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Multi-HNMLS KS99 RunFollow

#1 Mar 16 2006 at 11:55 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
On more than one occasion you have heard me on my soap box about the importance of teamwork, patience, and forgiveness. I've never been afraid to speak my mind on the subject and--to the dismay of many--have had no problem speaking it at great length.

And while anyone can talk the talk, not everyone walks the walk. Therefore I've decided to put my money where my mouth is and do something to help more than myself. After all, it's about time someone did, right?

So here's my plan to make a difference.

I'm recently obtained 99 Kindred's Seals, which I plan to use on a new KS99 after the expansion is released. My intention is to invite multiple HNMLS to this battle, hoping that they will each send a couple owners/leaders/sackholders. And though the KS are mine, I intend to split the proceeds evenly between all who participate. From there, you can do with the money as you wish.

I don't know exactly what to expect from this. I don't even know if it'll make a difference. All I'm hoping for is that similar events may follow one day. Maybe we won't see multiple-LS KS99 runs, but maybe...just maybe...we'll see multiple HNMLS helping eachother can take down the Absolute Virtues of the world (or whatever other monsters this new expansion will bring) instead of tearing eachother apart.

Please have only HNMLS owners or sackholders respond if you are interested in participating. Thanks.
#2 Mar 16 2006 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
Good idea, but I don't know how it'll work.

If there is some mob that no current HNM LS can take down (which would have to be AV size, since DL has the capability to defeat all current HNM's except AV) in the expansion I wouldn't be too surprised to see some teaming up. There is bad blood between LS's, but I don't think a few KS99's could get rid of it. Both sides would need to make a conscious decision and say "We need to work together or we'll never get this done." which a KS99 couldn't do =P

To note, I've actually mentioned teaming up with an HNM LS for certain mobs to kill and the leader of that LS did seem interested. Although my LS doesn't come to ground HNM's which most of the bad blood stems from.

/cue discussion of Tiamat yesterday.
#3 Mar 16 2006 at 2:13 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
True, but it has to start somewhere. These are my 99 seals (3 years in the making) so there's no great loss to anyone but me if we wipe.
#4 Mar 17 2006 at 6:46 AM Rating: Decent
most people dont like to swallow there pride. I was like that once... but this week i did something ill never forget... and this weekend ima swallow my pride like i never have before. man i gonna get pwned ; ;
#5 Mar 17 2006 at 11:18 AM Rating: Default
That is a commendable idea Sophus, but I have to agree with LoH (for once). There is way to much bad blood between Linkshells and various people for everyone to work together. It is absurd and childish.

I find the effect of Linkshells interesting on the way the game is played. By game design there is really no REAL competition between between players or Linkshells. For instance, there is not a point total tracked in the game for LS and HNM kills. The Linkshell does not get title (althought players do) or a new ranking for killing a HNM. From this sterile environment you have people running around comparing ABJs for uberness, listing there HNM kills, and berating others for not being "so good". It is funny if you think about it. I guess alot of it is about motivations. Some play the game to be better then someone else...which is stupid but true. The comparisions to be "better" can only be superficial in nature and meaningless in the end.

We all log in and kill FAKE monsters in a game. None of this is real. Your Linkshell is not real. Your avatar is not real. The game is played because it is fun....right? So if all of this is not real, and we play for fun, then why can't a bunch of players get together and try and take out AV regardless of LS? O.o Because we are the uberness and we must be first to kill AV in order to be better then you other Linkshells. You are not a Legimate LS or w/e - LOL.

Here is the deal. Be nice and get along. Forgive and forget. If someone acts like a jerk then /blist them for awhile but take it off later. They could be having a bad day. It is funny. People get real brave when they have the /anon of a FAKE game to talk shiz behind. I just wish there were more like Sophus out there. Would be a much better server ^^.

I will probably get flamed for saying all this. In fact, I expect it. Such is the nature of this game. You cannot control what other people say about you when you don't even know them...LOL. You can control what you say!! You can control how you you act around others!!! If we all just tried harder to get along and forgot the petty problems of the past the server would be much better ^^. There will always be jerks.. just ignore them and have fun =P.

#6 Mar 17 2006 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
You're 100% right Krug, but it doesn't matter how much bad blood is between them. All I ask is for an hour where a few HNMLS work towards accomplishing a like goal.

Some might say that's a lofty goal, but it's not. I'm fronting the only tangible item necessary (the KS99 orb). No one else has to do anything else but sign up and show up. If we lose, no one is out anything but exp. If we win, you guys get a few mil to stick in your coffers.
#7 Mar 17 2006 at 6:50 PM Rating: Decent
525 posts
That is a commendable idea Sophus, but I have to agree with LoH (for once). There is way to much bad blood between Linkshells and various people for everyone to work together. It is absurd and childish.

