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Best char combo for two??Follow

#27 Sep 26 2005 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
heh never even considered the horde choice actually it all just seemed too natural with the alliance choice, really. And judging by the way people tend to look at shammies (uber uber war machines) it could certainly be a killerduo in most settings. What I dont like about the duo of the same class (pally/pally mage/mage etc.) is that even though two chars are always better than one (and as someone said somewhere: even surpasses the sum of the two individuals) every class seem to have a weak spot, and while two chars may make up for it - two chars of the same class will nevertheless have...two weak spots and should not be terribly much better off if someone only knew what they were and how to take advantadge of that.

On the other hand, though I guess that speccing two chars of the same class differently could actually make up for it pretty neatly...hmmm might be worth trying that Shammy duo in a PvP environment sometime :-)
#28 Sep 28 2005 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
I say go druid + rogue. Great for both PVP and PVE. Let me explain some of the advantages:

Stealth: This is invaluable. In PVE you get to finish quests faster, as you just can take out the boss without having to kill everything in your way, you can sneak pass mobs/guards/whatever in your way. It also makes it easier to farm instances for gear or gold. In PVP stealth is just a huge advantage since you get to choose your battles and well, initiative is everything in PVP :).

Tank/healer/DPS: Druids can adept to whatever your need is. Tank + heal while the rogue does the damage. When facing low-armored mobs/classes druids can go cat. Rogues get lots of different stuns that allow the druid to heal safely when he's both tanking and healing. With some practice it should be no problem for the druid to keep agro from the rogue.

CC: Druids get hibernate and root. Rogues get sap and crippling poison.

If you want to be alliance, you can both be night elves and thus start at the same area and get the +1 effective stealth lvl :).

As to professions I suggest herbalism/alchemy and skinning/leatherworking for PVE. For PVP you might wanna take mining/engineering instead of skinning/leatherworking. Herbalism is a great profession for rogues (free swiftthistle and fadeleaf). Alchemy gives you potion buffs and healing/mana potions. Leatherworking is good for you since both druids and rogues wear leather. Never had a character with engineering but I hear it's very good for PvP :).

#29 Sep 28 2005 at 11:00 PM Rating: Decent
hey heres jus a though.
I see u have concerns about weak points, well be at ease.
If you and your friend are really going to stick it out from lvl 1-60 then u might look into a shamm-shamm setup somthing in the lines of

