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Absolutely Screwed with MoneyFollow

#1 Oct 22 2006 at 5:08 AM Rating: Decent
I'm a level 31 mage, with tailoring 133 and enchanting 115. I currently have four... SILVER! Seriously! It costs so much for new spells, and I don't know how to make money with my professions! I could probably sell Spidersilk Boots, but I'm short on Iridescent Pearls and Spider Silk! Where do I get these?? Also, what enchantments sell really well at my level? I have Minor Beastslayer, but Greater Magic Essences are b****s to find!
#2 Oct 22 2006 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
You´re screwed... Stop gaining skills on Enchanting and Tailoring, NEVER MORE disenchant greens or better until you have mount >:( I´d say go grind Deadmines till you have enough money for class skills and some extra <3. Can´t help with that money-making with professions since never been either one that high.
#3 Oct 22 2006 at 9:47 AM Rating: Excellent
I would recommend, given that you already have professions, to run low-level instances (as far as you can go), and d/e whatever you can. Sell the majority of the mats. For tailoring, I'd recommend looking at the list of items you can make, and see what sells well on the AH- as well as how frequently. Try to harvest your own mats, and see if the mats for these sellable items might net you more as mats (i.e., see if the mats combined are worth more than the created goods). You can also use the Search feature on the left side of this page to find items and relative prices. (For example, by typing in Spider's Silk and pressing enter you can get to this page).

Also, check the link in my sig for other possible moneymaking options.

Edited, Oct 22nd 2006 at 10:50am PDT by Wondroustremor
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#4 Oct 22 2006 at 10:01 AM Rating: Excellent
30 posts
Use your tailoring to fund your enchanting by creating blues and greens, and disenchanting them. You get the skill ups in tailoring and the supplies for your enchanting.

MOST GUIDES have you make commons that require the least components. Problem for you is that these items (until they start making mageweave) cannot be disenchanted These were NOT written for ench/tailors, don't follow them, only use them as a "general" idea of what to do.

Check disenchant histories to make what you are short on (some have a higher percentage to make essences)

DONT make things that need odd items (pearls etc.) save those ingredients for your ench requests.

If you get to a tradeskill lvl that you can't obtain the items to continue any further crafting (mageweave for example), perhaps its best to hold off on your tradeskills till you lvl up some or you have excess money to invest in the AH. When you do invest, keep the above in mind to maximize every copper piece you spend. Also try to limit the money spent in AH. Use the Bidding system (not buyout) if you do, and keep an eye out for people using the /trade channel to sell wool / silk etc.. typically they beat the AH bid/buyout prices.

Adventure to your tradeskill needs. Why do another boring run through DM getting linen when linen recipes are gray and the mobs are green? Start hitting places (like stockade) to get wool and better XP. Quit trying to farm that defias armor for money. If you go to stockade, you get sellable / Disenchantable items there AND tailoring supplies, therefore you aren't buying it (wool) in AH.

Saving one extra wool or silk on a recipe that makes a common and not a rare / unique will save you the few silver on the tailoring, but is costing you money on enchant supplies (not making things to disenchant).

Additionally, some items (pants for example) tend to yield more dust, than simpler recipes. but which is better?
Wool gloves with 2 wool - yield 1-2 dusts on average
or Wool pants with 4 wool - Yields 4-5 dusts average
The pants are better of course!
** these are purely for example, and not actual from ingame recipes **

Spend the wool, make the dusts...... UNLESS......
unless your tailoring is falling way behind your enchanting and you need the tailoring skill points MORE than you need the enchanting supplies / skillups.... (keep in mind this will affect your pool of ingredients for enchanting requests).

Do your best to keep your Enchanting and Tailoring Skill levels relatively balanced. It will save you time, frustration, and more inportantly MONEY.

Finally... After a night of instances and XP grinding, and you have items you won't use but you don't know what to do with.
[*]If you are doing alright on enchanting supplies:
Sell the commons to vendor / AH
Sell blue/green armor in AH (you will have enough dusts from your tailoring already)
Disenchant the blue/green weapons, you typically will need their DE results for your enchanting more since you cant tailor weapons ;) )
[*]If your enchanting is falling way behind:
Disenchant all your unwanted green / blue loots, sell the rest to vendor / AH
Other notes. (more for making money)
Check Auction House.