I find the effect of Linkshells interesting on the way the game is played. By game design there is really no REAL competition between between players or Linkshells. For instance, there is not a point total tracked in the game for LS and HNM kills. The Linkshell does not get title (althought players do) or a new ranking for killing a HNM. From this sterile environment you have people running around comparing ABJs for uberness, listing there HNM kills, and berating others for not being "so good". It is funny if you think about it. I guess alot of it is about motivations. Some play the game to be better then someone else...which is stupid but true. The comparisions to be "better" can only be superficial in nature and meaningless in the end.

We all log in and kill FAKE monsters in a game. None of this is real. Your Linkshell is not real. Your avatar is not real. The game is played because it is fun....right? So if all of this is not real, and we play for fun, then why can't a bunch of players get together and try and take out AV regardless of LS? O.o Because we are the uberness and we must be first to kill AV in order to be better then you other Linkshells. You are not a Legimate LS or w/e - LOL.

Here is the deal. Be nice and get along. Forgive and forget. If someone acts like a jerk then /blist them for awhile but take it off later. They could be having a bad day. It is funny. People get real brave when they have the /anon of a FAKE game to talk shiz behind. I just wish there were more like Sophus out there. Would be a much better server ^^.

I will probably get flamed for saying all this. In fact, I expect it. Such is the nature of this game. You cannot control what other people say about you when you don't even know them...LOL. You can control what you say!! You can control how you you act around others!!! If we all just tried harder to get along and forgot the petty problems of the past the server would be much better ^^. There will always be jerks.. just ignore them and have fun =P.


Certain individuals and linkshells take actions in a game, that other people who are affected by it, choose never to forgive.
#8 Mar 18 2006 at 8:12 AM Rating: Default
2,727 posts
all this endgame drama makes me smile and laugh

just cause you're 75 doesnt mean you're the sh*t. probably the reason why i've stuck with RKz for so long
#9 Mar 18 2006 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
Anyone who laughs at HNM LS drama and automatically calls it stupid is being ignorant.

A lot of HNMLS drama happens in a fashion like this:

One LS claims a mob. After fighting it for 45 minutes, it 'somehow' goes yellow (it's either a glitch or SE programmed it in) and another LS claims the mob. In a number of cases the LS that just claimed the mob cannot get hate back, so the mob then kills most members of the LS that fought the mob for 45 minutes. The LS that had claim and fought for 45 minutes just got MPK'd and will not receive any drops from the monster. Would you just let that go?

Or maybe something else, like:

You have 5 different LS's waiting for a monster the spawn. This monster pops once every 21-24 hours and it has an HQ version which pops every 3-6 days. There is an LS that uses a third party program to insure that they receive claim of the monster before any other LS. So no other LS is able to get claim of any of these monsters. Meaning all other LS's show up and waste hours of their life and are unable to attain the gear they want to attain for the members of their LS. The LS's get angry at the LS using these programs.

Also, our server is *very* tame compared to other ones. We have a number of issues between our HNMLS's, but there are servers where there is *no* chance at the LS's getting along and everyone hates each other. I can pretty much promise you that at least one person in a given HNM LS has friends in another. Our server is also very lucky, as far as I know, not to have case #2 happen often. Other than a JP LS that stopped a few months ago and one NA LS that has stopped using it (at HNM camps at least? Not 100% they've stopped completely) we don't have any known botters and there is a fair share of claims amongst all the HNM LS's.
#10 Mar 19 2006 at 10:06 AM Rating: Default

Anyways.. My point made. Thank you.


Edited, Sun Mar 19 10:36:37 2006 by KrugerwillShiva
#11 Mar 20 2006 at 10:51 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
So...any takers? :)
#12 Mar 21 2006 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
This was the intention of the festival that a few of us attended. It was successful indeed... Members from HoCD, DL, DVS, DX and Wasp were talking like civilized people. In short, hnm groups can work together to achieve that goal. Whether you people believe it or not, the event was a success and our server did well to attain it.

I believe this KS can work to whoever goes, and it just may work. Keep it up Sophus.

