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Desperate Gil SellersFollow

#52 Dec 18 2005 at 10:13 PM Rating: Good
91 posts
its called MPK. sometimes, its not just the gil sellers that do it. you could try to steal their mobs, but might be kinda hard as they bot all day and night at the same NM most of the time. its a good idea tho ^^

I'm sure it was unintentional but I have to disagree , it is pretty much 99% gilsellers who MPK intentionally. Most other campers still respect other LSs and step away when NM claimed. Unless of course it the GS team that claims, and then its open season, and all bets are off.

Edited, Sun Dec 18 22:18:54 2005 by lilsnag
#53 Dec 18 2005 at 10:16 PM Rating: Good
91 posts
my first double post ...---... do i get a cookie ??

Edited, Sun Dec 18 22:24:11 2005 by lilsnag
#54 Dec 19 2005 at 6:29 AM Rating: Good
2,727 posts
you know what i think? i blame all the high level people

thats right, i blame all you 75s out there. you have much much more gil to spend than us lowbies, so therefore you're willing (or able, i should say) to fork out millions in gear for a second job. when a million people do that (this seems true for most warriors i've seen) people begin to think its a standard. then, us lowbies are left in the dark because we have no way to make 4543 million gil a day...

and yes, BCNMs do make us money. but there's one problem: how the **** am i supposed to do one of those if no one is ever willing to do one?! i hate my linkshells for that reason
#55 Dec 19 2005 at 10:38 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Hahahaha taterz, you get a rate up for being the first one to officially say "I blame the high levels." That argument (in my opinion) is 100x more valid than blaming the gil seller for inflation.
#56 Dec 19 2005 at 11:25 AM Rating: Good
186 posts

If people who buy and sell gil are not the problem then why is there so much hate for them?


If i buy gil tonight and then go upgrade my gear, would you let me in your LS? why so?


If i buy gil tonight and then go upgrade my gear and i was already in your LS and you knew i was a good player and a nice guy, but i only had a few hours to play a week and I just wanted to keep lvling, would you kick me out? why so?

Edited, Mon Dec 19 11:26:12 2005 by DukeFame
#57 Dec 19 2005 at 11:54 AM Rating: Good
836 posts
Hell, Taterz is right. But everything is high, not just gear. Look at the price of things like crystals, beehive chips, silk thread. It all went up. Its just that those things have doubled in price, while most gear quadrupled in price.
#58 Dec 19 2005 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
If people who buy and sell gil are not the problem then why is there so much hate for them?

Because it's easy to blame them.

People see gil sellers as these chinese, 3rd worlders who ruin the game by dominating NMs and selling gil. They're not all Chinese, nor are they 3rd wolders. In fact, some of them are NA.

When you "transfer" gil from one server to another, you are buying (and selling) gil. When you sell your extra gil to an online company to make a couple extra bucks, you are selling gil. Heck, Hellkid wasn't JP or HK, yet he did casinos and admitted to selling gil.

Labeling them allows us to do two things:

1) By labeling them as being from another country, we can hate them by default. It doesn't matter if they are to blame, they are not us--so they are wrong!

The truth is, we're prone to like/believe someone of the same ethnicity and origin versus someone from say...5000 miles away with a different culture, skin tone, time zone, and language..

2) It puts the blame on people who can't defend themselves because a) Chinese people *probably* don't visit an all english-speaking Shiva message board and b) may not be able to defend themselves eloquently enough in English to change anyone's opinions.

As far as gil buyers go, people blame them less because they are not labeled as "Chinese speaking, 3rd worlders." It's like blaming a total strangers versus blaming your brother for wrecking your car. Sure, your brother probably did it, but it's easier to blame the guy first since you don't know him.

Another reason buyers get blamed isn't because they cause inflation, but because they can afford the items *we* want, only 100 times easier than we could get them. It's a jealousy factor, pure and simple.

Some of the people who complain about gil sellers are even buyers themselves. They're the addicts who complain that their dealers are squeezing them too tight. They can't afford it, so they blame the guy selling it rather than blaming themselves for craving it. Wouldn't it just make more sense to kick the addiction? Then you wouldn't need it in the first place.

If i buy gil tonight and then go upgrade my gear, would you let me in your LS? why so?

I've got mixed feelings about gil selling and buying. I've seen the evils of both, but I know that it doesn't necessarily mean the person who does either is bad by nature.

If I knew you bought gil, I personally wouldn't keep you out of my linkshell. However, when we do events in FU we have strict guidelines of what everyone needs to do beforehand to prepare. That kinda stuff you can't "buy" your way out of. If you wanted to participate, I'd hold you to the same guidelines as everyone else. It doesn't matter how much gil you had...

