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Paying for EnchantingFollow

#1 Feb 09 2005 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
199 posts
Maybe it's just on my server but do any of you other enchanters have trouble getting people to pay what an enchant is actually worth?

I use a couple of sources to determine how much to charge. The first is where they were nice enough to break down the base price for every enchant. The second is how much the component(s) for a specific enchant runs in my AH.

For example the shard for +5 damage to 2-hand weapons costs 5g on average at the AH and the base price for the enchant listed on the aforementioned site is something like 4.5g. So I tried charging 6g for the enchant and most people just laughed like I was really trying to ream them...I mean it's only a 1g profit. Are we not supposed to make a profit? Even if you get the components through disenchants it is still costing you money since you could've sold that item instead of blowing it up for the component. I guess maybe we're just supposed to take a bath on enchants and pay people for the privelege of enchanting their items. It doesn't help that there are some enchanters out there that will slit their throats to sell enchants. That same +5 enchant I was trying to sell for 6g was allegedly being sold for 3g by another enchanter. That being said there are some reasonable people who will pay what an enchant is worth but there are far more that expect me to slash my prices in half for their sole benefit.

Edited, Wed Feb 9 16:41:30 2005 by CobaltTheGreat
#2 Feb 09 2005 at 5:59 PM Rating: Good
457 posts
Welcome to MMO crafting, man.

Some people are going to be willing to charge less than the cost of materials in order to level up faster. This goes double for sitting around in IF, home of the lag, and offering enchants for sale; there's a definite incentive to get a bunch of sales quickly as opposed to sitting on your bum for hours. This goes -triple- for enchanters who may be trying to convert those shards into cash, especially with as much of a pain in the butt using the AH during peak hours is.

(If you've disenchanted items and you've got those shards sitting in inventory, sure, you can -theoretically- say that they're worth [current AH price x # of shards], but in reality there's no way in hell you're going to move them for that price quickly, not without waiting days and spending a portion of that profit on AH deposits.)

That said, the market price is going to be set by the low-cost providers. If there are consistently people in AH offering that weapon enchant for 4g, you're -never- going to move it for 6g, or even 5g. It doesn't matter what the cost of materials on the AH is, and there's certainly no moral wrong in expecting people to match the current market price. If you don't wanna do it, -don't-, save those shards for when nobody is trying to undercut the market, or sell your shards to those guys at market price and laugh about it. But you can't just decide that you're entitled to a 25% markup on a level 200 enchant and complain when you don't get it!
#3 Feb 10 2005 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
In my humble opinion people should be entitled to make a profit of some sort on their trade skills. I have a dwarf miner/engineer and a night elf skinner/leatherworker and have yet to see a profit on anything I make unless it is a custom order for somebody's alt character. But I know that the professions I have chosen really are not great money makers unless I just take the two gathering skills and sell all the materials I gather at the AH instead of using them myself. At the same time though if I am looking for a 1h +2 Beastslaying enchantment I will go with the enchanter selling these for 40s to 50s, and ignore the ones selling for 80s to 1.4g. We all need to go for the bargains when we can.
#4 Feb 10 2005 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
199 posts
"But you can't just decide that you're entitled to a 25% markup on a level 200 enchant and complain when you don't get it!"