If there aren't any of an item and you know it's decent (say decent int at low lvl) .. Craft one as a test run and see if it sells, then 2 if it does. If it does, and doesn't require a lot of rare drop supplies to make, perhaps you can make a little extra money there.
You can try going out over /trade "Making VERY cheap lowbie caster twink armor at request, for example <link>". And see if you get a bite. You might get several.. just don't keep spamming. Once every 5 to 10 minutes is enough.

If there are a lot of an item at the AH, then see who is selling it. If its from a lot of various people, then the market is saturated, move on.
If they are all typically from one person, there are 2 reaons for it:
A) Someone knows a money maker that you aren't aware of (is it a quest item?)
B) Someone is selling all their skill-up items since they can't DE and don't want to take the hit on vendor buy-back prices.

Typically speaking though, don't bother making more to flood the market even worse.

Davinitis - 34 Mage
Anvilmar - Alliance
225 Tailor / Enchanter / Cook / First Aid / Fisherman

If something in this post doesn't make sense, or you just flat out disagree with me, too bad.. it's not my fault. I've been been snorting a little too much vision dust lately.
#5 Oct 22 2006 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
I make all my money with a little addon that helps keep me up to date with how much things go for in Auction houses. Try downloading AUCTIONEER and ENCHANTRIX. These two addons are powerful money makers. All you have to do is scan the market once a day for 3 days and then let it scan once a week. The scans take anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes, but the information you recieve is AWESOME
#6 Oct 26 2006 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
If you're lucky you'll get some rare drops. In Duskwood I picked up some Thorbia's Gauntlets which sold for 20g, and in STV I got a Scorpion Sting, which sold for 30g... I'm level 36 and can afford my training (already bought my mount for the heck of it). I don't want to make you feel bad though. I recommend AH resale with the auctioneer add on. I helped me out a lot. Also, if you only have four silver, you're obviously spending a *tiny* bit too much. If you save up, by level 40 you should have at least 20g from questing only (this includes quest mob drops).
#7 Oct 26 2006 at 11:10 PM Rating: Decent
IndependanceDay wrote:
I'm a level 31 mage, with tailoring 133 and enchanting 115. I currently have four... SILVER! Seriously! It costs so much for new spells, and I don't know how to make money with my professions!

That's because those professions are money losers until you get to high level.

Tailoring: Sell the cloth, instead of using it up.
Enchanting: Disenchant stuff and sell the results.

Put your crafting professions on hold until you get your pony. Even afterwards, level with moderation, since you'll want to have some gold around.

also: increase your fishing skill and go fishing - it's like free money!
#8 Oct 28 2006 at 4:51 AM Rating: Decent
228 posts
You probably won't like this but my recommendation is to drop both tailoring and enchanting. Pick up herbalism, and then either mining or skinning. At your lv you can easily run around Westfall. Once you get your Herbs up to loot Briarthorn you are all set you will also get Swiftthistle which sell really well and at a nice price. Download the Gatherer addon from curse gaming and spend you every waking moment lving the new professions. LOOT EVERYTHING and sell it all, cheap if you have to, just don't overload the market.

If this is your only toon, you made a common mistake among newbs. It is very hard to keep your cash flow up in the early going if you take to finishing professions. I highly recommend waiting until you get close to 50 before you swith back to a finishing profession. If you really like the 2 you have now, at that lv you can solo the Deadmines and get all the low lv mats and get back to where you are now in probably 2 runs.
#9 Oct 29 2006 at 8:22 AM Rating: Decent
lol, i had it really bad once,