If i buy gil tonight and then go upgrade my gear and i was already in your LS and you knew i was a good player and a nice guy, but i only had a few hours to play a week and I just wanted to keep lvling, would you kick me out? why so?

Same as above, but I'd say not to sugar-coat it. It doesn't matter why you bought gil, you still bought gil. Don't blame it on playtime or lack thereof. Blame it on your unwilingness to work for the things you want. I will take a good player with crappy gear over a crappy player with good gear any day.

If your rep is a factor to you, stick it out. If it's not, buy away. The only person you're doing a disservice to is yourself.
#59 Dec 19 2005 at 12:13 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Just an addendum, good players don't have crappy least not for long. If they're any good, they take pride in what they do. Because of that, they're willing to work for the things they want. Sure, their gear might not be THE best, but it's not the worst either. Chances are, they're working on making it the best they can.
#60 Dec 20 2005 at 1:48 AM Rating: Decent
2,727 posts
yea thats what i'm tryin to do but it looks as though inflation is going to prevent me from making anymore gil than i alreay have ;-;. man this really sucks....
#61 Dec 21 2005 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Wow, didn't think the post that I made would last this long. But its an indication that everyone has their own view of the gil sellers.

To be quite honest, unless everyone cooperates and actually work as a team, SE won't do anything to prevent/fix this issue. Keep in mind everyone, this is business, money = profit. Perhaps SE does look at the site, nevertheless in their point of view "Its only few people".

1). Send your complaints, the more complaints they get, there is a possibility that they might listen. Posting on alla and ******** about it will likely not take care of the problem.

2). Just an idea that popped, create a day where no one logs in to FF for one whole day. This is to set precedent to SE that this issue must be "addressed".

3). Report activities of any activities by bots or gilsellers as much as possible so that when SE checks/investigate the issue, they have information to look at.

Any ideas? We are nearing 2006 everyone, do we want high prices with the new year and expansion or do we want a game that
that we orginally bought with HDD(stuipid HDD) that was fun.

#62 Dec 21 2005 at 11:10 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Just some food for thought...

A couple of years ago, the price for the leaping boots was an "expensive" 300k gil. Because 300k was a LOT of money back then, almost no one had them unless they camped the boots themselves.

A couple of years ago, silk thread was selling for ~9k a stack. For a new player, this was also a lot of money. Because of this, numerous guides popped up that urged players to make money by starting their characters in Windurst and farming for threads.

If you wanted to buy a 300,000 gil pair of leaping boots doing nothing but farming 9,000/stack silk threads, it would take you ~33.33 stacks (not including AH fees):

300,000 (gil) / 9000 (gil/stack)= 33.33 stacks

Today, leaping boots have skyrocketd up to 1.8mil-2mil gil. The cost of silk threads has also skyrocketed to 56,000 gil/stack. If you wanted to buy a 1.8mil-2mil gil pair of leaping boots, still doing nothing but farming 56,000/stack silk threads, it would take you 32.14 - 35.71 stacks (not including ah fees):

1,800,000 (gil) / 56,000 (gil/stack)= 32.14 stacks
2,000,000 (gil) / 56,000 (gil/stack)= 35.71 stacks

Before going any farther, first look at the inflation of the individual items:

Leaping Boots:
Was 300,000
Now 2,000,000
Inflation = (2,000,000 / 300,000) = 6.667 * 100 = 666.7% Inflation

Silk Thread:
Was 9,000/stack
Now 56,000/stack
Inflation = (56,000 / 9,000) = 6.22 * 100 = 622% Inflation

Now at first you might say "See! There's been almost a 45% inflation!" That's not exactly true. You didn't farm gil to get the leaping boots or the silk thread. You farmed silk thread to get the leaping boots. Because of that, you must put the inflation of Leaping Boots in reference to the inflation of Silk Thread.

Now go back to the farming examples. Even if you use the highest values from both equations (33.33 and 35.71), you'll find that there is only a 7.14% increase of inflation:

(35.71 stacks now - 33.33 stacks then) / 33.33 stacks then= .0714 * 100 = 7.14% inflation

So assuming you farmed silk threads now to get leaping boots, you would only need to farm ~7.14% more stacks compared to two years ago. True, this means more work...but over the course of two years, a 7% inflation is phenomenal.

If, using the same scenario, those same Leaping Boots sold for 1.8mil (which they do), the amount of inflation would have actually dropped to -3.48%. That's actually a deflation!