That's not the point I was trying to get across at all. Obviously I realize that if someone is selling an enchant at a cheaper price that I'm not going to sell mine if I'm charging more. My complaint is the ignorance of people thinking I'm trying to ***** them over. Just becasue they see someone selling the same enchant for a few gold less than mine doesn't mean I'm trying to rip anyone off. However that seems to be what most people think when I try to turn a profit. Hell if I saw someone charging 3g for the same enchant I'd take it too but I wouldn't scoff at the person trying to sell it for more, I'd just respectfully decline.
#5 Feb 10 2005 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
I agree with that completely. Whenever I have been in that situation where I can buy from one guy for 40s and the other wants 80s I always decline in a respectful way. This goes for anything really in buying/selling, or mining/skinning, or any other dealings with people. Be respectful to them and hopefully they will to you. I did scoff at one enchanter who was very rude to me when I told him no thank you, but that was just because of his attitude. And there are many out there that want things for free, and many who want to charge way more than it is worth. I just try and be myself and treat others in a positive way. I did have one experience where someone wanted to buy 2 bronze tubes. I told him I would make them for him for 3s total(1.5s per). The weak flux each tube requires costs 1s and I didn't think asking for 1s additional for the ore (copper & tin) was unreasonable. He agreed and when I put the tubes in the trade window he only put up 1s. I went ahead and sold them to him and kindly asked him to remember I did him a favor below cost if I needed a small favor. He was trying to sell many that items that night and when I inquired about one item in particular he gave me a price that was at least 10 times what it was worth. I reminded him I had just helped him out and he told me " Well that was your mistake wasn't it?" First person to ever go on my ignore list, but sadly not the last
#6 Feb 13 2005 at 5:09 AM Rating: Decent
1,189 posts
I want to play on your server...

On my server (Durotan), enchantment spams in IF are around 7g for armor and 15g for weapons (I've long since given up trying to save up the money for an enchantment when I can use the money to purchase better gear.)

And on a crafting for profit spectrum... I'd love to make any kind of profit whatsoever with alchemy/herbalism (my main character's professions). So far I haven't seen a single copper from making potions (I end up vendoring the potions I make for skillups to recoup the cost of vials and use the healing potions when I'm soloing).

Edited, Sun Feb 13 05:13:50 2005 by oberonqa
#7 Feb 13 2005 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
Welcome to MMO crafting, man.

Tell me about it lol. In EQ2, I sold Adept 3 scrolls, which were an upgrade to the spells you naturally got. The resources for them wereincredibly rare. So rare, that most people would never even see one haresting their whole toon's life! The resources would run about 8 to 9gp (gold is worth quite a bit more in EQ2 than in WoW) to make a spell upgrade for level 10 to 19 spells, since they were so rare. At the prices that Adept 3s went for, and the strength of them, they were really designed for players level 25-35. I would search high and low to try to find them for 6gp or so, which was hard, and then make them into the spells myself, which was hard and costly to find the recipe for them, and then i would sell them for 9gp, the same price that the raw resource would go for. Not a huge profit considering the work I put into it. And then, people would yell at me saying that the prices were outrageous >< !! It made me incredibly angry (which I realize is stupid, but still) to the point that I wanted to give up crafting in that game, which is really all I did.

And yes, I am not making much money on Alchemy lol. A few copper or a couple silver here and there. I am at the lower levels still, so I dont know if it gets better, but I figure that I should be able to sell some Lesser Mana Potions, and hopefull some other ones. Good luck to all!
#8 Feb 14 2005 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
I just look at it this way.
Choose a skill that I can benefit from.
I doubt I'll ever make money on Enchanting. Honestly its a shame but I'll admit to level my enchanting, I'll just cast the same enchantment on my own gear over and over to raise the skill. An example? Instead of bickering over price, I've enchanted my chest piece for +50 Mana close to 12 times that I can think of. That would be SUCH a nice addition to others but if I offered them out for a cheaper rate, i'm undercutting those trying to make a profit.

My point? Enjoy your tradeskills, just don't expect them to turn coin for you. If they do; great. If they don't? At least your benefiting from them.

>Curses to you 1 Glowing Shard!<
#9 Feb 14 2005 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
Personally, I make a nice profit crafting. My skills are Skinning and Leatherworking.

