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DivineXtasy is Expanding~!Follow

#27 Jan 18 2006 at 4:53 PM Rating: Good
1,416 posts

The first time DX camps against any ls for god pop items they will be considered one sad but true from the point of view of others. It is not just about kings/dragons all hnmls pretty much get trained in sky.
This is very true.

Well, the idea is to get some spice and do "end game" stuff, but not to BE end game exclusively. Most of the people in the LS have full time jobs and can't commit to a "BE HERE NOW!!!" type of linkshell. We are very organized and we get things done.
But this is really all that matters.
#28 Jan 18 2006 at 5:35 PM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
Heh, putting the topic aside, Six I saw the screenshot in your sig, it's kinda dark.

I put some contrast and brightness on it, see what you think:

#29 Jan 18 2006 at 5:46 PM Rating: Good
1,416 posts
Very Nice..

Thanks.. I'm pretty sure I took the pic at night.

Edit: updated link to new pic ^^

Edited, Wed Jan 18 17:57:36 2006 by sixgauge
#30 Jan 18 2006 at 9:09 PM Rating: Good
248 posts
Wow! This thread is outta control! lol Here it is in a nutshell; DX=LS where people can log on, check calendar and have something fun to do. This expansion thread is to let people know our members want to try something new. If this sounds good to you then please check out our forum and join.
#31 Jan 20 2006 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
Ok as for Ken worring about Mememebers with Both Pearls... we 'know' who they are.. they come to our LS to chill and mello out from all the drama that we dont have.. as for HOCD loseing Memembers thats your own god damm fualt maybe if your leaders got off there asses and did more then dynamis they wouldnt have to go to Other LS to help get items so you loseing Memembers is no ones fualt but your own.. as for Sky being a basic starter for sky/ your so called HNMLS... maybe heros should Return to there basics since all they can do anymore is Dynamis.. anyway this is my only post on here.. I dont use Periods i dont use Commma i dont use Questionmakrs Flame me rate me down do w/e you want Take Care alla I said what needed to be said for my LS thanks to the ppl who support us to everyone else.. Have a Nice ******* Day
#32 Jan 20 2006 at 2:22 PM Rating: Good
4,447 posts
Next on DivineXtasy: Drama.

It's coming. It is inevitable.

You don't make a post like you just did Ema and get away with it. Drama will come to your LS, sad but true.
#33 Jan 20 2006 at 2:58 PM Rating: Good
lol @"and get away with it."

Oh noes some other gamers might /gasp, dare I say it....Flame us!!!

Besides, I know you live for this **** LoH. Just look at your number of posts. =P
#34 Jan 20 2006 at 3:41 PM Rating: Good
248 posts
Gang War! Gang War! LOLOLOLOL Chill out people. Please
#35 Jan 20 2006 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
385 posts
*eats his mike and ikes*

*puts out cup to see if anyone else wants some*


break away from the mold .. do your own thang.. keep it up

#36 Jan 21 2006 at 12:27 AM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
Maybe my posts are mainly from the Thief forums helping other thieves? I'm really not that active on Alla's Shiva forum and the drama on Alla isn't that amazing (or I don't pay attention to it)

All I'm saying is with an attitude like Ema's there is bound to be drama, it's just going to happen and I will have nothing to do with it, I'm just calling it now so I can say "I told you so" later.

Edited, Sat Jan 21 00:28:35 2006 by SirEaglestrike
#37 Jan 21 2006 at 8:45 AM Rating: Decent
90 posts
I don't post on here much anymore.. but, Ema you disappoint me.

You say HoCD's only doings is dynamis when you are no longer in the LS lol. You gave up on us and fled to live a quieter life, which is all fine.. however, you're now an ex member of HoCD, and have been for sometime..

Yeah we don't do anything other than Dynamis! I'd like to hear your sources. Yesterday we did many things, WSNMs, a HNM, and i helped several people with random things such as escort or Sleepga II :/ (sleepga II solo wewt wewt). Boy that sounds like Dynamis to me. And these were only things i was involved in before i slept (Damn EU timezone). Of course we did dynamis later. :P

I remember the first thing we got for you in the LS! The NM in Aquaducts and that dagger with ranged acc +12. That isn't what HoCD does though.. we only do dynamis, right?

