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#52 Jan 13 2006 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
xMathwexx wrote:
I'm of the opinion that Shao made this one up as well, but you're just an asshat if you think the only people who would be offended by their roomate getting laid while they were in the room are people who can't get laid. I really don't care what you think Wrip, because I really can't do anything about it. Now, you apparently think Nuz is some classy guy because he takes girls to cheap hotels and ***** them with his friend in the room. That doesn't seem trashy at all. Thinking there's no problem with having sex in front of an individual who has no desire to see or hear you having sex; that's not trashy either.

btw: How do you know Nuz? In game? Yeah, I was in FU for a little while too. You know him in real life? You look up to him? Think he's an all around wonderful human being? Taking girls to hotels and sharing a room with a buddy while you **** them just is trashy. I don't really think that ones up for debate. You defend him just because you know him in game? Or are you one of his latest hotel babes?

And btw, my girlfriend dabbles around on FF crafting and running around talking to me when I play because she enjoys being a taru. Send her a tell and call her an *** face. she will rip your ******* head off - I don't have to. You really are a **** though - I think Nuz's comments and behavior, which he for some reason gloats about, actually match a dictionary definition of trashy while my opinion that you should have some ******* decency and ask your roomate to leave is a fairly respectable belief. Not wanting to see/hear other people have sex in the same room as me, obviously means that my girlfriend is fake or ugly. I don't know Wrip, I'm sure shes a lot better looking than your mother, and since I'm entitled to my opinion I bet hers was the last ***** you saw.

Edited, Wed Jan 11 12:59:32 2006 by xMathwexx

Wanna come to a ho-tel party? I admit its pretty damn degenerate. But its all in good sloppy fun. We have a great time. And who are you to judge allmighty saviour? He said he was watching them through the door, whats wrong with umm, say CLOSING the door? Its his room too. and Btw Wrip is a damn good boy and the rest of you suck cept Bart because I love Bart.

Btw, I demand all of you to watch me sex my teddy bear via webcam!
#53 Jan 13 2006 at 11:18 AM Rating: Good
nuzin wrote:
and Btw Wrip is a damn good boy and the rest of you suck cept Bart because I love Bart.

awwwwww, ty Nuzzie, you'll always be my sexy psychopath XD

Anyway, my "don't judge" comment is exactly what Nuz said above - people have different sexual mores - it's not up to us to judge, ASSUMING, of course, all parties involved/exposed are in agreement about it. I don't think it's fair for those who don't want to watch to be forced to, but if that's you're thing, whatever. Roommates normally discuss boundaries ahead of time; if this situation wasn't addressed, I'd personally leave and come back to talk about it later - it's probably only gonna take him 5 minutes anyway @.@
#54 Jan 13 2006 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
137 posts
Alright Nuz. I'm not arguing anymore, since you yourself admit it to be somewhat degenerate, I'm simply pointing out something based on what I read that I feel is contrary to what you have just posted.

What do you do when your room mate is having sex right across from you and they're by the door to the room? I'm trying to act like I don't notice but... wow.

Now, having lived in a one room dorm room, I took that as, they are having sex, in the same one room as shao and they are right near the only door out of the room, thus making shao to uncomfortable to get up and leave. The way I read the post, I didn't think he was watching through the door, and he himself was in a seperate room. That would just be ******** and I'd agree with everyone, close the door. If you have seperate rooms there is definitly no problem with your roomate getting laid. I lived in a single room dorm, my girlfriend lived in a suite. We just closed the door to her bedroom when other people were around, but if anyone else was in the bedroom (all 3 people shared one bedroom, one study area, one living room and one bathroom) we wouldn't go at it. I was thinking Shao was in a one room situation. The way he posted is pretty inconclusive so I can't say either of us is wrong.
#55 Jan 13 2006 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
Understood. But yeah I admit to living a pretty degenerate lifestyle. But I'm havin fun, all that matters. We know what we are in for when we go, 1 rule! I don't want to see my best friends nono spot. That is all.
#56 Jan 13 2006 at 11:57 AM Rating: Good
440 posts

I'm absolutely shocked at some of these replies... Are you guys honestly saying if someone started getting it on in front of you and you didn't want them to you would just let them continue to not be a "cockblocker"? Is that really how men are?
Maybe its different for me because I'm female. Maybe this is just the "man" thing to do.


