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Rolling on Greens - EnchantingFollow

#1 Jun 09 2005 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
First, I'll entertain you guys with a situation I was in a few days ago. We went to Gnomer with three rogues and two druids. I'm an enchanter/tailor and the rest are skinning/leatherworking. Thankfully two of the rogues were old buddy guildies who understand my need for greens, so they normally pass on items. The other rogue, also a guildie but not as close of a friend, rolled on everything leather, including +spirit/intel. The last person was a pick up druid cuz someone thought we would need an extra healer.

She rolled on everything. cloth, leather, MAIL. The group leader asked if she really needed that (with all his politeness and tactfulness) and she said "humanpally."

What really gets me about this whole thing is that previous to all this we talked about looting. They knew I was an enchanter and I asked them politely "I'm an enchanter, so is it alright if you pass on greens you dont need?" and they said "sure thing." Of course once everything started going, they just kept rolling and rolling. At first, I passed cuz that's what I had established in the beginning. "If you need it, I'll pass for you." Towards the end, I was like eff it, and rolled with them.

So, the question for all your enchanters out there. How do you deal with kiddies that roll on things they dont need?

I guess it is kind of selfish on my part to want all the greens to further my enchanting skills, but its really frustrating.

Please comment. Thanks a bunch =)
#2 Jun 09 2005 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
So, the question for all your enchanters out there. How do you deal with kiddies that roll on things they dont need?

Usualy I feel better when i read a story about some greedy player getting mad that someone else is greedy.

Realy Pot, I would like to intruduce you to the Kettel.

I am a enchanter, and I play well with others, if a group passes on a item, i take it, and we roll again on the Reagents, everybody nedds them, not just you. You said you had talked about looting, well then boot em, while I think you are just as greedy by thinking a enchanter "Needs" any item for DE is just as worng. You see Disenchanting a item is most deffenetly GREED, and theirfore you are just as bad as the guy that wants to outfit their alt.

Bottom line, Disenchanting items is a Greed roll and saying otherwise is lying to yourself and others, their is nothing wong if nobody else Needs the item and you want to roll on it, dont be suppried that someone else is greedy too.
#3 Jun 09 2005 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Disenchanting items is a Greed roll

Ah, see. That's the type of common knowledge that I didnt know before hand.

Thanks for the heads up.
#4 Jun 09 2005 at 4:30 PM Rating: Decent
336 posts
Just because your an enchanter doesnt mean you get all greens. Everyone else still needs money, which is part of the reason people do instances. Loot rules still apply as normal. If the item is needed by another player, let them have it. If it is needed by no one, then it is a 'V roll' and everyone gets to roll. Just because your an enchanter, doesnt mean you get special privlages.
#5 Jun 10 2005 at 12:24 AM Rating: Decent
32 posts
what is a V roll?

edit: well, from the post, I can see its a roll where everyone gets to roll, but I'm just curious what the V stands for. Took me forever to figure out the whole N/G thing until someone told me about it x_X

Gah! even at lvl 34 I'm still such a noob. TY for the help =)

Edited, Fri Jun 10 01:36:47 2005 by lejakl
#6 Jun 10 2005 at 1:08 AM Rating: Decent
Gah! even at lvl 34 I'm still such a noob. TY for the help =)

Gah! even at lvl 45 I'm still such a noob.
I swear, it's nothing ;D Live and learn. (or play and learn)
#7 Jun 10 2005 at 2:55 AM Rating: Decent
I do need to agree with the rest of the posters here... being an enchanter doesn't mean you get priority on useless greens, or even BoPs. To you, they are dust, essences, and shards of which later turns to GOLD. To the non-enchanters, they are simply meant GOLD. So in the end, it meant the same thing for enchanters and non-enchanters alike... GOLD.

You're a tailor, go create greens. cloth? go farm.

You're level is high enough, go raid Wailing Caverns or Deadmines alone, and surely enough you'll get a lot of greens and blues, normally I end up with 25-30 greens and 3 blues from Deadmines.
#8 Jun 10 2005 at 3:26 AM Rating: Decent
761 posts
The N for need seems to be universal but a lot of people use V for Vendor and G for Greed interchangably. Personally I prefer G as the established terms are Need/Greed.