Please don't openly flame our LS when you are no longer in it and don't understand it's inner workings.

You feel the same way for your DX LS, as i do for HoCD. You don't know what you're talking about anymore Ema, and if you do, then i'm glad we've lost that attitude from HoCD. Sadly.

I understand someone needs a place to chill sometimes, it happens in all endgame LS when times are stressful. So i'm personally not concerned with HoCD members being in DX. However Uchipu's rules making a choice to choose between HNM LS or DX makes me want to pursue anyone from HoCD who is wearing a DX pearl :).

Okay that's all i have to say as a longtime member of HoCD! Good luck with your LS Uchipu, i hope you and ex HoCD members are having fun, and everyone else in it is too. I'm not saying this in a bitter way either. If you do ever upgrade your views and do turn into a 'full-time' HNM LS, i'll be sure to /wave.
#38 Jan 21 2006 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
128 posts
Thing is we dont quack at any real "HNM's"
Thing is HNMLS is title to be earned plain and simple, there is no "Grey Area" there is no running to the ls vendor and up and starting one.
Thing is that if uchi would have started this thread saying we are hnmls but have no plans to tackle a REAL TRUE hnm you would be running your damned mouth LoH only in reverse saying what I am now.
Thing is I once knew a guy with a Marine Corps tattoo, thing is he was never in the marines... he got his *** kicked on a regular basis for being a POSER.
Thing is we aint pose'n.
Thing is I guess I hold an HNMLS to a higher standard: It should be the epitome of near %100 member participation and organization with the capability to tackle on schedual or on the fly anything that SE throws at them. And have the kills to prove it. A HNMLS is not a three hours old and shouting in jeuno for members LS. It is not a title you can give yourself. It is earned. A HNMLS is NOT a SKYLS a SKY is SKY, HNM is HNM a dogs a dog and a cats a cat. A LS title should classify its priotity no? You cant call yourself an electrician when all you do is plumbing correct?
Thing is I have complete and utter respect for the true HNM rockstars out there, they know who they are and what they do and they do it because its their PASSION in the game and they do it well, not to be a f'n poser asshat drama queen looking to be cool on alla by saying they are teh UbER 1337 HNMLS with nothing but a catchy LS name as a claim to fame.

Its sad realy that a title that actualy meant something has had is meaning so diluted by people wanting the title without merit that these f'n posers have to label anything that moves with thier lie and perpetuate it to the point where it means nothing so nobody points the finger at them and asks where the **** do you get off saying you are HNMLS you gd loser. The only thing you are achieving is the erosion of the class you want to belong to oh so badly with your weak *** sauce.

Now I left the HNM scene because it wasnt what I wanted out of the time I put in the game. For my own "selfish?" reasons I wanted the majority of my up time to focus on my own goals. I did not want to hide off ls, or work my play time to get around events. I was burntout doing LS activities constantly, LS Event > Personal time. So to set about my own goals I chose to leave rather than become a leech as Personal Time > LS Events was what i needed. You see the thing is I didnt feel right about flashing my pearl without participating, its wrong and not the kind of person I am, and I would have never accepted the pearl in the first place if the LS wasnt doing what its title dictated because I'm not a poser thats not the kind of person I am.

<3 Xylos
#39 Jan 21 2006 at 2:15 PM Rating: Good
440 posts
Point in simple terms..

They may do some HNM, sky, or Dynamis, but they do not do it full time, therefor, they ask to not be called an end game LS..

Really that hard?

I have much respect for you, Uchipu, and all that you do. Many members in your shell as well, as many other shells..

Just know their point, she wanted to express what her LS is doing, just like the rest of you, HNM or not..

Seriously, get off their backs, take a step back, and see what they're say/doing, like we all do for you guys.

#40 Jan 21 2006 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
I would be running my mouth? Huh? Reread this thread, when did I jump in? When Ema brought up some comments and showed an attitude that is at the base of a lot of drama within Linkshells. I didn't make one comment in this thread before then.