Well okay I realize that guys sleep with girls they don't respect... *sigh*

Well, I'm absolutely shocked at YOUR reply.. While I agree that it is disrespecftul that they got it on in front of them, I also find you attacking men as such very disrespectful, too.

Why? Not because I'm just a guy, but comments such as "Guys sleep with girls they don't respect. Is this really how men are?", are a total insult to those who are not like the others..

Do I sleep with girls I don't respect? Hell no.. It's either in a relationship sex, or not at all. A guy thing? Open your eyes, and look and see those who stay away from girls because of stupid *** comments such as those, which make them not even want to try, because they see your comment, and a woman might think they just want sex...

Hell, maybe it's just me, but that **** is very offensive to me, and I think you should think twice before you post some ******** like that..

/end rant..

Love your way with words, though, Bar, lol. No offense to Wrip, I'm friends with you as well.. Have at it some more, people. :P

This Taru is done..


Edited, Fri Jan 13 12:05:00 2006 by Nieko

Edited, Fri Jan 13 12:01:43 2006 by Nieko
#57 Jan 13 2006 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
I also find you attacking men as such very disrespectful, too.

Was I attacking all men? No it was meant for those that were saying incredibly assnine things like "just let them go" and "dont be a cockblocker" which is totally bad advise to give. I was trying to make a point and if you are a good guy then great. Glad to hear it. You can ignore my post as its not meant for you. There were a few good replies, such as what Bar and Matt said. Don't think I didn't notice that or appreciate it.

Do I sleep with girls I don't respect? Hell no.. It's either in a relationship sex, or not at all.

I'm glad to hear that. Male or female you're one of the few that do.

Hell, maybe it's just me, but that sh*t is very offensive to me, and I think you should think twice before you post some bullsh*t like that..

I think it's offensive that you attacked me for giving an opinion simply because I'm female and totally took what I said in a negative context towards all men. If you have a problem with me saying this you should have sent me a pm... I'm glad you have such great moral fiber. But there are a lot of people in this world who don't, regardless of sex.

Open your eyes, and look and see those who stay away from girls because of stupid *** comments such as those, which make them not even want to try, because they see your comment, and a woman might think they just want sex...

Women don't think that for nothing. Women don't read my post and say "Oh, yeah, I agree, don't know why but I do and now I think all guys are like that". There is a reason women don't trust guys at first or think they only want sex or could use them. Maybe because not all guys have the moral character you do and do sleep with girls they don't respect. Maybe those women think that because they have been in bad relatioships, known bad guys, and been used. I'm not for one minute saying that the reverse doesn't happen. I know there are some ugly (on the inside) girls out there. And I know that it happens to guys as frequently as it happens to girls

In any case this isn't even what my post was about. This is completely off topic and if you have anything further you would like to say to me please send me a pm. I would be happy to talk to you about this in private.

As for your offense at my post:

Regardless not only is it appalling that that girl would even do something like that its trashy and low class. I could go on at how shocked and p1ssed off I would be if I were in that situation and I would definately be a "cockblocker" and do some.... unpleasant things. Its completely amazing to me how some people can be so low class and totally disrespectful to other people. What ever happened to respect and decency?

Hmmm funny no mention of men in there. This is an attack on the situation and the couple doing it.

Well okay I realize that guys sleep with girls they don't respect... *sigh*

I admit I should have said *some* guys. I appologize.

So that being said... where is your offense? The only mention I've made of men in general was the first part and the last. Maybe you are taking offense with things that were not meant for men in general.

