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Leatherworking... most screwed skill ever?Follow

#1 May 18 2005 at 8:13 PM Rating: Decent
391 posts
Okay, not trying to be a flamer, but it bugs me. Leatherworkers, even when we craft blues, which are usually expensive, can never sell their gear, it is of basically no/little use past 50, and we have no purp items, except for, oh wait, a cape? Which also sell for less than they are worth? I have pride in getting my leatherworking past 270, but is theri any hope?
#2 May 19 2005 at 6:22 AM Rating: Decent
Nope, unless more recipies are added there is no hope. It sucks I know, I am at 285 now and I see no point in going further. It makes me no money at all, I cant sell anything to high levels and it just is too much hassle to sell stuff for 50s-1g to lower levels. I prefer to kill 10 mobs to raise that money quicker.

However skinning is money making so I wont quit it, but leatherworking... Maybe take up mining to raise cash with no costs... But I am bored on the amount of time it will need to reach 300 from 0.
#3 May 19 2005 at 6:27 AM Rating: Decent
Exactly the same for me. I dont know whether to plough through, or take up mining. I never made money from it, and barely wear the stuff I make. It sucks.
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#4 May 19 2005 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
I too agree. I dropped my Skinning since there was no money lost to pickup Engineering. I was thinking about dropping Leatherworking, but I am a 300 Elemental Leatherworker. I am just hoping they put more stuff into the game to make.
#5 May 19 2005 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
Sell Armor kits, they make money.

Please tell me a profession that makes the money you guys are looking for ? my LW has more money than my smith, alchemest, or enchanter, It is all aromor kits, it may not be fun or exciting you may not be able to craft Blue or Pruprle items(ooo nnoooo) but you have a constant source of income, players always upgrade their armor, so they will always need armor kits.

NO CRAFTING makes money, they all cost money, It is a undesputed fact, materials sell for more than product, if you want more money quit trying to level LW just sell skinns and Aromr kits, that will make ya piles.
#6 May 19 2005 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
NO CRAFTING makes money, they all cost money, It is a undesputed fact, materials sell for more than product, if you want more money quit trying to level LW just sell skinns and Aromr kits, that will make ya piles.

I agree, production tradeskills are not the best way to make money compared to the gathering tradeskills, but there ARE recipes that will net you a pretty good profit. It's just a matter of finding what there is a market for. A lot of crafted items are used for quests; these are usually pretty profitable to make. Also a lot of the higher level craftable items (where the recipe is a rare drop) will net you some good money. But if you are trying to turn a profit by making Nightscape Headbands, sorry not going to work.
#7 May 19 2005 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
ok dumb question, but how do you use the leather kits?
#8 May 19 2005 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
right click on the kit. then the pice of armor to be modified.
#9 May 19 2005 at 12:25 PM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
I completely disagree with the first few posters. Skinning and Leatherworking are great professions. I think the difference in our views comes from what we expect out of professions. I didn’t take skinning and leatherworking to make money. I took them to make myself armor. My rogue has gone for 1 to 56 wearing mostly player made armor. I find it incredible that a profession is that useful. The trick is to keep leatherworking leveled high enough to craft level appropriate gear. Leatherworking could use a few more patterns, but I don’t know of any production profession that couldn’t. Otherwise leatherworking is a fantastic profession.

If money is all you’re interested in then you chose the wrong profession. That’s not the fault of leatherworking. There are players out there who can make money with any profession. But the most money is in supplying materials for production professions. This has been true in every MMORPG I’ve every played. Keep skinning and in place of leatherworking take either mining or herbalism. Sell everything in the auction house. My rogue has skinning and mining. That’s what paid for his mount at level 40.
#10 May 23 2005 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
I have made plenty of money from my LW/Skining :D The thing you must realize is that most realms are hideously overpopulated and as such the level of competition between practitioners of crafting classes is insane. This drives down the price of crafted goods to well below the cost price of the materials... now this is where a little intelligence is required =\ if every1 is crafting the same items and driving down prices you must then make something that no1 else is selling (now this isnt easy but with a little searching you will find that patter i promise) a prime example are dusky boots quite hard to make but 1ce you have found a source for your ingreedients they fly of the shelves ;) The comfortable leather hat is 1 of those cool looking round black hats people cannot get enough of them (and need only leather and hide to craft :D)
Also we craft some of the most needed items in the game (after alchemy ofc) everyday i put at least 5 hillmans cloak on AH and have never had 1 returned :D Barbaric gloves are needed by blacksmiths.... and so on.
When i hit 40 i already had 100g for my mount i am now 56 and have just hit 300g saved for my epic mount!!!
All jobs can make you good money if only u give them the time and attention they require (they are called JOBS u know) ;)
#11 May 26 2005 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
One of the tricks I've found is that nightscape and Wicked headbands vendor for about 200% or more of the cost of the vendor mateirials. It cost 40s for rune thread and 8s for black dye when you reach honored with a faction. If you need to skill up grind up a load of rugged leather and make make wicked headbands out of all of it. They sell to the vendor for 1g 30s and you can get to 300 before they go green. The same works for nightscape headbands at lower levels. I think the profit is even higher on these.

