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CoP MissionsFollow

#1 Aug 02 2006 at 12:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
Looking to do some of these and finish sometime eventually. Something to do after burning out on exping/meriting all the time.

I'm on the Minotaur mission in the Aqeducts. If anyone is on that mission and needs it we can set up a run if we get enough help, and if it ends up going well maybe do this once or twice a week, my schedule is flexible.

I can bring either Drk or Whm, eventually War.
#2 Aug 02 2006 at 10:30 AM Rating: Good
958 posts
The most difficult part of completing CoP is finding 6 people that don't totally suck. The second most difficult part of completing CoP is finding another 6 that don't suck and that have jobs that are capable of completing the BC fights and showing up on a regular basis.

There is no need to start CoP if you don't intend to finish it. After you have finished the initial promy missions and have access to Lufaise Meadows you are done with reward #1 out of a possible 3. The other rewards are getting to 8-1 so you have sea and limbus access. Reward #3 is the ring you get after completing CoP. Another mini reward would be the earring you can receive after finishing a few other fights but it seems not many have interest as I haven't found a party for those.

I would say gather a group but with low expectations. It took me 5 different static groups before one stuck together for more than one mission and we went 1/1 on every single mission after Promyvion-Vahzl, about one week at a time.

Don't bother recruiting anyone that doesn't have a level 75 job or is very close to having one. There are a lot of uncapped fights you can drag them through but eventually you will be required to do some difficult uncapped fights. Anyone with multiple 75's is a plus of course. Anyone w/o a 75 job I would say is less likely to spend the time and effort to complete the missions.

I do know 2 people that made it to Promy-Vahzl before their static party fell apart but I highly doubt they would want to go all the way back to 2-3 to help someone due to the high rate of parties breaking up after a few missions.

My suggestion for a party setup would be:
Player 1: Pld and Nin
Player 2: Whm
Player 3: Rdm or Bard
Player 4: Blm
Player 5: Melee DD
Player 6: Melee DD

My party setup was thus (Promyvion-Vahzl to the end): 
Gilberto:   Pld (Nin at 60) 
Delectur:   Rdm 
Cable:      Whm Drk 
Mrtictac:   Mnk 
Skibum:     Blm Rdm Bst Smn(65) 
Upsidedown: Blm 
#3 Aug 02 2006 at 1:04 PM Rating: Good
1,220 posts
The other problems is getting people to go back and help. I have done a few of the missions over quite a number of times (can't count how many I have gotten Luf. Meadows access...), but I have to admit it is low on my priority list to go back and repeat the CoP battles. I spent millions on supplies and special items (CCB Polymer, anyone?), lots of time doing prep work getting other items and lots of EXP getting a strategy down since we did it all BST and there were no guides for us out there. The thought of going back gives me chills, although I am getting ready to help some LS mates out with it.

So if you have people that are either done or ahead of you, its hard to get them to go back and help out because of these reasons.
#4 Aug 02 2006 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
I'm on the minotaur mission as well, so {I'm interested.} Blm, rdm and whm are 40+ if you need any of those. ^^
#5 Aug 03 2006 at 12:59 AM Rating: Decent
766 posts
Hey Ziphion we had a fun time in that Baston mission static hehe.

Anyway, I'm currently on 4-2 but getting far into CoP is one of the next things on my goal list. I will freeze my leveling and start selling gear to fund a CoP finish :P

I don't have any mages leveled but I have PLD to 62 (many of the hard missions are below 60 cap) with most of the gear either in storage or on mules. My WAR is 66 (almost 67) and I'm currently in the process of leveling it to 75. My BST is the only 75 job I have at the moment.

Please let me know if you are getting people to get this. I really don't know about the missions because I had a seasoned veteran (Quix, who was one of the main strategists for the famous LotB All-BST static) lead me through promies and Phomiuna Aqueducts.

My level "40 cap" jobs are BST, PLD, BLU, WAR, and SAM (all melee I know, give me a break ><) so I am willing to bring one of those into this fight. I could get NIN to 40 and BLU or SAM to 50 within a few days of leveling, so those aren't really problems (except for gear... heh) if needed for the level 50 cap missions.
#6 Aug 04 2006 at 6:20 AM Rating: Good
161 posts
I'm on 2-5 now, sorting out a run quite soon. I'd be happy to help with 2-3 if you need it. send a /tell in game
#7 Aug 05 2006 at 8:37 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
Sorry for late rpely but I'd be happy to take those who need it along and get it done.

