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lol @ MPKfestFollow

#1 Mar 18 2006 at 12:38 AM Rating: Default
so like i was just in batallia downs and watched maxwellton and shadowofchaos MPK 15 or so afk bazaars. in the middle of it a GM snatched them up and the mob went unclaimed and poofed. that **** just made my day lol
#2 Mar 18 2006 at 2:32 AM Rating: Default
So what if I MPKd 15+ people? It's what they get for Unattended play... >_>


P.S. I did it to see the GM Jail
#3 Mar 18 2006 at 7:23 AM Rating: Good
689 posts
From the POL Q&A section of the website.

Question: What is absentee play?

Basically, absentee play means that the player leaves the controller unattended for a long period of time while the character is doing something. The player needs to be able to react to anything that happens to the character during the game. If characters can be made to do things like mine or fish while the player is away, the game will be thrown out of balance. Players who have been engaging in absentee play will be reprimanded by the GMs. If you leave your game for any period of time, be sure to turn off any macros you have running. Please not that macros provided with FINAL FANTASY XI, such as AutoRun and /follow are NOT considered absentee play.

Standing and running a bazaar is not what SE considers to be "unattended play". If it was, they'd easily have noticed and addressed the issue. It was also more like 4-5 people that two of you killed since most of the low level bazaars had already been killed earlier by Demonsquall. It's also interesting that Ayazz barely got there to see an AoE happen before the GM removed them and has come running to the board to "lol @ MPKfest" about how he watched, and how funny it was, even though when I asked him why people find it funny, he had no idea.

I don't understand the glory or the humor in MPKing these people. If you're that bored and disillusioned with the game, quit, take up another job, read a book, do something actually productive for yourself instead of detrimental to others.

For those of you that argue it's ok, because they're only a level 1 player, there's a difference between accidental and intentional MPK at the zone out there. They may be a level 1 character, but the multi-million gil items they're bazaaring were not obtained by that job. Would you rather not have some of their wares available in a bazaar tax free when you want to buy something? 10M +1M for that cursed piece you've been watching for? 18M+1.8M for that PeacockCharm? I guess they could also just list it on the AH, and continually increase the price to recoup lost listing fees for things that are slow to sell. Mannequin parts/etc you can't go obtain yourself and can't buy on the AH?

People use mules out there to bazaar because it's convenient, especially if they carry gear for multiple jobs they might actually, productively play on their main. And especially since the anti-mpk patch, it should be safe. It's only when some asshat gets bored because they're not getting party invites/etc that they come along and spend their time trying to get AoEs to MPK people.
#4 Mar 18 2006 at 8:27 AM Rating: Good
398 posts
Watch out guys, I was flamed horribly for posting about the same actions...
#5 Mar 18 2006 at 4:26 PM Rating: Good
i think i was misunderstood. i didnt find it funny that people were MPKd. in fact i think its downright reprehensible. but the fact that 2 troublemakers got caught redhanded and snatched right up out of the game makes me laugh my *** off. maybe i should have clarified which part was funny.
#6 Mar 19 2006 at 10:51 AM Rating: Default
i think its funny, and i also think that the fact that it would irritate someone to the point that they took 10 min to rant about some stupid bs over an internet is even funnier.
like they say in team america, there are 3 types of people in this world, assh0les, pu$$ys, and d!cks. and it seems like alot of people on this game fall into the ***** catagory lol, get over yourselves and let **** go you cry babys
#7 Mar 20 2006 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
I just find it funny that they had to ride Evildemon's coat tails to get noticed. At least Evildemon was original ;) .
#8 Mar 20 2006 at 1:20 PM Rating: Default
I find this funny also.... While it on a technicality is wrong and against the ToS as it is, why in heaven's name would you STILL have a level 1 mule in Batallia Downs anyway???? I know its supposed to hold storage and stuff, but people should know better than to leave a level 1 anything in a level 30-40 zone area where pretty much anything in the zone would one shot you.

Come on people, its called common sense, and this has happened before if I am not mistaken. If anything, you should save in Upper Jeuno in case this did happen to you. Its not like youre losing EXP or anything.

