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DivineXtasy is Expanding~!Follow

#1 Jan 14 2006 at 3:59 AM Rating: Excellent
582 posts
DivineXtasy is moving upwards!

Our motto from day one was to take this game slowly, to enjoy things around us, create everlasting friendships, and put our real life, friendship, and fun first. Items, gear, and gil second.

This simple motto has attracted many fellow adventurers and we have grown quite a bit in the past 4 months. We’ve gotten many people Sky Access, some of us completed CoP Missions. We’ve done a lot of trigger NMs and god knows how many ENM/BC/KSs!!

Well, the natural course of our progress next will be stepping into some areas that are considered “endgame”. But by no means, we plan to make endgame our main goal. We still do silly things, we do bunch of trigger NMs, we do easy things, we do hard things.

I know that there are a lot of people who are in the level range of taking on Sky Adventuring. But perhaps are afraid of joining an HNMLS. Maybe that’s just not your style. Maybe you find that you can’t meet the rigorous camp schedule. So you leveled a job to high level…and then….what do you do?

Why not come join us!

>>Here’s a bit about our Sky Runs:

Every month, based on experience with Sky, trigger NMs & god fight strategy, one person will be assigned from the LS to be Sky Team Leader for the month. Our Sky Runs will be an all day, all out Sky event!

A Sky Team Leader will be named at the beginning of the month and the run will happen at the end of the month.

It will be up to that Leader to get the troops ready, get people to the camps, discuss strategy, arrange PTs, set up date, plan which triggers & gods, and decide on distribution of drops from the gods. If the Sky Team Leader wants to pool and split, that's fine. If they want to keep all drops to themselves, that's fine (although good luck getting troops next time!) as well.

As a general rule, there will be no official point system or LS banks. However, if the Sky Team Leader wants to set up a bank and point system for their turn to run the show, that's fine.

Finally, all Sky runs will be based on this rule: We will get triggers & fight corresponding god on the same day.

What if time runs out while farming triggers? ....well, we'll cross that bridge when we get there....What about Kirin?..........that too…we’ll think about it when we get there.

>>Here’s a bit about our Weekly Limbus Runs:
Once every week, around 10PM EST we will do a Limbus Run.

All ancient beast coins will be QM’ed by the Alliance Leader, and distributed evenly, at the end, to members that stayed until the end.

If there are odd coins left…for example, if 45 coins drop, and there are 12 present, each person will get 3 coins. The other 9 will be randomed. Materials will be free lotted to those that can use it immediately.

Pretty Simple.

Limbus is brand new to most people, so we don’t expect you to be experts either. Just good skills (which I’m sure you’ll have), attention to detail, and your patience is all that’s required.

>>Static Sea Adventure
Collect your Organs with us. If you aren't a BLM75, it's gonna be hard for you to get the organs...solo. Then why not join us, as we adventure into Sea?

>>Coming Soon! Dynamis-Valkrum, Buburimu & Qufim
Because I finally got the info I need!

So if you are an adventurer looking for a slower, yet fun and exciting time, come check us out at our home.

DivineXtasy is closed to those who are currently a member of any known HNMLS. This is to avoid conflict with any respectable HNMLS groups currently operating in Shiva. We are not an HNMLS, however, we understand that our activities may conflict to those who are already in one. We do ask that you make DivineXtasy your Primary LS.

Finally, as a general rule, DivineXtasy is currently only opened to those level 60+, with ZM6 and above. We are still open for all CoP status. However, there are always do check us first!

As you are looking for a LS that's a good fit for you, so are we. We are a very mellow group, and we take things much slower than an HNMLS. So if you are into getting mucho gil fast, your abjurations as quickly as possible...then unfortunately, DivineXtasy will not be a good fit for you.

But if you like a friendly, well organized environment with lots of time to do things other than just endgame...then this will be a great home for you.

See you in soon~!

Edited, Sat Jan 14 04:29:19 2006 by uchipu
#2 Jan 14 2006 at 8:44 PM Rating: Decent
173 posts
Uchipu, I was wondering, what are the chances of a gimpy little 65 Tarutaru White Mage/Summoner coming along to get some experience with sky runs and stuff like that before he goes and applies for an HNMLS later on in the year?