Once you skill up save hard to find mats and make stuff on demand for people. You can usually command a higher price that way. Also you can sell off some of your inventory for quick cash if you need to. Between items sell leather and hard to find skinning drops. Devilsaur leather is a friggin gold mine! Get a buddy and farm some of it. I sell one Devilsaur leather for 2g and I'm selling it cheap on my server. If you're dedicated two people can get a stack an hour, 10g+ an hour isn't shabby cash.

The worst mistake you can make is to churn out 15 of something and put it all on the AH. Nothing ever sells if you do that, no matter what item it is.

Edited, Thu May 26 09:56:02 2005 by fortnight
#12 May 26 2005 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
126 posts
I had LW, but dropped it and took up mining and kept skinning. Been making tons of money since then...bought my mount at 40, which left me like 2g at the time...I am now level 46, have completely changed armor (all of it) twice, have 5 melee weapons (depends on what mood I am in as to which I use at any given time...pair of ebonclaw reaver axes (those are my babies ^_^), a one-hander and a two-hander...all but one ebonclaw of which is a monkey item)- all of which was bought at the AH, paid to have most of my gear enchanted, bought a 2nd stable slot, trained all the skills I care to up (I don't have aspect-of-the-group-daze) and respecced a couple times and stil have around 70g to work with.

not trying to say "look how great I am"...just showing that PILES of money can be made just having gathering professions.

Edited, Thu May 26 15:55:32 2005 by Cavinaar
#13 May 27 2005 at 5:32 AM Rating: Decent
608 posts
I make plenty of money on it.

I even make money buying materials on AH and vendoring products. You just have to do some research. The least profit I get on my server buying thick leather on the AH and making Nightscape Headbands is 30s per combine, and thats the least.

I just buy a bunch up, hit create all, and make some food or smoke a cig or something. It is usually how I begin or end my session. That is not the only pattern that can be done with either.

Another thing to keep up on is checking what Wicked Leather armour is up in the AH. It isn't constant cash flow or anything but sometimes there isn't any up so I throw 3 of each up and end up making a nice haul.

I have made more money and gotten more use out of LW than any other production skill I have tried. You just have to do your research and stay on top of things.
#14 May 27 2005 at 11:11 AM Rating: Good
62 posts
I have made money doing LW. not a fortune where I could sell gold on Ebay, but I had free armor all the way to 60.
Leather working is an awesome tradeskill. They do need to improve lvl 300 receipes but that will come in time.
I am Dragon LW by the way, I cant vouche for the other two.

And as far as the only one purple... look a little deeper I can think of 3 on the top of my head. And I have a bad memory.

Edited, Fri May 27 12:12:54 2005 by Consloa
#15 May 30 2005 at 2:09 AM Rating: Decent
216 posts
Maybe the reason that some of the leather items created by players dont make so much money on AH is that AH prices are set to calculate only the value of the reagents needed to make the item, whereas it does not take into account the amount of time needed to farm the materials. It is only natural that the AH works that way since calculating the "gathering" factor is virtually impossible given the fact that there are at least two ways to get the materials; from AH or from self farming which again is modified by the time it takes (i.e. it doesnt take everyone the same amount of time + drop rates for reagents may vary from region to region an so on). So what im really saying is that in order to make money of the items we create as leatherworkers (and that really goes for every other product making professions too) we need to spread the gospel that some time related factor is reflected in the prices too which would allow for some higher prices + put some poorer farmers out of business making the market more accessible for good leather workers. Does it make sense or was that all just in my head making sense?? - any comments are welcomed!

happy hunting!
#16 May 30 2005 at 4:40 AM Rating: Decent
It also has the problem if you want to sell ur item in the AH .. there are 10 more who also made that item .. I also think u make alot of money by making kits .. but the main thing is that u need to make ur armor for yourself and the rest u can sell ..

I dont know what the item grade is at higher lvl in compare with blacksmitting but i think if u handle it right u always can make money out of it
#17 May 31 2005 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
Well if u want to make money u should go tailoring/mining. am only lvl 15 and i already got 5g and at higher lvl will be able to make bottomless bag if u r lucky and get the drop which will make u alot of money in AH.In mining u will make thorium bars and sell them in AH for money too. Thats my money making way for when i just keep lvling up i just keep making good money for my lvl.
#18 May 31 2005 at 11:22 AM Rating: Default
guys, the basic truth in any of these kind of games is this. The ingredients are worth more in stacks than the product is. People are always willing to pay sweet to lvl up and sell cheap because of the glut of product they now have, "They are Leveling"! so the loss in profit is rationized.

