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Ezy money making prosFollow

#1 Apr 13 2005 at 4:40 AM Rating: Decent
87 posts
I have Skinning and Mining.

I sell the ore (unless I still get XP from Smelting it. ATM I only get XP from Gold.)

I also sell the Leather and other stuff I skinn from Beast's.

I'm not saying this is the way to make the MOST money, but it's VERY easy money. I make from 10-30 Gold each day, depending on how many Vein's and beast's I kill.

These two works great together, usually I have to kill my way to a Vein, and as I kill, I also skinn the Beast's. So I get 2 for 2^^

I also search the AH for item's wrongly priced wares, or item's priced by on who didn't know the going price. I buy them cheap, and sell the for the current market price.


I bought Enchanting plans for Demonslaying for 3 Gold, and sold it for 35 Gold. I didn't overcharge it TOO much, unlike the once for 45-50 Gold. But I did however sell it in 5 minutes.
#2 Apr 13 2005 at 5:40 AM Rating: Decent
AH is a great place to make money. Gadgetzan AH is worth checking once in a while, because people tend to neglect it so you can get deals there often. It works more in favor of the Horde I think, however. You will often see underpriced equipment for Shaman for sale for relatively cheap. You can turn around and resell them at Orgrimmar AH for an almost guaranteed profit.

The reason it works better for Horde is that there's consistently more Alliance on a server. So by default, there is more Alliance running instances and getting drops they do not need. There are fewer Horde, so less likely to be items on AH by Horde. Plus, paladin set items are useable by warriors if they have nothing better, so they sell reasonably well on Orgrimmar AH anyway. Shaman gear is typically far less useful to Alliance characters.

Good items to monitor price of are Cord of Elements, and Bindings of Elements, if you plan to buy at Gadgetzan and resell in Orgrimmar. Drakesfire Epaulets I've seen once or twice also at Gadget, tend to be better for shaman than any other class.
#3 Apr 14 2005 at 8:12 AM Rating: Decent
10-30g/day? I call ******** on that.

No fricken way.
#4 Apr 14 2005 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
Good article. On my server ore is at a premium. So Iron and Mithril sell pretty well. Thorium goes for 4-6g per stack. I was able to do 90g in a weekend for my mount just from ore in the AH when I was in my early 30's.

One thing I have notice and it seems to be a trend in EVERY game with an economy is that as time goes by, the value of items diminishes. Leather used to be an easy way to make money, then everyone took it up because it was so easy, and I've seen prices drop nearly in half in a couple of months. There is the notion that mining and herbalism are harder to do, so those items still sell pretty well.
#5 Apr 14 2005 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
4,575 posts
10-30g/day? I call bullsh*t on that.

one thing people neglect to mention is, what constitutes a day for them?

eg are you mining for 2 hrs or 6 hrs?
are you killing and skinning only, or are you levelling up in quests that require you to kill animals that you end up skinning?

10g a day is not unreasonable. 30g isnt either depending on how much time is put into the game.

but bc i know people wont do the same thing day-in, day-out for extended periods of time, this also could represent a "best" day attempt rather than every day attempt.

however, thanks to OP for the info. it's good info that many players need to learn so that they aren't at lvl 38 with freaking 50 silver in their pocket.

#6 Apr 15 2005 at 2:27 AM Rating: Decent
But the main thing is what if you are on high lvl professions and you are not willing to quit them for a bit of money here and there?
The main idea i have if you are on the lvl of 40-44 is to go to Bad Lands and kill all the stone elementals and pick up every thing they drop, they can drop upto 5 different things at once, and sell it all off, in an hour off creeping/grinding i got 4-5g, as 5 stone of its type will sell for 20-30s+ as it is easy to get, and the reason why i said these lvls as it will only take about 30seconds to kill each one and you gain good xp from it aswel.
#7 Apr 15 2005 at 9:26 AM Rating: Default
I do agree with the OP on the AH searches.

Just this morning, I found 20 liferoot for a 1g buy out.

I was stunned.