I know I'm probably too low level, but I'd love to be able to join you guys even if it is just to watch and die to AoE attacks :P
#3 Jan 15 2006 at 12:06 AM Rating: Excellent
245 posts
Click on the website in Uchipu's sig. All applicants should go to the website first and check us out. See ya'll on Shiva. ^^
#4 Jan 15 2006 at 10:12 AM Rating: Good
I read somewhere either a sig or uchis bazaar "retired from end game" or something. LIAR!! :P
#5 Jan 16 2006 at 10:56 AM Rating: Good
87 posts
I thought your LS was for people that had retired from end-game Uchi, what made you change your mind?
#6 Jan 16 2006 at 5:39 PM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
Well, the idea is to get some spice and do "end game" stuff, but not to BE end game exclusively. Most of the people in the LS have full time jobs and can't commit to a "BE HERE NOW!!!" type of linkshell. We are very organized and we get things done. I don't know, it just works.^^ This way, the people who can't schedule their life around the game, or the people who got tired of drama, can have some "end game" action too.
#7 Jan 17 2006 at 4:22 AM Rating: Excellent
582 posts
It's not all endgame :)

We are primarily everything goes LS....and I dunno what that means.

We do a little bit of this, little bit of that.

And of course, we're not HNMLS! We will do Sky ONCE A MONTH! If you see us spending time in Sky night after night, popping up at Fafnir and crowding Tiamat, OK, then we are HNMLS. But I'll quit this game before that!!

Since most of our members who joined me are now hitting level 70+, and wanting to go poke at gods here and there, I thought, why not? We have several members who have experience doing Sky...if they want to try something new, we have the knowledge to take them there.

Does it make it illegal that just because my LS doesn't have an HNMLS label stuck on it, to go try something that is a little bit more challenging than an ENM75?

We are bunch of people just like everybody else, that want to challenge a little bit more. So yes, I'm going to have to dust that Cerulean Crystal and use it for more than skill up PTs. (BTW Light Elemental Skill Up PTs are super for skill ups 200+ and excellent for latent effect removals)

I think too many people immediately think that endgame = HNMLS and somehow you think that you need to be in some type of HNMLS to do Sky/Sea/Limbus whatever.

The truth is, no. I've seen it even done in a Pick Up before. I actually know somebody on Gilgamesh that did Kirin in a Pick Up.

So the truth is, yes, you can do it with friends that you've grown together, and that's what my LS is doing. I watched my members go from 50s to 70s since I started this LS. We've completed Missions together, died together, gotten cool items together. So if my friends wanted to try Sky, we will got there together as well.

Besides, to us, gods are just another trigger NM. It's just an extension of what we have been doing alot. People make such a big deal about them...I don't understand.

You won't make a big deal if I say we will do regular Uggalepih Pendant Trigger NM (which by the way, will make better money than lesser gods...) Why do you make a big deal if I say we'll do Sky trigger NM?

I just thought that since we are doing these things, and if there were some more people on this server that feels the same way about trying these things out, but not quite sure if they want/can join an HNMLS, that I'd open up my LS to them. We currently do have enough to do all of the lesser gods.

So no, my LS is not going HNMLS. You won't see us pop up at Behemoth camp anytime soon. (we'll just do the KS99 version...) You won't see us spending 8 hours waiting for Ulli to pop, night after night.

This, to us, is just another challenge, just another Activitiy, amongst our normal stuff - like ENM, like Trigger NMs, like Missions that we have done so far.

PS: if anybody's wondering, the Dynamis is in conjunction with my friend's new JP BLM LS....

