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the Purrrrfectangel most dont know...Follow

#27 Nov 08 2007 at 3:51 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
WoW - drama drama drama. My god why can't ppl just play the game! This thread is almost Jerry Springer like minus Steve. And why take this Public, because your angry? To be fair I'd be angry too if some man/woman screwed around with my emotions also. But when did this happen? And what year is it Now? If U want to expose ppl call Cheaters or your local Newsstation. Granted U wont get the 10o clock prime time slot.
Anger doesnt solve anything, and doesnt get u where U want to be in life. So just out of respect of everyone, Just put the past behind U and move on.

Trust me the battle of will's isn't always worth fighting.

Edited, Nov 8th 2007 6:13am by Spinnerflare
#28 Nov 08 2007 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
people are attracted to drama.

just the other day i was laughing at a group getting ****** up by despot. needless to say they decided to cry that i was being mean or some ****.

im sorry if i find watching a drk get killed in 2 seconds flat one of the funniest things ive seen. i just find it hilarious.


people need to chill the **** out. play the game. dont **** others around where you dont have to.
#29 Nov 11 2007 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
I don't understand why people are giving this Sammy guy a problem. Seems he is doing a public favor by letting everyone know this liar is going around trying to get free gear. What I don't get is how this Purrrfect dude still has friends on the game. Seems what he did is pretty lame to me.
#30 Nov 11 2007 at 5:23 PM Rating: Good
398 posts
Some people are on him because he dragged up an event from 2+ years ago just because he was mad he didnt get accepted into an LS. If he was "outing" Purr for the good of the server then he would have done it a long time ago. This is just Sam throwing a tantrum.

Some people are on him because they have heard stories from other people about the person Sam has become over the years - someone more concerned about gear than anything else, even friendships that were years old.

Some people are on him because they feel like he attacked a group of their friends, whether it be Purr or HfA.

Regardless, the whole thread should have never come to light. Hope that answers your question.
#31 Nov 11 2007 at 7:55 PM Rating: Default
292 posts
I'm still your friend Alek, don't worry, even though I left DVS, went to Zen and jumped to Midgard, I still got your back....unless you've changed too... =(
#32 Nov 12 2007 at 1:31 AM Rating: Good
43 posts
Regardless, the whole thread should have never come to light. Hope that answers your question.

I totally agree with this statement.

As far as this thread goes - it should of never existed. The reason why is that people's lives should remain what it is, Private. If they decide to broadcast their dirty laundry - henceforth in this case a 2 yr old grudge match, then the person who broadcasts it will, in the eyes of the many, look like a person with a axe to grind.

I personally believe that all people can change, people do make mistakes, and people have done things that doesnt always curry favor but try to make amends. Trust me I've done things that haven't always curry favor amongst my peers but I also try to make amends for it as well. Its how we as human beings handle things that makes all the difference.

I sincerly hope that all parties involved in this can, in the end, drop this, shake hands, and move on to bigger and better things.

Also I hope that one day that all parties affected by this can work together to achieve a common goal.

Edited, Nov 12th 2007 3:38am by Spinnerflare
#33 Nov 12 2007 at 4:22 AM Rating: Good
There's a couple of things to address in this post. First is a man pretending to be a woman in the game to get gear. Try being an actual woman playing that game, thanks to idiots like him, women aren't taken seriously. We get called whores because of that kind of crap. Second is if you didn't get into that shell then maybe move on and don't post about it on a public forum.
#34 Nov 12 2007 at 4:33 AM Rating: Default
31 posts
some people are missin the whole reason for this post , which i stated above, but ill say it again. I knew the history of purr and knew he was in HFA and i still put in a app, then purr posted lies on my app that he said happen 2 years ago. 1 of the lias like i said above was that i kickd him out of DVS for being gay. clearly in the SS you can see that he left on his own. No i dont want people thinking iam a gay hater or some crap, and havieng HFA forums lockd to memebrs only this was posted here to point out that he once again is lieing to its verry own LS and the people that he is leading. sure people can change, but over 2 years purr hasent, still lieing.

Alek ya need to get over ya self man, i still get /tells from people who tell me that you blame me for DVL for crashing, poor fella. Most LS carry on when it hads good leadership, i guess you dident have what it takes.
#35 Nov 12 2007 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
398 posts
Should have resisted that temptation...