Plus, its a level 1 character. BiG F'iN dEal! Why whine about it? Cause the person has to pay the Jeuno tax to buy your items? -.- Forgive me, but the AH was meant for that reason and if you don't like the tax involved with selling an item, then please stop whining about why your mule is lying dead in the zone when you get up from bed. Its your risk and responsibility for leaving them out there, so please stop whining about it and move on.

Edited, Mon Mar 20 13:25:11 2006 by Marleau
#9 Mar 20 2006 at 3:55 PM Rating: Default
91 posts
Marleau wrote:
I find this funny also.... While it on a technicality is wrong and against the ToS as it is, why in heaven's name would you STILL have a level 1 mule in Batallia Downs anyway???? I know its supposed to hold storage and stuff, but people should know better than to leave a level 1 anything in a level 30-40 zone area where pretty much anything in the zone would one shot you.

Come on people, its called common sense, and this has happened before if I am not mistaken. If anything, you should save in Upper Jeuno in case this did happen to you. Its not like youre losing EXP or anything.

Plus, its a level 1 character. BiG F'iN dEal! Why whine about it? Cause the person has to pay the Jeuno tax to buy your items? -.- Forgive me, but the AH was meant for that reason and if you don't like the tax involved with selling an item, then please stop whining about why your mule is lying dead in the zone when you get up from bed. Its your risk and responsibility for leaving them out there, so please stop whining about it and move on.

Edited, Mon Mar 20 13:25:11 2006 by Marleau

because I couldnt have said it better myself...

Shanshsin wrote:
For those of you that argue it's ok, because they're only a level 1 player, there's a difference between accidental and intentional MPK at the zone out there. They may be a level 1 character, but the multi-million gil items they're bazaaring were not obtained by that job. Would you rather not have some of their wares available in a bazaar tax free when you want to buy something? 10M +1M for that cursed piece you've been watching for? 18M+1.8M for that PeacockCharm? I guess they could also just list it on the AH, and continually increase the price to recoup lost listing fees for things that are slow to sell. Mannequin parts/etc you can't go obtain yourself and can't buy on the AH?

People use mules out there to bazaar because it's convenient, especially if they carry gear for multiple jobs they might actually, productively play on their main. And especially since the anti-mpk patch, it should be safe. It's only when some asshat gets bored because they're not getting party invites/etc that they come along and spend their time trying to get AoEs to MPK people.

Edited, Mon Mar 20 15:56:52 2006 by TehArtistFormerlyKnownAsMsz
#10 Mar 20 2006 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good
689 posts
Ayazz, I only mentioned misunderstanding your point because of your response in the other thread.

sure its mean, but it sure is funny in a screwed up way.

In response to some of the points Marleau has brought up:

1) There is no natural mob pathing to the area where people are running their bazaars, two ways someone would get killed here is either accidentally due to someone trying to solo something and not making the zone, or because someone intentionally sets out to kill others.

2) Common sense to me would mean you wouldn't intentionally do something detrimental to others for fun. If it shouldn't be done, you shouldn't have to worry about it happening.

3) I really don't see the correlation of intentional MPK of low level people, in a normally safe location, pertaining to avoidance of Jeuno tax/AH listing fees. The people that do use a bazaar mule out there are using them to make items available for others to buy, not always to avoid AH listings fees(some items can not be sold on the AH), and taxes don't cost the seller anything, how many buyers want to throw 100K to several million away in tax when they buy a cursed piece/mannequin part/uber expensive godly item/etc? If it left them there dead in the zone, it would be one thing, but after an hour they HP. They've managed to keep someone from selling desired items as well as prevented someone from being able to buy them without throwing money away.

4) I don't use a level 1 mule outside, because I'm a pessimist after seeing what people do for fun and how people think it's funny because it isn't directly detrimental to them. You're stessing that people are whining an awful lot. Why is expressing what is apparently an unpopular view on something generally agreed as a bad thing to do, nevermind a punishable offense against the ToS, considered whining? Are you so jaded after obtaining your three level 75 jobs that you don't give a damn about what happens to others in the community?

