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#1 Apr 16 2007 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent
I dunno who knows me in Shiva or who doesnt. Ive been playing for about 10 months now. I was welcomed into an LS when i first got here RedRose. I met many good people i called friends. I got close to these people and spent all my time w/ them they were my family to me on Shiva. The Ls leader wasnt on for a long time and many problems started happening. My friends were leaving. I didnt want this to happen so i took it upon myself to create BlackRoseDynasty. My number one goal was to be able to provide a place for my friends and friends of there friends. Ive made endless sacrifices being Lder of BRD. I devoted myself to my friends helping them and being there for them in anyway i could. It was always 70-80 percent my shell/20-30 percent for me. I always wanted todo endgame during this time. To see what it was like to try and better myself. For me that was impossible i was dedicated to my shell to my members. Almost all endgame shells u need to be fulltime. Later within the months my members begin getting higher lvl and wanting the same thing. I didnt know much of anything about endgame stuff. I decided i wanted to be able to offer this to my members and myself, so that we could stay together and not move on to other shells. I did endless amounts of stuff offline as well as online. Studying, printing out maps, learning ways ingame, just the works. I was dealing w/ so much by myself already with leading BRD and now Endgame. Ive worked so hard and put everything i had into BRD and now... I feel alone. I feel that all that i have done people could care less about, they dont even understand the things ive gone through for the shell. People that should be there for each other arent. They had an incident w/ someone named Aryun recently who's got booted from BRD for acting and doing what she does. She goes around shouting lies and mocking me in Whitegate and Jeuno. I heard things from people about what she says and im so ashamed, and people just laugh at me. That all the things ive ever done. The dedication, the sacrifices, the burden, the pressure ive gone through for my members and others. I dont here of anyone standing up for me. It hurts me greatly and i dont feel i deserve this. People are cruel and treat others horribley. Only looking out for themselves. Im to the point now where is there a such thing called a Friend on Shiva, do people truely know what it means to be one. I'm sorry i just wanted to vent. I figured hey what the hey cant get hurt anymore than what i am now if this gets flamed or whatnot. Im just lost right now, in a million pieces, and expected so much more from people.

GoodNight Shiva
#2 Apr 17 2007 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
sent you a message hope you got it
#3 Apr 17 2007 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
Wow, Dem, I'm really sorry to hear that. :( I think a lot of us know how much work can go into being a leader of a LS. I've always recommended BRD (and EchoDragon) alongside FableUnity as good social LSes from the many great things I always hear, so it saddens me a little to know you have your own struggles.

Just know that, yes, there are good people out there. People that care. If you ever need a friendly ear, you can always feel free to contact me in game (/tell Bartholomew) or by PM.

Best of luck to you,
#4 Apr 17 2007 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
1,416 posts
I'm sorry you feel that way Dem. Unfortunately, that has happened to alot of people (not that the sting hurts any less). Very few people will take the word of a shouter in whitegate or jeuno and most people know there are two sides to every story so I wouldn't worry yourself too much about that.

Check your PM ^^
#5 Apr 19 2007 at 2:47 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
I know how hard it is to use your time as a LS leader and that all you want to do is play and do end game activitys, at times I feel the same way.I had to eventually go to HFA for endgame activitys. But Its times like these that U need support and friends to talk to. I believe everyone who has been a LS leader or is a LS leader now goes through this.Any LS that is friends with Fable Unity, Carpe Noctem, or HFA is friends of mine.
As for the goofy thats talking trash in Jeuno. If people are going to be like that then they do not deserve your time and is probility someone who you dont want to be associated within a MMO enviroment. I agree that it is not fair that people stand in Jeuno and talk trash but I will almost gaurantee you this, actions speak louder than words.

Good luck and you have my support.
#6 Apr 19 2007 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
Ty for talking w/ me its greatly appreciated. I just kinda fell in a million pieces the other day. I got alot of Pm's it feels really nice that others do care and there experiences as a lder also. Ty again you all are good people. /smile ^_^

#7 Apr 19 2007 at 10:24 AM Rating: Good
440 posts
I'm sorry for your troubles, Dem.. I've heard of your LS, and never something bad of it. Let the person shout, as said, actions will speak louder than words.. They will get over it, and it will blow over.

Don't overburden yourself either.. As a leader, you don't have to do everything.. Ask for help, advice, ect of your fellow members, or friends. There is no shame in wanting/needing help. This game is based around help.