If you still find yourself offended, I'm sorry but I am entitled to my opinion. If I find it offensive that some guys would tell Shao not to be a "cockblocker" at his own expense I have the right to say so.

Edited, Fri Jan 13 13:15:42 2006 by Briseia
#58 Jan 13 2006 at 1:27 PM Rating: Good
440 posts
I think it's offensive that you attacked me for giving an opinion simply because I'm female and totally took what I said in a negative context towards all men. If you have a problem with me saying this you should have sent me a pm... I'm glad you have such great moral fiber. But there are a lot of people in this world who don't, regardless of sex.

Simply because you're female? No.. As I said, Shao should have said/done something. But the fact that you just say guy/men, is an in general term, which would include me because I AM a guy.. Would it not?

So that being said... where is your offense?

My offense is simply that you stated men in general, if you did not see. Perhaps I was a bit over-reactive, and if I was, I do apologize. But being a 'guy different from the rest,' seeing men used in a general term, therefor stating all guys, is a degrading remark on those who try to be different, to show not all men are the same, same as with women, which is why I don't attack a sex/race in general.

I'm not sexist, I'm not racist, and why you'd think I'd call out on this because you're female, is beyond me..

I've had crap like that happen before, and now it tends to **** me off. So, again, sorry if I over-reacted, but I felt it should be known..

#59 Jan 13 2006 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
My offense is simply that you stated men in general, if you did not see. Perhaps I was a bit over-reactive, and if I was, I do apologize. But being a 'guy different from the rest,' seeing men used in a general term, therefor stating all guys, is a degrading remark on those who try to be different, to show not all men are the same, same as with women, which is why I don't attack a sex/race in general.

Yeah I think your post was a bit over the top... But then again I did not make myself clear enough and I do appologize. My post was not for good guys out there and by no means do I want to discourage them lol. We need more of you out there!

The whole "cockblock" thing really irritates me. If a situation doesn't feel right I think giving someone a negative label like that because he did the right thing is wrong. The fact that his roommate was completely disrespecting him is enough reason to tell them to do that somewhere else.

I think that term was invented by guys who have to go to unsavory means to get some tail, and what better way to discourage good guys from intervening than to give them an insulting name and in front of his friends no less.
#60 Jan 13 2006 at 6:37 PM Rating: Decent
71 posts
Perhaps I was a bit over-reactive, and if I was, I do apologize.

But then again I did not make myself clear enough and I do appologize.

I'm shocked at both of you. You realize this is an internet forum about a video game?

Measured responses with empathetic and even {gulp} conciliatory overtures have no place here. Out with you, and your damnable maturity!

#61 Jan 13 2006 at 8:04 PM Rating: Decent
Measured responses with empathetic and even {gulp} conciliatory overtures have no place here. Out with you, and your damnable maturity!


Barchiel wrote:
I R dA uB3R 1337 HAxX04zzzZ!!!11!

Ditto. ~.^ *evil laugh*
#62 Jan 13 2006 at 8:25 PM Rating: Decent
299 posts
Unixium wrote:
Perhaps I was a bit over-reactive, and if I was, I do apologize.

But then again I did not make myself clear enough and I do appologize.

I'm shocked at both of you. You realize this is an internet forum about a video game?

Measured responses with empathetic and even {gulp} conciliatory overtures have no place here. Out with you, and your damnable maturity!


i was actually thinking this... for once, two people settled something in a mature and respectable manner. should be more people like you two out on these forums
#63 Jan 14 2006 at 12:00 AM Rating: Good
440 posts
Mszsliccc wrote:
Unixium wrote:
Perhaps I was a bit over-reactive, and if I was, I do apologize.

But then again I did not make myself clear enough and I do appologize.

I'm shocked at both of you. You realize this is an internet forum about a video game?

Measured responses with empathetic and even {gulp} conciliatory overtures have no place here. Out with you, and your damnable maturity!


i was actually thinking this... for once, two people settled something in a mature and respectable manner. should be more people like you two out on these forums

I've always had respect for Briseia's posts. She argues respectable topics, and makes respectable comments. The guy thing just threw me off, and yes, looking it over, I did react harshly, when I should have just asked..