I'll never understand why people think an intentionally detrimental act to others is funny, or something fun to do. IMO, if you can rationalize why it's ok for this to happen, you're intelligent enough to understand why it's wrong. Believing it's ok and/or funny, or that people shouldn't be able speak out about it being wrong says something about either your ethics or your maturity, at the very least your sense of respect for your fellow players. Some of whom might actually be trying to play this game to have fun themselves, possibly even without doing so at the expense of anyone else.

This is the last I'll say on this topic, if most of the community want's to believe this is an ok thing to happen, far be it from me to be a party pooper and express an unwanted view. Carry on with the posts about how funny senseless MPK is, maybe even more people will get in on the act after seeing how cool people think it is. Maybe one of them will realize there are spawnable NMs aggro lvl 60+ they can zone over and they'll kill a lot more than just the low levels. Wouldn't that be cool?

#11 Mar 20 2006 at 5:09 PM Rating: Excellent
1,255 posts
Couldn't have said it better myself. Definate rate-up.
#12 Mar 20 2006 at 7:49 PM Rating: Decent
Mrfrodo wins the internet. Rate up for arguing a point without resorting to: "You're a ****** and a n00b"
#13 Mar 20 2006 at 10:08 PM Rating: Decent
91 posts
yes indeed we have a winner. rate ups to you frodo.
#14 Mar 21 2006 at 12:46 AM Rating: Decent
I concur with Marleau, and many others... If you plan on selling something then make a high level character do it... Leave junk in your Mog house, or mule it.

#15 Mar 21 2006 at 7:45 AM Rating: Decent
398 posts
The problem, as I see it, is that most of you are looking at the result of situation and finding some reasonable humor in the outcome. (How many of us dont laugh when we see 30+ dead bodies pop after a last-minute Dynamis wipe?)

What I looked at with this situation and the Evildemon situation is the motivation. It appears that these people have done these things to either 1) see other people suffer or 2) get a laugh at someone else's expense.

Would you be happy if someone tripped you while walking through the mall and then proceeded to laugh at you as you picked yourself up off of the floor?

The results arent the only thing that matters, motivations counts for a lot in my book.
#16 Mar 21 2006 at 8:21 AM Rating: Good
836 posts
I can understand the idea of motivation. But to me being slapped in RL is a lot different from someone using the ole /slap emote on me. The /slap emote might make me laugh, or **** me off a little. A slap in RL… someone is going to be sh#tting footprints for a week.
#17 Mar 27 2006 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
i would love it if some dumb **** triped me in the mall and then laughed, cause i would beat the **** out the ***** and put him in the ******* hospital. if you can't retaliate, than yeah, it would suck, guess it's good thing we arnt all tiny lil weaner's who come home from a long day of being made fun of at school and just letting it happen instead of taking some form of action
#18 Mar 30 2006 at 5:07 AM Rating: Default
356 posts
Just to clarify upfront, I agree it's wrong to MPK, even a lvl 1 mule, but I am very confused by this statement I've seen repeated more than once above:

"intentionally detrimental act "

How is it detrimental? The thing lays dead for an hour and hp' jeuno...big deal you miss a few hours of AFK bazaaring (without tax) and walk the mule the 10 feet back out into Battalia.

Please, save the drama for your mama.

"Would you be happy if someone tripped you while walking through the mall and then proceeded to laugh at you as you picked yourself up off of the floor?"

And this quote just cracks me up. I probably would laugh my *** off if some random stranger tried to trip me in the mall. Have you ever seen the British video clips of the guys that go around and punch or kick random people in the gonads? Absolutely hysterical, the people get pissed at first, but then realize how funny it is and usually are good natured about it. And that's a rl kick in the nuts, this is a virtual meaningless MPK of a lvl 1 mule with an hp 10 feet away...please.
#19 Mar 30 2006 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
90 posts
Shan, I really enjoyed your post. you said things I have been unable to convey so well, about MPK and about just being a D!ck in the game in general.
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