Edited, Tue Jan 17 04:52:04 2006 by uchipu
#8 Jan 17 2006 at 7:28 PM Rating: Excellent
128 posts
HNMLS is not = endgame populated LS.
Oo HNMLS requires HNM's to be an HNMLS correct? Sky ls's used to focus on sky primarily correct? at least a bit more than anything ya? So how do we come out with a once a month only maybe/maybe not get it done event as a HNMLS let alone a sky LS? ENMS tho possibly requiring an "end game" charecter are not HNM's. Escorts do not have 4+ LS"s getting ready to spam on the window count to protect the poor npc running through Garbage citadel. So what toes are being stepped on and feeling hurt by our LS? Given our "sky" schedual atm I dont really feel anybody will be waiting on us to finish up 3 cracks at kirin at least not this year.
Being capable to tackle HNM's and actualy doing it as a LS directive are two dif things and as we do not do this we are not HNMLS.
So if you want to sit at a camp to earn points all day by all means go hnm, theres nothing wrong with that at all. You will get participate in some epic battles and earn a paycheck of sorts, and eventualy know how many pixels it takes to build a Skimmer.

We are offering a more laid back, fun, non allience required schduale, yes some events will be of the endgame varity because they require the endgame sauce. As uchi said we have people "growing up" and wanting a taste of sky etc.. We are growing up and out but the whole goal (from my understanding) was to avoid the "Must Do" feeling and allow the members the breathing room to schedual their adventuring as they please not as they are told.

#9 Jan 17 2006 at 7:55 PM Rating: Excellent
1,255 posts
In my humble (albeit longwinded) opinion, I see uchipu's linkshell as an alternative for those who want to participate in HNM activities--but NOT get caught up in the HNM/interHNM drama.

Yes, they don't just focus end-game content. Yes, they will be popping their heads in on other HNMs "turf." But are her efforts to avoid labeling really that unwarranted? Judging by some of the responses I've read on alla (and those from people who followed her to her personal blog), I'd have to say "No." I can plainly see why uchipu would want her linkshell to avoid that HNM stigma.

Here's what I don't get. If she doesn't want to call her LS an HNMLS, what gives you the right to make her call it one? What does that accomplish? What do you gain by forcing her to call DX an HNMLS? Nothing. Absolutely Nothing. If you are in an HNMLS...and you see DX as an are obviously not going to allow that person to have both pearls. In fact, even DXs rules say you cannot be in an HNMLS to be in DX. So please, someone, tell me what is being accomplished with this squabble?

Yes, it may "walk like a duck." Yes, it may "talk like a duck." Hell, it may even crap like a duck. So what if she chooses not to call it a duck? If they changed the name of Vtra to Howard, would that change your battle tactics?

All that arguing about what DX should be called accomplishes is pulling DX into that same drama that they were trying to avoid. What right do you have to do that? For goodness sake, let it be. Think of them as you will. And if they have the wrong impression about what their LS really is, BELIEVE ME.....they will find out eventually. It will hit them like a sack of potatos and send them crashing to the ground. In the mean time, please, put your attention towards something more important. I sure somewhere there's another dead horse that could use a good beating. ;)

edit: sorry for the thread hijacking. Good luck, DX.

Edited, Tue Jan 17 19:56:32 2006 by SophusTehNewb
#10 Jan 18 2006 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
So what your saying Uhchipu is that your LS will be just like DVSIII that has been doing this for quite awhile now. Doing endgame events, but not too often at more of a laid back pace.
#11 Jan 18 2006 at 9:33 AM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
To be honest it is all a matter of perception and perception can become reality. Uchipu's shell as it was did not interfere with the HNMLS in fact most accepted that a member of a HMNLS could actually belong to both shells. Then they move into the grey area and that is where some shells will have issue. We have a rule you can't belong to another HNMLS period percieved or otherwise so that is where people will draw the line just because you don't want to be labeled people will label you it is human nature. I can't speak for anyone but myself but in our shell you can't complete against the shell and be a member heck we lost a good member because she wanted to help another non-hnmls in sky at a time we are never in sky why because it is the baby test area for all HNM capable LS.

The key is it is a thin line some ls will be cool some will not why because some consider SKY the HNMLS proving ground it isn't about kings. It is more about the spirit of competion and making your shell better and stronger. You can't serve 2 masters and be as effective that is what others see and will discuss.

