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Blacksmithing IS good money you noobs !!Follow

#1 Jul 05 2005 at 11:34 PM Rating: Sub-Default
Whenever I look for threads relating to Blacksmithing (I'm a level 275 Weaponsmith/300 miner) I hear : "OMFGZZZ TEH BS IS UZELEZZ !!" remarks .

Well heres to you noobs , who say that .

Blacksmithing is GOOD money ............ The major arguement these people draw is that if you sell the mats you farm as a miner in AH , you'd end up with more money to buy "Uber" stuff anyway .

Ok so in both cases , you will waste time farming , so time is out of the equation , lets talk money :

Suppose you still haven't reached the thorium stage : How many mithrils/irons/copper/tin did you "waste" on BS when you could have sold ?

Heres a comfortable guess : ummm lets say 500 mithrils ? Good enough for you ? lets say 250 irons ? How about 500 coppers/tins inbetween , thats a pretty comfortable guess .

According to the median prices in Thottbot and Allakhazam (i wont mention my own server's prices due to variation) :-

1-Mithrils :500 mithrils= 25 stacks = 25x 3.5 G = 87.5 Gold.
2-Iron : 250 irons = 12.5 stacks = 12.5 x 2 G = 25 Gold .
3-Copper and Tin = too bored to check the exact prices but say 20 G (all of these are very generous estimations)

Solid stones + Heavy Stones + Coarse Stones + Rough Stones = say 100 G

So if you sell all of these (unlikely you'll farm more ) its about 225 approximately .

Now lets check the Blacksmithing option :

While doing a galore of quests in Tanaris , do yourself a favour and pass by the Gusting Vortexes spawn points to farm breath of wind , and keep an eye on lvl60s that get it as loot from Silithus .

By the time you get to be a weaponsmith, and spend all these bars mentioned above on lvling and suppose say .... you sell to vendor with maximum losses (just to make the farm/sell mats arguements stronger although green iron hauberk and a few other items are hot sellers): MAKE Phantom Blade , it sells for 40-45G on most servers , make 5 of these , forget Truelsilver Champion , Forget The Shatterer , Forget Blight and any other random drop , forget Heavy mithril armor , forget Ornate Mithril Armor (which is in demand) , JUST phantom blades , 5 of them , will get you your money's worth of all the bars you've wasted throughout your BS career .

I can go into exact numbers ..... but you get the picture .

Apart from the money , you get a reputation , if you're the highest BS in your guild the Warriors and Palas will kiss your *** for a weapon or an armor piece .

I'm talking Weaponsmith here , I don't know about Armoursmith .

I used to be like all the rest of the whiners , regretting I chose BS ...etc , and then when I became a Weaponsmith and realized that a lot of lvl60s were still carrying Truesilver champions and phantom Blades ...... a certain light bulb lit above my head . It took me 10-15 minutes everyday to get truesilver/star rubies/breath of wind for cheap from high lvl players and/or noobs . And right when i was about to give up on BS , I sold 4 phantom blades and 2 truesilver champions in auction (in addition to various other epic and uncommon gear) and my Gold reserve jumped to 300-350G overnight , i was lvl46 .

And thats just the beginning , Arcanite Reapers and CHampions add a whole new set of digits to your bank account , Imperial Armor Sets ....etc .

It's pretty simple really . Why is it then that most people complain about Blacksmithing ?

1-They suck .

2-They don't advertise themselves like they should (AH , Channel /2 , YELL if u have to / Guild members / Check people's armor and stuff as u see them in a boat ..etc ) after a while of yelling in IF about BS stuff , people started whispering me at random times asking me if i could make this or that ,they memorised my name and found it easier to whisper me than to look for a BS or wait for an item in AH.

3-They fell for the Hype : most common phrase (BS will never make items that compare to most drops ) Correct , but MOST drops are random and very rare , they're not that common to ruin a BS's career , specially at higher lvls .

Second most common phrase : Nobody's wants the stuff I make !! That's bull , you just never asked around enough , whenever i see people my lvl i check their armor and if i can make a piece better than the stuff they're wearing i think (ghee even if i double the vendor's buy price , this guy will still find it a good deal !!)

Now at lvl53 i still make green iron hauberks , and if i knew that they were in demand back then I would have become richer much sooner .

4-They fell for the other Hype : "nobody wants to buy BS stuff because it's not unique" ....... Actually , unless you're lvl60 with a very big ego (like mine lol)you'd just want something that cuts and slashes well enough ...... most BS weapons sell for much cheaper prices than drops of comparable stats .

Blight (43 DPS epic polearm , BS make) sell for 7-10 G on my server , comparable drops sell for 15-20 G , and so on.

Checking the threads on this forum almost ended my BS career before it began . Now I'm setting the record straight .