But either way, the matter is settled.

{/bow} Briseia

#64 Jan 14 2006 at 12:40 PM Rating: Default
418 posts
Never in my life have I ever had to goto shady extremes to get laid. That doesn't mean sometimes people don't have to. And really was it shady? I mean they are in college. I'm sure he's strapped for cash so he can't afford a motel, maybe he doesn't even have a car. He wants to go back to HIS room with a girl. He probably thinks Shao is sleeping. No big deal. So shao wasn't sleeping, and the guy got laid. Shao ran like a little girl to a message board and posted for the public. I'm sure his ex room mate if he ever had one would be really pleased to see this. Shao would probably have to use his ninja stealth moves to avoid getting a serious ***-whipping.

Bris the term ****-block is a very factual term created by man. It refers to a time when fellow man is blatantly inhibiting anothers chance at getting laid. It happens much more than you would think and is becoming a serious problem. If something is not done about the recent craze in blocking teh **** then many many men will be left with a dirty magazine and some lube.

I'm not going to come out here and say that you're attacking men, or that you're wrong about some of the things that you said.

For this part I ask that those of you who read this do not karma-bomb me. I'm just stating the truth. It may not be what I condone, but it is the truth and I don't feel that I should be rated down for giving an honest summary from a guys stand-point.

It IS a double standard. If a girl brings home a guy, and a situation like Shaos happened. Then the girl would say something no doubt.

However it never really bothers guys. For some reason, one that I don't know. It's kinda weird to have my boy getting it on in the same room but it doesn't offend me, or make me want to do something stupid like bang on the wall, or smack her on the rear end. It's like an unspoken guy code. You let them be. Any other guy here who is being honest and isn't going to try and make themselves look better than me will agree.

It's the same double standard that girls sleep or are seen with a few different guys get the label of being easy. However if a guy is sleeping or has been seen with different girls he is smooth. Some things that are offensive and/or morally wrong for girls might not be for guys.

As far as the guys sleeping with girls they don't respect it goes both ways. There are girls that sleep with guys they don't respect. Is it wrong? Who am I to say? It may not be my way of life now but i'm not going to say in the past I haven't slept with someone just to get laid. It happens. You goto a club, a bar, hell bowling. You see a girl, you talk with her, you mutually know it's not going any further than the one night. And you two sleep together. Is it sleazy? That is total opinion. And it's not the fact that I didn't respect her, I did. I just didn't know her and we both wanted to get laid. I didn't force her, or talk her into doing anything. If she would have said no, I'm like like 99.9% of other guys I would have respected her enough to back off.

Bris I've known you for a loooong time. We've been good friends for a loooooong time. I know you would never put yourself in a situation like that, I know you are a strong woman with strong moral values. Just realize that not everyone is like you, and it is totally unfair to judge people by calling them trashy and sleazy just because you don't agree with a situation they were in. I recall us having a conversation way back when about judging people. Where you yelled at me for doing this. Just try to understand that just because someone is living a lifestyle that you don't agree with it's not ok to label them trashy. Especially since you don't know their story.

That's all.
#65 Jan 14 2006 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
Well spoken Wrip. I'm not gonna bore people and reiterate my POV... I think I've made that clear enough. At the very least there is a girl's POV of what she would do in that situation, and while it may differ from a guys I stand by it.

But thank you for pointing a few things out :)

see ya in game, if I can ever get back on (/cry)
#66 Jan 14 2006 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
3,011 posts
Bris the term ****-block is a very factual term created by man. It refers to a time when fellow man is blatantly inhibiting anothers chance at getting laid. It happens much more than you would think and is becoming a serious problem. If something is not done about the recent craze in blocking teh **** then many many men will be left with a dirty magazine and some lube.

