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Gilsellers, gilbuyers and the commy complexFollow

#1 Dec 12 2005 at 6:28 AM Rating: Good
Something I've been noticing lately is this increasing game of "Who are the gilsellers/buyers" with people flingin names out and attaching these labels to them w/o really presenting proof or (for some) even thinking about what they are saying.

This is a simple plea to stop this.

I have known a few people who have been labeled- for one lame reason or another- as a gilseller or buyer on these forums and now face a lot of ridicule and threatening /tells from people in the game. These people were not either yet now they are being treated like they are enemies. I have even had an attempted MPK on a friend and ls relationships ruined bc of these accusations.

Now I realize that a lot of players on here are quite young... but a lot of you are older too. I'm not saying you are sending these tells but maybe you don't realize the impact you are having on younger minds in here?

Regardless a lot of people read these forums and are impacted by what it says. What I'm simply asking is if you are going to publically bring someone out into the limelight please have proof and a good reason!

Simply thinking someone might be a gilseller/buyer is not a good enough.

If it didnt effect the game play of innocent people there wouldnt be any reason to post this but when people no longer want to sign into their main characters for fear of harassing /tells then it is time to ask for an end to this.

I dont expect any kind of a reply to this at all. If you have issues with me about posting this feel free to send me a tell and take it up with me in game. This is just a cry for help and a return to some human kindness. ^o^
#2 Dec 12 2005 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
i have a 6th sense for gil sellers. not too sure about gil buyers. they are tricky to know who they are. unless you monitor there activities over a few months.

one person i know says "i farm tree cuttings" and has done that to make millions of gil. Um i dont think so. not with a certain job as your main.

another a white mage who is well known says she camps enky in delkfuuts tower and repeatedly gets the drop. apparently shes like 15/20 or something now. problem is she enver amps there ever.

she somehow managed to get eneough money for goldsmithing ater a certain incident left her gillless. Also says she sells all she makes for good returns. checking AH where they were "sold" yeilded none the items sold.

thats just two examples of how to know how someone is a gil buyer :P

best way to know if someone sells gil or not nowadays you can just check there LS.

fodbiddenzoneofgods and that shadowheartIII thingy. Allies with gil sellers = you are a gil seller to me.
#3 Dec 12 2005 at 10:43 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Just playing Devil's advocate here Xell, but I used to monitor someone's selling because I suspected them of something. Then one day--as if by magic--it occured to me...mules! I was always looking for that person's name, but I never bothered to look for mules. When I found out the names of their mules, sure enough there they were.

Heck, even bazaaring goods bears no AH history...
#4 Dec 12 2005 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
418 posts
Bris I know exactly what/who you're talking about and he went off at me this time. AND he also said ********** man I don't do that no more" *
#5 Dec 12 2005 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts
another a white mage who is well known says she camps enky in delkfuuts tower and repeatedly gets the drop. apparently shes like 15/20 or something now. problem is she enver amps there ever.

she somehow managed to get eneough money for goldsmithing ater a certain incident left her gillless. Also says she sells all she makes for good returns. checking AH where they were "sold" yeilded none the items sold.

Oooooh, I know who you are talking about >.>

AND he also said "sh*t man I don't do that no more"

LOL sounds like Goldenchild.
#6 Dec 12 2005 at 3:06 PM Rating: Default
i have a 6th sense for gil sellers. Allies with gil sellers = you are a gil seller to me

see this is exactly what I'm talking about. You may feel you know these things but when it comes down to it you are ruining someone's gameplay over a feeling however logical you may find it.


There are a lot more people to blame for the inflated economy than gilsellers/buyers. Average people being greedy and just impatient are, I think, more accountable to the state of our economy than anything else. A gilseller may religiously camp these items sure, but it takes skill to get them and many players can get them too.

All that aside the person who puts items up on the AH for inflated prices is what the real problem is. The person that actually buys it is another. Those are the two people to be really mad at, bc regardless if the buyer went and spent dough on his gil he's inflating the price of things by buying that item at the inflated price simply bc he's too impatient to wait for the idiot who put it up at that to lower it.