So please, please people. Don't look at the numbers blindly and assume that the sky is falling. Do a little bit of research first. If the sky is actually falling, cry it out to the world. Otherwise, stop begging SE to "fix" things that aren't broken...before they eventually DO break it :/
#63 Dec 21 2005 at 2:21 PM Rating: Good
DukeFame wrote:

If people who buy and sell gil are not the problem then why is there so much hate for them?


If i buy gil tonight and then go upgrade my gear, would you let me in your LS? why so?


If i buy gil tonight and then go upgrade my gear and i was already in your LS and you knew i was a good player and a nice guy, but i only had a few hours to play a week and I just wanted to keep lvling, would you kick me out? why so?

Edited, Mon Dec 19 11:26:12 2005 by DukeFame

1. Because people are whiny and bandwagons grow fast.
2. Yes because we don't judge people by what gear they have, people are people.
3. Nope. You pay for a game, you play how u want to. Doesnt bother me either way.

*big toothie grin*

BTW, would ya like a pearl to the best LS on Shiva? /t Sophus teh newb :)

Edited, Wed Dec 21 14:27:33 2005 by nuzin
#64 Dec 21 2005 at 2:22 PM Rating: Good
I don't really like talking about this topic because unless you are staunchly anti- gil-seller/gil-buyer the accusations start flying around like mad. It's like Salem witch trials and McCarthy Commy/*** hunts. As usual, people are looking to blame anyone but themselves for their problems and end up getting caught up in the hysteria. Nothing said here is going to change the situation; I guess I don't understand why people keep harping on about it when they could be adjusting their tactics and learning to cope with the changes.

So what if the things you want cost more? Why does it matter when the things you sell also go for more? Maybe the people complaining haven't actually farmed in a while and are upset the money they saved up a year ago isn't worth as much now - maybe it's their fault they didn't invest it in something less volatile or that they are unwilling to farm the items that also now sell for 5 times as much.

I have thought a fair bit about what drives a person to buy gil. Is it because he's lazy? Greedy? Hmm, somehow the idea of spending tons of real money on gil for a game doesn't sound too practical for the average person. I can't imagine parents would do it for their kids (unless it's a special ocassion, like a holiday gift - perhaps explaining the current fluctuations), and most people who work for their money wouldn't like the idea of putting it into something that bears little relationship to the real world. And what college kid actually has a spare $50 laying around?

To me there are two major reasons/factors that would contribute to a person buying gil:

1. They want to ENJOY the time they spend in the game, and raising gil is boring and akin to having another job. It's not so much that they're lazy as it is they simply take a different outlook on the game. Perhaps they don't feel they can devote the time to farm/etc. and still do the more adventuresome things that appeal to them. They don't mind paying a little extra real money to the extent that it allows them to enjoy the time they spend playing the game. They may take the money they would use going out with RL friends to instead further their fun with their on-line friends. Maybe their egos aren't as big as the rest of the population and just want to have some fun instead of worrying about being the "bestest uber l33t". When someone else is willing to do the farming/camping for them, why not take advantage of that to spend THEIR time more wisely. This isn't being lazy; it's being smart.

2. They are PRESSURED by other players to have great gear. Melee must have Snipers Rings. Mages need Staves and spells. On and on. Even if they aren't going for +1 of everything, the "decent" gear that most players reasonably expect others to have gets pricy. They are shunned and get a bad rep when they show up to a party with less than ideal gear. They personally may not care about it so much for themselves but don't want to disappoint the other players they have to party with. Perhaps it is not the gil-buyer's greed, but the greed and expectations of OTHERS that makes them feel inadequate enough to resort to buying gil. Maybe the rest of us are to blame for creating an environment that encourages having the best equipment to where someone feels compelled to spend RL money for it.

I would think a gil-buyer would be just as thrifty with his gil as everyone else. People seem to think the mindset of a gil-buyer is "oh, i'm low on gil, I can just buy more, no biggie". What if instead the gil-buyer thinks "damn, i'm low on gil; I'll HAVE TO buy gil if I can't sell some stuff or get it from crafting/farming/etc." What if the person buying gil doesn't like doing it but feels they HAVE to in order to keep up with everyone else? If anything, this might make them MORE frugal than the average player because they don't want to have to spend more RL money than they have to.

Sigh, I'm just tired of hearing about it all. 5/10 posts on Alla are about this, and another 4/10 are griping about various player drama. Let's get back to focusing on the things that make a difference in how we ourselves play the game.
#65 Dec 21 2005 at 2:29 PM Rating: Good
revoninuk wrote:
gilsellers have started following lses around now there were @ kb ealier but CoD got pull so the gilsellers spamming voke at kb but had to pull back cause of AOE.