The first time DX camps against any ls for god pop items they will be considered one sad but true from the point of view of others. It is not just about kings/dragons all hnmls pretty much get trained in sky.

That is the hard truth heck I am engineer I design software and hardware no matter what else I will be labeled a nerd. Oh well to see me I am 6'1 240 with dreadlocks, I body build and do photography, as well as design websites I get labeled everyday no biggie it is a part of life that we all have to deal with. It is human nature for people to label things so they can try to understand what you are in fact it doesn't make it the truth.

Like laws/rules you can break them without ever knowing they existed. I recall Soulfire got into this as well awhile back I think it is sad but it is not always what you label yourself it is what others percieve about you I as always believe it is the actions that dictates your label verses really the words spoken.

Just my 2 cents on the matter not trying to start anything just wanted to point out many overlook those simple facts.

#12 Jan 18 2006 at 10:25 AM Rating: Excellent
If people would would just worry about their own LS and not what another LS does, this gaming world be a much better place. This is how uncessary drama is generated. People making an issue out of nothing...
#13 Jan 18 2006 at 10:31 AM Rating: Excellent
1,255 posts
I'm not trying to pick on you, Kenshyn, but what you're saying sounds like a repeat of what everyone else has already said. If it really is a problem of perception, then your dillemma is easily solved because DXs state that you cannot be in DX is you are already in an HNM. So it doesn't really matter what your perception is. If you are in another HNM, you cannot be in DX NO MATTER WHAT.

If you choose to accept someone into your HNMLS when they are already in DX, that's is your choice. If you decide to deny someone into your LS because they are in DX, that is also your choice. But if you accept someone from DX, and DX finds out that the player is in another HNM, I'm assuming they'll be asked to chose or leave.

Everything else sounds like trying to start drama/trouble where none needs to be started.
#14 Jan 18 2006 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
Actually I am not trying to start anything just stated a simple fact of life people will view you differently then you view yourself. Period what will happen from that is just a fact of life. If that causes drama I am sorry. I did not create it I am just pointing out what many will have trouble with it just impacts members that hold 2 pearls new members may not be affected if they don't come from a HNMLS the trouble is when you have a HNMLS and a DX pearl the area has now greyed.

Edited, Wed Jan 18 10:52:25 2006 by kenshynOnShiva
#15 Jan 18 2006 at 10:47 AM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
I think I've mentioned this before, but just in case...
<3 Sophus.
#16 Jan 18 2006 at 10:47 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
If that's just the way it is, then why do people feel the compulsory urge to keep bringing it up? Like I said earlier...

Think of them as you will. And if they have the wrong impression about what their LS really is, BELIEVE ME.....they will find out eventually. It will hit them like a sack of potatos and send them crashing to the ground. In the mean time, please, put your attention towards something more important.
#17 Jan 18 2006 at 10:51 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Btw Ken, I'm sorry if what I typed sounded confrontational. If it did, I apologize. Normally petty disputes don't get to me. But when I saw that the petty dispute had turned to slander on Uchipu's personal blog (that's right, her blog...not her LS's website) that's when it really disgusted me.

edit: went through and rated you guys up. :p

Edited, Wed Jan 18 10:54:03 2006 by SophusTehNewb
#18 Jan 18 2006 at 10:55 AM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
You know what people? Just let us do our thing. We'll be fine, I promise. Don't worry about our little linkshell. We're having our fun, sorry if having fun upsets so many people.

Uchi made this post to try to spread the word about our new adventures, in the hopes we would find some new people with the same goals as us: enjoy the game and not compromise with your personal time.

If this messed up your little Corporate FFXI agenda... /comfort.
#19 Jan 18 2006 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
The internet is a crazy place alot of things are blown up from nothing. The area that concerns myself and others are our ls membership and our rules. Sadly we lost a recent member to just this situation to her it wasn't a HNMLS she was helping just friends the leadership asked her to remove our pearl. So that is what this can impact and is why I discussed it here. Like I said it only affects those that can wear 2 pearls a and it does sadden me to that fact. I was actually shocked when the member was asked to leave but I understand why.

It really has no impact on anyone other than that.

