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fake address and banningFollow

#1 Feb 05 2006 at 9:00 AM Rating: Good
545 posts
Recently. SE decided to go through their Content IDs as you may know and banned a hell-of-a-lot of people originating from China, HK and Taiwan. Mainly due to fake addresses from what I had heard from my LS.

Not too sure how much of the RMT has been hit by this, but certainly, a few of my LS members (we are from HK, LS: KOEHK) recently got banned due to having a fake address and they are now trying to talk to SE having their accounts reactivated.

Just wanna put up a discussion of this. Any replies grateful.
#2 Feb 06 2006 at 5:43 AM Rating: Good
well im screwed. im using a US game and have my address as somewhere in alaska >.>

**** it.

time comes ill just tell them its a new street with only two houses or something.

whats so wrong about having the wrong address anyways. they have the credit card address and what not
#3 Feb 06 2006 at 3:00 PM Rating: Excellent
60 posts
If this is true, SE is run by the biggest group of idiots I've ever heard of (not putting it past them, though.)

There is nothing that states we have to disclose our TRUE address, is there? SE does not have a right to know where I live, as long as I pay them, and play by their in-game rules.

Plus, if people are going to scam you SE, and this is your best defense, HOW HARD is it to pick up a directory and pick a random "real" address? Matching CC billing addresses with the address on file is what you'd have to do, but then that only catches people w/ CC fraud.

How the hell does an address tell you if somebody is cheating? It doesn't. There's no cause/effect here.
#4 Feb 06 2006 at 8:26 PM Rating: Default
I like anything that gets rid of gil-sellers. If ya have a fake address, than thats your problem.
#5 Feb 07 2006 at 2:14 PM Rating: Excellent
60 posts
"LooTnPlunder" wrote:

I like anything that gets rid of gil-sellers. If ya have a fake address, than thats your problem.

that's the problem, smart guy. It won't get rid of gil-sellers. There's no cause and effect.

That's like. Thieves wear ski masks. Normal people wear ski masks. But THIEVES WEAR SKI MASKS omfg!. Arrest everybody who has a ski mask!

Circumstantial facts, no evidence.

Fake address = my problem.

No logic/rational thought processes = suppose to be your problem, but if SE is doing this, they're making it everybody's problem.
#6 Feb 07 2006 at 2:37 PM Rating: Good
958 posts
Xellith wrote:
well im screwed. im using a US game and have my address as somewhere in alaska >.>

I'm honestly not sure if Xellith knows that Alaska is a part of the US. Makes me wonder if this was supposed to be funny or not >.>

#7 Feb 07 2006 at 4:28 PM Rating: Good
thats the thing ski.

Im not in the US. I live in England.
#8 Feb 07 2006 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
91 posts
that makes more sense xell lol
#9 Feb 07 2006 at 7:44 PM Rating: Default
If it only gets rid of a couple of gilsellers it's worth it. Has paranoia run rampant around the world? SE isn't "big brother" crackin' down on ya like President Bush and his goon's. Someone suggested "use an address out of telephone book". Simple solution. They already have your credit card info. Another address. Another simple solution.

#10 Feb 08 2006 at 7:31 AM Rating: Good
I got the game imported from the US.

There is nothing wrong with importing it and its not breaking any rules

On the page to say where you come from it DOES NOT GIVE ANYWHERE OUTSIDE OF THE AMERICAS. so how can i give my rl address? the problem is SEs side. not people like mine.
#11 Feb 08 2006 at 1:19 PM Rating: Excellent
60 posts
"LooTnPlunder" wrote:
If it only gets rid of a couple of gilsellers it's worth it.

I believe the thread began because even if it got rid of like TWO gil sellers, it unintentionally banned a bunch of people that weren't gil-sellers. Since you brought in politics, I'll make a political analogy. If you stick everybody in poor neighborhoods in jail, you are bound to lock away a couple criminals. However, you'll end up locking away a lot of innocent people, too.

According to the OP, SE is banning innocent people for no logical reason. That's what is wrong w/ this.
#12 Feb 10 2006 at 12:39 AM Rating: Default
"SE is banning innocent people (chuckle) for no logical reason (grin). That's what is wrong w/ this."

If you listed a real address in the first place, you wouldn't have this problem. A little honesty goes a long way. Boo - fooking - hoo, I'm going to cry a river and pity those who are dishonest.

Heres some simple logic for you:

Being dishonest can come back to bite you in the ***. In this case it didn't just bite, it chewed it up, and regurgitated the petty remains into vat of "Fooking pity me!!! I am a liar!!!"

Fake: not genuine; false; counterfeit. Someone or something, or an act that is not genuine. To alter something dishonestly; to falsify something or make something up.