I kind of agree though on the going back part, thats really why I've been trying to find help for CoP cause I know ppl who do need it also. The game itself has been out for years and a majority of players have yet to complete Rank 10, ZMs, CoPs and now we have ToA missions. Rank missions are mostly BCNM fights, ZMs mostly cut scenes and BCNMs, wiht lots of travling, if a static dedicated time into it, the only real difficult fight would be Divine Might since you'd need an alliance.

CoP as we al know is capped, which requires re-buying gear we haven't worn in months, maybe yrs, and spending massive amounts of gil on items that may or may not guarantee a win. A loss owuld really hit a static's moral hard, consider do I really want to spend more yet we might lose idea.

Anyways I'll ask those I know who need it and we'll try and form something with those who replied offering or in need of help. Thanks ^^
#8 Aug 06 2006 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
766 posts
Well a lot of times people will get Promies done which opens up a lot of new areas, and then the people that have the money will continue toward Sea and others will stop. It seems like most people are stuck either on 2-3 (Minotaur), 2-5 (Mammets) and 4-2 (Ouryu) simply because people want "certain parties" for these (3 WHM 3 NIN for mammets, SMN/BLM alliance for Ouryu, etc), which is totally unneccessary but people always want the cheap/easy way out.
#9 Aug 07 2006 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
The "cookies-cutter" mentality has always been present in the game but especially in capped BCNMs that require gil to win just to progress. People want it naturally easy, less to worry about but I don't believe CoP should exclude certain jobs and only a few jobs can really get through to Sea.

I'll probably have something set up by the end of the week if there are enough ppl onboard.
#10 Aug 07 2006 at 3:51 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Just playing Devil's Advocate (sorry for sidetracking the convo), but I've done enough of these fights to know that there's not necessarily a cookie-cutter mentality to them. Some setups will naturally work better than others in some fights, but not every fight. And with the right setup, no jobs are necessarily excluded.

Why most believe this mentality exists is because they will say "I will come as xxx-job, but I am unwilling to come as any other." That's okay...if your party actually *needs* that job. However, you are severly limiting your options if they don't. It would be no different than an exp party who needed someone who can heal (whm, smn, rdm, blm, brd), and you showed up as a SAM and demanded that they invite you.

I had that happen once; a person asked to join us, but never asked what job to come as. When they met us, they were a job we didn't need. When we asked him to change, he refused. "If I can't do it with this job, I won't do it." We wished him the best of luck in finding a party with a different setup that needed his particular job.

There are rare and rare/ex items that will help overcome most shortcomings, but they will only take you so far.
#11 Aug 10 2006 at 2:37 AM Rating: Decent
766 posts
I have been turned down from a number of pickup groups for 4-2 because I don't have BLM, RDM, or SMN leveled to 50+. Maybe they can be beaten without a "cookie cutter" mentality but most of the population of Shiva doesn't seem to think so.

The problem with Ouryu is that pickup parties want to get it done ASAP, which means not going through the trouble of obtaining Mistmelts. Manaburn seems to be the only way it can be done without doing them.

Also your argument seems to be that if someone had a certain job leveled and refused to come as that job. Such as if I had BLM leveled to 50, and insisted on coming as WAR even though the group asked me to come as BLM. I agree, in a situation like that I should be kicked out of the group because I'm not bringing what the party needs. Every time I've done CoP missions I've told the party what jobs I could bring and asked them which one I should come as.

The only time I wasn't told which job to come as was the Diabolos fight where I was a sort of "random job" and had several options. I came as BLU/WHM for backup healing and DD, and to see how well Head Butt would do as a stunner since there hadn't been anything written on the subject (and it worked remarkably well). I don't think too many pickup parties have won Diabolos on the first try.

Edited, Aug 10th 2006 at 4:11am EDT by OmniChange
#12 Aug 10 2006 at 9:16 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
I think you hit the nail on the head when you said:

The problem with Ouryu is that pickup parties want to get it done ASAP, which means not going through the trouble of obtaining Mistmelts.

In reality, you can say the same about all the missions:

The problem with ________ is that pickup parties want to get it done ASAP, which means not going through the trouble of obtaining _________.

It doesn't matter if it's CoP, Zilart, or even Maat. People are too concerned with getting it done *now* that they come ill-prepared. As good project management shows, the people who spend more time planning and preparing can actually finish the job better and faster than those who speed through it. That's why you get so many people 0/30 on promys or 0/10 on Maat. They simply don't prepare enough before they go for it.