I owed people money (60g about)
I had 7 silver, and all my **** was broken, so i couldnt repair myself, so i couldnt kill stuff. But when i got another loan for a few gold to repair, i lvl'd skinning and tailoring and i was like zoomj.
#10 Oct 29 2006 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
Ouch bad combination, I have tailoring/enchanting on my warlock, although he barely can make any cash at all (guild always tries to donate something to help improve either one of those skills). Well if it's possible t ry making some bags and sell them to AH, or just like someone said before go run DM and disenchant greens there, because that's the only way you can make cash with encanting at early levels to be honest. I suggest dropping them both or either one of them and simlpy switching to two gathering skills professions.
#11 Oct 30 2006 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
Tailoring and enchanting is a great combination (I do this on my main Warlock). Tailoring needs only minimal gathering (mostly farmed components like linen, wool, etc.), so you don't need a gathering skill, and enchanting can disenchant the items you tailor.

Here's the way I do it:

1. Any time you can (there's about 10-20 ranks every now and then as you go up) level your tailoring by making trade goods (e.g. bolts from cloth) until they are grey to you. Just do this every time you have some cloth lying around.

2. Once you reach a level that you can make a green glove item, go farm the materials for it, make the bolts, buy whatever else you need (sell some bolts in the AH if you have to, in order to get seed money) and make about 10 of the highest level green glove item you can. Why gloves? They tend to have very low requirements in terms of goods.

3. Disenchant 8 of them, and sell the disenchanted components and the 2 remaining glove items in the AH.

4. Lather, rinse, repeat.

5. Enjoy the cash, level your skills.

6. NOTE: Every now and then, make and sell some bags. These go very well.

You can use something like enchantrix for the enchanting skill-ups and some cash, but I find it's very uneven. You can lose a lot of gold when you have a bad run on some items you bought, and while you'll come out WAY ahead in the long run, that's only if you don't go broke when the dice are against you.

Farming tips:

Always know what kind of materials you need for your current level of tailoring, and hunt mobs that drop it often.

DO NOT stop tradeskilling until the higher levels, as some have suggested. Trade skilling is a wonderful way to help yourself by providing access to good gear for your level without having to spend a fortune. It also provides you with an income if you do it right.
#12 Oct 30 2006 at 8:56 PM Rating: Decent
Tailoring and Enchanting is a great combination, it just depends on how you use them, or rather, abuse them. For tailoring, instead of selling the greens+ to the vendor, disenchant them and sell the mats on AH for $$ or go to Org/SW and yell like crazy that you are giving them mid-level chants for a very small price or even for free. I did this once in Org, and all these 60's thanked me by giving me like 1-10g a piece and some lower guys gave me 10s-1g. Depends on server though, so don't try unless the server is semi-old i guess.

Greater magic essences are easy to find. Run RFC or WC if your horde or Deadmines (VC <== Van Cleef not DM thats dire maul guys) for greens. I was able to solo deadmines on my horde rogue at about 30ish, but i had pretty good gear after running rfk/rfd/sm like a billion times o_o#... took me forever to get good gear.... well the point im getting across is that if you want money, its not gonna happen if you spend all your money. Go out and earn $$

FISHING FTW! too bad it takes so long to level T_T
#13 Oct 31 2006 at 2:59 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks so much guys. Recently I've taken to farming Ragefire Chasm, and I've discovered that the Strange Dust I get from disenchanting the greens that drop sell pretty well on the AH. Also, the mobs there drop linen cloth, which I can use to make green linen pants, which also disenchant into tons of Strange Dust.
More importantly, I've decided to pay southern Barrens a visit. I heard that the dwarves there drop nice wool and sometimes silk cloth. Pretty cool eh?
*OOT I found this rare dwarf there, some Moral Officer or something. He was standing behind a bar, so I thought he was some kind of alchohol dispenser.
#14 Oct 31 2006 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
IndependanceDay wrote:
I'm a level 31 mage, with tailoring 133 and enchanting 115. I currently have four... SILVER! Seriously! It costs so much for new spells, and I don't know how to make money with my professions! I could probably sell Spidersilk Boots, but I'm short on Iridescent Pearls and Spider Silk! Where do I get these?? Also, what enchantments sell really well at my level? I have Minor Beastslayer, but Greater Magic Essences are b****s to find!

run instances with your guildies and pick up some blues,(or find someone that u can play with,if u have a lvl 60 friend ask him to run through instances with you, should be easy) if they are not soulbounded just sell them in ah for reasonable price, its actually very easy to make money that way
o yeah, let me just say that gathering skills like mining,skinning,herblism can generate tons of money and u will ALWAYS gain money from gathering skills

Edited, Oct 31st 2006 at 6:04pm PST by ggkyo
#15 Nov 01 2006 at 2:00 PM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
I've decided to pay southern Barrens a visit. I heard that the dwarves there drop nice wool and sometimes silk cloth.