I like how you're talking like one of the celebrities trying to support Global Warming or something like that. Nice melodrama ^^.
#67 Jan 14 2006 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
137 posts
I'm not gonna disagree with you Wrip, that was a good post. I will simply point out that an 'unspoken guy code' is BS. If it makes you uncomfortable and you're in a situation where you're going to have to live with the guy and thus it may happen again, I don't believe there is any reason to hold your tongue in that situation. Shao didn't handle it well, but at the very least get up, leave and on your way out say something to the effect of 'just ask me to leave first next time'. I don't believe in an unspoken guy code and I don't care who I'm ever roomed with at any time in my life, if I feel I'm being direspect I'm going to make it known. I'm not against leaving the room so my roomy can get laid, or knowing ahead of time that he might be bringing someone back that night and so staying out with my own friends somewhere and giving him a call on my way home to see if he still needs the room or if it's just him, or their sleeping. I guess Shao doesn't have a gf or anything, but basically, if my room mate says he needs the room or might be using the room that night, I'll just go stay with mine. My big gripe is, the room mate (assuming they had never talked about whether or not this was ok beforehand) was being disrespectful by not asking or warning his roomy. If you have to live with someone communication is important. If my roomy never gave me a heads up or asked for the room, I wouldn't keep quiet just because it's a 'guy code'. I'd grab a book, go study in the lounge and let him know I thought he should just ask for privacy. I know not everyone's lifestyle is the same, but as a rule of thumb, I consider sex a private activity, so just ask for some privacy.
#68 Jan 14 2006 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
FOr the record

I think Harry Potter leans more towards kids movie, but I liked them all either way anyway >.>

#69 Jan 14 2006 at 11:05 PM Rating: Decent
137 posts
Harry Potter, as a book and as a movie is neither for children nor adults. It is for those who enjoy it. I personally enjoy it, but I always point out that the quality of the literature is not outstanding, and, especially, coming from someone who is a big fan of film and foreign cinema, the movies are nothing special. That said, neither statement leads me to feel that Harry Potter is anything but enjoyable and a pleasent read or evening at the theatre.
#70 Jan 15 2006 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
3,011 posts
I think J.K. Rowling will surprise us a bit with the next one... She's spent the past 6 books adding sublime details in each one that you probably don't remember. I believe in the 7th book she's going to string them all together for a pretty "f'n a" conclusion.

Or she could just do it the cool way and have Voldemort kill Harry and the world enters a thousand year reign of death and destruction.
#71 Jan 15 2006 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts
Wow more flames than the pit of hell... all over advice to someone..

I personally think that JK R will do something corny along the lines of Harry being Horcrux no.7 and him having to die fro the best of the world... I even recall her saying something like: "its gotta end this way" on tele or something...

anyway, Shao did you speak to your roomie afterwards about it? If so, howd it go?
#72 Jan 16 2006 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
1,249 posts
I see handling this in two ways.

Aggressive: Get up, tell them to find another room and then leave so they can finish, confront him about it the next day/when they're done, then give your oppinion on the matter.

Passive: Lay in bed not moving or get up and sleep in the bathroom or something and then confront him about it the next day. If I were in the situation I'd ask he either give you a warning or shag in the girl's room.

I got a buddy in collage that had that problem, his friend was shagging in the same room as him but Jeff was a reefer head, and his roomie didn't say anything when he smoked in the room. So he used it as a bargaining chip, the roomie doesn't have any late-night booty calls, and Jeff kept his reefer unlit in the room.

Plus Shao hasn't responded because he only gets 2 days of the week to be on. Shao dude you should talk to the System Admin, most the time they'll open the right ports for you. It's mainly to prevent file sharing using the schools storage space whilst on campus.
#73 Jan 17 2006 at 11:55 AM Rating: Good
Wrip wrote:
However it never really bothers guys. For some reason, one that I don't know. It's kinda weird to have my boy getting it on in the same room but it doesn't offend me, or make me want to do something stupid like bang on the wall, or smack her on the rear end. It's like an unspoken guy code. You let them be. Any other guy here who is being honest and isn't going to try and make themselves look better than me will agree.