One thing though, I wasn't just talking about people who had alternate jobs at that level. This person in particular had only one job capable of doing it, but demanded that we fit him into our strategy. Hence, that is why I eluded to trying to fit a SAM into a spot where you need a healer; it just wasn't possible.
#13 Aug 11 2006 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
Going to do a Minotaur run sometime next week, most likely Monday or Tuesday. I'll post times and jobs soon.
#14 Aug 19 2006 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
Had to complete a Promy run for a member thats coming along, he needs 1 more then we move on further.
#15 Aug 21 2006 at 12:21 AM Rating: Good
530 posts
CoP missions are fairly easy (minus U/O) with people who aren't totally braindead. Also, blind and paralyze own most CoP BCNM fights. Nothin' like having Nightmare paralyzed 3 times in a row.
#16 Aug 23 2006 at 8:33 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
Doing another Promy-Mea run for someone to gain access. If you need it its going to be this Friday, still debating whether or not to make it early or late, I have more help on during late hrs.

Anyway once access is done back on track to do minotaur and up.
#17 Aug 26 2006 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
766 posts
Is it just me or does it seem ridiculously hard to find mages for CoP statics these days? Everyone wants BLMs and SMNs for a lot of the missions, but most of the serious 75 BLMs and SMNs are already done with CoP. Looks like I'll have to level a "mage job" after all if I want to get anywhere in this game >.>
#18 Aug 28 2006 at 12:11 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Didn't a static from LoTB complete all the missions with a BST-only setup?
#19 Aug 30 2006 at 5:10 AM Rating: Decent
766 posts
They did, and surprisingly they had pretty much no trouble with Ouryu. That's right, they DPSed him to death with nothing more than jug pets and the occasional melee. It just came down to 2 things. 1) using mistmelts ASAP and 2) making sure pets are in front of him at all times.

Darcy has made it pretty clear that he would only be willing to support a CoP static if they did it all-BST. I'll admit I don't have the passion for doing things all-BST that Darcy and others have. BST was my first job to 75 and I've done so much stuff and heard about so much stuff being done all-BST that I'm kinda bored with it at this point. Except for things like certain KSNMs that are dominated all-BST and fun to do.

I enjoy getting the opportunity to play my 75 WAR whether it be meriting, tanking stuff, or doing big SATA Steel Cyclone Darkness SCs, but I never get the chance to use it in LotB events. A lot of people in LotB have other jobs leveled, but there is this atmosphere in the linkshell that if you don't do something all-BST it "doesn't really count."
#20 Aug 30 2006 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
345 posts
For the love of god take me with you x_X 75BLM/RDM still stuck on those damn Mammets. I can do RDM/BLM/DRK/WAR, DRG/RDM/WAR/THF, DRK/WAR/THF. AL'Taiu hooo!
#21 Aug 30 2006 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
766 posts
It seems like you're getting enough people to need to do every BCNM twice to fit everyone. Boy would that be annoying for fights like Snoll Tzar. I haven't heard anything from you, last thing you told me in-game was that you were trying to get some people past Promies.
#22 Aug 30 2006 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
Yeah, had to get some ppl past Promies but after a failed Mea run last night I'm dropping the Promies and going back to the Minotaur fight. So if you need Minotaur or willing to help post/tell me and then I'll set a run.
#23 Aug 30 2006 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
766 posts
BST owns the Aqueducts. I'll surely help you with that one. I don't remember much by way of where to go but I'll lend my services. It's been like 7 months since I did 2-3. Sadly I'm still on 4-2. My pace without a static has been like one mission every 3 months :(
#24 Aug 31 2006 at 1:30 AM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
I've heard from LS members that the minotaur fight is not the hard part, its getting there and avoiding aggro. From there I'd like to possibly do a mission once a week or once every two wks.
#25 Aug 31 2006 at 7:59 AM Rating: Good
530 posts
RevenantVDA wrote:
I've heard from LS members that the minotaur fight is not the hard part, its getting there and avoiding aggro. From there I'd like to possibly do a mission once a week or once every two wks.

Sometimes it is. It's just like Promyvion. If your party members are competent and pay attention, they won't be getting aggro. You can get to the Minotaur solo, so it's not too hard; takes 10-15 minutes.

Edited, Aug 31st 2006 at 8:59am EDT by WolfieWunderlich
#26 Aug 31 2006 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
345 posts
DO what I did. Just have one persone who knows the way go to the minotaur, and have the party/alliance drawn in. Quick and painless.
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