I rest my case.

"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

... thanks for "trying"

#13 Feb 10 2006 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
I want to say something for the HK ppl who use "fake" addresses.

First, sorry for my bad english. I am a player from HK, many of my friends in shiva got banned at 31 Jan 2006 and i know why they got banned.

I dont know the situation about China and Taiwan players, what I say below just apply to Hong Kong players who got banned.

90% of HK players who got banned has played this game over 3 years, when they start this game, there are only JP versions available and US version was not released yet. That is to say, all thos ppl got banned were registered using JP version and which requires a JP address to register.

At the early time of this game, no one knows whether a "real" address is important or not and HK player has no knowledge about JP address.

At that time, there is a little game shop in HK that do parallel import goods from JP and who has a JP address and he helped a lot of ppl to buy FFXI JP version game disc from JP and provide his address for register at the price of the disc + HK$100 for the use of his address to register.

Since Shiva is one of the oldest server and more than 90% of HK ppl are in Shiva server. Most of them were using the address provided by that little shop. That is to say, that one address has MANY user registered by HK player. (because using his address was the only way to enter FFXI world at that time).

All those people were not related in real but in the view of SE, they are related because of the same address and there are some of them are RMT (they are personal, not group of gil farmer). they have high lv of crafting skills at a very early game days and they used to sell their spare gils for real money.

But the most important thing is that the owner of that shop is the biggest RMT and he post RMT posts in his shop's website (but he said that he registered using an address which is not the same as the address that provided to other HK players for $100).

In 31 Jan 2006, all ppl using that address provided by that shop was got banned which included some of my friends that their gil amount were never over 1m for 3 years. (they are true victims of 131 event).

after 131, that shop's owner denined that the reason of ban account was due to RMT post of that shop and says that the problem is due to the address of credit card on file and the register account was not same and tried to fool us.

I just want to say that RMT made many HK ppl who DO NOT and WERE NOT and NEVER will RMT got banned by SE.

Ironically that shop's owner's account is still alive in Shiva, his character name is Nanami. (because he used another address that is not same as the one provided to many HK ppl.)

Sorry for my bullsxit here.

#14 Feb 10 2006 at 5:21 PM Rating: Excellent
60 posts
If you listed a real address in the first place, you wouldn't have this problem. A little honesty goes a long way. Boo - fooking - hoo, I'm going to cry a river and pity those who are dishonest.

Heres some simple logic for you:

Being dishonest can come back to bite you in the ***. In this case it didn't just bite, it chewed it up, and regurgitated the petty remains into vat of "Fooking pity me!!! I am a liar!!!"

Fake: not genuine; false; counterfeit. Someone or something, or an act that is not genuine. To alter something dishonestly; to falsify something or make something up.

I rest my case.

"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

... thanks for "trying"

Okay, I know in your life everything is very simple, easy, clear, and black and white. However, in the real world, things just aren't that way. Read the above post to see references as to how.

Why do you use LooTnPlunder and not your full name on these forums? Because it's not relevant nor important is why. Same reason why putting the place in which you currently live should be completely irrelevant if you play a video game or not.

How does SE know that I didn't move, and didn't change the address? How does SE know that I am going to move and changed the address in advance?

Does logical reasoning completely escape you? If there is no cause and effect, there is no reason for punishment. Using your ridiculous logic (if you do something wrong, you get what's comin to you regardless of what it is) you can arrest every 14 year old with a fake ID and charge them for conspiracy to commit terrorist acts, since terrorists use fake IDs, and they shouldn't have had them in the first place.

If you speed, you should be charged with attempted murder since, if you had been aiming it at somebody, you would have been trying to kill them, and you shouldn't have been speeding anyways.

I know it's REALLY REALLY hard for some people to use 9 brain cells to make decisions sometimes, but seriously, in the real world, that's just what you have to do. Your Disney created reality fails to deal with the one the rest of us live in.
#15 Feb 11 2006 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
Well well Afterglo, your quite amusing. I'll keep dancing this jig with you as long as you keep me entertained. From what Colinlovesyou posted above sounds like a good chunk of gilsellers got wiped. I don't like the fact that he/she also posted that 90% of HK players are on Shiva (More gilsellers ahhhh!!!). Sucks for the good folks who lost their accounts, but if it makes my gaming experience more enjoyable because I have less gilsellers to compete against, I'll take it. They got swindled by some ******* and should take revenge. Sometimes people have to take justice into there own hands, and bring the punishment around full circle.
I do see the "gray areas" in life, but avoid them as much as possible. Mistakes happen all the time, and when it comes to big business and government stepping on folks, its a part of everyday life. Deal with it. I spent four years in the Marine Corp, and realized that when the government or big business wants to fook with your life, their is little you can do about it. These people run the world. You or anyone else b!tching about it will do no good. When the Government/Big business steps into the fiery black and gray areas, they can get away with it. When the little guy does, whether knowingly or not, we often get burned. In this case these folks didn't know they were folks dealing with the shady likes of gilsellers, and the business guy (Nanami) didn't get banned. Proves my point.
#16 Feb 11 2006 at 4:51 PM Rating: Decent
1,029 posts
Lootnplunder wrote..... "Mistakes happen all the time"