Thing is, sky is 'real HNMs'.
Thing is, you won't avoid drama by fighting in sky onry.
Thing is, you'll hear of an HNM up and go "hey, lets try it".
Thing is, you'll wake up and see what people are saying is true, you're a HNMLS.

Edited, Sat Jan 21 14:32:52 2006 by SirEaglestrike
#41 Jan 21 2006 at 6:48 PM Rating: Good
191 posts
You guys didn't know? We are an HNMLS!!!

Hot Naked Men Love Shack!!!

#42 Jan 21 2006 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
128 posts
Thing is, sky is 'real HNMs'. (Nope)
Thing is, you won't avoid drama by fighting in sky onry. (No **** you took the time to seek us out .. btw once a month isnt "onry")
Thing is, you'll hear of an HNM up and go "hey, lets try it". (no thanks see thing is the core of us have done them, no fun in repetition)
Thing is, you'll wake up and see what people are saying is true, you're a HNMLS. (who are these imaginary people you keep speaking of?)

wow you walked right into my defenition of a poser LoH and you are a liar you didnt just happen to trip and land in this thread to find yourself involved you have posted on a blog also so dont start the BS.

At 6:20 AM, Ladyofhonor said...

My issue with what you've said, and what I had an issue with Soulfire about is the definition of an HNMLS that you carry. Look at what you just posted: "OMG UCHIPU IS GOING HNMLS!! SHE'S GREED DRIVEN NOW!!" I've read a number of the forums about your posts, no one has mentioned greed at all. It seems like it's an assumption to you that the label of "HNMLS" means "greed driven". As a member of an HNMLS, that's insulting. I do not believe I, nor my LS, is driven by greed. We are like you, out to have fun, enjoy this game and improve our characters some more.

You started this post by saying others are too quick to label things, but why are you so afraid of the label? You seem horrified of being called an HNMLS, and I simply do not understand why. Is it a mortal sin to belong to an HNM LS? Is there some disease that strikes those within one? Your LS is growing, it's becoming end-game (a lot of poppable NM's are end-game stuff) and that gets you an HNMLS label. What does that mean? That means you're capable of taking down HNM's! Is that so bad? Just because you have that label does not mean you have to go camp Behemoth or Fafnir. In fact, my HNMLS has just begun in the last week or so to even show up to such camps. But we've been doing sky ONCE a week and pop NM's ONCE a week and have called ourselves an HNMLS for some time now.

As I've said, what gets me is not that you're some kind of threat, I'm not worried about that, and if I was, it's only that I'm worried about your LS failing at this stuff, it's just that it's insulting to me as a member of an HNMLS for someone else to throw insults at the label, when there are good people and good LS's who bear such a label.

Good luck with this Uchipu, you will need it, I believe.

By your own admission you were not an HNMLS in any sense (sky dont count bruddah)
Nobody insulted anyone prior to that post, you have no idea what goes on out of these forums it seems.
You have no friggen clue whats going on so <Leave> it be. You come full of halfassed assumptions and fill in the blanks. If you want to run about jeuno calling yourself a HNMLS that only does sky than ok thats fine go for it nobody is going to recognize you for that but hey posers a label and who cares about that. You really need to find another job outside of Label Fairy or Drama Queen cuz its getting old. You manage to kill a true HNM and i'll tip my hat. Till then head back to IGE and buy another 2 cents as you wasted them here. You lower the bar of a once proud elite community to suit your own substandard self then what expect applause? /clap /clap good luck with your LS

Hyper Notorious Monsters are a nebulous category of high-level Notorious Monster. The moniker (also known variably as "High Notorious Monster" or "Heavy Notorious Monster") is largely an informal one used by players, not by developers or the game itself.

