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It's official...Follow

#1 Mar 25 2006 at 12:39 AM Rating: Decent
3,011 posts
After reading the "job improvements" SE released for the upcoming FFXI expansion, I have made my decision to not renew my account.

As some of you know, I decided to take a break from the many stresses of FFXI and enjoy the much more stress free World of Warcraft. I can say I have had quite a blast with the game.

My main reasons for leaving FFXI was simply that it was no longer fun. This was mainly because of my belief that SE seemed 100% intent on making sure Thief was a ****** job. I thought this was at first just me whining, but after reading the expansion info I have realized I was correct.

With all other jobs besides Dragoon receiving fairly interesting upgrades, I had thought that the thief one would be interesting as well. My heart sank as I read their "upgrades" for our class.

Perfect Dodge now causes the thief to be stronger if the attack is launched from behind the opponent. Also, thieves will no longer be able to steal only money and items from monsters.

This proved to me that quite frankly SE has no idea what a thief's end game role is. If they wanted to fix the job, they would have gave us either a stronger version of Treasure Hunter, a stronger version of hide or a stronger version of sneak attack. Instead, we get a very useless two hour being turned into an even more useless two hour. Think about it the only end game use for Perfect Dodge are for an extra 30 seconds of holding hate to allow the rest of the group to get recuperated. The "new feature" of Perfect Dodge cannot help a thief in solo play, as the mobs back will never be facing him during a solo fight. It will also be useless in end game ls runs, because no matter how strong the upgrade is, our SATAWS will still be much weaker than a Dark Knight's. Also, if the mob is kited or if hate is bounced around between tanks, there is the possiblity of blowing your "perfect dodge". That's a mistake that takes two hours to recover from.

So, it is for sure now that I have left FFXI with no intent on ever coming back. I am very upset with SE's complete disregard for some jobs in the end game and I simply don't have the time to waste being useless. I know you're saying, "why not just level another job?".

Because I love the "assassin" type class. I have ever since I've started playing RPGs. And I have to say, the FFXI thief is the worst attempt at the assassin class I have ever seen (the best was Matthew from Fire Emblem... perfect balance in that guy's composition). Although the WoW Rogue has some issues, it is currently much more enjoyable to play and much more rewarding. Simply put, I love playing assassin classes and FFXI's sucks.

Another reason I am permenantly leaving FFXI is the time constraints. Even the expansion still seems to require massive amounts of time to get even the slightest thing accomplished, which I do not have time for. I have been playing WoW for almost 2 months now, and I am 6 levels away from the level cap. I play for close to 30 minutes to an hour a day, and do some raids and instances at night. My gear is becoming fairly decent, and I am having a blast. Since WoW doesn't take up so much time, I am also forming a social life (gasp!). I have many more friends than what I did when I took a break from FFXI, I am doing fairly well in College and my dreams of becoming a physician are coming closer and closer with the passing of each day. This summer I will even be starting an internship with a local hospital! So as you can see, I simply no longer have the time FFXI needs.

Don't think me bitter over leaving FFXI. I love the game very much, as it helped me get through one of the harder times of my life. I can honestly say I'd be a completely different person without FFXI (a much more sad and depressed one, for sure). I have made several very good friends through my almost two year play time, and I've also made my share of enemies as well. I will miss all of you, friend and foe alike.

I'd like to close this final paragraph of my exceptionally long post with a farewell to my linkshell. They were amazing to me, and some of the best friends I've had in a long while.

It has been a pleasure, Shiva.
#2 Mar 25 2006 at 1:18 AM Rating: Decent
424 posts
Shao look me up on Runetotum if you want. I Have started a pretty succesful guild there, I myself gave up on the stress that came with ffxi a few months back, but I miss alot of the people here quite alot. If your interested we do have a few ex-ffxi players from shiva (about 4) in our guild, just check my sig.
#3 Mar 25 2006 at 1:26 AM Rating: Decent
..................... -_-
#4 Mar 25 2006 at 1:52 AM Rating: Excellent
4,447 posts
You're a fool, honestly.

I'm sick of you continually bashing the Thief Job. The biggest problem the thief job class has is people like you.

Perfect Dodge has its uses already (Dynamis). The problem with it was that THF had no big damage ability for BC fights, which is exactly what SE is doing.

