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#1 Jan 01 2006 at 4:21 PM Rating: Default
I can't see myself ever deleting my account, but I am utterly disgusted how ffxi is getting out of hand. I have no problem, making gil crafting, and with NM drops. How are all the new players going to be able to afford anything with the way prices are soaring. Even current players, are having trouble affording the gear they want. In a matter of weeks, all the materials, uber gear, and everything have just about doubled, or in some cases tripled in price.
It's getting old, soon I will be taking a break, and spending my time (30 day free trial) in a inferior game "Starwars Galaxies". The starwars universe is so much more appealing to me, alas I never really played ff. Don't get me wrong "FFxi" is the greatest game I have ever played, I still love it. I'm just waiting on my cuz to get "SWG", then I'm off.

"The force is strong in this one"

P.S. I'm sure you can get "SWG" for 30 bucks, with a couple expansion packs, and a 30day trial. Everybody is welcome to come along!

P.S.P.S. If you have played "SWG" I would like know what you think of the game.
#2 Jan 01 2006 at 5:57 PM Rating: Decent
137 posts
If I was a gillseller that was full of gil and needed to sell it. I would....

A) Craft up expensive equipment.
B) Sell it on Auction house for a redicules amount of gil
C) then switch to one of my accounts that had 99.999.999 gil and buy it for more that I put it up for, thus raiseing the price.
D) And I would continue to do so till all my gil was bought up.

Of course there is an expasion comming soon, and players are grabing all the gil they can.
#3 Jan 01 2006 at 8:30 PM Rating: Decent
299 posts
hey AGM, if you do quit send all your gil to your favorite mithran THF xD

send all gil and/or items to Jamaal. thats J-a-m-a-a-l.

(jamaal my new character for those who didnt know.)

but seriously, dont quit. who else will i be able to have heated flame wars with ingame and on forums, who actually know that its all a big joke! plus, campin VE just isnt fun unless your there so i can claim it in your face :P
#4 Jan 01 2006 at 11:02 PM Rating: Decent
3,011 posts
SE will do something soon or they'll lose one of their greatest profit games. I can't wait for the day when an eremite's ring cost 3 mil and a scorpion harness 780 mil...

Which if the economy continues to double every week will be in about 7 weeks.
#5 Jan 02 2006 at 2:35 AM Rating: Decent
836 posts
SE will do something soon or they'll lose one of their greatest profit games. I can't wait for the day when an eremite's ring cost 3 mil and a scorpion harness 780 mil...

I can see SH being 30 mil by the end of the month. Flame rings will be 10 mil. Haub, 15 mil. Emp Hairpin will be 7 mil...all by the end of January.
#6 Jan 02 2006 at 5:21 AM Rating: Decent
truely a sad time for Shiva. For several this server was a small hope, being that it seemed to have withstood the Horror that has befallen the rest of the servers. Today i stand & watch it fall like the rest. Where Shiva's economy is headed, sadly so many have been there already & continue to fall beneath the massive increases across the auction house. To those who posted, probably with small hints of sarcasm behind the future costs of certain items i say "Don't jinx yourselves" lol, Cause it's Shiva true future. :( gl to all in & out of game.
#7 Jan 02 2006 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
Well, I've been playing City of Heroes lately, and I actually like it. I've invested too much time though into FFXI and have alot of good friends there, so I'm not ready to quit, but I'm sure my time online will be cut. There is still alot for me to accomplish in the game...but leveling a new job just seems out of the question for me, I can't afford to buy new gear and I'm not done with my thief. My wife's Noble Tunic seems to be getting further and further unobtainable....I've actually contemplated selling my Thief's Knife to help obtain these items for my wife and myself. I'm sure I could get 100 million easy for far it'll take me...not sure, but I'm sure it'll get my wife her NT and me my Blau Dolch...

We'll see what happens, until then, I'll divide my time between City of Heroes and FFXI...
#8 Jan 02 2006 at 3:10 PM Rating: Default
418 posts
but...agm you helped with the inflation quite a bit. I noticed when byrnies jumped up 3mil there you were sellin 2 for the inflated price.
#9 Jan 02 2006 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts
but...agm you helped with the inflation quite a bit. I noticed when byrnies jumped up 3mil there you were sellin 2 for the inflated price.

Er, how long ago was that? Haub is at 10 mil right? 3 mil for a Byrnie is nothing. And to be honest, he could have put them up for 2.5mil, ppl tend to buy at the current price, which at that time was 3mil.
#10 Jan 02 2006 at 4:26 PM Rating: Default
I really hate ignorance. Wrip, behemoth hide when up to 8mil, the main material to craft a byrnie, am I suppose to spend 8,000,000g to craft something, and sell it for 3mil? Please if you don't know wtf you are talking about keep your mouth shut. If you had a clue, you would have seen that i was selling the couple byrnies i made for 7.4mil a 700k loss when you include the rest of the materials.