* in the past, there has been some dispute over what constitutes an HNM. The only traits that most are in agreement over are as follows:

* All HNMs are above Level 75, typically requiring an Alliance (or even multiple Alliances!) of players Levels 70 to 75 to defeat.
* All HMMs are found on standard maps, and are not BCNM fights.
* All HNMs can and will drop valuable and exclusive items and equipment, some specific to a particular HNM, often in multiple types.
* All HNMs grant a specific title when defeated.
* All Wyrms are HNMs (with the sole exception of Ouryu).
For example.
* Adamantoise
* Aspidochelone
* Behemoth
* Fafnir
* Jormungand
* King Behemoth
* King Vinegarroon
* Nidhogg
* Tiamat
* Vrtra

Edited, Sat Jan 21 20:29:58 2006 by xyloss
#43 Jan 21 2006 at 10:20 PM Rating: Default
4,447 posts

That is the #1 HNMLS website for NA's. Guess what, sky is on there. So are poppable NM's. If that's what the NA HNMLS's agree are HNM's, I'll have to stick with them.
#44 Jan 22 2006 at 12:04 AM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
This is pathetic. >.>
#45 Jan 22 2006 at 1:11 AM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
<3 Rate downs. Especially since the only one rated down was my least argumentative one lol

Just wanted to add that I didn't 'seek you out' I've been reading Uchipu's blog for a long time, nearly a year now I think, I believe since the beginning of its existance. I've commented a number of times and I'm a fan of Uchipu's. Also in this thread I never came out and said anything. I'm not here to start drama, I posted on her blog because I felt it was a lot less public than Alla would be and there would be less 'drama', I just wanted to let her know how I felt.

But then Ema comes on and shows an attitude that isn't the best to have if you want to avoid drama and head into end-game. So I commented. And now I'm being attacked =P
#46 Jan 22 2006 at 2:37 AM Rating: Decent
uchipu wrote:

* All HNMs grant a specific title when defeated.

Bune doesn't give a title, is he not considered a HNM? Neither does Guivre come to think of it. They're just as hard or harder than any other HNM.
Silly SE, I want a title for killing them!
#47 Jan 22 2006 at 4:18 AM Rating: Decent
Alright LoH you and everyone else can call us an HNMLS, we know who we are. Others will agree with me, you're an HNMLS when you camp kings everyday, when your playtime revolves around them, when your LS leader asks you to drop what you're doing and help the LS immediatly. That is what HNMLS is about, and I'm not saying HNMLS's are a bad thing. HNMLS's on Shiva have accomplished some impressive feats, and I applaud them for that.

One big difference between them and us is, that their members spend alot of time online and dedicate their playtime to that particular LS and it's events. As stated above, alot of our members can't play the game as much, and is why we schedule pretty much all of our events on weekends, and Sky once a month. You'll see us in Sky a bit, and Limbus sometime soon, but you'll also see us as an LS in Cnest or Eldieme doing an escort mission...doing an ENM or helping with lower CoP missions.

And that's what this thread was originally about, to show Shiva who we are and what we do. Putting all arguements aside, read Uchipu's initial post, and that's what our group does and hopes to accomplish. I say let the flamers and forum trolls bash us and label us all they want, but we're just here to have fun. And we hope some of you can come see what our group is about, and have fun with us too. ^^


Edited, Sun Jan 22 04:25:34 2006 by Grima
#48 Jan 22 2006 at 4:29 AM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
So, by your standards, even though my LS shows up to Adamantoise/behemoth/Aspi/KB, but don't require our members to drop what they're doing, we're not an HNM LS? I don't get it. My LS doesn't require members to stop what they're doing to do anything, we even have people who routinely skip LS events to do other stuff because that's what they'd rather do.

So is an HNMLS made when you require people to stop everything they're doing for the LS?

Or is it when YOUR LS FIGHTS HNM's?

I don't know, the latter is looking better...

Edited, Sun Jan 22 04:31:15 2006 by SirEaglestrike
#49 Jan 22 2006 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
i dont know about the rest of you. but all this figthing and war of words is turning me on
#50 Jan 22 2006 at 11:02 AM Rating: Good
191 posts
LMAO rate up!

#51 Jan 22 2006 at 2:33 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts This is still going on? Let me ask you guys one thing--has this hijack accomplished anything yet? Forgive me if I'm wrong, but this thread was supposed to be some good news for a fellow linkshell. Instead, you are turning it into a pissing contest. Why can't we be glad for DX and leave the drama outside for once?
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