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Best char combo for two??Follow

#1 May 25 2005 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
216 posts

Me and a mate are starting two chars up on a server soon. We are thinking about the best possible combination (both with regard to class and professions) for a team of two.

We are thinking of playing two pallys with the following professions:

pally 1: Mining and BS
pally 2: Tailoring and maybe enchanting/or some gathering skill

But maybe there are others who can give insights to why this is/is not a good idea??

All ideas are welcome.

#2 May 25 2005 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
4,574 posts
Two paladins could make an interesting pair. I’ve grouped with another paladin while playing my paladin and we made a decent team. You’ll both get the best armor and a good weapon selection. You’ll both get healing. Your seals and such will complement each other. And if one of you dies the other can cast resurrection. Not a bad deal.

Paladin is not a high damage class, but with two of you I don’t think that will be a problem. Paladins also do not get any form of ranged attack, except vs. undead at about level 30 I think. That liability can be a pain sometimes, but it’s not a game stopper.

All in all I think two paladins grouping together could be lots of fun.

As for professions, it just depends on what you want out of them. If you just want money, one of you could take skinning and mining and the other could take skinning and herbalism. Sell all the items you gather at the auction house and you can make enough money to buy whatever you need. But if you would rather take up professions that enhance your characters or are just fun because you like to make things, then you have some other options.

Mining and smithing is a good choice for one of you. This would allow you to make your own weapons are armor. Keep in mind that what you make is rarely if ever better than what drops off monsters. But if you don’t have access to those drops then being able to make your own can really help keep you alive. You can also sell what you mine up in the auction house if you need some extra money. Mining will most likely make you more money than blacksmithing.

Herbalism and alchemy might be a good choice for a second set of professions. This would allow you to make heal potions, manna potions and all kinds of buff potions and even things like underwater breathing potions. And if you need money you could sell the herbs you gather in the auction house. Some potions do sell, but like all professions, resources usually sell better than items you can craft. There are always exceptions, but its generally true.

You could take up tailoring and enchanting if you really want to. Tailoring would provide you with bags and it can help with enchanting, but you won’t have any use for the cloth armor you can make other than for enchanting. Enchanting is a good profession that’s useful even when you reach the level cap. But be aware that enchanting will drain your income until you reach the upper levels of the profession. I usually try to dissuade people from taking it until they’re a bit higher level and have a good source of income. But if you think you’d enjoy it from the start then go for it.

#3 May 25 2005 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
I've found that, at the earlier levels at least, a pair of Hunters can deal some massive damage with next to no down-time.
But really, any two characters doing the PvE thing will be a force to reckon with. If one character can solo a quest with some difficulty, two of equal level will find it a walk in the park.
#4 May 25 2005 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
216 posts
I thank you for the quick response and there is loads to consider in your thread, thx!

I had a feeling that the worst thing to consider might be the professions since I felt fairly confident that two pallys would complement each other pretty good. But then I also started considering the fact that pallys cant learn any ranged weaponry which would prolly make pulling a bit tricky... Then I thought that maybe engineering could be the case but as i read somewhere, pulling with dynamite is a pain since its an area effect thing + farming the materials to keep the inventory full of it will drain effective game progression.

The reason for wanting to go tailoring with one of them is that bags tend to be rather expensive and that might save us some cash in the long run...the question is then how much much does it actually save us. Will it be enough to actually make it worth the troubles along the way? Of course we get money from all the other items that we make on the way to creating the cool bags 10+ slots.

I think I will consider the Herbalism/alchemy choice again. I just don't have an impression of or insight into the nature of potions that u can make at skill lvl 100+ except maybe some that adds 350 armor or so, but is that really a big deal for a pally in his 30's?

And is there really no other combination that covers the vast number of attack forms in the game better than pally + pally? How about:

Pally + mage
Pally + Rouge
Pally + hunter
pally + druid

I can see many advantadges in all of these combinations but I can also see some limitations. i would like to get some input also from other players who have been playing any constellation of two players really what are the pros and cons.

let the discussions begin!
#5 May 25 2005 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
If a Pally has to be one of the two, I'd recommend a Rogue for the damage. A Mage might work, but the range at which they do best may not work well with a Pally.
If a Pally doesn't have to be there, a Warrior/Priest combo is highly effective, if a little slow. Warrior holds the aggro, Priest heals the Warrior. Good if one of you doesn't mind just standing back and supporting the other. For this, your original professions would work nicely for both. Each makes items they can use, and the Priest can enchant your gear. Little lopsided for the Priest, but effective still.
#6 May 25 2005 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
216 posts
I think the pally has to be one for we both think that pallys are immensely cool lol!