Kinda like the day ure mom spread her legs and we got stuck with you? I pray to god you never reproduce cuz the gene pool cant handle anymore narrowminded asshats.

I love how he assumes that all the people banned were gilsellers lol. Even if every single account was it wont stop em. They will make new accounts and start over again.
#17 Feb 11 2006 at 6:57 PM Rating: Good
lootnplunder AKA phioness.

You look like you camp a lot of NMs. Your a gil seller.

You should get banned.
#18 Feb 12 2006 at 12:16 PM Rating: Excellent
60 posts
Mistakes happen all the time, and when it comes to big business and government stepping on folks, its a part of everyday life. Deal with it. I spent four years in the Marine Corp, and realized that when the government or big business wants to fook with your life, their is little you can do about it.

Hmm. I thought people learned strength and courage from the Marines, but apparently, you just learned how to bend over. {Congratulations!}
#19 Feb 12 2006 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
Afterglo obviously you don't know how the world works. I served my time honorably in Marine Corp, and met some good people, and those who abused their rank.

I actually was punished in the Corp, when i told one my Sergeants to "F**k off". He was abusing his power, and I didn't put up with it. I made a fool out of one of my Gunnery Sergeants when he though he could blame a whole platoon for his mistakes... what did i get ... demoted. I had an officer abuse his power and not allow a witness to testify on my behalf, and my 1st Sergeant had to pull me aside because I was about to hit him.

It's called "Playing the game" in life. I had to take a step back and realize that ... If someone with more power than you does something unethical, or wrong, and you get in their way or tell them different, you will most likely loose (every now and then the little guy's win one). They have more experience and knowledge on how to manipulate the system of rules and laws set up to protect people. You play your cards as best you can and move up the ladder. You learn how the system works, and use it to knock the "bad leaders" out of business if you can. You look at the bad folks, who abuse their power, and learn from their mistakes.
You become a respectable leader who promotes good morale. I had the respect of my fellow Marines. Why? Because I didn't abuse my power, and had a good balance of autocratic and democratic leadership skills. I promoted good morale, and didn't discriminate against those with different values, ethnic backgrounds, religions, and opinions. They knew i didn't put up with anybody's **** because they knew my background of fighting the system, and respected me even more for it.
How dare you insult my military service. Your doing so show's me you have not learned how to play the game in life, and have no respect for those who have served their country honorably. I hope your not a leader in life. You don't understand the game of life's laws, rules, and regulations enough to be a good leader, or even a good citizen.
You can ***** about what SE did all you want... and look what it gets you... nothing. More people seem happy about what SE has done than upset. 300 billion gil + RMT accounts deleted sounds good to me.

#20 Feb 12 2006 at 7:29 PM Rating: Good
thats like saying.

World War III

The enemy of the good people of the world is standing in the heart of the good guys territory.

Its ok to blow up millions of people to get rid of 1 person?

Sometimes the cost is too high. Your also talking about "fighting the system". Sure shouting and fighting as a littler person hardly gets you anything done. But id rather DIE letting people know my voice. Than hide and scurry around afraid.

Your a chicken

And about fighting for your country? No i have not been in the military. And no i will not. I do not fight for my country. I would fight for my friends and the ones i love.

Your a tool. Who has his priorities wrong.

If you got banned from the game accused of being an RMT. You would be raising hell saying "im not rmt".

we people are standing up for those falsely accused.

Your saying lie down and take it in the ***.

Your weak.

If people were like you in world war 2. Hitler would have conquered Europe and then eventually developed nuclear weapons and took over America and the entire world.

People stick together. We fight together. We are a community.

Fighting might not yeild a victory. But its better than living as a slave.


#21 Feb 12 2006 at 10:07 PM Rating: Decent
1,029 posts
You sir just got ******* OWNED!
#22 Feb 12 2006 at 10:22 PM Rating: Decent
173 posts
The first time I signed up to the game, I had imported from the USA, and had done a google search and found the address of a macdonalds in Boston and used that as my address.

