up against the same person who is prob using a bot anyway. will this person ever leave? nope, even if they get the drop they will be back again the next time trying to get it again. yeah that sounds like a job not a game... no thank you.

It doesn't work like that. You're going up against people who have (probably) been doing it a LOT longer than you have....but they're not God. If you're willing to put the time into it, I guarantee that EVENTUALLY you will get it.

I do not have that kind of time. It's not that they are god, it’s that I don't have the time to camp for endless hours.

Duke, long ago I did nothing but camp nms. I spent months doing it. My girlfriend passed me to 75. My friends passed me to 75. Even people who've been playing the game years less than I have passed me to 75. But you know what? I haven't been hurting for money in over a year.

how old are you and what do you do for a living? I’d really like to know??? did you have a job, did you go out, and did you do anything productive in your real life during that time? I hope you are in high school or college. I however am not. I'm 28 and I have a full time job in marketing in NY, that goes well over 40 hours a week sometimes, I have bills to pay, I play for a hockey team, i work out, I have a girlfriend, and RL friends and gasp a social life that consists of actually going into public places on weekends… and all are more important then this game.

I don't have time for the Mickey Mouse ******** that people create in this game. I’m not gonna listen to some 20 year old college student or some dude who lives in mommy's basement to tell me all you need is to put some time in. lmao, that’s easy to say when you don't have any real world issues to deal with.

And Duke....if all else fails, there is ALWAYS the BCNM. People seem to forget that they can try for leaping boots/emp hairpins/peacock charms/etc with nothing more than 30 beastmen's seals. I think that once more people start to realize that, the prices of those items will finally drop to respectable levels.

all my seals are gone. I’m working my way back up to 40 again. I have done so many BCNMs. sometimes I get nothing, sometimes I get stuff. I have almost 40 KS though but I don't have a level 75 job.... because I have to farm/camp way too much.

thanks to those few months, I was able to purchase everything I wanted. If I *really* wanted to, I could sell the unsold items I want and also get clothcraft to 100...then I'll REALLY make a lot of money. My point is, sometimes to get where you want, you have to be willing to sacrifice.

this is a game, not real life. I should not have to sacrifice months on end. It’s easy to say, when you have to the time to sacrifice.

sure I can take a day or even 2-3 days. but months! Really, ******* months you spent! what a waste of time. you could have been making real money and getting laid and having fun with RL friends. instead you were camping the same monster over and over again going up against the same piece of **** that works for $2 and hour. that's not sacrifice, that's just dumb.

Edited, Fri Dec 9 12:48:29 2005 by DukeFame
#19 Dec 09 2005 at 1:38 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
how old are you and what do you do for a living? I’d really like to know??? did you have a job, did you go out, and did you do anything productive in your real life during that time? I hope you are in high school or college. I however am not. I'm 28 and I have a full time job in marketing in NY, that goes well over 40 hours a week sometimes, I have bills to pay, I play for a hockey team, i work out, I have a girlfriend, and RL friends and gasp a social life that consists of actually going into public places on weekends… and all are more important then this game.

I am 26. I have a girlfriend, a full-time job at a university, and a part-time job in an IT department. I also go to college full-time (I will be graduating with a degree in Networking Communication and Management in Februrary). When I camped the NMs, I didn't spend every waking hour there...I just spent my playtime hours there. And it wasn't a job, but it wasn't as difficult as some make it out to be.

You can always find an excuse as to why you *can't* do something. It's only when you get past the excuses and are willing to work towards something that you can make it happen.
#20 Dec 09 2005 at 2:05 PM Rating: Good
I am 26. I have a girlfriend, a full-time job at a university, and a part-time job in an IT department. I also go to college full-time


Full-time University Job

Part-time IT Job

College Full Time

and FFXI

Christ, lol, how do you manage all that?
#21 Dec 09 2005 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
113 posts
Let`s have a Economic 101. Inflation can be driven up by money supplies, population and a lot of other stuff. since we don`t have Interest rate in this game, forget about this part. So, now break down on how money supply in flow to the economy. sorry, i can only think of population increase and SE printing more gils lol. Seriously, Gilseller, they sell gil for living, just like people in real life trade stocks, foreign exchange etc. the root cause is population increase and SE printing out more gils. How often we just sell our stuff to NPC, those are gils inflow. Just imagine in a group of 10 people and we only give them 100k, no matter how smart they are, money just won`t grow.

Second thing. There is always a supply and demand in a free trade market. Price will be set based on supply and demand. for one, if people are choosing to camp their own NM not buying from AH, then gilseller will not be their for business, since AH will always overflow with the items. and they need to reduce price to sell them. remember they are gil sellers, they hedge funds (lol). Now, let`s say there is no gil sellers, do you think you will have more fair chance to claim NMs?? NO!!, because there are still a lot of people want to claim that NM. Now it comes to the point about skills, patient, and research. Since we do have a real life other than playing game. We need work, school, family and girl friends. What`s the most convenient way to get your items?? AH!!! back into the circle. Because We need Peacock Charm, we need Emperor Hairpin, and we need Leeping boots, and we don`t have time to camp. then we will buy from AH. SE kinda know they ***** up the economy thing in the game, that`s why they make something like dynamis, Ra/ex on certain item which originally able to buy from AH. so people can get better eq or do their own thing without making a huge inflation. but sorry, what happened now, people flat the price on all the dynamis drops. Gilsellers probably don`t sell Byne or dynamis drop?? It is US who did the inflation.

Anyways. gilsellers are bad, because they mpking people and doing the stupid and annoying thing to us. But the inflation isn`t really their problems. they might did something, but... well look at the population. 10% gilseller, 90% regular enjoying game player. do you think that 10% can make inflation fluctuate like that?? Highly doubt that.