Edited, Nov 13th 2007 7:58am by LacysDad
#36 Nov 12 2007 at 4:29 PM Rating: Default
31 posts
hah this is really funny will take me a lil bit to find all the SS of the chat logs but i gotem, but ill give a quick rundown of ya.

ok first off

When Miriel disappeared, you were one of the 1st to bail to YC while me and some other core leaders stayed to rebuild.

i went to YC when miriel was still running the LS he was there when i left and there when i came back. and b/c of the lack of doing nothing is the reason i left, @ the time DVS was doing nothing, and me leaveing gave the LS a wakeup call, miriel told me that his self. gone for a week and i was back.

now about this hordeing of gear in dynamis, during my time in DVS i got umm, 3 pieces of gear in umm, 2 years? in a 4 month span you took the dynamis system and screwd it all up , and dispite my efforts to try and change that , it just dident happen. in /tell i was talking to you about this problem and i have the SS someware to back it up, but i made 1 final attempt to change your mind on the system you put in place, a system you woulent let us vote on. and you wouldent budge on the topic, I made a request to join a differnt dynamis shell , knowing that the current rules were "only DVS dynamis if your in DVS" i still made the request, i was told CI only "CI being the shell for DVS dynamis" i then took it to the LS chat, made the same request in LS chat, was told again CI only, i then requested for my pearl to be broken. sat there for 10min waiting for it to break, then ended up droping it.

i never sent you a tell after the LS broke, but its ok if ya want to think i did.

but yet again, i have to say if you were half the leader mirile was you wouldent have members leaveing in the first place, and the shell you were leading wouldent have folded.

Oh and the comment about
After that you worked tirelessly the next 3-4 months to spread lies about members of the Council

When people snd me /tells asking why i left the shell and why you blame me for so much i tell them allthe same thing. pretty much what i said above. I also tell them about the meeting Me Alek Jae and Miriel had in a private PT chat, About Jern, i tell them all the same thing that we all agreed that jern had stole about 30mill of the shell's gill @ the time he was running the bank, but with the lack of solid proff we did nothing about it. and that miriel askd me to take ofer the bank and clean it up which i did.

take that pack of gear-whores of yours and find another server

gimmie a list of names and ill see what i can do for ya.

btw alek i dont hate you, not 1 bit, but ya really need to get over it, and move on with ya life, i truly am sorry that your shell dident work out for you, but i guess thats how the cookie crumbles, maybe some day you will come to understand all this, but meh.

on a side note ya could made a new thread for all that, this is a topic for purrrfectangel hah
#37 Nov 12 2007 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
398 posts
Your memory is quite flawed or more likely just skewed to your own ends.

I told myself not to get dragged into this thread but I did anyway. Shame on me. Should not have sunk to your level.
#38 Nov 13 2007 at 3:45 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
sammmmmyyy wrote:
some people are missin the whole reason for this post , which i stated above, but ill say it again. I knew the history of purr and knew he was in HFA and i still put in a app, then purr posted lies on my app that he said happen 2 years ago. 1 of the lias like i said above was that i kickd him out of DVS for being gay. clearly in the SS you can see that he left on his own. No i dont want people thinking iam a gay hater or some crap, and havieng HFA forums lockd to memebrs only this was posted here to point out that he once again is lieing to its verry own LS and the people that he is leading. sure people can change, but over 2 years purr hasent, still lieing.

The reason why HFA has its forums locked to the general public is to pervent drama posts like this. Same reason why I have Darkcakes forums also locked from the general public as well. Its not that we as people are missing the point, it's the point of that after 2 years and that U were not accepted into HFA U decided that U have a axe to grind with Purrrrfectangel. Personally I think U need to stop and reflect on why U are doing this. Is it because U have that axe to grind after 2 years? Or is it based on some alternate motive?

I personally share the same sentament with Cadoine as far as being female and being taken seriously in this game. What happened 2 years ago should be long buried and forgottten. So U didnt get into HFA, ok. There are other endgame LS's out there - and from what I have seen Sammmmmy U have already started your own endgame LS. So my ? to U is this If U have started your own endgame LS then why harp on the past?

Ill quote from Sophus
Learn to put the past aside

Build your own LS, to the way that U want it to be. Then If U dont like something then U can change it.

As for attacking other ppl on this post - hasnt enough damage been done here?
Come on - let the past be the past.