P.S : I just bought dark iron pulverizer plans and I've agreed on a percentage of profits from the higher lvl guys to get me dark iron bars for that weapon ....etc , be creative !

Edited, Wed Jul 6 00:41:28 2005 by NeoCzar
#2 Jul 06 2005 at 6:32 AM Rating: Decent
Ure absolutely right. People seem to forget one thing: In BS u get to sell f.e. a Green Iron Hauberk very soon(about lvl30-35). These babies sell for 5-6g each and u can actually grind every item. Just buy the Jade or Moss Agate but even then u can make a profit of at least 3g and thats good money for a lvl30-40. When u find them on lvl25+ KEEEP THEM!!! Ure gonna need them later.

Edited, Wed Jul 6 07:36:10 2005 by UltimaSephiroth
#3 Jul 06 2005 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
wow.. thx neo you jus changed my opinion to blacksmithing completely..
#4 Jul 07 2005 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent

IMO though.. tip of the iceberg.

I have become sorely hooked on the AH... and its developing on my Blacksmither too. /sigh

My procedure. Track what you sell stuff for. Once you know that, and what the average price of materials is on the AH, you can then make a fiar assessment of weather or not to buy something. Those 2 jades up on the AH for 1 gold... good price or not? The small lustrous pearl up for 1 silver.. worth it?

once you can answer those questions, you search... and search... and search for ingredients that are under priced. If I know I can sell a pearl handled dagger for 1.5 gold, and can find ALL the ingredients on the AH for a total of 25 silver.. that is about 1 gold profit, for a little amount of time invested. (always have to factor in AH lag, Mail lag, travel time between AH, mailbox, forge/vendor, back to AH.

This applies to most professions too... I did this with Alchemy, and covered easily 60% of the cost of my epic mount.

Now.. if Blizzard would be so kind to centrally locate Bank, trades area (all trades) and AH.. I would greatly appreciate that.
#5 Jul 08 2005 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
Great post. I have to add my noob story to highlight how easy it is to make cash mining.

I came over with a group of friends from EQ and we wanted to start our own guild and get a tabard design. We had been playing WoW about a month. Luckily I picked Mining as my profession and found that I was soon raking in the money from selling copper bars (60s a stack was a lot of money to a noob). Because I was mining I was able to buy the guild petition and buy the tabard design (10g) in a few days of running around farming copper while the rest of my friends where still grinding for the 90s to buy a tabard for themselves.

Being too lazy to run around for a few hours and farm some minerals is NOT a problem with the profession.
#6 Jul 08 2005 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
hey thats sweet man. cant wait till my skill gets higher. :-)

btw when do u get to specialize in something? like armorsmithing or weaponsmithing.

Edited, Fri Jul 8 21:45:46 2005 by Yodaisgreen

Edited, Fri Jul 8 21:49:08 2005 by Yodaisgreen
#7 Jul 09 2005 at 5:38 AM Rating: Default
Ok , better response than I thought . I expected a "OMFGZZZ FFS TEH OP IZZ DUMB!!! DER IZZ NO MONY IN DA BS !!!" but I'm relieved to know that not everyone here is a 12-year old.

Tips for mining :

1-Copper : If you need a tip to find copper,stop reading,log out , delete your account, set your computer ablaze and take stamp collecting as a new pasttime .

2-Tin: Look above .

3-Iron : Depending on your lvl , Arathi Highlands (lots but widely dispersed) or Alterac Mountains (TONS but you have to be 40+ , around the Ogre mounds ,in the woods)

4-Mithril : If you're under lvl35 ,go for the charred vale in stonetalon mountains , its boring as hell and drops are crap but its about the only choice you've got , if you need mithril for the mithril brotherhood quests , and are 38+ go for ALterac mountains, its the place of choice for mithril ,3-4 veins of mithril , about 10-12 of iron (farm these until the mithrils respawn) and usually one or two truesilver/gold veins ) also the elite ogres are easy to kill and have good drops + good XP . If your higher in lvl (45+) then Venture Tanaris from south east to south west border , close to the mountain range , you'll find at least 7-9 mithril veins and one small throium vein close to Ungoro's Crater .(Also keep an eye for Gusting Vortexes to loot breath of wind and make phantom blades and truesilver champions).

5-Thorium : I'm struggling with it , but it seems that Thoriums are never easy to find and farm anywhere in WoW , they're supposed to be rare no matter what lvl you are , Ungoro's Crater seems like a good place to farm for small thorium and rich thotium veins , 4-6 veins at all times , widely dispersed and tons competing for it , but since i'm lvl52 , i have no other choice.

