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First Aid and AggroFollow

#1 Aug 12 2005 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
I've been considering first aid the past few days and haven't found any information on the boards pertaining to any strategy revolving around the skill.

As a priest I dig healing and at first leveling up in in this aid skill seemed pretty redundant. However I realized that being able to channel healing without the use of mana can be useful in several situations. Although its difficult because the computer seems to interrupt you immediately (perhaps changed with an added shield) bandaging someone can give them the necessary life to stay alive while your mana regens. It could almost take the place of renew if need be. Understanding that it will require your entire attention on one player however...

Does anyone know what sort of aggro bandaging causes? That could be another benefit.

And what other uses to you guys put first aid to?

Edited, Fri Aug 12 09:26:34 2005 by Roffa
#2 Aug 12 2005 at 8:19 AM Rating: Decent
Actually, i do not know if bandaging causes aggro at all. Whenever I see bandages used, it is usually after a battle, that way our healer(s) can work on getting their mana back, while everyone else can get healed.

Bandages will come in handy though, I use them with my druid. Even though I can heal, they do work nicely when you are out of mana and need healing. Bandaging yourself prevents using your mana in a desperate situation. Say that you pull the aggro with healing the tank, the tank is able to pull everyone off you, but you are left with barely any life and only enough mana for a couple of heals. Bandage yourself, heal your tank, and then heal another person.

Plus, if you are not a tailor, it can be a good way to get rid of all them pesky linen cloth that can be picked up early in the game...

But back to your question, i do not know whether it gathers aggro or not. Anyone else know?
#3 Aug 12 2005 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
Does anyone know what sort of aggro bandaging causes? That could be another benefit

I Know, I Know,the awnser is Zero, Aggro free Healing.
Anybody would be foolish to not level and use First Aid.
#4 Aug 12 2005 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
312 posts
I know that if I'm bandaging myself and I get hit, I stop bandaging. (think dots cause it to stop also).

If i'm bandaging someone else and HE/SHE gets hit, does it stop?

#5 Aug 12 2005 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
If i'm bandaging someone else and HE/SHE gets hit, does it stop?

Yes, any dammage to any party intrupts the channeling, while it has no aggro, it dosent stop aggro you may have already got.
#6 Aug 12 2005 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
Bandaging is a channeling action, which means it can be interupted and its full effect lost. I was wondering why when trying to bandage a warrior who was tanking, the channel would get interrupted. I assumed since I was channeling that as long as I didn't get interupted the full 6 or 8 seconds would go out and a full heal would happen. However that rarely happens and I usually only make it a second or two. I assumed the computer controlled mob just knew to interupt me. I think the above is a great question. Does anyone else know the answer?

<edit> the answer came before I posted..
That actually disappoints me. Now all bandaging does is speed up the time you spend between mobs...

Edited, Fri Aug 12 12:13:44 2005 by Roffa
#7 Aug 12 2005 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
any dammage to any party intrupts the channeling

so if you are channeling bandaging a warrior who is getting hit, it will intrupt the Bandage, and still flagg the Recently bandaged debuff, for in combat healing to work well the mob needs to be immoblised, either by a snare/snag(if mob has no ranged attack) or mez/sap/sheep/sleep ed. so once again, if either the healer or the healee gets hit, channeling is intrupted.
which means it can be interupted and its full effect lost

Not exacltly, the Hp that have been healed are healed, so if it took 3 sec for a mob to get to and Hit your target, they will get part of the heal.
#8 Aug 12 2005 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
My bad. My wording was off. What I meant was the bandages full healing effect would be lost. If it heals for 160 you wouldn't get it all, like you said, just whatever channeled before interruption.

I haven't tested this yet, but what happens if the warrior is shielded? I know my spells are not interrupted while shielded. Are channeling effects also saved? Then to shield (although that generates aggro and costs mana) one might be able to save damage and heal simultaneously for less than two spells...

Edited, Fri Aug 12 12:18:29 2005 by Roffa
#9 Aug 12 2005 at 2:47 PM Rating: Default
If you bandage while shield you'll be fine. If he takes ANY damage or you take ANY damage the bandaid stops. The real reason bandaids aren't used at it has a 1 minute cooldown timer between them. Why worry about more stuff than need be. If your fighting a major boss the shield probably won't hold long enough for the 8 second bandaid. You really shouldn't be OOM that often otherwise.

Something to think about if your OOM I guess but otherwise not worth it. Bandaids are very useful in PvP for non healing classes. For whoever said warriors bandaid on their down time I never do. I would waste a stack or two of runecloth every instance run. Get the mage to make water for priest and let the priest heal everyone up. Mana regen from water is like 4.6k over 30 seconds compared to food which is 2.2k over 30 seconds.
#10 Aug 12 2005 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
As a rogue, bandages are very important to me as I have no way of healing myself. Usually in PvP or solo grinding, if I find myself low on health, I'll blind the enemy, bandage and continue fighting.

I really see no point in priests doing first aid. If you're using it to benefit your guild with free bandages then that's understandable. Otherwise I would concentrate on your tradeskills.