#39 Nov 13 2007 at 4:30 AM Rating: Default
31 posts
Personally I think U need to stop and reflect on why U are doing this. Is it because U have that axe to grind after 2 years? Or is it based on some alternate motive?

did you take the time to read the whole thread or just skim over it, do you understand that i knew that purr was in HFA when i posted the app? and that what whappen in the pas i had put behind me. Do you understand that purr posted on my app stating that i kick him out of DLV and my reason for kicking him was b/c he is Gay ? The whole reason for the thread was to state the truth, which i said multi times.

Ya put a quote about puting the past aside, iam trying to see where that fits into the present, with people asking me on the server after my app got denied, why i kickd purr, do you really hate gay's , and got comments like , omg i never knew you to be like that. when people send me comments like that i felt the need to post the truth of that Purr LEFT the shell and i did not kick him for being Gay.

Do you understand that now? Do you understand that Purr once lied to his LS for about 6 months? and now in the present he is a leader of HFA and is lieing once again, lieing to the people he should be leading, Do you understand that or just looking past all that b/c a post was made about it?
#40 Nov 13 2007 at 9:03 AM Rating: Default
Uh, eewwie. Purrrfectangel's a Dude!?

honestly, i know this isn't for that, but ewwwie

How could you do that to someone? Pretending to be a chick in game just to make free gil and get items? And in-game date? Art must feel so betrayed. He trusts someone like that, and it's a lie. Honestly, this is just a game, but it's a social game, that includes social networkingg. I have friends who've met girlfriends and good friends on this game.

My stomach is turning over this. I think this person is a new addition to my black list with I get home.
#41 Nov 13 2007 at 5:41 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
with people asking me on the server after my app got denied, why i kickd purr, do you really hate gay's , and got comments like , omg i never knew you to be like that. when people send me comments like that i felt the need to post the truth of that Purr LEFT the shell and i did not kick him for being Gay.

Do you understand that now?

I once had something very similar happen to me. And though it is discouraging to have friends ask "did you really..." at least it tells you who your true friends are. The ones who never really knew you, ask.
#42 Nov 13 2007 at 6:36 PM Rating: Excellent
1,255 posts
Just because I like to butt my head :D ...

but yet again, i have to say if you were half the leader mirile was you wouldent have members leaveing in the first place, and the shell you were leading wouldent have folded.

A true leader isn't defined by their ability to make people stay. It's made by their ability to empower others. I could pay everyone on the server 1 million gil a day to join a linkshell. They would do it, too! Does that make me a good leader? After all, I got everyone on the server to join a linkshell and make them stay!

...of course it doesn't. I just have something that everyone else wants, and they're only there to take advantage of it. That's been the downfall to not only many linkshells, but many organizations as well. They advertise "join us and we will do ____ for you." But once whatever you were doing is are your new members. They hop ship to the nearest "Free Cookies" sign.

If there is one thing I know about Alek, it's that he's never offered to give anyone anything. But he's always been there to support you when you decide to do it for yourself. In my opinion, that's always better than having it handed to you. Yes, it means more work...but it's also more rewarding. When it's all said and done,you were responsible for getting the item--not him.

Heaven knows Alek doesn't need a n00bish player from Bastok coming to his aide, so that's not why I'm saying this. I'm saying this because people spend too much time asking "What can <insert random linkshell> do for me," and not enough time asking "What do I have to offer them?"

Like I said before, doing things takes work. And when it comes to creating and running an end-game linkshell, making people show up to events, keeping track of points, running chat servers...web pages....heck, making people get along! That's more work than most of us are willing to put in for anything (especially a dumb game). It's our $12.95, we'd rather enjoy it!

But Alek...he chose to do it. He didn't have to be there for all of those years helping people get the items they wanted, doing dynamis runs, settling disputes. He had nothing to gain by keeping an entire linkshell running after its leader quit, simply to help others succeed. So agree with him or not, at least appreciate what he did. When people wanted to do end-game full time, he empowered them, helping them to get the things they wanted. And when those same people no longer wanted to do the end-game thing full time, he broke it, but stayed there to continue empowering them get the things they wanted.

