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SE must be in bed with RMTFollow

#1 Apr 16 2006 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
Well it's obvious that SE is in bed with the RMT. I mean everyone on Shiva knows who are the major RMT's and do you think SE doesn't. Look the Supers are all still here. I mean come on how many of you talked to a bunch of friends and said "Hey let's make new characters all starting with... how bout Super!!". Wake up SE you idiots!!! I personally hate and wish death upon the Chingmaple Gilseller LS (formally DragonFlySky), these pussies are at all good camps 24 -7. I was camping LoO so maybe someday I might get a club without having to buy from these ****** There was one Chingmaple and 3 of us, then they call for back up and brought 10 Chingmaples ><. Then another time is was hepling a ls friend try to get thf knife, well Nagaga and Kyharaahya were there Chings and Ky.. already had a thf knife they get claim and get a sec, thats **** greed.They are always shouting in Lower selling Kraken, strider, serket, ebow,thf knife.Don't buy from these @sshats. Chingmaple: Nagaga, Kyharaahya, Yolanda, Rejout, Karena, Raikusu, Yaowoo, Maggieq, Revol.... I hope u all Die ******
#2 Apr 16 2006 at 8:54 PM Rating: Decent
I liked Xellith's idea of posting names of the gilsellers on Shiva :). Yes I'm a lil bitter ...sue me. Anyway let's start calling the bastards out. Everyone post RMT names here and experiences with them. Maybe, just maybe if we get enough ppl to complain to SE they might do something about banning these right.
#3 Apr 16 2006 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
they have to have prove that someone is RMT to kick them. you cant just go around randomly cancelling accounts because they are suspected RMT. i feel for you though. i myself have had to deal with these asses at HNM camps and even more recently at XP camps in sky. the worst thing is that thedragonflyingsky isnt the only gilseller LS. Backking is also one and is populated 50% by gilsellers and 50% by greedy ******* retards like dullahan and such. lets not forget about Ninechars LS Magnanimous that houses the superstars and other greedy douchebags. all told i think our server holds around 20-30 actual gilsellers and at least the same number of normal players who have sold out to greed and sucking gilseller wang. personally i think we're in bad shape as a server and it's only going to get worse if people keep buying gil.

My linkshell takes it upon themselves to MPK the gilsellers with groundskeepers in sky and invite them randomly for a very unwelcome warp2. unfortunately not every person/LS is as dediacted as some of us to fighting back against RMT. there are the players that help them and the players who have the "well they dont bother me so i dont bother them" attitude. thats like people selling crack to kids in your neighborhood and you saying "well i dont have any kids so i dont give a damn if theyre here". the server as a whole needs to give these guys the hardest time possible and try day in and day out to find proof thath theyre RMT so they can be banned.

anyway i know how you feel and its pretty ****** that theyre still around. dont count SE out just yet. theyre doing 10 hour server maintenaince tomorrow and i wouldnt be surprised if some of that was for the XBOX thing and some of it was for banning RMT accounts. i have my fingers crossed.

EDIT. if we wanna start a list of names for ***** and giggles im down for it. i can add some names now. Firewarrior Randomking, Firelady, Aww (she used to help the gilsellers but im not sure if she does now. still trash in my book and i hope she gets banned), wolfishtrauma, lamuga, blackboby, caniod, magickaro, ninechars (mentioned him in my post), wiegraf (in ninechars' LS), dullahan (in backking)..... and a ton of others. ill post the names as i remember and/or find them.

Edited, Sun Apr 16 22:11:53 2006 by Ayazz

Edited, Sun Apr 16 22:07:44 2006 by Ayazz
#4 Apr 17 2006 at 1:40 AM Rating: Decent
We need to compile a list of Shiva RMT, and Suspected RMT.

RMT and hackers ruin the game! It's a fight against evil!!!