How often are 2 hours used? Mainly for BC fights and if things go wrong. How often is it normal to 2 hour gods and HNM's? If you need 2 hours to defeat those monsters there is something wrong with your LS, they're typically used just for fun or BC's (or DL...)

Oh noes! Drk can do a big damage SATAWS! Too bad thf can get tp so much faster than them so an increase in burst damage means nothing.

If you actually loved the "assassin" job you'd work to make it work, because it *does* work if you play it correctly and gear it correctly. Sorry you failed at making it work, have fun somewhere else.
#5 Mar 25 2006 at 4:49 AM Rating: Good
HAHAHA Shao got f*cking pwned by SirEagleStrike there.

I wouldn't call "Thief" necessarily an assassin type character, definately roguish, though. And guess what, in every single rpg I can think of, pen n' paper, single player, MMORPG, thieves have never been known to be "assassins". The one-hit kills, snipers on a grassy knoll. They do mild DoT, coupled with single powerful blows, amazingly usually called "Sneak Attacks". The rest they fill up with support roles, Treasure hunter for instance. In other games picking locks, disarming traps and the like.

You're just too busy complaining that it's not what you want it to be. Nothing is going to make thief a godly DDer with such amazing job traits that God himself would say "damn, better pack my bags, I'm replaced". They work in a more subtle way, subtle like their nature, dare I say, because that's what they do?

I remember Shao b*tching about thf's not getting any good endgame armor. Then why the hell are so many thieves wanting Dragon Harness's? I remember that Honam set having "THF" as one of it's usuable jobs, that's a pretty sweet gear set. If anything else it's good TP build gear and you can swap out for for SATA. So what if the AF+1 and AF2v2 isn't 1000x better than it's originals, very few jobs got such a boost like that.

By the way Shao, the world is against you, just like you've been hinting at all along.
Every. Single. One. Of. Us.
We're out to get you, out for blood. Life is so unfair isn't it? You can't get the girl of your wetdreams, you can't get laid like your roommate supposedly did right in front of you, and you can't get every f*cking single job improvement, boost to WS, OMFG-ify SATA, and give you a set of JSE that will make every other job burst out wity envy, with screaming, wailing and the gnashing of teeth.

Funny though, out of all the thieves I know, you're the only one who complained. Well, not really, you quit didn't you? So you really aren't "one of those thieves". So why you still posting here? Go complain about the game you still play and not one you gave up how long ago?

Btw, I heard that they have med students take psych tests before becoming doctors, you may wanna brush up on your "not insane" routine. I mean seriously. Wow.
#6 Mar 25 2006 at 8:12 AM Rating: Decent
wow so much flaming towards shao there... i dont think i need bother.
#7 Mar 25 2006 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
3,011 posts
Every sad feeling I had towards leaving is now erased. Thanks alot guys.
#8 Mar 25 2006 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
1,249 posts
Can I have your scorpion harness?
#9 Mar 25 2006 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
532 posts
I agree with Ladyofhonor and Pokiehl about the thf job.

I think they were a little harsh though in their approach. I look forward to the improvements to thf. I think SE has made some good improvements here and there.

Like said, we are not supposed to be the most uber dmg. We are for hate control, excellent pullers, excellent soloers, and if things go bad, we can pull out a win without wipe.

I love the thf job. I agree it has its issues. It has some big bonuses too.

Good luck in the future shao. Feel free to drop by us once in a while.
#10 Mar 25 2006 at 9:41 PM Rating: Decent
99 posts
Good luck with life, sorry things didn't work out as you wanted them to. Sadly enough, nothing will ever be perfect in this world as we all want it to.
#11 Mar 25 2006 at 10:03 PM Rating: Decent
143 posts
how about this why don't you guys leave shao alone and let him express how he feels about SE and the job they do. I don't see anywhere where he points out that LoH , or pokehl flaws, he points out SE flaws in his own opinion. i know you guys have that right to opinionate to what he says but don't ******* flame him on his goodbye thread, he did nothing really for you guys, or against you guys. he maybe flamed the job thf but that is his opinion and you could've corrected him better that what you guys did.
#12 Mar 25 2006 at 10:21 PM Rating: Good
836 posts
My main reasons for leaving FFXI was simply that it was no longer fun. This was mainly because of my belief that SE seemed 100% intent on making sure Thief was a sh*tty job. I thought this was at first just me whining, but after reading the expansion info I have realized I was correct.