3 Items have made a nice penny for me at each stage of leatherworking. Those are Embossed Leather Vest, Hillmans Shoulders, and now Green Leather Armor. I make these until they are grey and the Green Leather Armor is by far the best. I can sell them for 75S buyout in the AH on my server (khadgar) and all will sell. The materials are 9 Heavy leathers, 4 fine threads, and 2 green dyes. I am currently hunting in the Wetlands at the Excavation site. The raptors here drop light, medium and heavy armors and hides. I am artisan skinning and get heavy leathers about a third of the time. The eggs are great to sell, same with their fangs. In two hours here I make about 3 gold in vendor loot and able to make another 6-8 green leather armors. That's an additional 6g.
#10 Feb 16 2005 at 8:25 PM Rating: Decent
434 posts
Green leather armor, hmm? I'll have to take a look at it. Right now, I'm trying to sell Gem-studded belts in IF, but people tend to choke on the component cost of those gemstones. :/ (2-3g+ in gems alone, and you can't tell me you get heavy hides regularly ANYWHERE)

I want to know how you made any profit at all on Hillmans Shoulders. They're the primary leveling item at that level and the AH is almost always flooded with them... on my server at least.
#11 Feb 17 2005 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
I regularly get heavy leathers hunting raptors in the excavation site (the blue razormaws are great for them) in the Wetlands, or the raptors around refugee point in the Arathi Highlands.

It wasn't much profit on the hillmans shoudlers because you're right the AH is flooded, but if you set the buyout price no more than 10s they'll usually go. I was selling them in groups of 4 for the cheapest buyout in AH, enter the trade chat and let them know it's the cheapest there and usually they'll sell. Did this until they were green to me and wound up pocketing another 2 gold.

At lvls 20-30 for Alliance Leatherworkers the place to be is IMO the Wetlands. From 20-24 you can hunt the various crocolisks in the marshes. THey will give you tons of medium leathers. Further, you may get lucky like I did and score yourself a Feet of the Lynx off of a croc. Plus there are quests to hunt the crocs here as an added bonus. Also there is a vendor in Saltspray glen that sells leatherworking and tailoring patterns. One of which is to make Red Whelp Gloves which you may run into doing the green warden quests, and which lvl 19 rogues will love to wear.

Once you hit 24 or 25 you'll have no problem with the excavation site. The raptors here are lvls 23-27. There are 3 quests to hunt raptors here as well, one of which requires you to take out a lvl 29 Raptor named Sarltooth. But the rewards for the quest is Raptorbane Armor. Just be careful hunting here because the respawn on the raptors is really fast and you may suddenly find yourself fighting 4 or 5 raptors at once. The raptors here can get you up to 29 fast and if you want you can stay until 30 or move onto the Arathi highlands and hunt the raptors there for consistent heavy leathers.

Edited, Thu Feb 17 14:19:41 2005 by TheMalkavian
#12 Feb 18 2005 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
144 posts
It's not any better for blacksmith/mining at least up to level 200. Even if you mine all of your own ore and get lucky on a few gems or other items, you still sell for a loss most of the time. I've found that, in most cases, it's much cheaper for me to buy armor than to make it myself. The need to level-up drives the manufacture of items which are then dumped (like TV sets a few years back) on the market at prices right around the vendor sell point. Looks like the same thing for Enchanting. From my observations, it looks like the way to make a profit at present is to sell your materials to people looking to level-up their skills.
#13 Feb 18 2005 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
144 posts
Green Leather armor may be selling well because of blacksmiths buying it as an ingredient for Green Iron Hauberk to try to level-up at about the 180 level.
#14 Feb 18 2005 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
That's exactly why it's selling well. Whenever I'm done collecting for the day (or when my bags fill up, whichever is first) I go to IF make the armors and then pu them on AH.

Then I enter the trade channel and say "Attention blacksmiths! X Green Leather Armors for 75s buyout, cheapest in AH!!" They're usually gone within 2 hrs.
#15 Feb 21 2005 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
Hmm, well I made a hefty profit on my leatherworking. I was saving up for mount, so was skinning plenty of leather. I sold Barbaric shoulders here and there with the heavy hides I had, and then made a bunch of nightscape shoulders. I was lucky enough to find the recepie at the AH for a steal, 1g 50s. After I made the shoulders, I sold them, and made between 2 and 5g profit. They took a little while to sell some times, but in a week I made at least 35-40 on leather items, mainly those shoulders.
#16 Feb 21 2005 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
69 posts
I've made plenty of money on alchemy/herb, i haven't tried, I used to make a ton of money off of Elixir's of Defense, but I was always too lazy to keep that up. I had some stranger come up and ask if anyone could make some Major Mana potions, he supplied all the supplies so i made for free... I dont know why i did this, i could have made 1g at least i think..

