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Hate inflation? I'd watch out...Follow

#1 Dec 22 2005 at 6:40 PM Rating: Excellent
1,255 posts
If you hate inflation ain't seen NOTHING yet.

If you remember from Sophus' Theory of Inflation, I theorized on how the current lead cause for economic inflation was stored gil entering the economy.

Well, here's two things that you may already know:

1) Gil-selling companies like IGE are MASSIVE gil stores (not stores as in selling, stores as in kept or placed in storage)

2) IGE has been doing a "holiday sale" in which gil has been sold for an incredibly cheap price

Take a break from clammering and bickering about the high prices of SH, Vermy Cloak, and the like and turn your attention to what's actually about to happen. In fact, it could be happening already!

1) A giant "store" releases massive amounts of gil into the economy. This makes gil already in the system worth less.
2) People are going to buy that gil and finally have money to buy the items they've always wanted.
3) Those items will begin to run out on the AH as even more people buy them.
4) Sellers will take advantage of this item rush and charge even more, insane amounts of money for their items
5) Prices of everything on the AH will increase dramatically

Here's what sparked this. In another thread, Xamer made the following post:

Inflation hurts gilsellers the most. Since obtaining gil will most likely take them twice as long now they have to gain 3 or 4 times the amount they used to, just to make the same amount of $US

The problem is, gil sellers don't obtain gil; they obtain items. These items are then sold on the AH for gil.

Doesn't it strike you odd that IGE is selling gil so low for the "holidays?" It doesn't make sense to drop the price of gil so much. Common sense says "they're going to lose a LOT of money by doing that." But IGE (and other companies) aren't stupid; they know exactly what they're doing.

There HAS to be an ulterior motive...

With this in mind, I ask you to think about alternatives. Study. Theorize. What is the motive? What will happen to the economy as this gil is purchased?

For starters, IGE will obviously lose some money due to holiday sales. BUT! they just dumped hundreds of millions (or even billions?) of gil into the server. What does this really mean? It means that hundreds of millions (or billions) of gil was just moved from storage and put into our economies. In other words, they are purposefully adding to inflation. The effect? Gil is worth even less while items are worth even more.

Who has gil? You.

Who has items? Them.

The harder we allow the inflation to hit, the more dependant you will be on their "services." The more dependant you are on their services, the more they can charge you. And since inflation has already hit (hard), they can keep buying that gil low from sellers, and selling it you.

Have I scared the crap out of you yet? Good. Because if you really care about it, here's a few things you can do:

1) Don't buy gil if you plan on spending it. I'm not going to point fingers and say "Gil buyers/sellers are bad, m'kay?" But the fact is that the more gil we have in the economy, the less each gil is worth. If you buy gil to spend, you are adding to inflation

2) Don't put up items for exuberant amounts of gil. If the last sale was 5mil, don't sell yours for 6mil. Yes, you CAN make more money putting it up for 6, but you are ******** yourself over as well.

3) Don't pay exuberant amounts for items. If the history is 5mil for an item, don't bid 6mil. Let them lower the price.

4) Don't get pissy when players don't have the l33test uubergear. Don't let them slack, but don't berrate them if they are a thf without an emp hairpin. If they don't have the money to buy it, do you really want them buying gil to make you happy for the next 2-3 hours?

5) Camp for the items you want. Put down the Dynamis. Say goodbye to Kirin for a while. Read up on the information at your fingertips and then hunt your own damn nms. It's not impossible--nor improbable--to beat "those nasty monopolizers" (/sarcasm) to the mobs. In fact, the more effort you give, the harder it will be for them to win. Eventually they miss quota and move on (or maybe get fired?).

6) Put the blame where the blame is. Don't join in on the "I hate gilsellers" bandwagon. When it comes to inflation, you're just as much to blame as they are.

I could be wrong about this. I could be 100% dead wrong--but I'm still taking a chance and telling you what I see as about to happen. If you really want to end this crazy inflation, now is the time to do your part.

Either we make a difference or we don't. *Something* is eventually going to happen. It's up to us to determine what that something is.