#9 Jun 10 2005 at 3:53 AM Rating: Decent
LOL. all along i thought N/G stands for Need or Gold. which pretty much make sense to me.
#10 Jun 10 2005 at 5:53 AM Rating: Decent
226 posts
Maybe that person rolling on everything was just used to the higher level raids. In those, every single green BoE item is rolled on by everyone without a second thought. We don't look at the stats, the type or anything ; if it's green, we roll on it. If an enchanter says he wants every greens no one can use for disenchanting, he'll pretty much be told to shut up and leave if he doesn't like it. Everyone needs gold, and we can sell that loot for gold even if we're not enchanters. Even the blue BoP that everyone pass on don't to go enchanters ; they're randomed and someone disenchants it for the winner. To me, the greedy one in that post is the enchanter, not the person that was rolling on everything, and for the record, I'm a 300 enchanter myself (check the link to Kyrie if you don't believe it).
#11 Jun 10 2005 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
You're level is high enough, go raid Wailing Caverns or Deadmines alone

Wow, I hadn't though about going to an instance by myself o-O. I'll go try that for greens.

DM was always a good place for greens for me, but since I went as a group, I didn't get as many things. If I go alone... mmm nice idea! ty =)

Maybe that person rolling on everything was just used to the higher level raids.

Which dungeons will start becoming these "higher" level raids? I would like to know so I'm not out of the norm when I get there >_<

Wait, so does this mean that the whole N/G thing is irrelevant up in those levels?

Sorry for all the questions! You guys have been a big help though!

Edited, Fri Jun 10 14:49:44 2005 by lejakl
#12 Jun 12 2005 at 4:54 AM Rating: Decent
1,070 posts
the best way to look at it is this:

if the item is BoP, EVERYONE passes unless they are going to equip it themselves. if everyone ends up passing, those who wish to vendor or DE the item can roll for it manually (/roll).

if the item is NOT BoP, there are two ways of dealing with it, and this should be predetermined by the group:

1) if an item is an upgrade, it is given to whomever needs it. for every BoE item, members choose N for need or G for greed. unless you are GOING to use the item AS ARMOR/WEAPON, it is labelled greed.

2) all people roll on all BoE items equally. this is more common is higher-level instances (from what ive been seeing) as the worth of the items increases.
#13 Jun 12 2005 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
Just curious, do Enchanters ever offer to enchant the gear of the group they were with, especially if the group lets the Enchanter have the greens? I have a low level enchanter, and the few times that she has grouped and been allowed to take the greens, she offered to enchant one item for each member, based on what dust, etc she had with her.
#14 Jun 12 2005 at 9:49 PM Rating: Decent
anikat wrote:
Just curious, do Enchanters ever offer to enchant the gear of the group they were with, especially if the group lets the Enchanter have the greens? I have a low level enchanter, and the few times that she has grouped and been allowed to take the greens, she offered to enchant one item for each member, based on what dust, etc she had with her.

Sadly, this is a rare occasion. If you're with guildmates - YES, the do offer FREE enchants, not just ordinary enchants, but the best enchants they could offer.

But parties made of different guilds? Very rare. for everyone disbands right after they complete the instance, to turn in quests, to sell loots, or proceed to their next quests.
#15 Jun 12 2005 at 10:01 PM Rating: Decent
lejakl wrote:
[quote]Wow, I hadn't though about going to an instance by myself o-O. I'll go try that for greens.

DM was always a good place for greens for me, but since I went as a group, I didn't get as many things. If I go alone... mmm nice idea! ty =)

How did your solo raid go? I started raiding that place from lvl 38. you do have to pull nicely from time to time. perhaps thae hardest points of that instance you need to take caution of:

1. Goblin area (with the shredder) - clear the area first, leave the robot alone. pull nicely.

2. Mr. Smite (with 2 rouges) - pull them far away from the chest, that would give you enough time to kill the rogues off when Mr. Smite goes to his chest.

3. Van Cleaf (4 rogues) - kill VC first (he is the hardest hitter among the group), then take 1 rouge at a time.

all other areas are piece of cake. If you want you can just do the instance until you reach the goblin-shredder area and repeat again, that will give you a lot of greens, linens, wools, and gold.
#16 Jun 15 2005 at 5:57 AM Rating: Decent
226 posts
Which dungeons will start becoming these "higher" level raids? I would like to know so I'm not out of the norm when I get there >_<

Wait, so does this mean that the whole N/G thing is irrelevant up in those levels?