In short, high end alchemy *can* make money. If you put the time in :S
#17 Feb 24 2005 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
I Was wondering...
I am a mining - engy on dethecus. I am looking at trading and selling my stuff. I am level 15. I have usually just given my stuff away to people who help me out in groups. Or when I have no need for rare items. I try to sell them but I usually get nothing from the vendors. I see your talking about trade channels and stuf... how do I sell on these?? I mainly play this game for fun this week alone I have put in almost 20 hrs. (started the game on monday). I very much enjoy it still looking for a guild where I can just make stuff for people in the guild and mix and match. Any suggestions?
#18 Feb 24 2005 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
To post on the trade channels simply go to a large city such as Ironforge or Oggrimar (those are where the auction houses are located).

THe default is channel 2 so to talk on it just /2 WTS whatever or /2 WTB whatever depending on if you want to sell or buy respectively.
#19 Feb 27 2005 at 4:17 AM Rating: Decent
159 posts
There is another problem, most people dont know the cost of materials and what else is involved.
For instance:
This morning I hit 41 and got to equip my new Mug o Hurt (god that rocks, I get to beat you up with my beer stien) so I went looking for a new weapon enchant figureing to upgrade to +4 now that Im 40ish. I was a bit shocked at a 10g jump from 3 to 4. Polite but shocked.
Now researching it more at work heh, I see its not all profit margin. I'm still unsure if +1 damn is worth 10g though lol.

#20 Feb 28 2005 at 12:58 AM Rating: Decent
101 posts
I don't understand why people expect to really turn a profit in crafts in this game, by just looking at how it's set up. Professions aren't designed to make money, they're designed to save you money. I'm a rogue with skinning/leather, and I don't craft all of my gear but most levels throughout the game at least a few pieces are made by me. And considering those pieces would have cost me a few gold in the AH, I like it.

As one previous poster said, chose a craft that supports your class, don't decide by what-someone-said-would-make-me-money, because they're almost always wrong, or they've got a secret. Strangely enough, the craft I think is best for money is alchemy. I have alts with tailoring/enchanting and herbalism/alchemy so I've had a taste of each, and enchanting is too much of a hassle to make money. But alchemy on the other hand, some potions sell really well if you're paying attention to the market, which is actually something I do because of leatherworking. Many potions are used for other crafts and so sell for very much. The lesser agility potions, for instance, go for about a gold a piece, and it's only about a 150ish skill. Shadow oils and potions of defense are also other good ones. So if you alchemists pay attention to what other crafters need you can make a good profit.

Anyway I know that was sort of off topic, but as to the question at hand, I'm sorry if you feel it's unfair that people won't pay what you're asking. But it's a free economy, and I always like to quote my old teacher's "Ridiculous wastebasket theory" here--something is only worth as much as someone is willing to pay. Willing to pay. If someone is offering it at half the price and no one wants to pay your price, no matter what the ingredients cost, well, sorry. And you really have to ask yourself are you doing it for skill or for profit? Because those doing it for skill are willing to cut because they aren't concerned so much with the "implied" loss (assuming you breakdown items for materials) as they are with skilling up. Once you get to 300 and you're the only one out there with the uber enchants, charge whatever the hell you want ^.- I know as a consumer, seeing enchanters ask for 16g for an enchant makes me sick. I don't care what they paid for their ingredients, but I'm not willing to pay that much for a little extra damage. I can buy a rare one for that much and it'd probably be way cooler.

And for my part, I'm happy with the crafting system in this game. For those who came from FFXI, we know. Just try turning ANY profit in that game... people would spend millions of gil to get to 100 which took months, by the way, and all for what? So they could crank out uber items for their linkshells. No profit, just a I-did-this-for-you-so-you-owe-me relationship. I like this much better, because using the items I make myself gives me a sense of satisfaction.