Remember the theory about 100k in a group of ten people. they can only trade to each other, no outside injection of money supply. How can that 100k become 110k, 120k or even 200k?? They have to have some sort of way to get money supply increase (Trading stuff to NPC, doing missions, Quests, open coffers, chest, many many things) But one thing for sure, Gilsellers can`t print gils. Unless some smart computer dude able to make phony money in the game. if this is the case, Gil seller bad?? or the computer guy Bad??

Anyways. I really treat this as a game, and if you think this game is not too fair, play another one. every single days there are a lot of games introduce into the market, play those new one. And remember, all other game have gilsellers, I think EQ2 or even WOW. the 3 hottest online games lol. Take it easy. I am more enjoying chatting with my friends that I met online and talk about anything. laugh at each other making mistake whenw e are doing missions and stuff. it`s pretty fun. I`ve been doing mission with 5 guy from Holland, and I am from NA, time zone different is always a problem, but it is nice to talk to them and laugh at each other in the game.

#22 Dec 09 2005 at 2:25 PM Rating: Excellent
1,029 posts
I love how be blames us for his lack of time lol.

Soph ure my hero. Once i get paid from my new job (with which i work 60+hrs a week duke!!!) im gonna maybe try WoW.

Duke is a prime example of what soph is talking about. People blaming others for whats wrong or they "dont" have.
#23 Dec 09 2005 at 3:20 PM Rating: Excellent
836 posts
I'm 28 and I have a full time job in marketing in NY, that goes well over 40 hours a week sometimes, I have bills to pay, I play for a hockey team, i work out, I have a girlfriend, and RL friends and gasp a social life that consists of actually going into public places on weekends… and all are more important then this game.

Then why are you upset? You have tons of things to do and this game isn't important, so it's not worth getting mad about. I think you should try WoW. It's a bit easier and doesn't take as long as stuff does on FFXI.

I don't have time for the Mickey Mouse bullsh*t that people create in this game.

I rated you up for that, lol. The Professional was a kick *** movie.

I’m not gonna listen to some 20 year old college student or some dude who lives in mommy's basement to tell me all you need is to put some time in. lmao, that’s easy to say when you don't have any real world issues to deal with.

Why not? Those are the same ppl you PT with. And just being a human, you will have "real world" issues. Hell, I've been lived alone since I was 15, was homeless while in highschool, now about to graduate college. But do you see me putting my RL issues on here? Well, yeah, cuz I was tryin' to make a point, but anyway>.>. If you got time to lean, you got time to clean. Things are expensive and that won't change soon, maybe with the next update but ya never know. Maybe Rabbit Hides will be the next thing to sky rocket in price, who knows.

I repeat, "b1tching will not get you a Peacock Charm."
#24 Dec 09 2005 at 4:17 PM Rating: Good
i didnt mean that gilsellers actually manufactured gil. i meant that the gilsellers "make" gil in the same way you "make" money by doing your job. they camp items and then sell them. who do they sell them to? gilbuyers and people who will pay outrageous prices. its actually a viscious cycle.

the "if you camp the NM against the gilsellers you can win" argument is also slightly off. there have been several posts on alla about how the gilsellers are botting and modifying the FF files to get claim of a large number of NMs. not that they all do it mind you. im sure a portion of the gilsellers go about it like we do. but on the other hand there are gilsellers whom we will more than likely never beat due to their unfair advantages. this is also another part of my argument about getting rid of them altogether. in my opinion even if theyre not destroying the economy singlehandedly, they are making it worse somewhat which is even more reason to get rid of them. i can totally be ok with (and pissed off about) a normal player ******* up the prices of some things. but when people WHO ARENT EVEN PLAYERS ***** it up and ruin the fun others who pay for this game could have had, well thats just a load of ****.
#25 Dec 09 2005 at 5:53 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts

Full-time University Job

Part-time IT Job

College Full Time

and FFXI

Christ, lol, how do you manage all that?

I left out a couple of other things (like a perfect 4.0 college GPA, being the GM for several restaurants, managing a project for KU Medical center, weightlifting and working out 2-3 times a week, and playing soccer occasionally, having a decently-active social life, and managing a LS with over 100 casual/occasional members)....

....but I didn't want to sound like I was bragging ;)

Seriously though, it's not how much time you have, it's how you spend it. Just like everything else in this game, there's a trick to doing it. If you put aside the time...and you are patient...I guarantee you'll figgure out what that trick was. After that, you can accomplish anything you want.

If I really wanted to, I could easily make 200k+ in a night. Many of you can say the same thing--and many of you can make even more.

The reason isn't because we're lucky. It's because we took the time to get where we needed to be to achieve our goals. We may have ******** whined, and complaimed, but we still did it. Now, we are reaping the fruits of our labor.

For some of us, that was levelling a job. For others, it was levelling a craft. Some took to gardening. I, personally, took to nm camping. Whatever it was, we didn't do all of them at once; we picked one and we stuck with it.

Why do most pld go for VIT, most blm go for INT, and most nin go for AGI or EVA? Strength is good for a paladin or nin, and mind is good for a why don't they get a little bit of both? The reason is simple: you can never excel in one thing if you set yourself up for for mediocracy in everything.

There's a million ways to get what you want; I've already named four of them. It's not easy, but I'm sure you've noticed by now that FFXI...heck, any MMORPG isn't your regular console game.

If you want something here, you have to work hard for it. Nothing is impossible though. If you ever get the feeling like something is impossible to get, you probably never really wanted it in the first place.
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