The rogue business is actually not bad since he will also get the ranged attack feature - but doesnt the rouge get all the aggro due to his insane dps? and in that case what would be the primary function of the pally?
#7 May 25 2005 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
In that combo, the Pally would basically be a walking buffer/healing bot. It would basically be like a solo Rogue who never has to worry about dying. :p
#8 May 25 2005 at 1:04 PM Rating: Good
355 posts

I'm glad you asked. My friend and I adventure often together and since we've had Alt syndrome as well, I have a lot of information to share about the experiences we've had.

Paladin/Paladin - Talk about a tough combo, in a PvE environment we ruled the roost. We took our Combo shortly to PvP before the Alt itch started again. I could go on and on about this combo, I wouldn't have given it up at all but my friend thought that even on PvP this was just too easy. In short it is possible to deal good damage and with the heals this class combo is going to be nearly unstoppable.

Paladin / X - Paladin with X (meaning any other job) is a good combo. The healing and the extra damage can really help.

Hunter / Hunter : This is a great combo, very quick to level and has almost no down time. Unlike the Paladin/ Paladin which requires very little communication, H/H takes some skill and a good deal of communication to make it work to its greatest potential. A team of hunters can find ruling the roost very easy in a PvE environment and in PvP it is a formidable challenge to any other class combo.

I have experience with other job combo's but in short these seemed the most entertaining to me.

As far as complimentary trade skills. I like the following best

Group 1

Leather crafting/Skinning
Tailoring/ Skinning
Skinning/ Enchanting
Alchemy /Herbalist

Group 2

Tailoring/ Hebraism
Tailoring/ Enchanting
Alchemy / Herbalist

Group 3

Leather crafting/skinning

Engineering/ Mining
Mining/ Tailoring

From all these options I like any combination in group 3 best.
#9 May 25 2005 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
Another really good response, ty mate!

Considering the fact that one of the chars MUST be a pally and (given ur recommendations about PvP potential) the other one possibly also, do u have any recommendations as to the combination of talent trees also?

This question also goes for the hunter/hunter combo and the Paladin/Rogue combo.
#10 May 25 2005 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
336 posts
Pally and Mage (Minor Tank/Heal and AoE)
Warrior and Mage (Full Tank and AoE)
Warrior and Priest (Full Tank and Healing/Ranged Damage)

Pally or Warrior: Blacksmithing and Mining.
Pally or Warrior: Engeneering and Mining.

Mage or Preist: Tailoring and Enchanting.
Mage or Preist: Enchanting and Skinning.
Mage or Preist: Alchemy and Herbalism.

PvP Wise: With a Pally, you can go Warlock, Mage or Preist. I am suggesting one more melee, and one caster. Warlocks, with demo spec, are UNBEATABLE! (lol) A shadow spec Preist is really good PvP to, and Mage has good AoE, slowing spells, and blink. Spec wise, you going to want to go a general cookie cutter with a warlock at the start, and respec demo at 60. Preist, you gunna want to go shadow, respec at higher level(45ish) to start with instances, and at 60 when you have all ur pvp gear, respec again to Shadow. As for pally, i have no idea, iv only had one till level 6, same for mage, only till lvl 12.

Edit: Read ur post, realized one need sto be a pally, and added pvp advice.

Edited, Wed May 25 15:41:04 2005 by Amedis
#11 May 29 2005 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
I thank you for ur replies and should anyone else have comments on this please feel free to add them here - its probably a thread that many would find usefull.

I have a feeling that we will deffo be going into this adventuring business with one healer character since that will allow for much less down-time.

thx again
#12 May 29 2005 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
Rogue/Priest combo owns My rogue has mostly priests on my friends list b/c with them ur almost god. A rogue deals the big damage and as long as the priest keeps healing the rogue should beable to tank and deal big damage with no worries about dying.
Rogue leatherworking/skinning as main skill secondary is ur choice
Priest Tailoring of course so you can make there own armor and you got armor kits. I would not lie on this best combo for fast kills and against high lvl elites
#13 May 30 2005 at 2:11 AM Rating: Decent
216 posts
what do you recommend as talent builds for the rogue/priest combo, then?
#14 May 30 2005 at 4:53 AM Rating: Decent
428 posts
Dont go 2 pallies.
Pallies dont have any ranged attack, so you will contantly have mob pull problems. The damage of pallies is also not the best later on, so you don't want to be it both.

