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Mining Profit tips?Follow

#1 Feb 01 2005 at 5:52 PM Rating: Decent
Does anyone have any tips to get the most profit out of mining? How to get the most out of your bars and such? Im currently a new miner making decent money, but i would like to maximize my income, if anyone has any tips as in buying/reselling, monopolizing of sorts pls share here.

It would help all miners get there max possible profit. BTW speaking in copper bars, what would the right price be / buyout, and what do yours go for? Also, best way to get more out of selling them?

Anythings welcome :). thx.
#2 Feb 02 2005 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
I suggest that you check the local action house and do a search for Copper Ingots, then set a price to about what they sell for. Mine sold for about 40S yesterday for almost a full stack. But each server is different and supply/demand can change the bidding war a lot.

Edited, Wed Feb 2 09:25:55 2005 by DraigCoch
#3 Feb 06 2005 at 10:41 PM Rating: Decent
86 posts
Personally, I would keep my copper bars and wait until you smelt bronze bars. Bronze moves faster than copper/tin bars in my experiences.
#4 Feb 07 2005 at 11:56 AM Rating: Good
10,755 posts
Find the best ore you can mine, mine the crap out of it, then sell at the AH. You will make moeny. Smiley: grin

Bronze > Copper. Iron is a great money maker, it seems to be hard to find and is the first major roadblock in B-smithing. People get to the skill lvl for iron, but not the lvl needed to travel the areas to mine it.

#5 Feb 07 2005 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
55 posts
I agree with Draig. I save up full stacks, then check AH. But don't only check the AH when you have stuff to put up--pop in just to see from time to time. At 10AM the average price on my server (Darkspear) could be a full 20 silver different from 10PM. And this is copper I'm talking about.

I find that 50s is a rough base--nowadays that number has come down some. Still, you will see a lot of 50s and 45 and such. I find that by setting my price even 1 copper lower (the old 44s 99c is better than 45s trick) I will sell it all. Even on just 8 hour auctions. Still, if it is 11PM when you put your stuff up before logging for night, you might be better off splurging for the 24hr auction.

Also, you asked about monopolizing. There is always the inherent danger that you get stuck with stacks of an item when you try to monopolize. Still, if you have the bank space and can afford to hold the inventory for a while if need be (while prices recover from a slump, say), you can (and should) buy up low-baller's stock to improve your price.

Say most folks are selling stacks of copper bar at high-40's silver. There are, however, a few stacks at 20s, and maybe one stack selling for 39s (I'm talking buyouts--a touch on bid-only items in a bit). I would buy those 20s stacks. By removing the lowballs, you become the best deal, aside from that 39s stack. And so long as you sell your newly acquired stacks at YOUR price, say 44s 99c (hehe), it's the easiest lootin' you ever did. A lone 39s stack is probably not going to ruin your market, so don't waste your money. You may find yourself cash strapped and need to liquidate stock, and if you drop your prices by 10 silver to blow out inventory, you'll take a loss.

Some folk will put bars up with no buyout. This can be annoying, because people will take forever to accept that they have to pay the real price for things, and 24 hours later they find out they couldn't really get a stack of copper bar for 3s 47c. A simply solution to this is to have a friend enter a bidding war with you on those items. Push them up to a price you'd be willing to pay (make sure you bid last--don't stick your helper with a bid on copper when she's a tailor), but that makes them less appealing to the "OMG I'm going to save so much money" crowd. Drive it up to 25s or so, what the hell. Waiting up to 24 hours isn't on most people's list of fun things in a game. Just buying out your bars right now is attractive to people, as long as they couldn't "possibly" get it for 8% of your price.

Now, let it be said that manipulating prices is something that will make some people angry. I haven't ever done it myself, but I can't say I won't ever. I suppose it is a matter of personal choice, but I point it out here in the interest of ... I don't know, call it science.