This has been another one of Sophus' incredibly long posts. Sorry :/
#2 Dec 22 2005 at 7:51 PM Rating: Good
137 posts
Good foresight though. I believe you are spot on. Rate up.
#3 Dec 22 2005 at 8:06 PM Rating: Good
I stated that same thought as you did on another post... that we are just as guilty as they are in the inflation to peer pressure trend... rate up on that... I'm glad someone agrees with me here... The gilbuyers and gilsellers are both to blame as much the players who overcharge for crafted items or those players who increase the price if theres just one item in the ah are.

How do you think the prices can decrease with the complete monopoly cycle in place, Sophus? Any idea?
#4 Dec 22 2005 at 9:06 PM Rating: Good
173 posts
I don't think that prices decreasing will happen on most items.

But here's how YOU (and not the entire server, just you) can avoid paying exhuberant AH prices.

Quest/Farm/Camp/Craft the items yourself, just like Sophus has suggested.

Geist earrings for 700k? No thanks, not when I could go into an ENM (ENM man, doesn't cost anything that's hard to obtain like those devilish BCNM's! :p) and attempt that ENM until I get the drop.

After reading this thread, I get the feeling that we as players are far too reliant on the AH for our items. The crafting system does allow people to level all crafts to 60, and two crafts to 100 (fishing and another) so that we can specialise in one craft and make most items we might need from time to time with the others (little bit of juice, or arrows, ninja tools, some potions etc) instead of paying through the nose for those items.

The game would probably be somewhat more eventful if we relied more on obtaining the items ourselves and less on buying from the AH.

If you can buy it on the AH - the person selling has got it from somewhere, so try going to grass roots for items guys. It will give you something to do, give your more experience and also end up being cheaper.
#5 Dec 22 2005 at 10:40 PM Rating: Good
836 posts
Thats a divine idea, but nothing will change. Just way too many ppl that rather buy gil and get something on this game. This was a good post though. I know at least 12 ppl are gonna be inspired to go camp for their gear, but about 100 probably said "OMGZ, j00 saw dat IGE got XXmas salez?? LAWL!!!!" Well, they might not talk like that, but you get my point. They don't care about us, or themselves in the long run. It's all about the Benjamins, baby.

Playing FFXI for a month: $13

Buying gil to get the "best" new armor: $200

Showing up to a PT with a Dragon Harness +1, Onion Dagger and the skill of a crackwhore in a candy shop: Priceless

There's some things money can't buy,
for everything else there's IGEâ„¢
#6 Dec 22 2005 at 10:42 PM Rating: Good
173 posts
Hence me saying "you" and not the whole server :)

But yeah, if it falls on a thousand deaf ears I could not care less - as long as I save money and have fun by using my own advice it works :P
#7 Dec 22 2005 at 10:53 PM Rating: Good
Put the blame where the blame is. Don't join in on the "I hate gilsellers" bandwagon. When it comes to inflation, you're just as much to blame as they are.

Didnt I get reamed for saying that in my post?

regardless Soph I agree 100% and your post was well worth reading :)

Rate up! Except I can't hehe ;)
#8 Dec 22 2005 at 10:54 PM Rating: Good
Playing FFXI for a month: $13

Buying gil to get the "best" new armor: $200

Showing up to a PT with a Dragon Harness +1, Onion Dagger and the skill of a crackwhore in a candy shop: Priceless

There's some things money can't buy,
for everything else there's IGEâ„¢

LOL HAHAHAHAH omg bar that was good :)
#9 Dec 22 2005 at 11:06 PM Rating: Good
137 posts
Bar gets rated up for that.
#10 Dec 24 2005 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
small example: i just returned from a couple hrs on hades. went to synth a friend stuff to take with him for his upcoming lvs on his jobs. he is being returned to our birth home/server. now the in two days silk thread has gone from 70k a stack to now current 90k+ and rising. earth has reached a standard 5k a stack & lightning a standard 7.5-8k a stack. sorry to see shiva has become next among servers. truely sorry we have seen its future. gl all

