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Kraken on EbayFollow

#1 Jan 17 2006 at 9:18 PM Rating: Decent
374 posts
If you didnt see my post about this on Ifrit...
A ls member mention this today in chat.

#2 Jan 17 2006 at 10:21 PM Rating: Good
525 posts

Good Times

I used to care about my sig. Then I got mocked and butt-hurt. I shall commence with the self-pity now.
#3 Jan 17 2006 at 11:21 PM Rating: Decent
omg who evar bids on that is insane!
#4 Jan 17 2006 at 11:23 PM Rating: Decent
I'm appalled that someone would actually pay $355+ for a video game item... OR that someone would pay $500 for $100,000 gil...

Is it just me or does anyone else think thats a little... strange. -.-
#5 Jan 18 2006 at 12:25 AM Rating: Decent
1,029 posts
I know someone on remora who bought himself 500m with his moms cc for xmas. Only cost him $2500 too rofl.
#6 Jan 18 2006 at 12:32 AM Rating: Decent
LOL I would throw his game, his ps2 and his computer (if applicable) on a busy highway. ;)
#7 Jan 18 2006 at 2:34 AM Rating: Excellent
it was taken off I sent a letter to all the bidders and the seller saying I was reporting them and SE can trace them down and cancel they account
#8 Jan 18 2006 at 3:53 AM Rating: Decent
137 posts
And someone actually listened? I don't say that to sound cynical of you Glitter - just astonished anyone did something. What about all the gil available through ebay? Can't SE make ebay ban that then?
#9 Jan 18 2006 at 10:36 AM Rating: Default
418 posts
woooow talk about stickin your nose where it doesn't belong. Glitter is a nark.

It wasn't right what was going on but daaaaamn don't fault the seller for trying to make a few hundred bucks on it.
#10 Jan 18 2006 at 10:45 AM Rating: Good
385 posts
good job glitter

sticking your nose out and sticking up for something seems to be the only way we can stop all this RMT

#11 Jan 18 2006 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
Wow Glitter!! Right on!
#12 Jan 18 2006 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
Like any obession people will spend insane amounts of real money to become percieved uber it isn't even funny people have dropped a grand to buy a character. Think of MMORPG as internet crack people will spend amazing amounts of real money the dollars spend are actually greater than the earnings of countries. Sad you bet but ppl will do it and it will sadly never stop heck some mmorpg just gave up and open up rmt as a side biz.
#13 Jan 18 2006 at 1:32 PM Rating: Default
woooow talk about stickin your nose where it doesn't belong. Glitter is a nark.

It wasn't right what was going on but daaaaamn don't fault the seller for trying to make a few hundred bucks on it.

sorry wrip but i didnt nark on anyone maybe next time ill look the other way.
#14 Jan 18 2006 at 4:35 PM Rating: Good
610 posts
It wasn't right what was going on but daaaaamn don't fault the seller for trying to make a few hundred bucks on it.

Dude! Nobody has any business trying to sell a fake electronic item for real life money.

On that note wtf doesn't SE shutdown IGE and stuff cause that definately violates TOS. Bloody abyss! Bloody IGE and company slash prices and gil and bahbam! Everything got jacked 2-10 times the normal price.
#15 Jan 18 2006 at 5:25 PM Rating: Good
958 posts
I would honestly like to see Square track as many gil sellers as possible and make a list. Once they have a sizeable list compiled (as well as holding mules and things of the sort) then:




All of them go poof in a single day, along with every dime they owned and anything they had listed on the auction house.

It should not be difficult to track the people who have been camping mobs such as the OKote, Siren hair, Amemit for 24/7 for 6 months.

Tracking who they do business with should not be an issue either. It should not take a great feat of programming to "bug" every transaction a person is able to make to transfer money and items. Bazaar, Trade, Delivery box and Auction House. You can see who is camping something, who they send it to and who money is sent to. It should be very easy to tell whom is buying gil (a mass notice to these people should scare them into playing the game w/o purchasing gil online, something, see below).

I would find it very funny if they were able to do this for a month and ban a few hundred million in gil off the server as well as deleting the characters that they were using to farm the higher level monsters. I am certain that they will start up again but it is not difficult to tell many that are following such practices.