If what Wrip said was true in any way I wish to disassociate myself from males. BTW Wrip, your empty "threat" of discrediting me as an honest guy if I disagree with you doesn't scare me in the slightest.

If one of my "friends" disrespects me in such a manner, and I voice it, being called a Cockblock in the process...well that's just childish. Thankfully none of my friends act like this.
#74 Jan 17 2006 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
299 posts
imo, no book (with the exception of the this i mean dr suess obviously kids, and zane obviously adult etc) can really be called either "kids book" or "adult book." they are for those who enjoy reading.

and nuzo, you actually LIKED the movies?? lol, the first and second ones were the only movies that did the book credit, imo. and good lord the goblet of fire movie sucked ***
#75 Jan 17 2006 at 11:26 PM Rating: Decent
Well, Bris- I can say this, I am a strong, independent, mature adult female with moral fiber who is a realist and sees things for what they are, not for what I or someone else would like them to be. No offense, but when you say "this is from the girls pov" etc- no, its from your POV and you can only speak for yourself. And thats fine, nothing against it for what you feel is right and correct in your own lifestyle. From what you have writtem, and albeit, I don't know you, my perception of you is basically the stereotypical female (illustrated in "men are from mars, women are from venus"), which is fine, nothing wrong with that- but its not the liberal single life of open minded women in the millenium (as a consensus, not individual). That is not your lifestyle or your belief for yourself and thats ok- you are a girlie girl- sentimental, optmistic and most likely one to cry over childrens birthings and weddings. Thats ok. Its something along the lines of..Ever hear that phrase: "Men give love to have sex- women give sex to get love"? Its just a different perception on what you want and what you believe is correct for yourself, but please don't lump all of us females in that stereotype.

Females, especially younger females experimenting with their sexuality and freedoms, just have sex just to have it. Just like guys "stereotypically" do: They go to a party, they meet up...and they hook up. They many not be thinking of a white house and a picket fence or if this a guy for them long term. Sometimes sex is just sex, and woman can be just as brutally direct towards it as men. It doesn't mean it is wrong. It means that it is just different from what you believe, and the things you look for.

As far as Shao- he is a kid in college who just wants to have fun and have sex and no strings. Its very basic, nothing really to talk about. It happens, he now may respect his roommate..and still....there is no sex in the champagne room.
#76 Jan 18 2006 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
Shahla you couldn't be farther from the truth about me. I'm anything but stereotypical. I just have a small opinion that sex is private and unless consent is given should remain so- otherwise it's disrespectful and that's never okay. Shao's post made it sound like he didn't welcome this intrusion which would mean consent wasn't given. Hey if Shao didn't care about it and was completely okay with it that's another story. But the fact that he made a post asking for opinions on what to do says he wasn't.

Females, especially younger females experimenting with their sexuality and freedoms, just have sex just to have it. Just like guys "stereotypically" do: They go to a party, they meet up...and they hook up. They many not be thinking of a white house and a picket fence or if this a guy for them long term. Sometimes sex is just sex, and woman can be just as brutally direct towards it as men. It doesn't mean it is wrong. It means that it is just different from what you believe, and the things you look for.

None of my posts were about this. I have not spoken out against one night stands at all; that's something between whoever is involved that is once again a private decision and doesn't involve other people who don't want to be. My posts were about the fact that they were having sex in the same room as Shao when he did not want them to and he was told not to bother them at his own expense bc then he would be a "cockblocker". In fact that is really all I spoke about; none of my posts mention anything else other than the "cockblocker" issue and the fact that his roommate and that girl would have sex right in front of someone who, once again, didn't want them to. If there had been prior consent or Shao didn't care then there would be no issue.

I don't know how I can make myself clearer. Hopefully this is enough to get people off my back about things I wasn't even talking about.

Edited, Wed Jan 18 00:27:03 2006 by Briseia
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