Sammm, if you did start your own end-game linkshell, I wish you the best of luck. But if you want to keep from pulling your hair out, it would be best to learn to empower your members...not do things for them. People love having "leaders" who always do things for them. But they respect, and thus learn to follow those who help them succeed.
#43 Nov 13 2007 at 10:36 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
sammmmmyyy wrote:
Personally I think U need to stop and reflect on why U are doing this. Is it because U have that axe to grind after 2 years? Or is it based on some alternate motive?

did you take the time to read the whole thread or just skim over it, do you understand that i knew that purr was in HFA when i posted the app? and that what whappen in the pas i had put behind me. Do you understand that purr posted on my app stating that i kick him out of DLV and my reason for kicking him was b/c he is Gay ? The whole reason for the thread was to state the truth, which i said multi times.

Ya put a quote about puting the past aside, iam trying to see where that fits into the present, with people asking me on the server after my app got denied, why i kickd purr, do you really hate gay's , and got comments like , omg i never knew you to be like that. when people send me comments like that i felt the need to post the truth of that Purr LEFT the shell and i did not kick him for being Gay.

Do you understand that now? Do you understand that Purr once lied to his LS for about 6 months? and now in the present he is a leader of HFA and is lieing once again, lieing to the people he should be leading, Do you understand that or just looking past all that b/c a post was made about it?

Sammy I sure did read the posts, and I mean all of them, but U have to understand several things. One of them is the past is the past. If everyone believed every little thing ppl said In life, then life its self would be the exact copy of the Jerry Springer show. For U to post this after HFA denied U is showing people that U still have a grudge. And then for U to attack other people that is not releated to this thread is also showing the same thing. Now I think a lot of ppl here do understand what U are saying but its a Incident that took place 2 years ago. People do change.

Can everyone just get along its just a game.
#44 Nov 14 2007 at 4:34 AM Rating: Default
31 posts
sammmmmyyy wrote:
Personally I think U need to stop and reflect on why U are doing this. Is it because U have that axe to grind after 2 years? Or is it based on some alternate motive?

did you take the time to read the whole thread or just skim over it, do you understand that i knew that purr was in HFA when i posted the app? and that what whappen in the pas i had put behind me. Do you understand that purr posted on my app stating that i kick him out of DLV and my reason for kicking him was b/c he is Gay ? The whole reason for the thread was to state the truth, which i said multi times.

Ya put a quote about puting the past aside, iam trying to see where that fits into the present, with people asking me on the server after my app got denied, why i kickd purr, do you really hate gay's , and got comments like , omg i never knew you to be like that. when people send me comments like that i felt the need to post the truth of that Purr LEFT the shell and i did not kick him for being Gay.

Do you understand that now? Do you understand that Purr once lied to his LS for about 6 months? and now in the present he is a leader of HFA and is lieing once again, lieing to the people he should be leading, Do you understand that or just looking past all that b/c a post was made about it?

Sammy I sure did read the posts, and I mean all of them, but U have to understand several things. One of them is the past is the past. If everyone believed every little thing ppl said In life, then life its self would be the exact copy of the Jerry Springer show. For U to post this after HFA denied U is showing people that U still have a grudge. And then for U to attack other people that is not releated to this thread is also showing the same thing. Now I think a lot of ppl here do understand what U are saying but its a Incident that took place 2 years ago. People do change.

Can everyone just get along its just a game.

For me to attack people not related to this thread, i only responded to people posting in this thread, and i belives i said that what was posted dident belong on this thread, secondly you seam to only want to look @ this as a incident that happen 2 years ago, and i honstly dont think you are seeing the whole reason for this to be posted, are you really that thickheaded? i mean really if i still hated purrr do you really think i would post a app so he could be 1 of my leaders? would i really want to join a shell that he was in? seems kinda *** backwards imo, hell maybe you think what happen is ok, and thats why you think this thread was made as a attack and not as a attemt to put the truth out there for the people to read.

HFA let like 300 people into there shell 90% of which i dont know i seriously doubt that they all know me enuff to think what purr said was a lie, and belived him b/c he is a 1 of the few leaders of that shell. haveing a Leader of so many lie on a ligit app is worng, and i guess in your eyes leting them know that 1 of there leaders is stearing them in the worng direction is ok.....
#45 Nov 14 2007 at 5:40 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Sammy, the attack i refer to is the one that U stated about Jern.
U seem to think that I dont care, nor that I am not listening to U. However Its a 2 yr old problem that I really think U need clousure with. My direct point to u is this - so what U didnt get into HFA, there is other Endgame LS's out there like Final Revlution, LPK, Praxis,and Resurection to name a few. And if u didnt like one of the leaders in the shell that U applied for or had have negative history with then why would U want to be in that LS in the first place? Its almost like U ARE holding a grudge because of a majority vote issue didnt get U into HFA.If I had a Dollar for everytime I have seen on LS forums, of ppl being denied, I'd be rich.