Well anyway, sorry for my ranting. Hope your craftng goes well =)
#21 Feb 28 2005 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
to OP....

this is the way i see it:

it dosent matter what the glowing shard sells for. you get it from disenchanting an item. you got that item for FREE killing something. you dont have a dime inveted in teh item. selling the 4.5g enchant is PURE proffit, tack on an extra 1.5g to make it 6 is purly greedy.

if you have to buy your mats then your doign somethign wrong. you are gonna pay inflated prices for mats when the idea of the skill is to use what is given to you by the environment. if your paying inflated prices and then tryingto make a buck off someone else on top of these inflated prices then you deserve every bit of grief you get.

try farming your mats and being fair the the other players. i for one HATE paying 12g for somethign that took someone less that 80s in repairs for to get from an item that was DROPPED on them.

just my opinion.
#22 Feb 28 2005 at 2:49 PM Rating: Good
920 posts
it dosent matter what the glowing shard sells for. you get it from disenchanting an item. you got that item for FREE killing something. you dont have a dime inveted in teh item. selling the 4.5g enchant is PURE proffit, tack on an extra 1.5g to make it 6 is purly greedy.

if you have to buy your mats then your doign somethign wrong. you are gonna pay inflated prices for mats when the idea of the skill is to use what is given to you by the environment. if your paying inflated prices and then tryingto make a buck off someone else on top of these inflated prices then you deserve every bit of grief you get.

try farming your mats and being fair the the other players. i for one HATE paying 12g for somethign that took someone less that 80s in repairs for to get from an item that was DROPPED on them.

That is a heaping pile of steaming horse crap.

The enchanter is out the Xg Ys Zc that the same green/blue/purple item sells for to vendors. If an enchanter disenchants every green item they get from mobs then they have to find another way to pay for their spells/skills/recipies. Yes to perform your uber enchant of XXX it costs money. 50s to unlock Expert skills comes to mind, plus another god knows how much for the recipie. Yes the enchanter has to pay that to get skill ups and yes thats true for every profession.

However the gathering professions are truely free ... leather, herbs, and ore are just lying around on corpses and the ground. Tailors have to use first aid ingredients to make things so theres an additional cost association there. Enchanting has its own gathering which has a steep cost built in. The OP is just trying to break even. I can't blame him but then again such is the way of tradeskills in MMORPGs.

I have an abundance of strange dust ... so much my bank is full of it. So I give away free strange dust enchants in lowbie areas. Each and every dust was acquired by me from items that dropped for me, and yes every other level I have to spend extra time questing or farming humanoids for cash to buy my spells because all my green non-useable items are turned into enchant regs. So I am giving away money and time that was spent on my char. Thus is the way of tradeskills and I accept it.

People who don't understand the time and effort envolved in tradeskills shouldn't ***** when asked to pay for someone else's extra time, especially on enchants that take extremely rare materials or are a high level enchant that took god knows how many disenchants and skill ups to get to. Don't assume they use the AH to buy their materials just because the enchant is costly. Try enchanting on an alt for a bit and see just how free the materials really are.
#23 Feb 28 2005 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
233 posts
I made an enchanter alt and my skill is around 185 now. That alt is lvl 25 now and every green drop received has been disenchanted. After paying for new class skills, equipment and enchanting recipes my character has 2g. :(

Now, in comparison, my other alts (engineer/mining) + (tailoring/skinning) both had 20g+ by lvl 25. Enchanting costs a lot of money to raise. Seems like a money-sink profession and I've been seriously thinking about dropping it.

The hassle of having to be a salesman and /2 my services isn't very appealing either. Especially when most people don't realize the costs of obtaining the reagents.

I think I might just stop disenchanting for awhile and just start selling green drops. It'll be easier to farm those green items later on (at a higher lvl) with a few instance runs. ^^

Edited, Mon Feb 28 17:39:12 2005 by Souzo
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