Yes they do.

I got a lot of wool from the human farmers and such around the Hillsbrad area last night though I've heard that region can be pretty nasty on a PVP server. I also got wool and silk killing off the Dalarans around Ambermill in Silverpine.
#16 Nov 03 2006 at 6:03 AM Rating: Decent
I have Minor Beastslayer, but Greater Magic Essences are b****s to find!

Just know that Lesser Magic Essences can be 'used' in sets of 3 to create Greater Magic Essences, right? Lower level mats like that are abundant on my server, so I just wanted to make sure you weren't looking explicitly for the greater ones.

Download the Gatherer addon from curse gaming and spend you every waking moment lving the new professions. LOOT EVERYTHING and sell it all, cheap if you have to, just don't overload the market.

Gatherer has been broken since 1.12 and Blizzard does not intend to fix it until TBC.
#17 Nov 03 2006 at 7:05 AM Rating: Decent
228 posts
Didn't know it was broken, what is the issue? Mine loads up fine enough and is still showing previously marked nodes as far as i know. I will check this though to make sure. Thanks for the heads up.

#18 Nov 03 2006 at 7:26 AM Rating: Decent
Manon wrote:
Didn't know it was broken, what is the issue? Mine loads up fine enough and is still showing previously marked nodes as far as i know. I will check this though to make sure. Thanks for the heads up.

Nodes marked before the patch will still show, but I don't think it's marking newly discovered nodes post-patch.
#19 Nov 03 2006 at 11:24 AM Rating: Good
thermalnoise wrote:
Manon wrote:
Didn't know it was broken, what is the issue? Mine loads up fine enough and is still showing previously marked nodes as far as i know. I will check this though to make sure. Thanks for the heads up.

Nodes marked before the patch will still show, but I don't think it's marking newly discovered nodes post-patch.

Actually, the Gatherer website has an updated and fixed (for 1.12) version. From the site's News:

# Islorgris (Admin) wrote:
Version is available, up to date for WoW 1.12.0 patch. WARNING: the archive must be directly extracted in the Interface\Addons folder. ======== * Bug Fix: - forced overlay frame identifier to integer values when computing these dynamically for world map buttons - forced UI options that were meant to be saved as numbers to number in default and changed values. - alternate recording method using tooltips added to workaround 1.12 Blizzard bug not displaying chatline for gathering. * Changes: - removed world map buttons, these are now generated dynamically. * Localization: - french change from "Dark Iron" to "sombrefer" added to list for fixed items (run zone match with fix item checked to apply) DL: Gatherer on sourceforge (curse gaming and UI World of War also updated). NB: simplified chinese won't work, missing some localization for that

I'm using the updated version, and new resources are being marked just fine.

Edited, Nov 3rd 2006 at 11:26am PST by Wondroustremor
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#20 Nov 03 2006 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
thermalnoise wrote:
Manon wrote:
Didn't know it was broken, what is the issue? Mine loads up fine enough and is still showing previously marked nodes as far as i know. I will check this though to make sure. Thanks for the heads up.

Nodes marked before the patch will still show, but I don't think it's marking newly discovered nodes post-patch.

Have you got the latest version, or are you loading it with "Load out-of-date addons"? Go to Norganna's and get the latest Gatherer. It works.
#21 Nov 06 2006 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
171 posts
I know that right now I can sell greater magic essence ( I think magic, THe first one you get that goes along with strange dust) for about 1g a pop. Really good income. I also plan on running SM and gnomer alot. I like gnomer for some reason, other people hate it.

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