People are denied every day in every endgame LS for whatever the reason.(this is fact) However its time to move on and let this flame die! I wish U luck with your own LS.
And with that I bid u beautiful day
#46 Nov 14 2007 at 11:41 AM Rating: Default
oh whoops. I'm on siren. Shiva and siren look so similar. I won't be blacklisting purrfectangel (there's a purrrfect angel on Siren also.)

Still this is some f'd up **** right here.

*backs out of the room slowly*
#47 Nov 14 2007 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Sammy, the attack i refer to is the one that U stated about Jern.
U seem to think that I dont care, nor that I am not listening to U. However Its a 2 yr old problem that I really think U need clousure with. My direct point to u is this - so what U didnt get into HFA, there is other Endgame LS's out there like Final Revlution, LPK, Praxis,and Resurection to name a few. And if u didnt like one of the leaders in the shell that U applied for or had have negative history with then why would U want to be in that LS in the first place? Its almost like U ARE holding a grudge because of a majority vote issue didnt get U into HFA.If I had a Dollar for everytime I have seen on LS forums, of ppl being denied, I'd be rich.

People are denied every day in every endgame LS for whatever the reason.(this is fact) However its time to move on and let this flame die! I wish U luck with your own LS.
And with that I bid u beautiful day

the coment wasent a attack @ jern, it wasent even directed @ jern, posting a fact about a event that happen between a few people is in no way a attack.
secondly, you missing the whole thing about that i dont have any feeling towards purrr , i dont hate him , i dont know how many time you want to to say that, there is no event that happen 2 years ago that i need clousure with, do you understand that? the whole point of the post was to show every 1 who belived purr that there was a problem between me and him. You get that? I never kickd him for being Gay. i bolded it for ya. purr says a event happen that never happen, how can i put clousure to a event that never happen ?
#48 Nov 14 2007 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
I believe the point of this post for those of you dont seem to get it isnt the fact that he was denied from hfa its the fact that someone (purr) voted no and postined his reason for voting no on the app which was "because sam kicked him out of dlv because he was gay" whether thats true or not i cant say as it dont see anything on the app but that doesnt mean the post couldnt have been deleted or edited... anyway since sam couldnt post his response to the "lie" at the hfa boards he posted it here with screenshots of purr stating the exact reason he LEFT DLV thus proving that statement purr supposedly made on his app about him being kicked out for being gay to be a lie..

so apparently the point of this post wasnt the fact that he got denied and mad the point was the reason for his denial to the ls was a lie and he wanted to prove it.

Though there still the question of why you bothered to bring up the thing with purr and art that happened 2 or so years ago which is completely irrelavent to you proving that you didnt kick him from DVS for being gay.
#49 Nov 15 2007 at 1:44 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
pretty much what i said above. I also tell them about the meeting Me Alek Jae and Miriel had in a private PT chat, About Jern, i tell them all the same thing that we all agreed that jern had stole about 30mill of the shell's gill @ the time he was running the bank, but with the lack of solid proff we did nothing about it. and that miriel askd me to take ofer the bank and clean it up which i did.

Do U remember this comment? Because it sure came from U!!!

Now I understand U DO have a axe to grind and anything that anyone tells u to encourage positive constructive critisim to get over what happened isnt going to sink in. Get over it and move on. Get over it, you were denied into HFA, Big deal, like I said there are other Endgame LS's out there. And again I will state this to U Why would U want to be in a LS that U dislike one of the leaders? I personally dont see why U would want to be in a LS that a possiable interraction with a leader that U do not like that could cause conflict in the LS. But why is this such a big deal to U that U would want to put ppl out on Front Street for everyone on a public forum to see? Is it basically because U want to Butt heads with other LS leaders from other LS's? Is it that U want to prove a point about a Old Drama that should die off? Or is it that U want Attention - rather if it was positive or negative? I think U should LET IT GO and I sincerly hope that U can move on. Just play the game.