Elemental Talents - 37 points

Improved Lightning Bolt rank 0/5

Concussion rank 5/5

Improved Stoneclaw Totem rank 0/5

Call of Flame rank 5/5

Convection rank 5/5

Improved Searing Totem rank 0/2

Elemental Focus rank 1/1

Call of Thunder rank 5/5

Reverberation rank 5/5

Improved Fire Nova Totem rank 0/2

Elemental Fury rank 1/1

Improved Magma Totem rank 2/2

Lightning Mastery rank 5/5

Improved Chain Lightning rank 2/2

Elemental Mastery rank 1/1

Enhancement Talents - 5 points

Ancestral Knowledge rank 5/5

Shield Specialization rank 0/5

Improved Stoneskin Totem rank 0/3

Thundering Strikes rank 0/5

Improved Ghost Wolf rank 0/2

Improved Lightning Shield rank 0/3

Improved Strength of Earth Totem rank 0/3

Two-Handed Axes and Maces rank 0/1

Anticipation rank 0/5

Flurry rank 0/5

Improved Rockbiter Weapon rank 0/2

Improved Flametongue Weapon rank 0/2

Parry rank 0/1

Improved Frostbrand Weapon rank 0/2

Improved Windfury Weapon rank 0/2

Toughness rank 0/5

Improved Grounding Totem rank 0/2

Stormstrike rank 0/1

Improved Grace of Air Totem rank 0/3

Restoration Talents - 9 points

Improved Healing Wave rank 5/5

Tidal Focus rank 0/5

Improved Reincarnation rank 0/2

Ancestral Healing rank 0/5

Totemic Focus rank 4/5


Elemental Talents - 16 points

Improved Lightning Bolt rank 0/5

Concussion rank 5/5

Improved Stoneclaw Totem rank 0/5

Call of Flame rank 0/5

Convection rank 5/5

Improved Searing Totem rank 0/2

Elemental Focus rank 1/1

Call of Thunder rank 0/5

Reverberation rank 5/5

Improved Fire Nova Totem rank 0/2

Elemental Fury rank 0/1

Improved Magma Totem rank 0/2

Lightning Mastery rank 0/5

Improved Chain Lightning rank 0/2

Elemental Mastery rank 0/1

Enhancement Talents - 0 points

Ancestral Knowledge rank 0/5

Shield Specialization rank 0/5

Improved Stoneskin Totem rank 0/3

Thundering Strikes rank 0/5

Improved Ghost Wolf rank 0/2

Improved Lightning Shield rank 0/3

Improved Strength of Earth Totem rank 0/3

Two-Handed Axes and Maces rank 0/1

Anticipation rank 0/5

Flurry rank 0/5

Improved Rockbiter Weapon rank 0/2

Improved Flametongue Weapon rank 0/2

Parry rank 0/1

Improved Frostbrand Weapon rank 0/2

Improved Windfury Weapon rank 0/2

Toughness rank 0/5

Improved Grounding Totem rank 0/2

Stormstrike rank 0/1

Improved Grace of Air Totem rank 0/3

Restoration Talents - 35 points

Improved Healing Wave rank 5/5

Tidal Focus rank 5/5

Improved Reincarnation rank 2/2

Ancestral Healing rank 0/5

Totemic Focus rank 0/5

Eventide rank 5/5

Combat Endurance rank 1/1

Improved Lesser Healing Wave rank 5/5

Improved Healing Stream Totem rank 0/5

Tidal Mastery rank 5/5

Improved Mana Spring Totem rank 5/5

Nature's Swiftness rank 1/1

Purification rank 0/5

Mana Tide Totem rank 1/1

Please Excuse the sloppy job it late and i got work tomorrow, with a setup like this duo or in a group wether it be PVP or PVE

1) you will never run out of mana, well u will just u will get it back fast ^^

2) You guys will kill stuff fast... very very fast 2 shamms spamming shocks is a scary thing for players and mobs.

the only weakness here is that.... well i don't really see one except that this is of course an near endgame set up at you will each need 31 talent points b4 u see the full effect of this setup so roughly around 50 or 49 i think still you can both go elmental/resto early on for quick killing and respec later so one of u has Mana Tide totem which like makes u a favaortie of any class that uses mana. ^^ well Gluck
#30 Sep 29 2005 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
77 posts
Yeah 2 pallies would be GREAT...I have a 17 Palidan and I love grouping with others
#31 Sep 29 2005 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
For my Paladin (now level 54), I picked up mining and engineering. The mining supplies the raw materials to engineering. With engineering, you get grenades and bombs, which effectively becomes a ranged attack and an excellent pulling method. I still make iron grenades long after they have stopped giving me any XP just because it's easy to find the raw materials for them (by mining iron and heavy stone [from iron], and silk dropped from various mobs), they can be thrown a great distance (If I could really throw that good, I'd make a fortune playing baseball or (American) football.), they have a small blast radius (good for pulling a single mob), and they stun the those in the blast radius for a few seconds (when you can't avoid pulling 2 or more). There's also a lot to be said for shrinking your enemy with the Gnomish Shrink Ray .. when it works, dropping a targeting dummy into a bunch of mobs and having them start attacking it, and turning them into a leper gnome. The downside of engineering is it is a money sink. You can make decent guns and scopes to sell (which is ironic since paladins can't use them) and a couple forms of EZ thro dynamite, but all the really cool stuff is only usuable by other engineers. The other engineers are going to want to make those items themselves so they can level. The very high end stuff is also of the sort you really don't need two of, so getting to 300 is a challenge.

Mining is a good profession as I always seem to have more ore mined than I can use. Selling the ore and bars is a money maker and always pure profit. It only costs your time spent mining.

As of the 1.7 patch, paladins do get the Hammer of Wrath at level 44 (with a couple upgrades at higher levels), which is a magical hammer they can conjur and throw (quite a long ways), but only when the target is at or below 20% health. This is a "sort of" ranged attack because it can't be used for pulling. Bascially, this keeps the paladin from having to chase down an almost-dead mob where everyone else would just shoot them (hunters, rogues, warriors) or blast them with a spell (casters). (Seal of Justice does root them in place for a while too, but because of the cooldown period is usually only good for one or two mobs in a multiple mob combat.)

Pally/pally combos have worked well for me. Just remember to use different auras and buffs on each other and the other party members (which sounds simple, but if you don't play with other paladins a lot, you forget). Also agree on who is doing what seals against single mobs (lest you have the same seal cast twice or more - which wastes a seal) and space out your Hammer of Justice (stuns) so they aren't overlapped. Three pallys doing Hammer of Justice in a series can keep a mob from doing anything for 12-18 seconds depending on the pallys levels. That's long enough to put away many a mob.

When grouping, three pallys and warlock and a mage are incredibly deadly as are two pallys, warlock, mage, and priest. Let the pallys get the initial aggro (or have a caster pull and set up a gauntlet of pallys in front of him to refocus the aggro). With the DPS (from the casters, really), and the armor rating, protection/aggro focusing spells, and healing of multiple pallys (and the priest if there is one), it's a group that's darn hard to kill and can stand up to a lot of abuse.

My complaint with pallys is every pally's complaint with them as far as I can tell, which is DPS output. I can and have soloed single elite mobs that are one to two levels above me a number of times. I can heal, stun, use seals (which do different amounts of damage or other additive damage), drink potions, heal some more, stun some more, use bandages, etc, all of which lets me handle a great deal of damage over a long time. This is a good thing since it takes forever for me to put out a sizeable amount of damage. I can solo these guys alright, but it might take five minutes a mob. A typical rogue at the same level will put out two to three times (or more) the DPS of a typical paladin. (A rogue/pally combo works well, though. Let the rogue sap/pull a mob, have the pally step in front and get the aggro, and then both unload before the sapped mob joins in. Reasonable watchfullness from the pally to deliver heals to the rogue when aggro doesn't transfer [at least not fast enough]) can keep a rogue doing top damage for a long time. You can get to feel like a nursemaid if this happens too often. This feeling is guaranteed if the rogue is a level or two above the paladin.)