I bought it and broke it up into stacks of ten to sell for 5 g each.
#8 Apr 16 2005 at 12:36 PM Rating: Good
With 300 herbalism and 300 alchemy, I can grind in a spot that has constant spawns of high level herbs and be over 100g richer in a few hours. Mountain Silversage goes for 20g a stack, you can find up to 3 in each spawn. It's so easy to make gold! As for reselling items, man do people despise that practice for some reason. I'm betting that the majority of them would do the same if they found something underpriced by 20-30g. One thing I used to look for to resell was Tiny "color" whelplings. I would buy all that were listed for around 25g and resell them, usually that same day for 50g+.
#9 Apr 19 2005 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent
Hi. I´m an herbalist/alchemist in spinebreaker. I´d like to know where´s the best spot to pick Mountain Silversage. Thx.
#10 Apr 19 2005 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
257 posts
I was just going to say that as an Herbalist/Alch I can make 20-30g without trying very hard. Fadeleaf/Blindweed both are easy to gather and make 4-8g a stack. Ghost Mushrooms sell for 4-5 gold EACH. I just started gathering mountain silversage and golden sansam, so I'm sure I can make some bank off of those too! :)

#11 Apr 19 2005 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
this method only works on certain servers where there is still a high demand for these goods.

the only real way to make gold fast.... instance runs... auction the green/blue/epic items that drop.

on Arthas (Alliance side) arcanite, reagents and certain herbs still bring in good money. other than that.... items.
#12 May 02 2005 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
I have a Hunter lvl 22 and cant figure out how to get money very well. My proffesions are Herbalism and enchanting...
#13 May 02 2005 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
I haev found that i always have 1 money making proffesion and one proffesion to benefit myself (ie tailoring). I can make money on those professions but not nearly as much as i can on a gathering profesiion. Right now on my lock im doing tailoring skinning, I can often sell stacks of light leather for 50s medium leahter for 75 and 1g for heavy leather. I dotn spend any additional time in farming and i have more than substantial money to but everythign i need and some. Usually on the average day i make about 2-3 gold selling very little. This is with NO farming. My whoel 2-3 hr day is spent leveling and i consider the extra leather a bonus.
#14 May 10 2005 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
but since gold is so hard to get, how they get 1000 Gold for mount? and why would they buy it???
#15 May 11 2005 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
That guy who claims to make 10-30g a day, I believe him.

I'm a skinner and leatherworker. Obviously, my leatherworking skill doesn't make me much money. (In fact, I lose money buying the essences for making Elemental gear.) However, I'm able to make anywhere from 5-15g in about an hour. It's mindnumbingly boring, but it's possible. Just find a good farming position and camp the spot. My area's in the middle of nowhere (no competition) and has insane respawns. Plus, the gray items will sell for about 45s a stack, which is really nice.

So, 10-30g a day? Easy. :)


Gold isn't hard to get; I made it to 40 with about 120g. (Of course, I couldn't afford my mount because I lent a guildie 55g for his mount and he hadn't paid me back.) I've got enough gold that I've been loaning money out in sums of 80g or more. Once you get the hang of it, moneymaking isn't hard. Oh, and be very frugal on your spending at the AH.

As for the epic mount, I've heard it's really fast. And it has the status symbol. So that's why people go for it.

Plus, when you're level 60 with 1200+ gold, what are you going to do with that much money? It's not like you'll be shopping AH. So why not buy the mount?

Edited, Wed May 11 18:16:50 2005 by Acetylcholine
#16 May 12 2005 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
I've been a level 60 rogue on Dunemaul now for about 3 weeks and without anymore quests to do, the only goals are to get either sick equipment or get an epic mount.

I find that farming Blood Elves in Azshara is very quick and easy. I get about 5 silver per kill and each kill takes me about 7-8 seconds (my stealth doesn't even get to finish cooling!!)In 8 hours, I made about 100g from kills alone, not including the items that dropped which I either vendored or AH'ed. Blood elves are about level 50-53.

As for an epic mount, at level 60 there really isn't much left to buy at AH anymore, so why not spend the gold? You can make it back easy enough.
#17 May 12 2005 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
What are the mobs that the gil farmers go after in Azshara? Anyone know?
#18 May 12 2005 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
Right now on my lock im doing tailoring skinning, I can often sell stacks of light leather for 50s medium leahter for 75 and 1g for heavy leather.

Wow... just a very big difference from one server to another. On my server its 25s for light, 35s for medium, 45s for heavy... less than half of what you're getting

Enchanting is also way underpriced - people selling +5 2h weapon enchants for 4G where the reagents/their sources could be sold for 5G.
#19 May 15 2005 at 2:21 AM Rating: Decent
I also search the AH for item's wrongly priced wares, or item's priced by on who didn't know the going price. I buy them cheap, and sell the for the current market price.

How do you know when something is underpriced, though?
#20 May 15 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
I've sold stacks of light leather for 1g...
#21 May 15 2005 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
I also search the AH for item's wrongly priced wares, or item's priced by on who didn't know the going price. I buy them cheap, and sell the for the current market price.