The only ppl making a profit are lying to you and themselves. They are leaving out many of the costs that got them to the point they are at let alone the cost of ingredients. If you farmed them yourself! They still have value! You could sell the stacks, thus you have a loss.

Drops are soo sweet compared to most of what we can make anyways. Yea Yea, pick out the only 3 awsome pieces your whole lvl 300 can make and cling to them, crafting is a way to break the bordom of the grind of repeating your little keystrokes that kill all the mobs. You get a great feeling of pride wearing that piece you built because it took 20x the value and prob abut 20 hours of time to make. (yes, you actualy add all that wasted time you used to level your craft, divide that with your item time!)
Im sure the noobs will flame this but those that acually have lvls and esp those that have had high levels in similiar games know it to be true.
Do i still craft? Heck YES! I need the break from repeating the same pattern of keystrokes that kill all the mobs! Yes i have alts to do this too! all the alts, all the jobs.
Conclussion: You DON'T make profits in crafting, its just a part of the gaming experience that as a whole is AWSOME!
#19 Jun 02 2005 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
Hmm I am not sure what yah mean on skin/LW, I am currently level 44 and have made quite a bit of gold and silver towards my mount fund.

The thing is its not in the items u make but more what u collect, IE skins is one way each stack goes for its own price but u can get plenty of skins especialy with a group or guild helping. Armor kits is probably the best way to earn money, they are always in demand and take little resources to make most of the times. I am currently trying to get to dragon scale and from what I have seen some of the armor in that is deceant enough to use, till u find better. I have terrible luck on rolls and getting gear out of dungeons and such so I will probably use them once I get to the skill.

Just this week I have made 44 gold in the AH from skins and armor kits. I usualy sell 2 stacks of each armor kits or more, lower and higher levels buy them like hotcakes I cant even keep up with the demand half the time. I also sell singles for those that dont need a whole stack, probably not smart but they go quick just the same. Anyways, I dont think some are looking at the big picture with these tradeskills, and I do forsee some changes in later game to the stuff we can make. Blizzard is notorios for spreading out stuff to keep the players on the edge of things.
#20 Jun 02 2005 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
I'm fairly happy with leatherworking. I'm not super rich because of it however if I ever need money I simply scour the AH for hearts of fire and cores of earth. I can then make a helm of fire which sells consistently for about 40G on the AH netting me around 25G. Also as a druid I make a lot of my own armor. I went with the Elemental specialization. Volcanic is great for tanking because it has a high AC. If I want to heal I can put on Living stuff. For cat form I can use Stormshroud. Granted you can get better drops but I like the fact I use my own stuff and you can't beat Volcanic for AC. I think it's the best leather AC in the game. If all you care about is making money then yeah Leatherworking may not be fore you.
#21 Jun 03 2005 at 12:14 AM Rating: Decent
141 posts
My Druid is in with Skinning/Leatherworking, and I do enjoy it quite a bit. I have my own armor and such so what is there for complaints? It's not the biggest money-maker I agree, but you have yourself good armor!
#22 Jun 03 2005 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
257 posts
Is leatherworking the most screwed skill ever...NO...Alchemy is.

I can make a Flask that is AWESOME, but takes 30-40g AND takes a trip to Scholo.

Add on top of that the fact that if you die after taking the Flask, it's GONE!! 3 Hours and 30-40g DOWN THE DRAIN!!

At least with Leatherworking you can make green/blue armor to disenchant and make a ton of money with!!
#23 Jun 05 2005 at 4:21 AM Rating: Decent
I sold the first-ever Hide of the Wild on my server for 800g on the Horde end of things. That's a tribal pattern. I had horrible luck, took about 10-20 hours to farm the most of materials, although I bought the Living Essence for pretty damn cheap, like 2g each. Prices have since gone up. And HotW probably doesn't sell that high anymore.
#24 Jun 06 2005 at 5:20 PM Rating: Good
261 posts
My toon on Smolderthorn does not make much money selling on the AH, but I am a very hands off guy, and never feel like shouting in cities for business.

Smolderthorn is a new server, and there are a good number of leatherworkers at the same level as me. However, I didn't begin LW to make money, but to always have up to date gear for myself and my other leather wearing friends.

On Burning Blade, I have a 20 rogue / 150 Lw, and he can sell items on the AH pretty well. Whether people just buy to disenchant, or to actually use, I dont know, but I was able to level to 150 hardly selling anything to the vendor.

As far as what other classes make money, I had good luck as an alchemist on Burning Blade too. My mage had enough for his mount by 34 by just selling potions. Maybe pvp servers have a higher demand for potions.

I will say that I never bought materials off of the AH, but gathered them myself. It is possible that the raw materials would sell for more, but I did okay selling finished goods.
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