I don't really think the gil buyers should be banned. They need a harsh slap to the face to see reality. A simple notice to all who were listed as buying gil should receive a notice the next time the log onto FFXI. Something to the extent of:

Dear Customer,

We have logged on January 18, 2006 that you have purchased an amount of 20,000,000 gil from a known gil selling company. This practice is in direct violation of the Terms of Service that you have agreed upon entering the realm of Final Fantasy. This is your final notice to cease and desist from this practice or we will be forced to take disciplinary action that will result in the loss of your characters, items, levels and accumulated gil.

Square-Enix International.
#16 Jan 18 2006 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
418 posts
If SE won't shut down IGE or any of the other sites why can't someone sell something on ebay?

First I didn't get a chance to see the actual auction, so if it wasn't on our server, if glitter wasn't bidding, if glitters friend wasn't selling, then yes it was none of her business. It did in no way shape or form invade her server. Let other servers handle their dirty laundry.
#17 Jan 18 2006 at 5:30 PM Rating: Good
958 posts
Wrip wrote:
If SE won't shut down IGE or any of the other sites why can't someone sell something on ebay?

First I didn't get a chance to see the actual auction, so if it wasn't on our server, if glitter wasn't bidding, if glitters friend wasn't selling, then yes it was none of her business. It did in no way shape or form invade her server. Let other servers handle their dirty laundry.

This from someone who, only a few threads down, is asking how to illegally copy DVDs.

Wrip wrote:
OK. Heres the deal. Got a new pc today. With a dvd writer. Borrowed a few dvds from a friend. Of course they are copy-right protected. I heard you can get around that and so I downloaded a few programs. They seem to do as they should. As I can copy the contents of the dvd using dvd-cloner. Problem is I only have 1 disc drive. The post software that came with the pc still gives me the copy-protection error. Anyone have any suggestions? I basically want to copy the movie, create a temp file, then burn it to a disc.
#18 Jan 18 2006 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
71 posts
woooow talk about stickin your nose where it doesn't belong.

Hmm.. I kept going back and forth on this notion. Then I removed my apathy for people selling/buying game items in RL.

Once I did that, it would seem that Glitter's, or anyone elses, nose does indeed belong. FFXI is a community, and because of that actions like RMT affect us all. Not only is RMT against the rules that everyone agreed to, but the prevaling notion is that RMT is a negative force on the community. There appears to be an ethical directive to become involved, and it seems Glitter was the one with enough conviction to do so.

For the karma bonus, Glitter didn't "narc." Indeed, she handled this in the best possible way by giving the seller and bidders an avenue to back out without actually getting SOE/SE involved. I doubt you need a cheering section, but nicely done Glitter.

If SE won't shut down IGE or any of the other sites why can't someone sell something on ebay?

I doubt it's a case of they won't, as much as it's a case of it being damn near impossible to do.

IGE is a Hong Kong based company, while SE is based out of Tokyo. The laws local to IGE may make it prohibitively difficult for SE to have anything done against IGE. Even if there was some legal route for SE to take, the political climate between Japan and China probably precludes any meaningful cooperation between the two countries law enforcement entities.

Edited, Wed Jan 18 17:43:35 2006 by Unixium
#19 Jan 18 2006 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
/cheer glitter. its everyones job to stop RMT. gogogogo
#20 Jan 19 2006 at 11:53 AM Rating: Good
SkibumOnShiva wrote:
Dear Customer,

We have logged on January 18, 2006 that you have purchased an amount of 20,000,000 gil from a known gil selling company. This practice is in direct violation of the Terms of Service that you have agreed upon entering the realm of Final Fantasy. This is your final notice to cease and desist from this practice or we will be forced to take disciplinary action that will result in the loss of your characters, items, levels and accumulated gil.

Square-Enix International.

Dear SE,

My lawyer will be contacting you for invasion of privacy. I never gave you permission to butt in to my transactions with an outside company. etc etc. blah blah.

Things aren't gonna change people -.-
#21 Jan 19 2006 at 12:30 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Nuz, you know you're my bro...but I have to point something out. Those people put their contact info on a public-access website. Since they did not make their contact info anonymous, they forgo any expectation to privacy. Not saying it was right or wrong to do, just that they couldn't sue for invasion of privacy.