How do you know when something is underpriced, though?

Practice and instinct. You could very well lose some money initially while you get into the game of AH, but it can be profitable in the long run.
#22 May 17 2005 at 5:40 AM Rating: Decent
In my low 50's I was easily making 20+ gold an hour just mining. Mithril bar stacks sell for 5+ gold, thorium for 7+, iron for 1.5, solid stone for 1.2, heavy stone for 1.8, dense stone for 2, truesilver is about 30s a bar, gold is around 20s a bar.

It would generally take me around 2 hours to fill up my packs, with 5-6 stacks of mithril bars, 4 stacks of solid stone, a stack of iron, half a stack of heavy stone, half a stack of thorium, a few dense stone, and a smattering of gold and true silver. Star ruby, citrine, or aquamarine dropped a couple times an outing.

Add it all up and you're looking at around 45 gold for a couple hours 'work'. I wasn't high enough to avoid all aggro in the searing gorge, so I was slowly leveling and getting the occasional vendor trash to sell as well.

Also, while leveling in Un'goro I pulled 2 arcane crystals from the rich thorium veins in that zone, to go with a couple stacks of bars and stones. They sold for 29g each within minutes of being put on the AH. Smiley: grin

Skinning doesn't seem like it compares at all to mining or herbalism in terms of being able to go out and farm for gold. It's certainly nice to have as an addition while leveling, though. (And there's also the fact that using both mining and herbalism at once is not the easiest thing to do...)
#23 May 17 2005 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
#24 May 18 2005 at 3:54 AM Rating: Decent
i compleaty agree with all of your money making ideas and will all work.
do u know any ways of making fast amounts of money and exp when your only lvl 16/17. the ah is the fastest way i have found but if there are any better ways then could u plz help.
#25 May 19 2005 at 6:56 AM Rating: Decent
234 posts
lol this is the same thing as life, get rich quick schemes all over the place. hehe
#26 May 19 2005 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
3 posts
Me do da mining ting, but me dont sell usually, cuz me do engineering, and also help me wife out wid blacksmithin, so me dint have much money when me hit 39, best cash me could do den wuz grinding.

Me went to gadgetzan and went north through mountains, right as you exit mountain path to yer right is a lil pond with aligators, kill dem fer great grinding exp, and approx 4 gold per hour plus some green and potentially blue drops.

but fer makin da lil extra me needed at da end to git me mount, me put a stack of iron bars on AH split up to sell dem 1 at a time for 20 silver each 20 bid 20 buyout, dey sold purdy quick.

Engineers basically lose lots of money, lots and lots, but makes me a warrior much more powerful, and fun. But there is a couple ways to make some cash:

First one you run across is mechanical squirrel, you can usually buy dat schematic from AH, then sell da squirrels you make to AH, some people want one for some reason.

Second is EZ-throw dynomite, never tried selling these but dey would prolly sell ok.

Third is Advanced target dummy, make a stack and go to desolace, sell dem dere, people need dem for a quest me tinks, cuz dey always shouting any engineers that can make me Advanced target dummy please please please???

Fourth one me find is prolly da best, and me do it every time me go through Ironforge. Go buy engineer's ink and blank parchment and make a Goblin rocket fuel recipee, cost approx 25 silver to make, but you can easily sell it for about 2 gold, me usually see what others are currently selling it for and put my bid and buyout just under theirs. Me also /2 Any alch's wanna buy [Goblin Rocket Fuel Recipee] for 1 gold before I put it on AH for 2 gold buyout? Me got couple responces sometimes, and just make as many as people respond, den meet up wid dem and sell each, and put one on AH. Got hassled in /2 once buy some smartypants who said 1 gold you crazy, only costs about 2 copper materials to make, me said it just like any other craft, you pay for me to know how to make it, not for materials.

Other potentials are fishing lures, guns, ammo, and scopes. too much competition here cuz peeps level up on ammo, and guns and scopes havent sold good for me even though peeps need them. If you can get sniper scope cheap (not likely) you can make cash selling them.
Sorry fer me poor comunication skills

Being a high end engineer has prolly cost me about 200 gold, but it is worth it when I can throw a bomb that does sick damage and stuns for 3 seconds aoe after gathering up 6 mobs for my group, or when things get worse, I can also throw down a target dummy to taunt extra mobs, and when we are in real trouble, pull out the dragon, and then use jumpercables on the healur. I think anybody who wants to be a serious tank, should be an engineer, leave the flower picking to the druids, and the skinning to the hunters IMO.

Sorry was lengthy.
-Tanku (Stormrage)
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