Have a beautiful day - and JUST PLAY THE DAMN GAME
#50 Nov 15 2007 at 4:35 AM Rating: Default
31 posts
pretty much what i said above. I also tell them about the meeting Me Alek Jae and Miriel had in a private PT chat, About Jern, i tell them all the same thing that we all agreed that jern had stole about 30mill of the shell's gill @ the time he was running the bank, but with the lack of solid proff we did nothing about it. and that miriel askd me to take ofer the bank and clean it up which i did.

Do U remember this comment? Because it sure came from U!!!

ok and ?

And again I will state this to U Why would U want to be in a LS that U dislike one of the leaders?

I said i had no problem with purr, dont you read ?

But why is this such a big deal to U that U would want to put ppl out on Front Street for everyone on a public forum to see?

Again dont you read before you reply ? i said in above post.

Is it basically because U want to Butt heads with other LS leaders from other LS's? Is it that U want to prove a point about a Old Drama that should die off?

Yet again pointless comment, was stated above inanother post why the thread was made.

Dont you have anything better to do? you keep talking in circles saying the samething over and over and i keep pointing out the same thing over and over for you... What do you want? seriously tho you have made liek the same post 4 times, wanting to know the same thing, and i answerd you every time, with the same answers...

I think U should LET IT GO and I sincerly hope that U can move on

I dont hate purr then and i dont hate him now, its silly to hate some 1 over a game, however if some 1 is goint to post on this thread ill answer there questions, you seem to have many, so feel free to ask away.

Though there still the question of why you bothered to bring up the thing with purr and art that happened 2 or so years ago which is completely irrelavent to you proving that you didnt kick him from DVS for being gay.

the whole convo where he states that he left for his reasons was in the SS that i posted, and for peole to understand that SS i had to tell the story of that happen during the 6months that lead up to him leaveing the shell.

Also i think 3 of the HFA leaders responded to this, none of them denied that purr dident say that on my app, the app are hidden from people not in the LS untill the vote os over, they then delete all replys to the thread and slap it up in the public section.
#51 Nov 15 2007 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,342 posts
Spinnerflare wrote:
What happened 2 years ago should be long buried and forgottten. So U didnt get into HFA, ok. So my ? to U is this If U have started your own endgame LS then why harp on the past?

My 2 cents as a 3rd party observer:

All that "Forgive and forget" stuff is the biggest crock of BS. One should forgive if the situation calls for it and forgivness is asked to be given, but NEVER forget. The moment you "forget" about misdeads is the same time someone else pulls that same crap on you again. I have forgiven quite a bit of things in my life, but I am not going to forget any of them.

If someone murders your sister 2 years ago are you gonna say, "What happened 2 years ago should be long buried and forgottten"? Now are these two situations the same? No, but a when an individual is wronged, they have the right to confront thier accuser(s).

In this case, it sounds as if Sammy feels that Purr has besmirched his name and would like to set the record(or his view of the record) straight for anyone affected by what Sammy feels purr did/is continueing to do to him/his reputation. Sammy feels that Purr has wronged him. Why should Sammy forgive purr? Is Purr asking for forgivness? It doesnt sound like it. It sounds like the complete opposite. Even if Purr is trying to stay out of the situation as much as possible to aviod drama hitting him and his LS. By not responding (at least to Sammy in a more private means)you are allowing more dirt to be thrown up then needed. The drama is already here if you ignore it or not, confronting issues such as these in a polite and propper manner are usually the easiest and safest way to deal with and avoid a lot of the drama.

My advise,
Sammy: If you play with dirt, you get dirty. Even if you feel the dirt is someone elses, you still get dirty. I usually find the best way to stay clean is avoid the dirt. A super public forum such as this is probably not the best way to handle these things, but looking at your options it does seem like the only viable way. However, there comes a time when every person needs to stand for what they beleive is right. If this is that time for you, then push forward full steam ahead. If not, then do whatever you need to do to walk away with your head held high.

Purr: While I was in a LS with you, you were nothing but nice to me and will always have my respect for that. Having said that, it sounds as though Sammy feels that you have wronged him in a horrible way. Empathy is one of the most useful tools a person can have in life IMO. The ability to place yourself in Sammy's shoes and see how he feels, can at least rectify some of the ill feelings in this situation. A simple "I'm sorry man" could solve alot of things here it sounds like. Even if you feel you are not in the wrong.

Edit: All of this is assuming that 1 or both of the parties even wants to at least come to any sort of settlement here. If the goal is to just throw dirt, then by all means throw away.

Edited, Nov 15th 2007 2:08pm by spcwill
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