With all other jobs besides Dragoon receiving fairly interesting upgrades, I had thought that the thief one would be interesting as well. My heart sank as I read their "upgrades" for our class.

Well there's the common everyday "I have a SH" THF, and then there are THF's that work hard at their job without b1tching every moment because SE didn't given them an "AoE Ownage" ability. I've seen badass THFs that made me see that THF is a very fun and powerful job, but the road there isn't an easy one. You are playing the right game though, WoW, if you want a simple path.

i know you guys have that right to opinionate to what he says but don't @#%^ing flame him on his goodbye thread

No. This isn't his "goodbye thread", this is his "since SE isn't giving my job a 401k plan I'm not coming back...thread". He's been bobbing and weaving the whole damn time. Just quit already. Your friends will miss you and others will forget you. Sorry, but that's the truth.
#13 Mar 26 2006 at 1:04 AM Rating: Decent
3,011 posts
Cill, I'd give it to you but I'd have to pay SE the $15 to reactivate my account.

I could use that $15 for something productive, like...

Food. But hey, if you want I can send you my old account info. You can renew it and run my character dry of everything useful they may have heh heh.

I think sophus said it best with "No matter how long and hard the road you've travelled, it always ends with 'can I have your stuff?'".

To the other guys: Although a small part of my reason for leaving is errors in the thief's design by SE, a huge reason is the simple time constraints. As I said before, you can play WoW for an hour and get alot accomplished. And an Hour is all I usually have. I don't want to log on and use my hour sitting in Jeuno waiting for a party. Where is the fun in that?

Oh LoH, you want to know the one big difference between WoW Rogue and FFXI Thief? The Rogue is balanced with the other classes, while the thief is not! For example, it is possible for a Rogue to beat any other class in WoW. In FFXI, it is not possible for a thief to beat someone that's like say a red mage or monk. All the jobs in WoW are balanced! Also, WoW Rogue with stealth = some fantastic oppurtunities in pvp for some ninja action. In short, WoW Rogue is a lot more FUN and the point of a GAME is to have FUN, not impress people!

And Poke, no I still don't have a girlfriend. But I'm no longer depressed about it. I have plenty of friends, and I've travelled the states for the first time in my life because of things I've done with them. I am having a kick *** time with the real life and (can't believe I'm saying this) if you think I'm crazy then hell ***** you man.

I thought I'd get the chance to peacefully pass away, but it seems I had to make a final comeback. And I was never too good on comebacks heh heh. So, whatever. If you hate me, you hate me. I don't care anymore. I know I made friends on this game, and I know that they're going to miss me, if only just miss my rapid complaining about thief.

#14 Mar 26 2006 at 1:47 AM Rating: Decent
what server on WoW or u on and what ur player name?
#15 Mar 26 2006 at 4:30 AM Rating: Decent
292 posts
I'm sorry to see you go Shao, a pity though cause I don't think you really gave the job a chance. Taking the job to 75 is impressive enough, but there is so much more to it. I'm loving it more now than ever, after merits and buying some of the better gear, it's kickass. I've still got a ways to go, mind you, until I get to where I want to be, but I'll get there.

I've never considered a thief an assassin, I mean the job name I believe more than defines itself. And the job abilities we get centers around what a thief is, think about it. An Assassin? No, I personally don't see it. Ninja is more an assassin then a thief is, in my opinion. I do think thiefs could use a boost in some areas, but in all I'm more than happy with my job. Sorry you feel that SE skewed the job to something you didn't feel it should be, but I honestly don't think SE's intent was to make us silent killers.

As far as WoW, my personal opinion, it never appealed to me from what I've seen of it. From what heard though, it appeals to players like you who don't have the time to put a few hours into a game. Good luck there and hope you succeed.

One last thing, lol, your opinion that we can't take on rdms or monks......anything is possible, I watched a vid of a whm take on a nin and beat him, truth or not, it's very feasible. Just unfair for you to make that claim when you haven't fully explored what we can do. Don't get me wrong, I'm not flaming you or bashing you dude, just isn't right in my book for you to claim such.