To my experience, It seems to start with BRD and DM. At this point, green items are generally much less sought-after as blue drops get more and more common. Also, a good part of your gear should already be rare items, and few green drops can compare so they're freely rolled on.

NGB isn't irrelevant at any level ; in fact, it's even more relevant at higher levels where people are less forgiving and mistakes aren't very tolerated. Even if it's an accident, rolling on a BoP rare or epic you can't use will most likely get you dropped from a pick-up group. For those items, most pick-up groups seem to follow the rule that everyone passes on it, and if some people want to take it as an upgrade, they'll random for it. If no one wants it, it's then greeded. Seeing as another common rule is that you may only get one upgrade per run, sometimes you have to take a gamble and pass on an item you could really use for a chance to get an even better one. Of course, you can always pass, then offer to buy the item (assuming it's BoP) from the winner for the same price he'd sell a large brilliant shard.
#17 Jun 15 2005 at 6:33 AM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Luthienne, thank you very much for your tips on raiding Deadmines alone! I'll probably take a shot at it later in the week.

To everyone who posted, you guys have been a great help! I think this is the kind of common information that every player should know about, even if they are not an enchanter.

I hope someone will post a guide about rolling for items for reference in the future!
#18 Jun 15 2005 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
4,575 posts

i like the following method which only a few groups i've been in have used, mainly players who have higher-level alts already. Roll on everything green! Greed! Blue and BoP will be determined by Need first, then greed. This is by far the best choice imo..i won't care if i lost a green item i can actually use because i had a chance to roll on other greens which i sell for money, and then maybe i can buy something else. up to the level 50s, a lot of green gear for my druid is only 1-2g...seriously how much of a dent is that? when i can get even 5 green items to sell for 5-10g total, and have to dish out 2g for a piece i like from the AH, i'm happy. now i dont know about green mail and plate, but leather and cloth are pretty cheap up to 50 or so.

the next best choice is, everyone roll on green unless some calls Need. but that doesn't often work well..suddenly every green item is needed so the other 4 players have to pass. my worst experience with this was a mage who was an enchanter. everyone did as expected for the first few rolls, it went very nice. suddenly there was a nice leather headpiece i could wear as an upgrade to my current piece right away so I "need" this, but everyone rolled on it. the mage won it, and was so happy about being able to DE it. i asked for it again, he still said he was going to keep it to DE it. that definitely made me upset. it was almost like, as we progressed deeper into the instance, the previous rules were being forgotten as we all got comfortable pulling, killing, rolling, moving along.

now the worst case of rolling is probably this one: "Can I roll on it bc I have an alt who can use it even though my current char can't?". N-O. NO! If your alt can use it, your alt should be here.

i also hate the players who roll on BoP items when someone in the group can use it. their reason? "i can sell it for 50 silver". damn, are you that freaking poor that 50s means a lot to you, more than the player who just lost a really good item he could use?

my final tip: idiot players advance because we allow them to advance. in WoW they can solo thru more but they still have a reputation to maintain. if someone acts like an idiot, boot them from the group. i'd rather not finish a quest or instance than to suffer thru some idiot player's antics. this especially includes looting antics.

Edited, Wed Jun 15 12:41:23 2005 by bluegayle
#19 Jul 15 2005 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
I totally agree with this post and in general most posts here are reasonable. The key to harmonious looting, is not which method you use, but whether of not loot rules are CLEARLY STATED early on, agreed upon and followed/enforced.

Some people think that Need before Greed means only rolling on what you can use, but this is irrational when we're talking about BOE greens that aren't an upgrade for anyone, because cloth is worth less than plate and some areas have more of one type of armor or wep than another.

To hold a grudge against someone for rolling on BOE items when you haven't told them it is an upgrade for you (and seen whether they will hand it over) or established any ground rules prior to the event is really noobish, but sadly common.

As for the enchanter who started this thread, good on you for bringing it to the table, as looting is the cause of most WoW wars and it's a pity there aren't some clear guidelines (and options) presented by Blizzard (if there are I haven't found them). You have learnt by now that expecting people to pass on all greens in order that you may advance your skill and bank balance is most definately GREED!