The only way we are going to conquer this economy is to get over ourselves and start being smart about how we spend our gil. If someone has put something up for a rediculous price dont buy it. It will eventually be returned to the person and he's not going to put it up again at more money and pay those fees again. When you put something up on the AH put it up for the lowest price you see on the history or if its a big difference somewhere inbetween(which is what I do). May sound lame but how much would you be losing in the end? Not that much really and you would be helping everyone out.


Edited, Mon Dec 12 15:11:52 2005 by Briseia
#7 Dec 12 2005 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts
As much as we try to "correct the ******************** ain't gonna happen.

For every person that wants to "make prices better", there is about 70 ppl that don't give a f##k and will post at the highest possible that ppl will by, or they will try to set the prices high to make a trend; increasing future prices of the item they are trying to sell so they can continuely have increasing profits if its an item that they sell a lot. Hell, that's how ppl make money. "Playing the AH" as some call it.

I respect those that try to change it for the better, but it's just not gonna happen. Look at real life, there's rich and poor. The rich don't give 2 ***** about the poor, and that's REAL LIFE. Sucks don't it? On this game, the rich sure as hell don't care about the less fortunate. In fact, most of the rich ppl like it when things are high and out of the grasp of commoners, it makes them feel better to have their "uber gearz."

I swear, I saw this JP THF about a week ago in Upper Jeuno just walking around. His gear was immaculate, minus no Relic Dagger. Other than that, he had the ****; Dragon gear +1, P. Charm, Snipes +1, Blau Dolce, etc. So, what do I do? I /follow his ***. After awhile he stopped lol. I asked him what was he doing, and to my surprise he spoke perfect english. He said "Nothing really, just bored w." It makes him feel better to have that stuff. Which, in a way it should. It's hard to get stuff on this game, it's an accomplishment.

Do I hate gilsellers? No, not all of them. I just hate the 24/7 gilsellers, which is about 80% of them. I don't mind the Kuftal tunnel group so much. They actually gave me a RBIII once when I died in a PT. To be honest, most of the ppl that say "OMG I HATE GILSELLERZZ *stomp*" are the main ppl buying gil. When you see someone go from ashy to classy in a week, and they only have one job that is 60ish will tell ya something. Maybe they got lucky or something, but ya never know.

Do I hate gilbuyers? No, not totally. If I did, I'd be hating a lot of ppl that play. But I do think that prices are getting kinda crazy. I remember O. Kote being seen as high priced when it was 800k, now its about 8mil? SE tried to help with Rare/Ex stuff...but that only raised prices again lol. Emp hairpin went from about 600k to 2.5mil. I do think that prices are going to settle eventually like Sophus said. When, only god or Kirin knows.
#8 Dec 12 2005 at 4:14 PM Rating: Default
this has nothing to do with this thread. i cant start any new topics because when i try to click on the subject field it opens up that stupid ******* verizon wireless banner. anyone else having this problem?

PS cell phones suck and theyre a waste of money XD
#9 Dec 12 2005 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
ok this post does have to do with the OP. why does everyone complain that the emp pin and leaping boots cost a fortune now? if you dont like it, GO CAMP THE RARE/EX VERSION DUUUHHH. i dont understand wtf it matters if you have the ex or normal version. unless youre greedy and plan on selling it at a later date.
#10 Dec 13 2005 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
418 posts
yo ayazz just hit the little X and that add goes away man.
#11 Dec 13 2005 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
yea i did that but for some reason its like whenever i click on the subject field it tells it to re-open or something. stupid alla.........
#12 Dec 13 2005 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
wow thanks for the rate down....

what a winner, whoever you are...
#13 Dec 13 2005 at 11:37 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
lol i'm 3/36 on Enkeledos with TH2, no way a whm would go 15/20 lol.
#14 Dec 14 2005 at 1:20 AM Rating: Decent
ok then.

superstar crew

and the rest of forbiddenzonefofgods arnt gil sellers. Despite camping the typical NM. Roc, Cassie, Serket, Sim.

Oh i suppose super dont sell gil even though they monopolise the ammet.

I suppose greatsea and yifan arnt gil sellers either.

What about fensi, xifan and windboy and that lot. Crt and OO cant be gil selelrs either i supose.

OH no way in hell that the 6 people i saw leveling in crawlers nest with NO linkshells, **** gear, crazy names, same title, and didnt speak english were gil sellers either.

Damn i must be waaaay off.