Good luck in your future endeavors dude, I know in RL you have alot on your plate with schooling and such, hope you succeed there as well. Take Care and if you ever decide to come back, hit me up, I'll help you out as best as I can.
#16 Mar 26 2006 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
if all the jobs on this game were balanced it wouldnt be fun because having the proper setup to do things would be unneeded.

that being said shao i am seriously interested in paying to use your account and taking advantage of a thf char with good gear. if you are serious about giving it away to whomever will pay the fee please say so as i would be more than happy to keep the legacy of shao alive via my credit card XD

P.S. i tend to collect peoples unwanted accounts and i always stipulate that if you ever come back the account is yours again. not sure if this will sweeten the deal for you but i just thought id throw it out there *shrug*

Edited, Sun Mar 26 12:11:52 2006 by Ayazz
#17 Mar 26 2006 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
1,029 posts
No fairs i sent Shao a PM about that 1st lol.
#18 Mar 26 2006 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
"if all the jobs on this game were balanced it wouldnt be fun because having the proper setup to do things would be unneeded."

Yeah and thats the problem with this game as it is. "needing" certain setups to win things easily when its 100% possible to win any fight with any (balanced) setup, it just might take a bit more gil, skill and atrategy. As I beat CoP from begining to end w/o a single rng, smn or nin in ANY fight just to prove you dont NEED those jobs like the skill inept people in jeuno shout for, like those certin jobs are as needed as a human needs oxygen.

Also if having the "needed" setup is actually a good thing as your quote says then lets say you needed an alliance of bsts to beat kirin and that was the only way it could be done. You're telling me its ok to have all of us lvl bst? 85% of us (probably yourself included) doesn't even like the job but you have to take it to 75 just for a shot at an osode, when you could have been spending more time with the job you love? So you seriosly believe having an unbalaced game is a good thing?

There its edited, happy now? Now lets see you try to actually talk about the subject at hand and not how poorly it was written (as if you didnt get the point in the first place). But of course I'm sure I made a valid point and you have NO defense whatsoever so instead you place attention on the crappy presentation instead of the actual matter at hand. kthxbye

Edited, Sun Mar 26 20:18:48 2006 by DuoMaxwellxx
#19 Mar 26 2006 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
please edit this and make it readable by someone who speaks english kthx
#20 Mar 26 2006 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
1,029 posts
Jesus, sentence structure along with grammar and punctuation are wonder things. You really should look into it sometime.
#21 Mar 26 2006 at 6:54 PM Rating: Default
We share a common problem, Shaolinz, which is why I left in December. I'm now fully enjoying my time on WoW, As you can see in my sig.
#22 Mar 26 2006 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
1,029 posts
I got banned in december. I never got the chance to quit rofl.
#23 Mar 26 2006 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
i play WoW as well. it is for casual players. FFXI is for hardcore people who can devote a lot of time and effort into their char. personally i think WoW isnt that great
#24 Mar 26 2006 at 11:21 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
If you want to play Assassin, try Guild Wars, that was one oftheir new job classes added a while back.

SE tried their best to make Thf a balanced and fun job to play. I hated lvling Thf but after getting to 15 the job was just too much fun to put down. I plan on taking it further once my main hits 75 so I really don't see anything wrong with the job, eh but thats probably just me and my lack of experience with it, its only lvl37.

Thf was never meant to be an Assassin, well maybe to SE, but in context the whole point of an Assassin is to kill a target efficiently and quickly, SATA could be the closest ability Thf has to resemble the whole concept of the Assassin job persona but if SE really wanted a job to be able to kill mobs with one attack they would have given Rng {Head Shot} or Drk {Decapitation} :D

I won't question whether or not you really did enjoy playing as Thf in FFXI or simply just got it to 75 and was blinded by its faults, every job has its downsides, you just have to look past them and continue having fun playing the game, not turning on your PC/PS2 and secretly thinking to yourself "OMG Thf sucks" as you type "Hey LS".
#25 Mar 27 2006 at 3:10 AM Rating: Decent
836 posts
but if SE really wanted a job to be able to kill mobs with one attack they would have given Rng {Head Shot}

And when you get a {Head Shot} you'd here it said, like on a FPS lol.


#26 Mar 27 2006 at 4:42 AM Rating: Decent
525 posts
Every sad feeling I had towards leaving is now erased. Thanks alot guys.

Looks like you need a psychologist as well.
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