That said, two paladins, especially if they are at a similar levels and dmg output, can be effective against single mobs. The mob spends a lot of time refocusing his/her aggro in this case instead of actually doing damage. I've had mobs spin back and forth doing one hit each time while getting simultaneously smacked by both paladins. With multiple mobs, this is no longer the case, but paladins can usually hold out long enough to win the battle.
#33 Oct 02 2005 at 5:24 AM Rating: Decent
i would have to say that the best to class with the best two trade skills would have to be a Warrior and a Priest. because they could just keep on fight for ever. and at any lvl the Warrior with mining and blacksmith could make great stuff for its level. and if you give a priest her and alcy then he has potions if somehow the priest dies. if the warrior dies he can be resed. and healed very fast. not only could the priest just heal but with the alcy he could make potions of rage and pots of mana alowing them both to use there very best spell or abillitys for max damage.
#34 Oct 03 2005 at 3:47 AM Rating: Decent
as far as rogue combos go i like my rogue/druid combo for the healing, dule stealth, and ofcourse the mark of the wild buff

rogue with leather/skinning
druid with minning/engineering (preffearbly goblin cause u can just pay a gnome engineer for his divices and be done with it to draw agro so rogue can backstab)

this way u have the gear for both chars as well as aoe with bombs and the advantage of gnomish stuff

Edited, Mon Oct 3 06:29:12 2005 by meandmevsu
#35 Oct 03 2005 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
478 posts
I have a 33 Warrior and I duo with a 30 + Pally... We are Unstopable thus far. I pull and tank... he off tanks and heals. For now I do Mining and skinning for the cash. Armor is so expensive (warrior's are expensive). at level 40 i am switching to engineering. My mining is WAY up now so it will be a breeze.

hope that helps.
#36 Oct 03 2005 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
I am a lvl 48 gnome rogue and spend a lot of time duoing with a hunter. The combo of a combat rogue with the tanking capabilities of a decent pet and the traps available to a hunter make for a nice combo. I am also a miner/engineer so I have my mithril mechanical dragonling in case things get bad and if nothing else i can vanish and use my goblin jumper cables to rez if his feint doesn't work. A complementary profession choice is his mining/skinning. We get plenty of gold for upgrades (both weapon and armor, along with professions) and there is practically no down time between kills.

The only draw back we have faced so far is being able to duo lvl 47 elite mobs, but then I don't know who could when you have a lvl 55+ horde ganking you at the same time... lol.

Anywho, this seems to work out will if one of us is unavailable as well, seeing as how both classes are soloable as well.

Happy picking!
#37 Apr 26 2006 at 3:54 AM Rating: Decent
216 posts
I kinda like to revisit some earlier posts, and this being of my own construct I feel the need to update it with info on some other interesting combos.

Like I've stated in earlier posts in this thread we have tried a lot of combos and yes, we are still gaming together nearly a year after we started :) We both have lvl 60 chars on the same raid team and loads of alts that we run around having fun with :).

After a while we felt that our mains couldnt really do anything more exceot raiding and farming and when not on raids farming tended to get boring, so we decided to start a couple of horde chars up with the intend of owning alliance in bg's and in the meantime while waiting in ques duoing instances slightly below our own level.

We have chosen the following combo:

Shadow priest and Enhancement shammy and I can tell you its fun.

We dont lack any healing power and we still both have the capability to whip out some insane damage. We have found that when waling around the Gulch at top level cap (say lvl 39) there is really not anything stopping us and we find ourselves at the top of the chart nearly everytime depending on the composition of the rest of the team.

Its fun and I can surely recommend this to anyone else who wants to have alternate fun in their upcomming summer hollidays :P

I'll be back with more combos as we try them on for size :)


have fun.
#38 Apr 28 2006 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
1,233 posts
Flat out I would say Warrior and Priest is the best class combo for two dedicated players. Their abilities compliment extraordinarily well, and you can divide up the loot without waste or complaint. You will always be able to form a group because you already have the two key members, and the pair can handle very high level stuff by itself.

My son was a fantastic warrior until he got interested in girls, and I still play a priest cuz I got too interested in girls a long time ago. Together we could have ruled the galaxy!

As far as professions, look at consumables. Making armor or bags has limited utility once you have your own and the market saturates. Making potions is always useful because they get used up and demand never ends.

The warrior should consider developing mining and engineering. This will open a whole bunch of options--like jumper cables to rez the priest, PvP explosives, and interesting trinkets. Mining is always a cash cow (consumables!)

The priest should consider alchemy and herbalism, which is a cash cow and provides great benefits (invisibility, speed, healing, mana, protection potions). Again, consumables.

Skinning is of limited usefulness because you will spend a lot of time in instances and there aren't too many things to skin. Let the hunters do that. Enchanting is a possibility as a profession, particularly if you want to be popular with your guild by doing enchants for free (some people make money, but the market saturates after a while). Forget tailoring, there are too many doing it, and the market is not that great.
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