Advice : Farming kills your spirit and playtime , unless you absolutely need the mats urgently , try to quest in the areas mentioned above so you could quest and farm at the same time. And NEVER farm for money , as in : don't farm for hours just so you can sell the mats , in the same time you farmed you could have lvled , gotten great drops , and sold the vendor crap for the same amount of money you would get from farming . Only farm if you need it for engineering/BlackSmithing. Don't buy the mats from AH unless you really need an item you couldn't farm , and just one of those . I made the mistake of buying all of my mats from AH , I ended up with being a lvl225BS , and lvl 134 miner , which kept me always broke , I had to grind and quest for hours just so I'd be able to get get 3-4 G to buy a stack of mithrils to lvl my BS one point . But when my minning lvled up I farmed Alterac for 3-4 hours , got back with 180 iron bars , 90 mithril bars , 22 truesilver bars , tons of different stones , 1 blue drop , 4 green drops (from the ogres) and gained about 6000 XP killing Orcs , it was fun .

You choose between armorsmith and weaponsmith at lvl40 , and BS lvl225 i believe (forgot , seems like ages ago) , and then you choose a subcategory of weaponsmith (macesmith , axesmith , swordsmith) at lvl50 and 265 BS (at least).
#8 Jul 13 2005 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
First of all, just for the record, "NeoCzar" I happen to be 12 and a great WoW player. Anyways, I agree, BS is a great way to pull in the money. Although im only a level 19 palidan, So I really have to no idea where all of these higher level areas are, I find Gold Coast Quarry an awsome place to mine and grind. I go there gain about a half a level, mine tin, silver, and copper, run my *** back to Sentinell Hill, smelt my metal, then advertise and usually make around 2-5 gold every trip there and back...And thats pretty good money for me right now.Oh and I'm not sure about this one, but I've heard rumors that say something about once you take Armor Smithing your permanently stuck with it, even if you drop it for another proffesion. Is this true? Although what I do know is anybody who would have made it to Armor Smithing and dropped it is a noob, and/or dumbass anyways.....

P.S.-Thanks for setting everyone straight about B.S. :)!!
#9 Jul 14 2005 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
Unfortunately for me, i quit blacksmithing a long time ago cuz it was/is expensive and useless in its early stages (i.e. the copper phase). However, from what you say here I may reconsider it. I didn't know it had such earning potential. It seems very few professions have any real earning potential in the early stages but i guess in the end any profession can be profitable (except maybe engineering which is just cool anyway). Alchemy is also a decnt money maker with its transmuting since it's all profit and there's no work required on your part. Depending on the market, you could probably even buy the arcanite crystals yourself, transmute, and sell the bar with a markup at the AH. Only drawback is that you can only get your free 5 gold every 2 days...but the plus is there's no farming rquired =)
#10 Jul 16 2005 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Yes, what you heard is correct.

People have dropped Blacksmithing>Armorsmithing in hopes of doing it all over and changing to Blacksmithing>Weaponsmithing, but once the choice is made, that's the end of it.

Hope that helps.

#11 Jul 16 2005 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
130 posts
Double post, refer to below

Edited, Sat Jul 16 18:14:39 2005 by Heathengod
#12 Jul 16 2005 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
130 posts
I think your math is a little off. While Phantom blade may be a good money maker you're not making 45g PROFIT/sell, regardless if you farm your own mats or not there's still a cost associated to them (namely what you could sell them for on the AH without crafting into anything). You still make good profit from phantom blade (on some servers assuming the market isn't flooded). Deducting the cost of mats you probably make 5-15g/sale depending on your server (which is still great cash) so to recoup all the gold it took you to get to this stage in Blacksmithing still does take a while, but once you get out of the black you're sitting pretty.

There is definitely money to be made with blacksmithing but it's not quick and it's fairly eratic depending a lot on the needs of others and who else is making things for what price. A lot of watching the AH and throwing your stuff up when there's a need for it in the market.

The reason people ***** about Blacksmithing not making any cash is because 200-300g is a significant investment to put forward for return that comes sparatically, just stick it out and jump on any new recipes that are released, make money when you can and you'll make it all back and then some in the end, just don't expect to hit 300 and BOOM 300g profit/synth.
#13 Jul 16 2005 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
Ok this is preety broken, then again it does the same with other professions i guess.

If you sell copper ore it sells for 20c if you smelt it it sells for double, 40c.

How is this not bad, smelting is free after learning it and a mining pick is inexpensive.

Not only that but Durotaur is abundent with copper so there is no problem with it.

My warlock alt, who i deleted, would mine 40+ copper ore and smelt, makeing mining go up and then sell for tons of silver.

The other thing thta is broken is linen with tailoring, but since this isnt about tailoring I wont post it.