Happy AH'ing.
#6 Feb 08 2005 at 2:38 AM Rating: Decent
Well, I'm at lvl 47 and have, since I started this game a couple months ago, sold bars in the AH regularly. It kinda makes me sick looking at the prices people put at starting and buyout. I know that when I sell things, I may not be making the most (or even close) to what I can. I find that selling bars for such a cheap price not only helps those few people out, but in the long run it has helped me out. I constantly get things given to me by people because I have the "fairest" prices with my goods. I may not have made the most money, but I am living comfortably and can mine for hours with ease and get whatever amount of mithril/iron or whatever else. I guess I just like getting tells almost everyday about how my price is awesome and thanks for working on keeping the prices down. As you level up, you will see that you will become dependent upon other tradeskills and/or items that are hard to get yourself and you may find yourself on the other end of the money market.

Sorry for running on about this, but this is one thing I do that helps me loads. Goodluck in all you do and remember that the people buying your goods are the same ones that will sell you something at high prices too ;)
#7 Feb 08 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
"Playing" the auction houses can be a lot of fun if you have the time. I have done this a lot with copper.

The best example is what happened with 20 Swiftthistle I went to sell the other day. Never sold any before and the prices were from 2-5 gold which I thought was really high. Two other people had posted. One for 70s and one for 1g50s. I bought the 70s stack and reposted both for 1g30s. Both stacks sold in a few hours. Very rewarding on many levels.
#8 Feb 11 2005 at 5:39 AM Rating: Decent
14 posts
Uhm. maybe my server is just really messed up as far as prices go, but I'm able to set copper auctions for 24 hours with the starting at 50s and buyout at 1g, and I haven't had a stack returned to me yet, they've all been bought for the buyout.

I don't mind reaming other people on copper / bronze prices, Since my rl friends and I can make prety much anything we want, or will be able to once we get the skills a tad higher.
#9 Feb 15 2005 at 4:17 AM Rating: Decent
92 posts
Sell in stacks of 5 or 10. This allows you to charge alittle extra per bar, as people buying bars to craft might not want all 20, maybe just a few.

For example, say copper is 50s for 20 bars. That'd be 2.5s per bar. Sell 4 stacks of 5 for 15s ea, 3s per bar. You get more money, they sell faster, and the buyer doesn't 'waste' money on bars he doesn't need. Everyone wins.

The exceptions are Silver, Gold, Truesilver, and Arcanite. Sell these as SINGLE bars. Stacks of these never sell well. Most recipes only call for only a few (if not one) of these bars, so not many people are interested in stacks of them. Truesilver for the smithing quests is in some demand for stacks, but you'll cut your market in half selling in batches.


Keep track of what gems sell and what ones don't... and how well they sell. Each server is different.

I know I can charge triple the starting bid on Malachite, Tiger's Eye and Jade. But Shadow Gems are less than double the starting bid, with Aquamarines in no demand whatsoever. Therefore they are vendor trash.

The holy grail is the Arcane Crystal, used to make arcanite. Charge major molla for this. Then again, they are extremely rare mine from Rich Thorium veins.


Same as bars, stacks of 5 or 10 sell faster. Still, full stacks sell pretty well, as they are used in consumables as opposed to permanent items. Therefore anything they don't use now they can store in their bank and use later, as opposed to having to resell a partial stack or bars back.

Do NOT just vendor them, they will sell. However, they will not sell at nearly the markup bars do. There's a demand, but the items they make are by no means a necessity. Still, easy money.

Seems Solid Stones are in HUGE demand right now. (Mithril / Truesilver stones), so you can mark those up abit more than the others (about double default bid is a good starting point).

NINJA EDIT*********** Pricing buyouts

Oh, ALWAYS put a buyout. People want their stuff NOW, not tomorrow.

And put the starting bid at half the buyout. Seeing a 15s starting bid (default for 5 bars of mith) for a buyout of 1g makes people leery... thinking they are getting ripped off, maybe just put up a 35s bid and let it ride.

A 50s starting bid and 1g buyout makes people more comfortable with the buyout.