The 2 classes that seem to be made for each other are warrior and priest. Your only problem may be the warrior becomming overconfident ;)

If one of you is a druid, the other can be whatever he wants, the druid can allways adapt. Same goes for the pally to a lesser extent.

If one has skinning/leatherworking and you are a druid and a rogue, one can dess both. However your healer is then also your tank, so that might not work that well.

A pally and a warrior sould work nicely and one can dress both with mining/smithing.

Herbalism/Alchemy is always a partyfriendy choice.
#15 May 31 2005 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
As a duo i recomend priest + warlock with the warlock's VW tanking
1)VW holding agrro won't be a problem since you'll dot everything to death
2)some warlock abillaties use health but with a priest there that won't be a problem
3)hell-fire is a warlock ae.its insanly powerful but damages the warlock as well as the monters and its channeled a priest shielding the warlock makes it amazing
4)a warlock can soulstone the priest so if he dies he can self res and res the warlock
5)you both can mez diffrent kinds of mobs warlock=humanoids+demons+elmentals priest=undead +mc humanoids
6) if sh*t hits the fan you've got fears all over the place(just not in instances)
its almost as if they were made for eachother :)
#16 Jun 01 2005 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
216 posts
Ok - sofar I have been giving a whole lot of good suggestions and there seems to be consensus about the one char being a healer character.

Considering the fact that we are two and will most often have little down time is there a dire need for a healer char or could we not easily lvl with two rogues for instance?
#17 Jun 01 2005 at 12:28 PM Rating: Good
I'm surprised nobody has really said this but why not a Pally/Warlock combo? I've duoed with a pally on my lock and it was great.
Pally is a tank that can heal.
Warlock is a magic damage dealer with a pet.
Between the two, you have a healer, a tank, a ranged damage dealer, a debuffer, a group buff, a pet... can you really go wrong?

Warlock has pets that can pull - Pally can take away pet's aggro easily. (Alternatively - use a magic wand to shoot a single shot to pull)

Warlock has ranged damage (spells)

Lots of debuffs from the warlock mean better dps from the pally
Healing from the pally means lock has better survivability and can convert that extra health to mana for damage

As far as profs - well... don't worry about it. The only time you'd have to really make a decision is if you plan on having one of you be a pure gatherer. (Have one person be an herbalist/alchemist and the other herbalist/skinner for example) That would greatly accelerate the crafter's skill ups and help the gatherer by getting better goods.

Otherwise, I'd advise against having both of you be the same gathering prof - the whole "is this my turn to mine or yours" gets old

#18 Jun 01 2005 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
163 posts
Lotsa rate ups... Nice posts guys...


I would seriously consider ditching the Paly in yer duo.. as has been said before.

Noone has mentioned Mage/Priest... You wanna talk wicked damage... best way to XP too. AE mobs... can work in PVP too.

Hunter/Rogue... (or warlock Rogue) Ya lose heals but you have pet to tank and wicked damage.

Might consider Paly/ Druid if you must have Paly. You would be hard as hell to kill due to healing ability although the game might slow down for ya. Also, druid can stealth and pull with spells.

Druid/Rogue... Both can stealth (very handy) Druid can tank if needed and heal very well. Come to think of it- Druid/Mage would be pretty nasty too.

What I'm pointing at here is that I don't like Palys :P
And that there's an awful lot of good combos... Seems to me most of the best would leave Paly out tho... Some mentioned above are nice too but theyere were already covered so I didn't bother (like warr/priest)

Allow me to introduce confusion into an otherwise helpful thread :D
#19 Jun 02 2005 at 5:26 AM Rating: Decent
I got WoW, and then a month later my brother upgraded his computer so that he could play as well. We decided to start characters to play just with each other, and wanted the 'best' fit.

As you can see from the myriad of replies here, pretty much any two classes are fine for duoing PvE. The trick then comes in being good for the other aspects of the game, namely PvP and group instances.

We play on a PvE server so we didn't have to worry about getting jumped, so we went with the pair that made the most sense from an instance stand-point... Warrior and Priest.

We never really had to wait for a group for an instance ever. We already had the healer and the tank, so all we needed was any 3 classes and we were good to go. Take a rogue/warlock or hunter/hunter group and you're looking at potentially very long waits just finding the right combo of other classes to make your 5 man group work.