Edited, Sat Dec 24 09:16:40 2005 by OmniSagi

Edited, Sat Dec 24 09:14:44 2005 by OmniSagi
#11 Dec 24 2005 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
Another good read Sophus. :D

You sure your not working on an encyclopedia on this? O.o

#12 Dec 25 2005 at 12:39 AM Rating: Decent
2,727 posts
sophus is just throwing out the common sense that most people on shiva do not have. the biggest problem we face is this: you're only reaching about 3% of the shiva population. we have to bring this common knowledge out to the entire server, which is probably going to lead to 2 major problems:

1. people just ignore you, blacklist, have ignore shout/say on
2. language barrier (how many japanese players do you know speak english? the answer should be most, but who remembers, fluently, a second language from high school?)

your theory on inflation (i see it as common sense, which is why i blame all the 75s out there) is useless when 2 people are able to put it into practice. we could easily bring down the price of so many things, but who, honestly, is going to waste 5 hours of their time to lower the price on an item they already have?
#13 Dec 26 2005 at 5:22 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
2. language barrier (how many japanese players do you know speak english? the answer should be most, but who remembers, fluently, a second language from high school?)

No the answer should not be most. This is the kind of ignorance that creates JP players and NA players a big gap unfortunately.
English is the universal language but that doesn't mean that they should remember or learn english for YOUR convinience. Vice versa with JP as well, where you see JP PT ONLY in the comment area, some which I know that speaks english fluently. Throw away your secular miniscal racial thoughts, and focus what Sophus is saying.

Blaming level of jobs or creating a scapegoatism evidently is not going to get you anywhere Taterz.

Good job on your posting Sophus. But as Taterz has indicated, the audience we have though maybe large in numbers but the percentage is likely filled with mostly people that speaks english as their first language.

My two cents is this, will the HNMLS/SKY/Dynamis/etc that we have on Shiva cooperate? Do they want to?
Why I bring up those particular, those are the ones that play a big role if people are serious to actually defeat the inflation. Selling a stack of fire crystals for 1k instead of 4k is not going to do change anything.

As I previously posted before, we can cry or moan on the post like old ladies or are people willing to do something?

Edited, Mon Dec 26 05:35:01 2005 by ShiroMage

Edited, Mon Dec 26 05:39:14 2005 by ShiroMage
#14 Dec 26 2005 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
2,727 posts
um i'm not trying to be racist at all. do you realize in order to get this to work we need to voice this out to 99% of the entire server? i mentioned the barrier because that is going to block out a rather large portion of our server. not every japanese player will bother listening to shouts made in english.

and no, i'm also not trying to tell them to learn it for my convience. my mom went to high school in japan, and she told me that they had to learn english in one of their classes. so no, i'm not saying they take time out of their life to learn a language, she told me it was required for them to learn at least a little.

Edited, Mon Dec 26 16:48:55 2005 by TaterzZ
#15 Dec 26 2005 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Taterz, "the answer should be most" was the implication/imply that gave me the notion which is what made me respond to your post which you evidently pointed was not your intention. Though there are further asinine ppl on the server who are prime example of what ignorance is.

But as you can see after that, I do give props for your pointing out the fact on the audience % that alla has. You are right likely, though I may not agree on your % but language will be an issue.

The issue is this, first people need to learn to cooperate to make this happen. It is apparent for the past few months since inflation has taken over, nobody wants to do anything except post and complain.

On my recent post, I had posted my ideas of what we should do and how to go on about it. Same subject but my post is "Do" and not just theorizing what will/can happen. I have yet to recieve a post that gives support to the idea or take action to an idea which is why I set up a date 12/31.