Edited, Mon Apr 17 02:41:15 2006 by HolderPaltek
#5 Apr 17 2006 at 1:49 AM Rating: Decent
Sonter, Shwawa, Dullahan is just a noob angry at everyone, don't trust him he will scam you! the supers@ for sure! they may seem nice, but still RMT. Firelady, Gaiiya.
#6 Apr 17 2006 at 6:11 AM Rating: Decent
I hope to God this maintanence wipes out a few of these peeps. I did not know Ninechars's ls housed the Supers hmmm... >.> What is up with these LS inviting these RMT? Do they get some of the drops from them camping with ls or just help? I don't see the gilseleers being allowed by their Higher Powers to give items worth gil/rm to players. I can see them obviously giving the rare/ex items, like abj. and such since it's no use to them. These RMT's and bed buddies of theirs are like Roaches infesting Shiva .... It's time we stand up and get out the can of RAID muthafukrs!!!!!
#7 Apr 17 2006 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
154 posts
Maybe we can make a thread called RMTs of Shiva, listing the suspects so everyone can easily see the bastards.
#8 Apr 17 2006 at 10:07 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Oh God not this again.... I swear, the next one of you who claims that gil sellers gave them herpes...yeah, I'm gonna lose it.
#9 Apr 17 2006 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
ive known a couple people who have "befriended" a couple gilsellers back in the day to find out how their system works. the way it goes down is when a normal player is a greedy *** they talk to one of the gilsellers. that gilseller will then contact you via AIM or MSN messenger with information on who they work for etc (they wont do it in game because thats like an insta-ban). after that they let you into the RMT LS and you help them out. if you build enough trust with them they will start to share their gil and items with you (assuming they are meeting their gil quota, which they usually are). thats pretty much why people like stupid dullahan are walking around sporting a Plastron.
#10 Apr 17 2006 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
2,727 posts

direct connect them, IP trace, find their hideout

contact SE, and the secret **** SE police will destroy their company

#11 Apr 17 2006 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
Ninechars told me he knows the superstars(RMT) in real life. When he tried to recruit me into Mag~somthing or another. From what I heard Mag~ is disbanding couse Ninechars got a sponcer for Darklegacy.
#12 Apr 17 2006 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
no.... effing... way

Klaw where the hell are you buddy? this cant be true. DL should totally know better than to let ninechars in.... i specifically remember him trying to get gilsellers sky back in the day among other things.

i like a lot of the people in DL and would hate to see their reputation end up like Rmtswithin er i mean Spiritswithin. gotta be careful who gets in your LS >.>

and there is no way he knows the supers IRL. hes not chinese and these guys are 100% foreign. not to mention 6 players dont start accounts at the same time, make their names the same, and then camp the same NMs day in and day out for 2 years. i mean... i know some people will camp the hell out of some NMs to make loot to buy gear but these guys dont buy anything and dont participate in any other game activities. Ninechars is full of it and i feel sorry for any LS that lets a traitor like that in.
#13 Apr 17 2006 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
I was told Amemet was Omfg, that Taru that got banned from a bunch of servers for repeat MPK. I asked Amemet and he admited to being Omfg. Amemet is a bought account! I also got info from some friends he a major hacker. I see Faust hit him 4 times while he was @ 3%hp with shadows down! know thats bull ****. Oh watch this I can use my POS hack and zoom straight to bearclaw panincula.

I remeber one day my moggle followed me outside my mog house and around jeuno. I could change jobs for instant hp recovery anywhere in the world! I hate hackers, why did they make my moogle follow me around!?

Speed hacks for strider/or mazurka speed wreck the game! Argus program for botting wreck the game!

This all get me so mad!
#14 Apr 17 2006 at 12:23 PM Rating: Default
Tissue {do you need it?}
#15 Apr 17 2006 at 12:35 PM Rating: Default
To set the record straight, I never have condoned RMT nor ever facilitated any such activities. I have never hidden my friendship with the supers. Many of Shiva's players have also befriended the supers and they do not hide their friendship either. So we could post a list of hundreds of names long here with people who have befriended them.