Sincerely Kiss my @$$.

P.S. I played City of heroes beta, It's a cool *** game, not as deep as ffxi, but fun none the less.

Edited, Mon Jan 2 16:28:18 2006 by agirlyman
#11 Jan 02 2006 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
71 posts
but...agm you helped with the inflation quite a bit. I noticed when byrnies jumped up 3mil there you were sellin 2 for the inflated price.

It would just be bad business for AGM to sell for less than market.

Even if everyone currently AH/Bazaaring'ing suddenly decided to sell their wares for "reasonable" prices, there's an army of opportunists willing to step in right behind them:

RevenantVDA wrote ( in the "Seem's Sophus was right..." thread):
Players are abusing this inflation at the AH. I'll use Leaping Boots as an example. On Friday I checked the AH for them and saw that none were on sale. The AH history had one player buying it for 3mil BUT selling it the same day for 3.5mil. ...

Anyone else who sells their wares for current+ market prices isn't really the problem -- the truth of the matter is the market reflects the will of the consumers. It's a perfect free market; where transfers of money and goods happen voluntarily.

Wikipedia has this to say about pricing in a free market:
In regard to pricing of goods and services in a free market, rather than this being ordained by government it is determined by trades that occur as a result of price agreement between buyers and sellers. The prices buyers are willing to pay for a commodity and the prices at which sellers are willing to part with that commodity are directly influenced by supply and demand (as well as the quantity to be traded). In abstract terms, the price is thus defined as the equilibrium point of the demand and the supply curves, which represent the prices at which buyers would buy (and sellers sell) certain quantities of the good in question. A price above the equilibrium point will lead to oversupply (the buyers which to buy less goods at that price than the sellers are willing to produce), while a price below the equilibrium will lead to the opposite situation. When the price a buyer is willing to pay coincides with the price a seller is willing to offer, a trade occurs and price is determined.
(ref: Wiki's take on Capitalism)
#12 Jan 02 2006 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
I personally started playing WoW, It's more fun. Theres hardly any greed, and theres no "ZOMGWTFBBQ U SHTOLE MAH 7331Z0RZ 21-24 HOUR NM!!!!1!!SHIFT! I'M'Z GONNAZ GO POSTZ0RZ ON EVERY BOARDZ THERE ISZ0RZ!!!1SHIFT!DRAMA!" Just refreshing to be playing a game where if someone finds something you need they will give it to you, and not just sell it the second they get it for "$$$$$$" amount of money.
#13 Jan 02 2006 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts
Yeah, but in WoW the fun-factor might be gone in a month, 3 whole weeks after you cap lvl, lol. But they have over 5 million ppl and growing everyday. They have to be doing something right.
#14 Jan 03 2006 at 4:07 AM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
What WoW does right that FFXI doesn't is possibly fun factor in its ease of use. If your completely new to FFXI chances are you'll take a while to get anywhere compared to a player whos starting over but knows the ropes.

Yes WoW is simplistic and bright and cartoon-like, I keep thinking its a MMO version of Fable but its strong point is also in its solo game. While FFXI has few jobs that can solo well enough to reach 75 on their own any job in WoW can gain decent exp w/o a pt which is a lot better than waiting for one hours on end.

I haven't played WoW and from what I've heard if you played FFXI first chances are you won't like WoW as much and vice versa. When I worked at GameStop last year we would get shipments for FFXI and WoW. FF would total around 4 games max, WoW would be 2-3 boxes with 30 inside which would be sold out the day we put them all out and this happened for weeks on end while the 4 boxes of FF sat on the shelf. As a game FF was great in its time but is overshadowed now by a more user friendly, easier to pick-up, FAR more stable ecnomy game in WoW. :(

Edited, Tue Jan 3 04:11:57 2006 by RevenantVDA
#15 Jan 03 2006 at 10:22 AM Rating: Good
City of Heros - Not bad. I created a yellow/red Blaster with a Huge type body. Spent most of my time when I did play running backwards. Could possibly be a replacement for FFXI should I ever decide to quit. hated the joystick controls as there didn't seem to be any way to rotate the camera other then via the keyboard.