Hey didnt CoD steal Tiamet from the Old LOTB and Avatar LS over the weekend? What a nice buncha respectable dooshbags ya think?

Keep smiling! Keep smiling,
#66 Dec 21 2005 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
1. They want to ENJOY the time they spend in the game, and raising gil is boring and akin to having another job. It's not so much that they're lazy as it is they simply take a different outlook on the game. Perhaps they don't feel they can devote the time to farm/etc. and still do the more adventuresome things that appeal to them. They don't mind paying a little extra real money to the extent that it allows them to enjoy the time they spend playing the game. They may take the money they would use going out with RL friends to instead further their fun with their on-line friends. Maybe their egos aren't as big as the rest of the population and just want to have some fun instead of worrying about being the "bestest uber l33t". When someone else is willing to do the farming/camping for them, why not take advantage of that to spend THEIR time more wisely. This isn't being lazy; it's being smart.

exactly Wang It's like I tell my ex wife, never drive faster then you can see. - jack burton (which btw was taken when i made character but i have yet to see him running around. :-(

no really thats exactly my stance as of now. Its just like how I pick up manual Labor on Queens BLVD to mow my lawn and do **** like that because I would rather spend my time else where. its not worth it to me to do myself when i can pay a fraction of my real money to someone else to do it for me.

BTW, would ya like a pearl to the best LS on Shiva? /t Sophus teh newb :)

well um sure lol if you want and as long as soph is cool with it since it's his LS. i have another that i'm not gonna give up though, if thats also ok?

#67 Dec 21 2005 at 4:46 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Okay let's just get one thing straight right here, right now....


....I am just the babysitter :D
#68 Dec 21 2005 at 5:01 PM Rating: Good
Hey Duke, read the FAQs on our message board. Pretty much anyone is welcome to join as long as they keep those few considerations in mind.
#69 Dec 21 2005 at 11:41 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Very interesting posts. Intially I posted this since I saw some outlandish things that people would do to get the nm at GC.

In all honesty, I can't blame entire on gilsellers for jacking up the price since that wouldn't be a fact though they do assist in making that possible.

Gilsellers purpose is to get the most gil as much as possible from an item based on supply and demand but within the parameters set by the AH. It is the NON-gilsellers that makes/support the price. In other words, if you have a nobles tunic, the first thing you would do is check the AH in Jeuno. If it says 20M and you bought/made for lets say 8m, would you sell it for 8m. I think not, and including myself, I have sold for things that are on-going price and not the so called "fair & reason market value". We all jack up the price in one way or the other and the blame cannot be entirely placed on the gil sellers, it would be no different than being prejudicial to a certain group biased on race, sexual orientation, gender, etc. or finding a scapegoat.

With the recent update in effort to prevent MPK, the post that I had intially intended had been some what resolved.

As far as for prices, it is unfortunate that human nature has what you call "greed" and that applies to everyone in some form or another. But also, bear in mind part of the cost of items being supported with high price is the fact that some of us are lazy to either farm the either items, if we all farm,bcnm, woudn't that solve the problem? Likely so, I don't think SE shouldn't change its attributes just because of the laziness or lack of time.

In response to buying gil, is that wrong? Obviously not, if that how you want to play this video game. Apparently, people will ask you how did u get that gear, or "OMFG nice gear!" etc.
Thus whether you want to lie or make up an excuse, that is that person's perogative. Obviously for the rest of us, despite our shamble gear, we can proudly say I got that by myself farming tiger fangs or doing bcnm etc. Whether you buy or don't buy, its your concience and the rest of server or ppl can give a rats **** about it. But one favor is since you can buy gil, don't mess it up for the rest of us by jacking up the price.

But heed this that this is just game (although some ppl think its as if their own rl depends on it) and to pay addtional hard earned cash to someone whose good at making gil, more power to ya, personally I'd rather spend it on myself but that's just me.

Last and not least, for all you ppl that think gilsellers are from ONE specific country, that's just plain ignorance. They are from many countries where FF are playable. They are also people too, just like us. That is the kinda of thinking that allows racism to still continue and should've died with the older generation. There's no need for that kind of asinine way of thinking.

Sorry rambled on. Xmas and a 2006 coming up ppl. New add - on coming up, is this where we want to be?

Peace.Do you need any help?

Edited, Thu Dec 22 00:42:59 2005 by ShiroMage
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