ZUTY >.<
#14 Jul 17 2005 at 8:06 AM Rating: Decent
hm well ur right about that u can make money on BS when its about low levels

i was about the first BS ppl that got heartseeker plans
so i started grinding arcane crystal an had 3 alchemy all too my self to make me free arcane transmute

well i got the 10 arcanebar + the rest of the stuff
i calculated what the price HAD to be inorder to sell it with some profit

an i can honestly say..the time an effort i put into it trying to sell the dagger was just not worth it:(
not at all
try yell in IF that u wanna sell it early in the serverlife....imagen how many kids trying to be "serious" i offer alot i give u 90g for it

ended up i gave it away to a rogue in my guild:)
so i quit BS (after alot of other stuff i never got to sell like dark iron stuff or arcanite reaper)

if u think about it at the time 1 arcanebar went for 40g (u need 10) well i just started calculating how much i would make on the reagents if i sold it an shocked as i was i wouldnt make any profit if i sold the dagger for the price i i said "ah **** it all u rogue's have 1 week to bring me arcanitebar's so i can make u heartseekers before i change profession"

now i have engineering cause thats a MUST for a paladin in PvP an iam very happy with it...have mining an make all the money i need right now

many of the others BS have changed profession inorder to make a profit

so BS is not very profitable at high level (or else i play on a server with greedy ppl that dont wanna spend their gold on great weapons)
#15 Jul 18 2005 at 1:08 AM Rating: Decent
300 armorsmith here, going to put my 2cents in.

on my server (thunderhorn) a stack of thorium bars is 4-6 gold.

how long does it take to mine 20 bars worth?

star ruby = 1-2g

i buy all my mats, i buy 2 stacks of thor for about 8g (i buy them at 4g) and 2 star rubies at 1g each. Add that up, 10g.

lets see, maybe 3 minutes in AH, 1-3 minutes in mail box, depending on lag, 30 seconds running to forge, 25 seconds to craft an Imperial Breastplate, 30 seconds to AH, 30 seconds putting it on AH at 25g.

about 8 minutes to make a 15g profit, all i have to do is wait on it to sell (which it WILL sell).

you, an hour maybe per stack of thorium that sells for 4g profit. and you still have to wait on AH for it to sell.

Enchanted thorium legs, i sold one for 750g. sold for 3,500g

#16 Jul 19 2005 at 7:47 AM Rating: Decent
Where do you go and who do you talk to to specialize in blacksmithing. I think I want to be a swordsmith...I have been crapping around and not doing alot with my lvl 60 character. I have finally decided to start buckling down and make some money...Also, I would really like to know what areas of smithing pay the most money...should I be an axe smith...armor smith...or sword smith? And where do I go to specialize?
#17 Jul 19 2005 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
I'm a level 300 armorsmith and the Enchanted Thorium Breastplates I made can sell for about 500g well thats what I charge. I mean I say get the mats and its 15g so in the 10 seconds it takes me to type /2 Crafting [Enchanted Thorium Breastplate] for 15g if you provide mats PST for mats list Then get a /w go /r post mats wait maybe three dyas get another /w I have the mats where can we meet. Its slow money there but I can go and sell it for 500g then lets think about my profit -85g for the Enchanted Thoium. 415g profit then -15g for the Huge Emeralds. So 400g then -16g for ther Diamonds 384g profit. The essences -80-100g so lets say 284g just for kicks. Then the Arcanite about 30g a bar 30gX8=240g if I get them from the AH.
OMGZDOOD thats a 44g F***ing profit. Now lets factor in that I can get free Enchanted Thorium if I get the Thorium and Dust(unless my friend is being nice) about +40g so 84g then I can get the essences from friends for a cheaper price or just farm them +80g so 164g. Then I get free transmutes from friends if I get the mats so lets say I buy the crystals for 20g apiece thats 160g so thats another +80g 244g so far then I can farm the other items. so about +31g thats 275g.
WOW 275g for about a days worth of work is it worth it....? I mean hell it sucks a$$ trying to find the Top Halves but when you do your making alot of money.
So over all BS sucks to about level 250+ I would say but it is worth it.
#18 Jul 23 2005 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
Wow.... someone really did his homework, and i agree, if you get blacksmithing in the high end zone then well you are a rich man... preacticly. The only problem is when you make the transitions between lets say copper and bronze. But thats about it, i think ist much more profitable then just selling raw materials.
#19 Jul 24 2005 at 2:46 AM Rating: Good
To make money with any kind of crafting profession, you don't always have to go gather mats. Just spam org or IF that you are making such and such for mats + fee. Post your services on your realm forum, do something to get the word out.

You gotta be creative to make money :P
#20 Jul 25 2005 at 2:54 AM Rating: Decent
"I sense a great disturbance in the force. Like a hundred million voices all whining at once."

must be reading the official forums ;P
#21 Jul 25 2005 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
I'm just at that point know. How the heck do I farm/grind the green leather armor?

I've lately started to get the exact impression the first poster was complaining about. That I can sell raw goods for more then finished goods.

Try selling some green iron bracers, or a green iron helm.

Anyway, I'd love some suggestions on what to make and were to find/grind/buy/farm raw materials. Thanks in advance.
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