Then I ended up not having enough time and quitting, only to re-join when it released here in Australia..with CoP too :D
#23 Feb 13 2006 at 4:37 AM Rating: Decent
545 posts
Ok.. now listen to the real true story of my friends being banned due to fake addresses. He lived in Hong Kong, just a uni student wanting to play FFXI for fun.

First things first:

During October 2005, SE in Japan started having billing problems. SE Bank Accounts were not receiving money from the Credit Card Holders, but the Credit Card Company were told that the money had actually been transferred. So? What was the root of the problem? The billing address.

So what? Billing Address problem...

Ok, many Asians, comprising of mainly Chinese, Hong Kong, Taiwanese people played FFXI since the PS2 release, ie: the JP version of FFXI. Now, they had a problem of filling proper addresses as they were playing in China/HK/Taiwan but registering as being in Japan. However, in order to play the game, it had to be imported from Japan, and "Shop A" was a key importer

A company called "Shop A" (literally, it was known as that) is highly reknown Hong Kong firm for RMT of many many MMORPGs.

Now, how does "Shop A" goes into the puzzle of the problem?

"Shop A" had connections to Japanese real residences, (ie: friends may be living in Japan). So when the customers bought FFXI, they paid 2 amounts; 1) the box with the CDs and Content IDs, and 2) the service charge for registering "your" game into a real residence in Japan. The Service was simple, "Shop A" would create a new account, register the Content IDs in the customers name, Credit Card(yes, you would of had to give your Credit Card details temporarily to "Shop A"). The charge would of been around $50-70 AUD.

After all these months/years, while going through the address records. You would of found one particular address would of had over 100 accounts registered in its name. So hence in one clean swipe of checking records of addresses containing more than say 10 accounts, would of been banned straight away, no questions asked.

So I hope my story gives people the rightful clear picture of what has happened. Many gil-sellers and innocent casual and/or full-time "legit" players have been deleted. Hence this was a double edged sword after all.

Though the result of this movement has brought overall prices down, killed a portion of RMT, it costed friends and innocent players. At least 2 of my LS mates have been banned, thought I live in Australia, I dont exactly contact with them often, but they were of more experience than me and helped me particularly in missions, quests and advice in the game.

Was these actions by SE worth it? Up to you, I'm not complaining, I am just stating a fact. Just what would happen if a few of your friends suddenly were deleted overnight without being warned or notified of. My mates continue to plead to SE about re-opening their accounts, but the situation looks grim at the moment.

/bow, thank you for listening.
#24 Feb 13 2006 at 2:44 PM Rating: Good
60 posts
First of all Loot, I judged your military experienced based on your own words. I didn't (have to) make anything up. You chose to say what you did, and my conclusions were very logical.

I still stand by my assertions, even after your random diatribe. You basically state that you fought the system (sort of) while in the military, and you lost, so you "learned" that it's just not worth it now. Fine. Bend over. You just supported my case.

I'm sure you pointed your gun at the right people, and I'm sure you "served honorably." I don't care. If the lesson you took away from your experiences was that it's just better to bend over, something is terribly wrong with the establishment, if not the individual.

My point was that you can come to the *same* ends using more productive means, if people weren't lazy. SE could have looked into implementing more useful ideas to fix the economy (the NPC-selling idea, for one) that would have taken more work, a little more time, but would have been fair.

Oh, and I know how the world works, I just don't like it, so I'll do my damndest to change it, even if on such an insignifant level such as this. Shame that you saw the same things we did, but you choose to give up the fight. Best wishes on your path, I'm sure you'll do quite well, as most of the world has paved the way for you already.
#25 Feb 13 2006 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
#26 Feb 13 2006 at 6:54 PM Rating: Good
Ihere is a quote from Shakespeares Macbeth.

Blow, wind! come, wrack! At least we'll die with harness on our back.

You can keep your harness Phioness.

Ill die fighting. Ill die alone if i have to. But in the end. Many people like me and afterglo and countless others will end up dying for what we believe in

Better than dying living a lie.

You are a disgrace. You have the ability to "move" people my left ********. What are you doing right now? You and your beliefs have ********* of people pissed at you. Yeah your really doing a good job.

Pull your head out of your own ***. Your not so high and mighty. I do not bow to you. You are not better than me.

I will complain and fight for myself and my friends.

You will run and hide if you cannot win.

All your marine training counts for ****.

How long was you in the marines? Did you ever see combat? ever go iraq? ever go anywhere? tell us. tell us why to stop fighting.

tell us why we would lay down our arms turn around and let people anally assault us.

You are a fool. You really need to STFU.

Edited, Mon Feb 13 19:11:12 2006 by Xellith
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