You don't dump a friend in real-life because they have a bad habit or make bad life decisions. You wouldn't be much of a friend if you did, but I guess there are always going to be a few haters that have to have SOMETHING to get religous over.

I find it funny seeing members of previously major HNM linkshells here whos senior leaders were continuely hoarding and selling gil. These types forum threads just prove how ignorant everyone really is on what is really going on here.


Dull was booted from my LS early on btw. I am also not disbanding my linkshell? It is simply going social to help players which are 40+ get to HNM status.

I speak the language, I do know them IRL, I know there names, where they live, even there brothers and sisters.

Edited, Mon Apr 17 14:07:44 2006 by ninechars
#16 Apr 17 2006 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
No, you don't make friends with people who rob banks and murder children, there's a difference. I seriously doubt you were friends with the Supers before they sold gil...thats because they've always been gilsellers.
#17 Apr 17 2006 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
There is a reason why RMT don't call GM when I mpk them, It's couse they are criminal. Aiding RMT is criminal aswell.

Ninechaircs when I asked you about Backking you said your linkshell joins them in sky for free abjurations.

When I asked Dulluhan about Backking he said Backking gives away free abjurations from Sazuka and Genbu. Dulluhan told me to contact Sonter or Shwawa for info. I asked Sonter Shwawa and they said they were helping a friend but I can go for abjurations next time. I didn't go...

It's more fun to gain gil and iteams with a group of friends then buy gil to get ahead!

Ninechars you seem like a nice guy, but you got bad friends. RMT ruin the game!
#18 Apr 17 2006 at 1:35 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Yay, mindless group bashing! And I thought it was going to be a boring day today with the update and all.

First things first:

Biznaz, what would you hope to accomplish by getting rid of the Supers? Last I saw, they only camped Quicksand Caves and Sea Serpent's Grotto. They're not in Castle Oztroja. They're not in Maze of Shakrami. They're not camping Leaping Lizzy or Valkurm Emperor. So what would you accomplish by getting rid of them?

Ohhh yes. By getting rid of them YOU would have less competition on Amemet Skins and Siren Hairs. How silly of me. can't equip a Siren's Hair, can you? No, those can only be sold for 1mil+ (unless you are a high level clothcrafter, too?).

And an Amement Skin? You can get the NQ mantle from the skin for only 10k. It's a damn good mantle! Why would you want to chance life and limb by going for a skin? Ohhhh wait, silly me'd want to sell it!

So let me see if I get this want to get rid of the Supers NOT because they are making it difficult for you to get the ITEMS you really want to level your BLM or WAR. You want to get rid of them because they're monopolizing a way to make MONEY. Well who is SE to get in the way of you and your desires for loot?

Forget that there are eleventy billion ways to make money on this game. It's not like you can easily make 16mil+ from a lvl 40 BCNM or 80mil from a fishing quest or anything....

Forget that gil sellers aren't invincible and it's completely possible to outpull them without having to cheat. No, let's do what's right.

Let's kick out the supers!

Second things...third?:

No, you don't make friends with people who rob banks and murder children, there's a difference.

I hate botters, cheaters, and doesn't matter who does it. And moheab, I really don't mean to pick on you--but how do you get from gil selling to robbing banks and murdering children? Should we blame them for the nuclear crisis in Iran, too? How about my cold? Can I have my insurance company bill them for my doctor's visit? :D

Last things last:

Everyone "knows" that the Supers sell gil, but no one can (or wants to) prove it. SE also hasn't done anything directly to affect those characters (except random temp bans). They've been here for years, still nothing has happened. Fine, we get it.

But so far SE has made popular drops rare/ex to make it easier for EVERYONE to get them. They've stuck really expensive drops in low-level BCNMS so that EVERYONE has access to make money with them. They created a lag buffer to paralyze people who claim too fast. They've made it so you can only send 1mil gil from your outbox at a time. What more do you want from them?????