Star War Galaxies - Didn't seem too bad of a game although I fould it laggy as hell. Its pretty bad that it ran smother on my system at work that had a ATI 7000 but a faster processor compared to my home PC that had a ATI 9600XT but processor was about 800 mhz slower. Tempted to reactivate my account to see how it runs on my new PC and play around with the Jedi class since they've unlocked it for everybody. (ohh I'll bet that pissed off a lot of people) Has joystick support but for some reason I couldn't get it to work. Takes a long time to get anywhere even by hovercraft.

EverCrack 2 - Doesn't seem too bad, quests are semi interesting. A bit laggy at times on my old PC as it seemed to want to access the hard drive a lot. Need to defrag my HD and test it out on the new system while its still active.

Ultima Online - Sort of turned into a cash cow lately. Haven't played for two years but I found the game interesting for a while even though all I really did was mine. Simple in graphics and easy to control. With expantion packs coming out every 6 months you'll be constantly shelling out money if you want to kept up to date.

WoW - Still waiting for it to drop below $60 Cdn, if I can get it for $30 I'll try it.

Lineage II/GuildWars (yes I know they're seperate games) - Seems like a good game, ran smooth and I was starting to get the hang of the controls. IF you've played one game by NCSoft you'll quickly get the hang of this because they always use the same interface styles. I've heard that gold selling in Lineage II has turned the game to crap but I don't know as I haven't played it in months. Nice thing about guildwars is that once you buy the game, its free to play.

Other then some other small MMORPGS those are all the ones that I've played. So far nothings been able to keep me entertained long enough to pull me away from FFXI. We need more games :P
#16 Jan 03 2006 at 11:39 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
....I am utterly disgusted how ffxi is getting out of hand....How are all the new players going to be able to afford anything with the way prices are soaring. Even current players, are having trouble affording the gear they want.

I swear I just saw you trying to sell a Pennance Robe (lvl 50 SMN robe) for 100mil gil. Maybe that was the *other* AGM? ;)

p.s.--my offer of 1 gil still stands :D
#17 Jan 07 2006 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
70 posts
ok, so w/ wife and baby I haven't had opportunity to play very much...if at all....but don't leave!
I have been playing for a while now and have seen friends leave, some come back, but most do not....AGM don't leave me!
The economy sucks...but there is som much for us to do/figure out and a new expansion on the way!
#18 Jan 18 2006 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
I'm afraid this is just something that will have to happen naturally AGM. When the inflation gets so bad newbies can't get any gear at all then SE will have to do something about it. Although Fire Crystals are up to 10k a stack in some AHs...and those are really easy to get in the Ronfaure I don't know.
#19 Jan 18 2006 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
i played SWG for quite a while with my wife. it is most definitley an inferioir game. the ridiculous lag and lack of anything resembling a leveling system makes it very frustrating for those of us used to the "kill monsters and go up a lvl" system. some people like it but i personally think its even worse than WoW
#20 Jan 18 2006 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
137 posts
Don't leave.
#21 Jan 18 2006 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
agirlyman, for the love of god, DO NOT BUY SWG. I for one, have played the game since beta, unlocked jedi myself and done it all, ive been through all the combat upgrades it has, all the drama its caused, and theyve killed it indefinately. The game got worse and worse every combat upgrade they did. Now it is a laggy, badly designed, poor combat system, poor crafting system game, thats inferior to every other MMO out there right now, please, anyone considering buying this game do not make the mistake and buy it. The game kicked *** when it first came out, I was jedi , i pvp'd every single day, all day, great great fun, now its this horrible lag pvp, where u have to do these little cat and mouse games because the other side is too ***** to fight u, and hop from planet to planet or stay in their cantina or something, god -_-. Just dont go there, wait until darkfall comes out, Me and my clan will be in the Internal Beta soon, ill let everyone know how it is, if u wanna check out how it is, go to, best designed game ever, its gonna be awesome.


#22 Jan 28 2006 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent

I can see SH being 30 mil by the end of the month. Flame rings will be 10 mil. Haub, 15 mil. Emp Hairpin will be 7 mil...all by the end of January.

That's already happened on Lakshmi.

Edited, Sat Jan 28 14:49:58 2006 by Parisa
#23 Feb 03 2006 at 6:17 AM Rating: Default
Well Raven,

SWG is just like you said a laggy mess, I contributed it to my 56k connection. The universe rocks, but it's hard to play an inferior game, after playing ffxi. I run ffxi on my laptop, 56k, smooth as a baby's butt. SWG is unplayable at times, I will still try it when i get bb again, maybe that will help a lil. I still find myself taking a break from ffxi, enjoying my 61 inch tv, all I need is a xbox 360 to go with it.
#24 Feb 03 2006 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
AGM buy WoW it would be good ^^
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