Oh, and violence solves nothing.. Brutality solves all. :D

#8 Apr 20 2007 at 8:03 PM Rating: Decent
143 posts
don't feel ashamed. lol you should feel proud of what you do only %1 of the shiva population have done what you did, any newb can be a shell holder, but only that %1 can be a linkshell leader. trust me on this. I admire the people who hold a shell not for themselves but the ones that actually care about there linkshell and the personal welfare of there people. people will critize you they will always critize you but the critic you should care about the most is yourself. if you going to go by other people feelings and critizism then a LS leader isn't the job for you. i'll let you know now, you can get support from the entire commiunity for just making this tread but the real support is how you hold yourself up cause truthfully you are the only one that makes yourself fall. people dissing on you in jeuno? if you listen to them and react to them then your just being they're victim and LS leaders aren't victims.

You may not know who i am, i'm a old burned out flame in shiva, but trust me on this. you hold your head high and never put yourself down cause what you do is what other people can't do and you do it for them. don't ******* feel down cause the worst day of your life gaming or life itself, cause it's never the good days that makes good leaders.
#9 Apr 22 2007 at 6:20 PM Rating: Good
43 posts
If U need help just ask
#10 Apr 26 2007 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
Demecat, it is bad that you come to the internet and post lies about yourself!
I'm in Shiva server and we party a few times last year! You were so annoying. I'm so glad that I didn't accept your invite to become member of BRD.
Later I made friends who are and were members in your linkshell. They tell me that the only thing you do is complaining about "not getting any help" ....maybe if you weren't so annoying they would help you more often!
Great people were in your LS and a few still on. The members of BRD that I know said that they still have the pearl because of the others members, friends and NOT because of you!
I don't know Aryun and I have never heard any "shout" at Jeuno about you, but I'm sure if she did it she has her reason.
So stop whining!
#11 Apr 26 2007 at 8:18 AM Rating: Good
440 posts
MiniTarutaru wrote:
Demecat, it is bad that you come to the internet and post lies about yourself!
I'm in Shiva server and we party a few times last year! You were so annoying. I'm so glad that I didn't accept your invite to become member of BRD.
Later I made friends who are and were members in your linkshell. They tell me that the only thing you do is complaining about "not getting any help" ....maybe if you weren't so annoying they would help you more often!
Great people were in your LS and a few still on. The members of BRD that I know said that they still have the pearl because of the others members, friends and NOT because of you!
I don't know Aryun and I have never heard any "shout" at Jeuno about you, but I'm sure if she did it she has her reason.
So stop whining!

If everyone went by hear-say like you did, and not get to know the person, we'd all be a buncha raving ********.

Though I won't deny being one at times..

But you, my good Sir/Madam, whichever you may be, are 10x worse than she would be for posting your flame here..

You partied a few times with her? Good for you. I don't know about you, or many others, but I'm 10x more serious in a party than I am outside of one. You didn't even give the respect of saying how she was annoying, just that she is..

Have you ever led a LS? I have co-lead one before, and despite your third party stories, it's hard to get help when you're a leader or co-leader, because you put others before yourself, to benefit your LS you're trying to build. You want to make the members happy, and do things for them to show them you are worthy of leading, and that you won't just rip them off and break the shell.

You don't have to like the leader to be in a shell.. A good percentage of the time, I find people stay mostly because of other people, or friends, in the LS, not because of the leader.

Basically; we all need help, leader or not, it will never matter. We all need to vent, ask for advice from others, ect.. Your flame is 100% not needed. Take it elsewhere, show your name when you flame, and have legit reasons.. Not because of what you hear, but because of your own experience.

Good day.

#12 Apr 26 2007 at 10:05 AM Rating: Good
241 posts
Nieko wrote:
MiniTarutaru wrote:
Demecat, it is bad that you come to the internet and post lies about yourself!
I'm in Shiva server and we party a few times last year! You were so annoying. I'm so glad that I didn't accept your invite to become member of BRD.
Later I made friends who are and were members in your linkshell. They tell me that the only thing you do is complaining about "not getting any help" ....maybe if you weren't so annoying they would help you more often!
Great people were in your LS and a few still on. The members of BRD that I know said that they still have the pearl because of the others members, friends and NOT because of you!
I don't know Aryun and I have never heard any "shout" at Jeuno about you, but I'm sure if she did it she has her reason.
So stop whining!

If everyone went by hear-say like you did, and not get to know the person, we'd all be a buncha raving @#%^s.

Though I won't deny being one at times..

But you, my good Sir/Madam, whichever you may be, are 10x worse than she would be for posting your flame here..

You partied a few times with her? Good for you. I don't know about you, or many others, but I'm 10x more serious in a party than I am outside of one. You didn't even give the respect of saying how she was annoying, just that she is..