In our guild we promote a one upgrade each rule, but this applies mostly to BOP items. As for someone rolling for their alt, this is only really acceptable when that person is a higher level there to help their friend(s) out, sacrificing personal xp.

Edited, Fri Jul 15 20:14:49 2005 by Gavelyn
#20 Jul 15 2005 at 8:49 PM Rating: Decent
For those items, most pick-up groups seem to follow the rule that everyone passes on it, and if some people want to take it as an upgrade, they'll random for it.

I'm surely also a lvl 27 noob :) What do you mean by this "take it as an upgrade"?
#21 Jul 16 2005 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
I believe he means that you would upgrade your armor or weapon right then with said item. As in you would equip that item then and there.
#22 Jul 17 2005 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
131 posts
"I guess it is kind of selfish on my part to want all the greens to further my enchanting skills, but its really frustrating. "

It is selfish, other people have tradeskills and items to acquire also, this can be done by selling those greens. Everyone should roll on any BoE in a pickup group unless loot rules beforehand counter that. If you want to raise enchanting group with friends only and/or buy greens on the AH.

It's frustrating for other people to pass on gold because enchanters want to skill up.

Random unused BoEs and spread the wealth around. Your 2 friends in that group were already giving you the major chance to get the items anyway over any single person.
#23 Jul 18 2005 at 7:45 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
anything other than needing it as a armor/weapon upgrade is classified as G

i understand the reasoning behind the high lvl raid group system, but when its emulated on lower lvl dungeons, as happened when i was in SM, loads of people got things they didnt need and things they wanted went to the wrong people,

and enchanting is not NEED, its a favour if they let u take it ;) and im an enchanter at 225 at lvl 41
#24 Jul 19 2005 at 12:07 AM Rating: Decent
Here is another idea for getting reagents for an enchanter that i have used to good effect. I have a paladin lvl 41, who is a miner / smith, and i use the bars to make simple, cheap items that i then mail to my enchanter to DE. One very easy pattern is Rough Bronze Leggings, which take only 6 bronze bars to make, no gems, thread, grinding stones or anything else. These usually DE to Strange Dust (and plenty of it, usually 3 to 6 dust each). As i have gone higher i note other patterns that are easy to make, like Patterned Bronze Bracers (5 bronze bars and 2 course grind stones). A high level alt with tailoring, smithing, leatherworking, or engineering can usually make good amounts of items for DE for someone's enchanter, and this can be far faster and easier than farming for items except for very high level items. My paladin is at 250 smithing, and quite a few of the mithril items that need lvl 40+ to wear require only 12 to 16 mithril bars to make, and maybe a few grindstones. Happy crafting!


The higher the level of the item you DE the better the reagents usually are, and weapons seem to give more essences, armor seems to give more dusts.

Edited, Wed Jul 20 12:20:41 2005 by Crashdyv
#25 Jul 19 2005 at 12:30 AM Rating: Decent
normally when I play we avoid the whole rolling thing by setting the loot threshhold to either rare or epic. Then if someone needs a boe just ask and it's freely given away. I may not do this once I hit 300 for enchanting but I ask tend to de almost anything I get unless the stats say it would sell but things like a 2h sword with + spi get's de'd. I also ask those in the group if they would like me to de their greens and give them the matts or enchant something with the matts that drop I've been in some pu groups where I tell them I'm lvling enchanting and if they all agree to let me de anything they don't need I'll enchant all their stuff until the matts are gone. Since I'm still trying to lvl I tend to enchant things for party members even if it's just my own greens I used for mats. I might be poor but I've never had any problems finding a group because other than someone dropping a tip I've never outright sold any enchantments as long as they were at least green. I'll do any enchants for free if they provide the matts as long as I have the time.
#26 Jul 20 2005 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
I suggest only doing the instances with guildmates you can trust (which should be all of them) and get your guild in Ventrilo. That way there is no confussion, you can talk about each drop.

Also, I am sure you have a guildmate who is a leatherworker/skinner? Have him make you stuff to disenchant. I do that for our guild enchanter. I have given him probably hundreds of gold in items not to mention the mats and vendor resources needed to make the items.

Of course our guild came over from UO and we have been playing together for well over 5 years already so that helps.

Bugeater of Laughing Skull
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