Good luck

Edited, Wed Jan 18 11:00:19 2006 by kenshynOnShiva
#20 Jan 18 2006 at 11:06 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
I understand, and I'm sure it was a pain when it happened. That's not your fault though.

Think of it this way: even if DX was not an HNM, they could still not be a part of both LS. Why? Because DX rules prohibit it.

In that case, it has nothing to do with you, your friend, Uchipu, or any other player in the game. It has to do with the rules. By accepting a pearl to DX, he/she agreed to follow DXs rules. By accepting a pearl to your HNM, he/she agreed to follow your rules. By holding a pearl to both LS, they may have been within the rules of your LS (according to your definition of an HNM)--but they broke the rules of DX (according to their definition of an HNM). From there, it was their choice what to do.

It sucks, I know, but such is life where HNMs/neoHNMs are involved.
#21 Jan 18 2006 at 11:08 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Good attitude, Fernanda :)
#22 Jan 18 2006 at 11:14 AM Rating: Good
1,755 posts
Agreed and that is all I was trying to point out no drama intended prior to this change it was cool you could wear either pearl after the change not so much.
#23 Jan 18 2006 at 11:23 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
But you couldn't wear either pearl. According to DX's rules, you can't be in an HNM and also be in DX. I'm not even a member and I know that :/

BTW, sorry again for hijacking the thread :( . I'll shut up now.

........stop your cheering.
#24 Jan 18 2006 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
I think maybe you don't know that a few members that joined DX in the past have another HNMLS pearl as well. This is only why I commented. I was pointing out that this change changed things and now people may have to choose. Not trying to start drama in any way in the past it was okay for many to carry both pearls and use both now it is grey and for many they have to make that choice now. Where as before they didn't have to choose. In reality it only like I said affects them directly and thier shells.

Edited, Wed Jan 18 11:41:49 2006 by kenshynOnShiva

Edited, Wed Jan 18 11:38:24 2006 by kenshynOnShiva
#25 Jan 18 2006 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
Proroc wrote:
So what your saying Uhchipu is that your LS will be just like DVSIII that has been doing this for quite awhile now. Doing endgame events, but not too often at more of a laid back pace.

I don't think DVSIII takes anywhere near as laid back an approach as DX. Maybe they don't have a "come here now or we'll kick you" attitude, but they still work off a point system for sky, in turn encouraging long hours of camping pop items on the days designated for doing so. They still primarily focus on sky and HNMs (and Dynamis w/ CI), even though they do other things as well. DX has a primary focus of other things, while ocassionally doing "end-game".

DVSIII is a great shell with some great people, but I myself realized I was not ready for that kind of commitment. I'm not a member of DX, but there is something appealing about it. Right now I'm happy just leveling and helping with random other stuff and shouting FU at the rest of Shiva's drama. Once I decide I want to get back into sky or try dynamis, I don't know if I'll want to go back to a full-time endgame shell like DVSIII or not.
#26 Jan 18 2006 at 1:21 PM Rating: Good
90 posts
on thier site, they have a calendar and events, just like we do. I'm sure they won't force people @ gunpoint to go, nor do we however. I like to think of DVS3 as a fun yet hl ls. We go do what our members wanna do. If there is a lot of people wanting rostrum pumps, then we go help our friends get em. If someone says hey adamantking will pop soon, you're damn sure I'm having turtle soup that night. A lot of us enjoy the thrill of things not just camping hnms over and over. Things like sky points and farming dates (an average of 6 per month which is very light for most ls)
are just there for a little structure. without them you get people saying, "hey I deserve that more than X"

Anywhos, Uchi, as I've seen in posts before and I'm sure you have, some people just resent hearing that they are a cold hnm machine that never has fun. Hell in the paragraph above even I fell victim to it from bart's comments. I'll tell you something a good leader once told me. If you truly have a good ls, you'll find the ppl that are right for it. Ppl will leave, things will happen, hell we've had a few factionings off in DVS over the years. But your good core will remain, the people who really belong there. You'll get the members you want, just be clear in your purpose, and stick to it.
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