Have you ever led a LS? I have co-lead one before, and despite your third party stories, it's hard to get help when you're a leader or co-leader, because you put others before yourself, to benefit your LS you're trying to build. You want to make the members happy, and do things for them to show them you are worthy of leading, and that you won't just rip them off and break the shell.

You don't have to like the leader to be in a shell.. A good percentage of the time, I find people stay mostly because of other people, or friends, in the LS, not because of the leader.

Basically; we all need help, leader or not, it will never matter. We all need to vent, ask for advice from others, ect.. Your flame is 100% not needed. Take it elsewhere, show your name when you flame, and have legit reasons.. Not because of what you hear, but because of your own experience.

Good day.


i think that flame was posted here because KI forums are experiencing techinical difficulties... so i blame KI!
#13 Apr 26 2007 at 11:44 AM Rating: Good
515 posts
I've always recommended BRD (and EchoDragon) alongside FableUnity as good social LSes from the many great things I always hear

Sophus is gonna have your head for that...
#14 Apr 26 2007 at 1:00 PM Rating: Good
43 posts
MiniTarutaru wrote:
Demecat, it is bad that you come to the internet and post lies about yourself!
I'm in Shiva server and we party a few times last year! You were so annoying. I'm so glad that I didn't accept your invite to become member of BRD.
Later I made friends who are and were members in your linkshell. They tell me that the only thing you do is complaining about "not getting any help" ....maybe if you weren't so annoying they would help you more often!
Great people were in your LS and a few still on. The members of BRD that I know said that they still have the pearl because of the others members, friends and NOT because of you!
I don't know Aryun and I have never heard any "shout" at Jeuno about you, but I'm sure if she did it she has her reason.
So stop whining!

Excuse me - your flame is unnessasary and grossly innappropate. If you take the time to get to know the person you may find out that you may have the same goals in game and may want to work together towards them. In this instance U made the decision sir/madam to attack someone instead. I personally find it rather unnessasary to attack someone in a public thread like this. Have U ever thought of sending this person a /t and telling them why u feel the way U feel? If not then I may suggest sir/madam that U may need to do so. Getting things out in the open in /t is more healthier than starting a flame here and getting negative attention for yourself. As for the shell it's self, ppl don't have to like anyone in this world, granted we all have ppl that we deal with every day that we dont like. Its how U deal with it that matters.There are other LS's out there, no ones holding these ppl against their free will. If they stay in the shell, then theres something that keeps them there. Friendships, loyality, just doing the right thing - can be some of those reasons.
Btw: a person that shouts negativity 9 times out of 10 wont be heard as "actions do speak louder than words." Sir/mam its best that u think about it, and if U have a problem with this person to take it up with that person in /t instead of flaming them. If u have a issue with me for telling U this then send it in /t.

Thank You and Have a Beautiful Day.

Edited, Apr 26th 2007 4:04pm by Spinnerflare
#15 Apr 26 2007 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
Tgmoomba wrote:
I've always recommended BRD (and EchoDragon) alongside FableUnity as good social LSes from the many great things I always hear

Sophus is gonna have your head for that...

Nah, he and I both agree that a lot of people simply can't or won't leave behind their conceptions about what a LS "should be", and so FU isn't right for everyone. We've never claimed our way was the only way; it's just the FU way. For those looking for something different, both BRD and EchoDragon are great alternatives.
#16 Apr 26 2007 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
Well, I can't comment since I couldn't read the walloftext...not to be an *** or anything...WAIT nvm...I kinda meant to be an ***...
#17 Apr 26 2007 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
Okay NOW I read it all...was hard but I got it done.

As has been said before...there are TWO sides to any story. So until I hear of these people talking about you...I can't come to a conclusion =[
#18 Apr 26 2007 at 10:20 PM Rating: Decent
Wow,i havent had much gametime lately its summer time im a dog groomer this is prime working time. Just setup two days out of the wk for my ls for COP. Been doing alot of cramming.

Something i was taught recently from people sending me pm's, /tells ingame, etc.. mainly other leaders sharing there knowledge w/ me has greatly helped me. Ive started to look at things differently.

The flame above is expected. Im used to it, as are many leaders. But that bounces right off of me b/c what i do for my shell, my goal for my shell is to keep people like that out of it. To provide a happy environment for my members. To get the most they can from ffxi enjoying themselves and being around good people who have the same goals as them.

I broke once b/c im only one person i can do only so much. I have to remember this. Not to take on so much by myself. Eventually i will have others w/ the same goals as me to be able to help me.