In terms of PvP, I'll be blunt... Prot specced warriors and holy specced priests are not the cream of the crop. Smiley: frown

Pretty much any combo can work with the right strategy, and the most important thing is that you enjoy what you're doing. It is a game after all. Smiley: grin

In terms of professions, if your only worry is gold then have one person be mining/skinning and the other be herbalism/enchanting. You don't need to actually be an enchanter, but disenchanting itself is a good moneymaker if you're willing to take the time to buy the junk on the AH and resell the dust.

If you want good use out of your professions, stay away from blacksmithing, leatherworking, and tailoring. Especially at early levels all 3 of those have nothing relevant to provide you that you can't just buy off the AH. Engineering provides very useful and sometimes bizarre items that you can't duplicate elsewhere. Alchemy can keep you steadily stocked in potions without needing to constantly buy them from the AH.

Maybe it's just me, but I've always found that my characters with alchemy don't mind chugging all sorts of neat stuff but my other characters just don't bother with buying them. Often they're not even for sale since they don't move very fast anyway. (Maybe that's why I chug them myself... ;))

So I would say either mining/skinning and herbalism/enchanting or mining/engineering and herbalism/alchemy.

Remember you can always choose different professions when you're high level and have the money to burn getting to the actually useful recipes at the top ends of blacksmithing and tailoring.
#20 Jun 06 2005 at 2:45 AM Rating: Decent
216 posts
I am very grateful for all the usefull posts in this thread. I have certainly found some new insights into generating a dynamic duo and all of the above threads will be taken into consideration. I thought I wanted to be prepared in good time since we will start our chars only in july on Runetotem server, but its nice to have a ton of time to wander around considering the various suggestions and combinations. I have a fairly good knowledge about alliance geography up until about lvl 45 and have a feeling that we would be able to level somewhat fast (say in two weeks time or so) to lvl 40ish so Im wondering if any of the suggested combos are more suited for end game than others or is the succes of an end game character based solely upon his gear?

Thanks a million for all the good replies (rate up if I could!)
#21 Jun 06 2005 at 6:35 AM Rating: Decent
It seems there are two things that are important when considering end game...

1) Getting into a good guild.
2) Having the right mix of classes for random pick-up raids.

I can't speak for all servers but I know on mine there is an absolute glut of paladins, rogues and hunters. Characters of those classes in particular are having a very difficult time finding spots in high end guilds.

It's not that you don't want those classes, but that there are so many people playing them that a given individual rogue is not in demand.

In terms of being able to jump into a pick-up raid I've found getting into a raid isn't difficult for any class, but the difficulty comes in not finding enough healers. I've had multiple raids stall out this week because we'd have 12 non-healers and need 3 healers to go and not find a single one.

My brother plays a priest, and he will get multiple tells a session when he's in Ironforge asking him if he wants to join a raid to X high level instance.

So from a strictly ease of access point of view playing healers really seems to be a good idea. The reason for this, of course, is that healing is not terribly interesting. Many people find it boring and would rather leave it to someone else. But if you enjoy healing then it's a very good idea to play a priest or druid.

Druids in particular can tank or deal damage ok enough at lower levels, and then can convert to more healing end game. Whereas I wouldn't recommend a priest/priest duo you could likely have good success with priest/druid or druid/druid.

Warlocks are fairly rare too, so a warlock/druid or warlock/priest combo would work well as well.

But the bottom line is you should play what you enjoy. If you're a rogue you'll wait longer for groups at high levels and you may miss out on MC and such unless you're very good and network well with people in top guilds.

Or if you wait for a new server to start you could be one of the first rogues at 60 and start your own top end guild. Smiley: wink
#22 Jun 07 2005 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
We have a group that regularly hunts together in various combos with mains and alts and here are some of the things that I've observed about the duos in our group (NOTE: We're Horde, so no pallies, but I've played a pally so will interject impressions of what might be different with a pally):

Warlock/Priest - This can be fun for both players. Warlocks can use the their abilities to the fullest, then tap for their mana and just get healed by the priests. Also, depending on how you play a Warlock, you might be the type that gets injured alot (hellfire) which will keep the priest from getting bored. Decent crowd control with Charm, Banish, and Shackle. Decent tank with VW since you have a priest.

Warlock/Mage - Wreckless combo. Lot's of damage specially with AoE. Good crowd control (Sheep, Banish, Charm). Decent tank. You will drink alot. Best to go frost for mage in this combo for a little extra control of the fight and a little protection (longer chill, barrier, etc.)

Warrior/Mage - Very versatile. Good damage. Good tank/range combo. Very little down time if mage is frost/arc or arc/fire and/or if they watch their mana consumption. Sheep for crowd-control. With a pally, this might be a better combo because of the healing and the shields in emergency situations.