If nothing happens, we have no one to blame but ourself. It isn't much different from RL, either you are a FOLLOWER or a LEADER or a MOANER (gripers). Let's see what happens.
#16 Dec 27 2005 at 6:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,416 posts
/topic off

and no, i'm also not trying to tell them to learn it for my convience. my mom went to high school in japan, and she told me that they had to learn english in one of their classes. so no, i'm not saying they take time out of their life to learn a language, she told me it was required for them to learn at least a little.
I lived and went to school in Japan. The fact of the matter is that they are required to learn english in school. Thier english training is very comparable to our english training. Whether or not they choose to retain it through practice and whatnot is totally up to them. I cant speak for prior generations, but I can tell you that since 1997, English is a hard requirement in Japanese schools.

/topic on

will the HNMLS/SKY/Dynamis/etc that we have on Shiva cooperate? Do they want to?
Why I bring up those particular, those are the ones that play a big role if people are serious to actually defeat the inflation. Selling a stack of fire crystals for 1k instead of 4k is not going to do change anything.
First, how do you suppose that groups like the HNMLS and Sky linkshells are going to have a big impact? Enough to beat the inflation problem? HNM and Sky LS's usually keep the drops they receive and/or gil for internal purposes. Whether it be crafting one of thier members a new Scorpion Harness or whatever. IMO the people that would have the biggest impact are the crafters. When fisherman raise price on fish, the price of food made by fish goes up as well. With that said.. selling a stack of Fire Crystals for 1K instead of 4K could and should reduce the price of the materials crafted using them.

Edited, Tue Dec 27 19:03:35 2005 by sixgauge
#17 Dec 27 2005 at 10:36 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
Hate to be the negative side of this, there has to be one, but even if you reach 99% of the server will half of them even listen or care? If you take a look at it FFXI is all about furthering your own self progression.

Think about it, how many players including yourself log in with this goal in mind. [I'm going to help some new players today by getting them subjob items/Rank 3 Dragon/Unlocking advanced jobs/waiting around to kill links or aggro etc.] In all due honesty your paying monthly to play and most of us would rather not go help someone get further than us out of our own time. Most importantly in order to get anywhere in this game you need gil, our underlying human trait of greed prevents us from ever...EVER being able to cooperate to inact plans for a stable economy. What your asking for people to do in an online game is almost, well maybe impossible, when in real life no country/government on Earth exists without corruption and greed.

Edited, Tue Dec 27 22:41:36 2005 by RevenantVDA

Edited, Tue Dec 27 22:42:22 2005 by RevenantVDA
#18 Dec 27 2005 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
137 posts
This is true. As much as we hate it our economy in game is only mimicing real life. If we spent half the time we do worrying about our financial situations in game, and the greed and corruption that is tearing away at our economy, worrying about our financial situations in real life, we'd all be very angry citizens. No matter what the system, someone will exploit it. It doesn't matter if it's gil or US currency, everyone wants more of it and no one is giving it away.

~Go read the lyrics to Money, by Pink Floyd.

Money, it’s a crime.
Share it fairly but don’t take a slice of my pie.
Money, so they say
Is the root of all evil today.
But if you ask for a raise it’s no surprise that they’re
Giving none away.
#19 Dec 29 2005 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
515 posts
A while back, Cornn planned out "Ordelle Raids" where he would disrupt the gilsellers process of claiming Stroper Chymes, but alas, that plan is no more. But... What if there were, say, a Linkshell that tried to disrupt them? Like... If you had three people at Hoo, and three people at Morbolger, and three people at whatever NM is nice and pricey... (figuring that these people are decently skilled at pulling mobbers..) Then essentially, you could cut down on gilsellers. But then there is the inevitable person(s) in that LS that would go and keep selling the items that they got for big bucks, and I suppose it'd almost make the new LS into a gilseller business, minus gil selling, XD.

The point is, even if we tried, greed still overcomes us. I mean, I used to farm Wild Onions when I was a wee boy. They went for 8k back in the day. Now they go for 24k. Which is an odd change to prices for such an easy item to obtain. Anyways, it's all a great thought, but all we can really do is just watch the economy collapse.

Btw, I hate that new-ish implementation where you can't claim a monster as soon as it pops. I would've had Morbolger if they didn't add in that rule... Should be based on player skill... Evil bastages....
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