I fell down, picked myself up and will not let it happen again. Even through all of the negatives there are positives. Those positives that others have helped me see are great accomplishments. A big positive from all that has happened recently is i learned alot. I keep learning everyday.

To the people that dont know me that well who have posted or sent me pm's, and the ones who do know me, I want to say i have much respect for u, ty for talking w/ me and helping me look at the positives.

ps. Lone i tryed my best to not make it a WallOfText for u this time ;p

GoodNight Shiva

Edited, Apr 27th 2007 2:23am by Demcat
#19 Apr 27 2007 at 2:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
In all actuallity I don't see how leading a social ls is all that difficult...end game ls maybe. You said you're starting to move to end game, maybe the events you're starting are getting to you. I would like to know what it is you're doing that's end game. Maybe then you can get advice from people here and not just guides.

But this bothers me. when a game no longer gets fun...and if its even causing you to break down, why not just take a break? Just my advice since if I found myself turning emo over a game then...uhm.
#20 Apr 27 2007 at 7:09 AM Rating: Decent
440 posts
Lonethief wrote:
But this bothers me. when a game no longer gets fun...and if its even causing you to break down, why not just take a break? Just my advice since if I found myself turning emo over a game then...uhm.

It's not always being emo over a game.. The difference between getting upset about a lot of hard time for nothing put in, and just being plain emo, is completely different.

She had originally said that she put a lot of time in game and out, to try and make it better for herself and her LS.. In doing this, she overburdened herself, and felt like she did all of the work.

That's natural for many leaders starting end game stuff.. Ranging from doing CoP and ZM missions, to start even taking on the smaller HNM's (read: Serket, Simurgh, ect). After that follows sky, sea, Kings (if they ever will go that far), ect.. And believe me, even setting up ZM can be a pain..

Being emo on the other hand.. That's more of, "Oh my Gawd, everyone dislikes me, no one will help me, and I'm not doing anything myself."

Totally different, lol.
#21 Apr 27 2007 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
358 posts
people also have to stop giving credit to sock account, you go minitaru with your impressive 1 count post...
#22 Apr 27 2007 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
all I have to say is nice new hiadate and shura body baby.
#23 Apr 27 2007 at 6:52 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
In all actuallity I don't see how leading a social ls is all that difficult...end game ls maybe

For what it's worth...if it were that easy, everyone would be doing it. Anyone can make a linkshell. Not everyone can make it last.
#24 Apr 27 2007 at 7:48 PM Rating: Good
43 posts
For what it's worth...if it were that easy, everyone would be doing it. Anyone can make a linkshell. Not everyone can make it last.

U are absoultely right Sophus.
#25 Apr 28 2007 at 9:41 AM Rating: Excellent
440 posts
SophusTehNewb wrote:
In all actuallity I don't see how leading a social ls is all that difficult...end game ls maybe

For what it's worth...if it were that easy, everyone would be doing it. Anyone can make a linkshell. Not everyone can make it last.

Very much indeed..

Sophus' idea of a LS inspired me since I first heard of it..

I had just left Avatar (Sanoshin's LS) as one of his top 2 co-leaders, due to a situation of false accusations he did to me.. I helped build the LS and all, helped run it, too.

I was in Buburimu Peninsula hanging out, looking to get Onzozo map.. Sophus was fishing, and had seen me before, and asked if I wanted a new, fresh start.. I explained my situation, and he explained the LS.

Upon putting the pearl on, I was almost instantly greeted with FU's from all, and it was a nice feeling to be welcomed.

After a few months of being in the LS, I found my welcomes more.. How to say.. Sincere, like people were actually happy to see me on, which I'd assume it was true. :P

I'm now a sackholder in FU, and I spout off the ideas to everyone, including my friends.. Not to promote the LS, but because I actually put my belief in them..

A game is always a game, indeed, but you need a group you enjoy to make the best of it.. I help fellow members (read: members, no one is below me, not even as a sack) every day I'm on. I don't do this to get help.. Hell, I barely ever even ask for help..

Sure, this is a life story, but though Sophus doesn't consider himself THE leader, his thoughts went into the shell, and the community of it, itself.

Many people will give up on the first big disrupts, but true leaders can rebuild from it, and ask for help in doing so, that way all feel welcome..

So, in that case, it takes a trust worthy, hard working person to do this. Which many can be trusted, but most do not put forth the hard work themselves..

So I think that statement was false about leading a social shell.. I'd say it is VERY difficult..

PS: Sophus, don't get big-headed.. I shall still put you in a retirement home yet..

#26 Jun 12 2007 at 11:29 AM Rating: Default
oops, i heard she quit ffxi
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