Mage/Rogue - Takes coordination. But a coordinated team can wipe things out very quickly. Good crowd-control with Sap/Sheep. Again a frost spec'd mage would probably be a better partner for the rogue (use frostbolts as primary to slow that way rogue can do dual instant poisons and not worry about runners). Both have a way of getting away if things to bad (vanish/sprint, nova/blink/runlikehell).

Rogue/Warrior - Interesting combo. Rogue should go daggers for Ambush/BS. Let warrior lead and pull aggro. Rogue just ambushes and backstabs targets until all are dead. A pally might not be able to hold aggro as well unless rogue uses that skill to lower aggro, but would have the benefit of being able to heal himself and especially the rogue if he pulls aggro accidentally. Easily killed a +5 elite with this combo.

Rogue/Rogue - Fun! Wreckless! Coordinating your attacks on one target takes a bit of getting used to. Avoiding a wasted gouge is the trick.

Mage/Priest - This combo works well in AoE situations. In normal grinding situations against 1-2 mobs, this combo will be lopsided until later stages when priest can go shadow and be effective to do damage. At earlier stages, the mage will be doing alot more of the damage. Also, a good mage should not need to be healed when fighting against 1-3 non-elite mobs. They may take a little damage, but that can be fixed as they're drinking to replenish mana anyways. Against elite melee mobs that hit fast and interrupts casting this combo could be in trouble. Once the mob is in melee range on either caster, its trouble.
#23 Sep 25 2005 at 6:25 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
Time to get this little fine thread out from the dustladen drawer ;-)

There are really many great pieces of advise in this thread and I would like to thank all for posting in it. I thought I would give a heads up on what we actually ended up with and how it worked.

We initially settled on a classic Warrior/Priest combo due the advise on instance accessability later on - that was a real killer argument in fact.

We worked, however on this combo only for a short period as me mate needed to get accustomed to the game in his own tempo, (he was not fully into the whole aggro thing and I simply got too much aggro from healing and just being me lol) and he rolled a hunter alt and quickly took him to about lvl 20 or so. It so happened, that I had a mage alt around that lvl and we teamed up again in a dare I say wreckless duo. Insane dps output and we also nailed those boulder bandits in Loch modan in a heart beat. It was imo the most fun duo of the two as we both got to nuke stuff which was basically what we were after it seemed :-).

He has levelled his hunter ow to about 55 and I am looking much forward to trying to group my lvl 60 druid with his char so as to once again go on the merry adventures and gain glory and honour. The druid/hunter combo looks very interesting and I think we will be able to take out some pretty big things once we get some decent gear.

once again thank you for posting in it and if I could I would rate the lot of you to the heavens, but its not possible :-(

all the best and druids ftw :P
#24 Sep 26 2005 at 3:38 AM Rating: Decent
i'm still surprised about it but a combo that work real fine this week end is mage+mage

Uber fire power, low rest time

Tailor/enchant for one (crafting gear and chanting them) and herb/alch for the other (buff potions)

i know it sounds weird but we both leveled like mad...
#25 Sep 26 2005 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
638 posts
My wife and I play a pally/druid combo that works well for us. My pally is heavily healing-oriented, and with her ranged attack, prowl ability and choice of forms, the fit is surprisingly good. As a tanked main healer, I never have to worry about what happens if I draw aggro, and as long as the healing spells keep coming, she loves tearing into a crowd. We both have a rez ability and healing.

For skills, I do mining/smithing and she does herbalism/alchemy - we keep heavily stocked in potions and weapon upgrades (weightstones and sharpening stones don't add a lot, but it really adds up if they're always on there!) and the metals, gems, and herbs, and even some potions sell well at the AH.

I can't say it's the best combo for any particular situation, but it is surprisingly versatile at facing a number of situations. And since one of the situations we face frequently is a high-level horde sneak attack taking out one of us in one shot, it helps having a class that can survive without a partner for a little while if necessary!
#26 Sep 26 2005 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
you seem to be set on alliance char....
however if u don't mind loking into the horde you can go
this is a sick combo, gr8 damage gr8 healing/buffs
as for professions
one could go skin/ leather
other could go herb/alch
leather is interesting in that endgame lets u make dragonscale armors which is a Mail and shamms can use mail at higher leavels (40)
alchamey is good for mana pots and buff potions, with a set up like that imo i think u guys would be a force to be reconned with in PVP and especially PVE.
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