(btw. I said these guys were all gil sellers before anyone ever told me they were gil sellers.

back to my post.

person who says they camp goobues for tree cuttings never farms there. never has any sold on any AH. and i know there mules.

The enky camper i know his/her mules also. So nope. (plus they already told me they bought gil in the past).

I have the sense. so calm down.

#15 Dec 14 2005 at 3:37 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Feel good to get that all off your chest, Xell? :)
#16 Dec 15 2005 at 2:46 AM Rating: Decent
lool i got rated down by a troll because i know who gil sellers are. pwn
#17 Dec 15 2005 at 10:20 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Gotta love it when they do that :/
#18 Dec 16 2005 at 12:32 AM Rating: Decent
181 posts
Why does any ratedown make someone a troll?

Are they a troll if they give rateups?

What if they just thought your post was awful and didn't contribute anything other than you trying to make it look like you know everything?

::on a sidenote:: it is very easy to claim you knew people were gilsellers. Hindsight is 20/20.

#19 Dec 16 2005 at 1:28 AM Rating: Good
lol its just that the "information" i proided in my post is 100% accurate. I know for certain they are gil sellers. The pepole who "farm" who only stand in jueno um... yeah.. well.. wonder what it is tehy doin to be able to aford 6 mill + items when they had no money.
#20 Dec 16 2005 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
I know for certain they are gil sellers. The pepole who "farm" who only stand in jueno um... yeah.. well.. wonder what it is tehy doin to be able to aford 6 mill + items

So let me see if I get this straight. You know they're gil sellers because they stand in Jeuno all day. But in order to know that they stand in Jeuno all day, you'd have to stand in Jeuno all day, too--right?

Soooo're mad because they can make more money standing in Jeuno all day than you can? :D

Sorry, I couldn't resist
#21 Dec 16 2005 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,093 posts
Do what I do, follow suspected gil sellers and start farming what they farm (as long as you can do so without dying). I've learned a few gil-seller tricks to making gil without camping NM and I've done pretty well for myself. Granted, I get lucky with NM drops, I don't camp them all day long...I prefer leveling lower level jobs while I farm so I get to keep the drops while earning exp.

Now, if only I could learn how to grow the stuff I want/need, I'd be set. My green thumb turned brown. lol

Edited, Mon Dec 19 10:47:25 2005 by RyderHertz
#22 Dec 16 2005 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent
181 posts
Ryder has it.

I can't tell you the number of times I have learned something by watching a gilseller. They log the man hours and do the research that is damn sure. We could learn the same stuff by spending just as many hours as they did. But instead just follow them and note certain things.

I can tell you for sure about certain NM and placeholder poptimes and places and types and drop frequency. Whether or not TH1 or TH2 or anything actually helps.

Gilsellers are a wealth of information and you don't have to scream and curse and try to mpk them to learn something.

My LS has benefited from this because I've shared what I've learned with them. Some of them are like whoa upon hearing this and realizing it is the truth but never bothering to try to understand it before. It makes camping NM's so much easier.

Also... gilsellers don't always camp the same NM's forever (except Amemit) so after gilsellers move on... who's left to farm up those items?

Keep an eye on them ^^
#23 Dec 17 2005 at 12:07 AM Rating: Decent
my applogies. in the sentence beggining

The pepole who "farm" who only stand in jueno um... yeah.. well.. wonder what it is tehy doin to be able to aford 6 mill + items
should have been a paragraph.

its liek this. I stand in jueno. I do nothing all day apart from seeking parties. I say i farm when im standing in jueno. I magically make 6 mill gil.

Thats a gil buyer. I know one still buys gil because he/she told me they did before. I know they still do now.

Gil sellers are the ones that camp the typical NMs of gil sellers and farm the same things. NM in beadeax, the slimes, NM in sea serpent grotto, Roc, Simurgh, Serket, Bune. the "typical" NM that gil sellers camp.

Also there are hoo mjoo the torrent, kote NM and kuma NM to name a few more gil seller camped NMs.

So let me see if I get this straight. You know they're gil sellers because they stand in Jeuno all day. But in order to know that they stand in Jeuno all day, you'd have to stand in Jeuno all day, too--right?

i think you meant gil buyer. and no. I just /sea all so i can still pt and whatever and know who is doing what. Use your head dammit.

Edited, Sat Dec 17 00:10:42 2005 by Xellith
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