The Supers aren't invincible, neither are any gil seller or their respective program. Complaining won't fix anything--ever.

If you really want a Kraken Club to use (though I'm pretty sure you only want it to sell), get your buddies down to LoO and camp it. Other players can claim it, why can't you?

If you really want Amemet skin, go down to Quicksand with some friends and camp it yourself. Other players can claim it, why can't you?

If you don't like it, fine. Do something about it! Don't whine, don't *****, and don't MPK because you feel they wronged you. All that does is make you look like a whiney, ****** mpker, and it brings you down to their level.
#19 Apr 17 2006 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
lol, i was thinking about that, prolly should have used drug dealers...If you associate with drug dealers, youre either A) a drug dealer or B) a drug user. I was just thinking of bad things ppl would most likely hate being associated with.
#20 Apr 17 2006 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
Well put Sophus.

#21 Apr 17 2006 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
Sophus I think your missing the point it's not just about the supers. The supers are nice enough with there raise 3 on ocasion, and sometimes they will help if it's not to far out of there way. I personal got alout of help from Supers for Redmage Testimony.

It's the RMT that try and make you pay 1.5M for Joyuese/Mistrel Coat/Narval. The RMT that get in the way of normal game play, like events in sky(Backking).

Granted Supers keep to them selves and camp NMs that don't really abstruct normal play. They are still RMT! And when there not doing KSNM30(Scorps) or cammping SSG/Kuftal there killing gods in sky with Backking. The supers all have a backking pearl, but they don't farm sky just kill gods.
#22 Apr 17 2006 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
What SE could do is make the Rare/Ex drops was supposed to stop gilsellers from camping NMs over and over. Since they made some items Rare/Ex I've been 0/11 on Leaping Lizzy, I'd rather camp her for the boots cause I'm used to it but its not the same others who may get frustrated after 5 or 8 claims w/o drop, resort to RMT to get the boots.

#23 Apr 17 2006 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
Paltek, I'm not sure where you're getting your information from. You never asked me about backking nor have we ever cooperated with them. We have camped against them over and over and struggled just like anyone else in Sky does with them. As for Dullahan, can anyone trust anything that guy says or does? I kicked him a long time ago.

You don't just ditch a friend because you discovered they voted for bush, or stole a candy bar in 3rd grade from the local gas station. You can hardly compare this to rape and murder, it is after all a freaking game.
#24 Apr 17 2006 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
In PortWindurst I asked you about the supers and Backking, you said sometimes your linkshell teams up with them. I was thinking about joining your linkshell at the time, thats why I asked. Don't you remember?

When I left Wasp, couse I got into a fight with Kramer. You asked me to join you, your recruitment speech involved you being real life friends with the supers. Later when I found out the supers have a backking pearl. Thats when I asked you about it in PortWindurst.

I seen Chingmaple camp KB and KA. Thats getting in the way of normal game play! there is also annother RMT lead by Sprman Galka 75NIN. And some RMT in SSG, they are 3 mithras one is a NIN, another is a THF. They camp siren hair alout! and seel Minstrel coat/joyeuse/Narval for 1.5M.

Edited, Mon Apr 17 16:23:39 2006 by HolderPaltek
#25 Apr 17 2006 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
yep the RMT people have their hands in every aspect of this game and its getting old fast. i could give a flying **** who's friends with who. theyre still RMT and they need to leave. thats the bottom line. hopefully SE will deal with it soon.
#26 Apr 17 2006 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
154 posts


I tried to be friends with Dullahan once. I didn't know why ppl didn't like him, but now I see. Ever since I beat him in Ballista, he's been pissed at me. So whenever I do Brenner and he's there, he just goes for me and nothing else even if I ignor him. But I shut his *** up when I {Sharpshot}{Barrage}{Camoflage} then crept up on his *** like Snake Eyes. {Shadowbind}, shot, EES was all he wrote lol.

Watch out for the Texas Ranger, boy lol.
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