Perhaps even put the starting bid at 80s (80% of buyout), but then you increase your risk of people looking over your stuff for something cheaper. Only put the starting bid close or equal to the buyout on stuff you KNOW will sell (like Iron and Mithril)

Edited, Tue Feb 15 04:26:30 2005 by Neguni
#10 Feb 16 2005 at 10:26 PM Rating: Decent
one thing i like to do is look at the competition before posting my auction. i like selling it for 5s less than the lowest buyout already posted. then i will check back occasionally. if someone posted some lower than mine by lets say 5-10s than i will buyout theirs and post up at my price. Yes this sounds crazy. You are only giving your competition the money they want. But in the end You will make an extra 5 or 10s. This works well for my friend also. I have been caught a couple of time with this. But i would say it is about 95% effective.
#11 Feb 17 2005 at 10:01 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
On my server I've noticed that copper bars go much faster then bronze. But that could be a fluke on my server.

For my server (Dragonblight) the average stack of copper bars goes for roughly 40-50sp. I always make mine a little bit cheaper so im bought out faster. However, if I see a stack going for 35 or under, I buy them out and resell it.

Always check the AH when you get a chance to see if there's anything you can buyout to make a profit. Also, I find (on my server again) that most people will buy full stacks before they buy half stacks.

I have over 60gp just from mining/skinning and playing the market and Im only level 29. Plus I splurged a lot earlier so I have made up to 90gp.
#12 Mar 29 2005 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
Honestly, am I the only one who considers checking the AH for unsmelted ore? If you dont need the level up in mining, sell that ore unsmelted. Ive sold iron ore for 1g 20s per stack and it never lasts 2 hours. meanwhile smelted stacks (twice as much iron) are going for 40s. Check to see if your server AH has any competition at all for raw ore...
#13 Mar 29 2005 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
checking the AH for unsmelted ore?

I have seen that done in other games. I guess it could work here, but have not seen the AH yet. Will look soon as im just starting the mining bit myself. One question and a note. My guess is that those people buying raw ore for those prices are able to sell their wares at a better markup. Also, does skill come into this at all when refining? Does a smitty with low experience get more bars out of the ore or does it remain the same every time? Just wondering..
#14 Mar 29 2005 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
On the Earthen Ring server, pretty much only Iron and Mithril sells. Even Thorium doesn't sell all that well for some reason.

Mithri Bar - 20-30S each
Iron Bar - 10-15S each

That's on the Horde AH, mind you. Alliance or Horde you should always make runs through the Charred Vale. You may get lucky and find Truesilver. I found 4 Mithril Veins and 3 Truesilver Veins in just one run once. Alas I was not of skill for the Truesilver though, lol.

Then I'll make a pass through the Silithid camp in the Shimmering Flats for the 2-3 Mithril Veins that are always there, and there's always an Iron Deposit or two in the basilisk holes.

Badlands usually has a lot of Mithril Veins around Lethlor Ravine where the Scalding Whelps and Charred Guardians are.

Hope I helped, lol.

~Zeeni - 42 Troll Hunter - Earthen Ring

EDIT: For some reason, the AH on my server (Earthen Ring ^^) seems to be very cheap, with most stacks of Copper Bars going for 10-20S max buyout ... ouch.

Edited, Tue Mar 29 20:46:26 2005 by VashElf
#15 Mar 31 2005 at 6:49 AM Rating: Decent
Ive found at my current skill level(127) that going and getting as much copper and tin ore as i can carry and returning to IF has been the best way to make money from mining, and also has helped my skill increase quickly so i could find more ore types to sell in the future.
Ive found that many people in IF need ore or bars quickly, and instead of bidding on ore or spending too much on Buyouts they always need a faster result, so i market them on the Trade channel instead, for a price that is slightly lower than the AH buyouts but more than the bids. Ive had this works well because there are always blacksmiths and engineers who are selling there own items who will need the ore.[/pre]
#16 Apr 05 2005 at 5:33 AM Rating: Decent
I know enchanters need Iron ore for the + nmining skill. 3 ores for the +2 version. So possibly that Iron should be sold in ores instead of bars....

Shootwabbits, lvl 33 dwarf hunter, Stormrage
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