#13 Mar 22 2006 at 10:54 AM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
I'll go Sophus.^^
I Just got 70 this weekend, I may not be that high level but I don't die easily lol. Such a long time playing, such little time in exp pt. =P
#14 Mar 22 2006 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
Easiest KS99 is Behemoth one. And Meteor could easily one shot you Fernanda =P
#15 Mar 22 2006 at 1:01 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
So does that mean that DX is in? I'm not really looking for individuals to sign up, just HNMLS and their respective leaders. I'd love it if you guys were to participate :)
#16 Mar 22 2006 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
I don't quite see how you plan to implement this idea. In the LS Brenner tournament there were 10 teams. Only 18 people can do a KS99. You're looking at 1-2 people per LS. That will do absolutely nothing because I can bet you I'd be able to pick 1-2 people per HNM LS that would get along great and defeat a number of NM's that are normally killed with 18 people. HNM LS's as a whole have issues with each other, not just 1-2 people with another 1-2 people.

As well, you won't be able to teach someone a lesson so quickly. If they are as wrong in their head as you think they are, it'll take more than just a few 'charity' KS99's and other events to get them to think differently. You'd need to show them with something *they* want and need, not something that's a bonus for them to do.

I don't think one can solve HNM LS issues unless they can remove bots, mpk and stealing from the game, and then erase the memory of such things from all parties involved.
#17 Mar 22 2006 at 2:23 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
LoH, I appreciate the concern but I'm not out to "fix" things. I only want to make a difference by putting my money where my mouth is. However, I'm not wanting 1-2 people per HNMLS (if I wanted that, I could simply take people from FU). What I'd deally like is for 1-2 leaders/sackholders per HNM to participate.

Lose or win, at least we can say that we did it.
#18 Mar 22 2006 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
Sophus, I wasnt saying that DX was in this hnm circuit... In fact, its best that the ls be stricken from the record of HNM drama... I wouldn't mind going to help out, but please note that my ls is not involved in anything I do when I act out on my own.

At any rate, what I was saying, was, I know that togetherness as a server can be done. You just have to work hard to achieve that goal. In a case like the festival, it can happen.
#19 Mar 22 2006 at 4:50 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
FU isn't HNM either, but I that I'll be taking at least one FU member with me :)
#20 Mar 24 2006 at 10:23 AM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
Sophus, I can't speak for the whole LS because I don't know who can go or when they can go and whatnot. This does seem to be something cool to do for the level 75 people. Damn I've been playing this game for soooo long I'm still not 75 yet!! I got fishing to 84 last night though lol.

I recommend you talk to Uchi. Not many people check Allakhazam often so I'll post in our forum a link to this thread. I'm pretty sure you will be able to get some quality help.

Maybe you guys will let me watch from the corner just for the TH2 action LOL.

*quits her job, goes home and starts seeking party*
#21 Mar 24 2006 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
582 posts

From reading your post, I think your intention is to have major HNMLS with numbers, experience, jobs, and levels to come together to accomplish a goal: something like Nanoface and Dark Legacy coming together to defeat some super HNM, and you want a KS99 run to be a starting point of future collabortaitons - and NOT necessary looking for people to do KS99 with.

Putting aside arguments on whether or not such collaborations can happen in the future, I believe our participation will not help you accomplish your goal.

Simply: we don't qualify.

If individuals from DivineXtasy wants to participate, it will be on their own time, on their individual decision. Most of the members in DivineXtasy have yet to fight a true HNM.

Thank you.
#22 Mar 24 2006 at 2:29 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Gotta start somewhere, uchi, and DXs participation would be welcome should you choose to participate.
#23 Mar 24 2006 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
128 posts

Please have only HNMLS owners or sackholders respond if you are interested in participating. Thanks.

o i c.
Oddly I find myself agreeing with LoH in some points. This make me feel dirty brb shower ....
No offence meant but...
Smells like a signing bonus recruitment. Or...
Fear of failure and looking for mercenaries. Bear in mind its the non sackholding grunts doing the dirty work ....
Catch more flies with sugar than vinegar they say ....
Probably get a more even LS spread calling out for HNM all stars looking for a bit of fun and some cash to boot, in other words asking for help from people with experiance @ (insert name here) mob.
Also the so called HNM drama really only thrives here and other forums so asking trollysackholder to work and play well as prize with trollysackholder2 /panic /goodbye KS's.

Good luck tho Soph, seems your heart may be in the right place but you will get your apps for the pay day not the peace prize.
#24 Mar 24 2006 at 3:46 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Ty man, I appreciate it.

As you'll notice, however, I'll be applying the seals towards a new KS99. There won't be enough time to have gained experienced vets for this. It will be new to all of us, just as having more than one HNMLS working together will be new for all of us.

If it were a matter of simply wanting to succeed -or- to get "all stars" to join me, I would have asked any my friends and/or members of FableUnity. There's more than enough manpower (and expertise) in FU to take these down, and that doesn't include any of my friends in other HNMLS.

I'm really hoping that at least a couple of HNMLS will throw their hat into this. Again, they are *my* seals so you have nothing to lose (save exp) and everything to gain.
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