/em stabs his inner-lawyer with a spoon
#22 Jan 19 2006 at 1:03 PM Rating: Good
958 posts
nuzin wrote:
SkibumOnShiva wrote:
Dear Customer,

We have logged on January 18, 2006 that you have purchased an amount of 20,000,000 gil from a known gil selling company. This practice is in direct violation of the Terms of Service that you have agreed upon entering the realm of Final Fantasy. This is your final notice to cease and desist from this practice or we will be forced to take disciplinary action that will result in the loss of your characters, items, levels and accumulated gil.

Square-Enix International.

Dear SE,

My lawyer will be contacting you for invasion of privacy. I never gave you permission to butt in to my transactions with an outside company. etc etc. blah blah.

Things aren't gonna change people -.-

Transactions outside the game will not need to be monitored nor could they w/o doing something shady or illegal. Identifying RMT in game would not be difficult and it is not a large jump to identify transactions that would be people participating in RMT transactions (gil buying).

I am almost certain that in the ToS they, in some way, shape or form, reserve the right to ban someone or otherwise refuse service without cause.

Remember that you are a customer and they can refuse to do business with you.
#23 Jan 19 2006 at 2:12 PM Rating: Good
SophusTehNewb wrote:
Nuz, you know you're my bro...but I have to point something out. Those people put their contact info on a public-access website. Since they did not make their contact info anonymous, they forgo any expectation to privacy. Not saying it was right or wrong to do, just that they couldn't sue for invasion of privacy.

/em stabs his inner-lawyer with a spoon

/nod Yes sir. What a buncha dumbass -.- but anyway, I wish i had money like that to be able to blow $400 on a game thing. Must be nice to have money

/em crawls back into his box with his new spoon.
#24 Jan 19 2006 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
What Glitter did was comendable and a great deed in stoping such a thing, I mean the Kraken Club is basically just lines of code programmed to do something in a specific game, to pay hundreds or even a few thousand for it is absurd.

As someone mentioned about SE not being able to take action against IGE is MAINLY because they are a Hong Kong based company. Every business company in the world is watching China rise up to be a global economic superpower. We all know the jokes based on "Made in China" and stuff like that but they are heading in a direction which could place them at the top of the business world. Ford Motors company saw an increase of 60% in sales over in China. If Japan wants to have a slice of the economic pie they will not strain ties with them.

Here's an example: Would a game company be willing to take legal action on a company and possibly lose a MASSIVE amount of potential customers? Probably not, its all a business strategy, profit means money to spend on other projects.

#25 Jan 19 2006 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
71 posts
Would a game company be willing to take legal action on a company and possibly lose a MASSIVE amount of potential customers?

If you read any of the published interviews with IGE, that's one of their perceived safety nets.

I think it's a false security, but then again I'm not in the gil selling business, so I have little business sense about this (but that won't stop me from pontificating). My gut feeling is, if IGE were based in the U.S., Europe, or Japan, they'd be crushed by the Sony legal juggernaut.

The civil penalties, however explicit in the letter of the law, are not enforced in actual practice. Although criminal penalties have been introduced, sentences vary between vaguely-defined grades of infringement. ... Naturally, this vague language has discouraged foreign firms from pursuing criminal proceedings. Further, the introduction of criminal penalties has not resulted in any noticeable deterrent effect because the People's Procuratorate has been unwilling to prosecute IP-related criminal activity.

("Intellectual Property in China"; Jonathan C. Spierer;

By being based in Hong Kong, IGE is able to exploit China's laissez-faire economic policy. However, if you see China suddenly take up a serious interest in enforcing intellectual property, you can bet IGE will find themselves in hot water.
#26 Jan 19 2006 at 5:57 PM Rating: Good
836 posts

This from someone who, only a few threads down, is asking how to illegally copy DVDs.

Haha, thats a little different. He's "stickin' it to da man!"
We've all downloaded music, movies, games, etc. illegally; but I see your irony lol.

I do think that it was a bit extreme to contact all the bidders. If it was on the Shiva server, maybe it'd be ok, but on another server...I don't know. What about all the accounts being sold?

Damn, a Kracken Club costs the same amount as an Xbox 360, though the Kracken is better. >.>
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