#11 Aug 15 2005 at 6:02 AM Rating: Default
42 posts
I actually stole aggro from my pet when using First Aid. Either this was a bug or bandages are not aggro-free.
#12 Aug 15 2005 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
761 posts
Death costs a lot more than a bandage, both in terms of money (repairs) and time lost (corpse-walking). You can use them any time you don't have aggro or you can create your own opportunities for using them. The possibilities are there, for example you can use any stun effect, Psychic Scream or Shackle Undead.

Simple example (assuming priest class):

You are solo fighting an elite 60 mob in the plaguelands and are running out of mana, with the last dregs of your mana what do you do...

1) Flash Heal 812 to 958 points health, using 380 mana, die about 3 to 5 hits later.

2) Shackle Undead for 50 seconds, using 150 mana. Run like a girl until out of combat then hit up channels with LFG to kill omgzorz elitez.

3) Shackle Undead for 50 seconds, using 150 mana. Follow up with a Heavy Runecloth bandage for 2000 health healed. Get 45 seconds of 100% mana regen. Get full distance to mob and recommence the beating.

#13 Aug 15 2005 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
125 posts
I've pulled aggro too while using bandages in a 3-person party. (The effect was interrupted too, so it wasn't a complete healing.) I think I was using a runecloth bandage, btw.
#14 Aug 16 2005 at 10:27 AM Rating: Default
It is very "BiG" of your already giving nature, (picking Priest), to think further as in bandages for your group.

Bandages would best be used by "EVERYONE" not the priest! Your in a group and the healer is being overloaded as he is saving tank? Back out of agro and apply a bandage to yourself, keeps you alive and aleves some pressure from the healer(s) seeing the life bars all dropping, yours just went up!
Bandages are not instant as in potions and actually are designed to quickly heal "After" the battle to be ready for next one.

Druid going solo can use root to capture that mob 3 levels over you, (and kicking your butt!), step back and use bandage to replace much life and save mana.

The "Secret" to bandages is simple, Don't try to use them while getting hit, you will not get much and the cool down will start and you cant use them till its over.

hope it helps, see you in the game.
#15 Aug 23 2005 at 4:55 AM Rating: Decent
FA does not in itself cause aggro, however the action of interacting with another player (the one you are appliying FA to) makes mobs more aware of you, therefore a target.

It gets interrupted because you are trying to do something while another person is trying to kill a mob.

First Aid should be known by all Chars, after the battle it takes the pressure off the healer, gives them chance to recharge their mana and the group is ready to rock quicker than relying completly on the healer to spell heal during and after the battle
#16 Aug 23 2005 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
I'm a warrior and things dont always go perfect.

Sometimes a runner away slips away brings a truckload of adds, sometimes the priest runs out of mana, or dies, or lags out, and I end up pulling my red potion which gets all my potions into a cooldown, which i think it's 3 minutes but i never remember to check in the middle of the heat of the fighting. And ocassionally in these situations, even when it is countrary to the nature of the warrior, i can manage to pull out of the aggro before dropping dead and then pull a bandage and go back to the fighting. (Yah you guessed it if you're thinking I'm a pretty agressive warrior).

Sometimes a party member dies when I do that, sometimes not, but I know if I fall dead in those situations it's all the party that dies.

One thing I can assure you is that bandaging DOES produce threat, I guess it's affected by the threat increase bonus of defensive stance so I'm more likely to notice it than some others. I've had it being obvious in many situations but I'll relate one that makes it most most obvious.

I was in party with a rogue once and needed healing, just warrior and rogue. So the rogue backstabbed and got aggro as they usually do and I let rogue take the aggro for a few secs while I walk back to bandage. When I started bandaging the monster instantly turned to me and the bandage managed to heal about half-way only because I had enough distance to have the monster walk a few steps before he could reach me. So I guess this clears it up, it not just produces threat, it produces a truckload of it.

As for after-fight self healing, I take up cooking and fishing. Cooking is good because you get self healed after battle very good and get a bonus buff to sta and spi called "well fed". And fishing is mainly a means to increase cooking skill but I keep a stack of the best-healing fish for the purpose of healing without consuming away the cooked meals that give the well fed buff. I never bring more than a stack of fish because most monsters usually drop some foods anyway and if they dont and I run out of fish I just consume the well feeding meals.

PS: Yes, I hate having to wait for the mana people, I've seen so much talk about warrior having more downtime because it cant heal and in the end, the mana guys are the ones that have their mana downtime all the time.

Edited, Tue Aug 23 13:04:13 2005 by xorq
#17 Aug 23 2005 at 11:31 PM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
As a healer, I have to wonder if applying the bandage produces threat, or the healing of it does. For healers, one hit point healed = two damage, so I'm wondering if it's the same way for FA. And even a couple seconds of bandaging is quite a bit of threat if you've only just lost aggro.
EDIT: There's one reason to not use FA... Priest with Tailoring :/

Edited, Wed Aug 24 00:30:45 2005 by lsfreak
#18 Sep 13 2005 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
4,575 posts

as a druid who ends up healing most of the time, i wish more people would use their bandages...if they had some on them in the first place. it's almost like "oh now we have a mage, i dont need to use my own food and water, gimme gimme gimme" or "now we have a priest, i'll just stand here after the fight with 10% HP until the priest can get MP back and heal me"

my warlock and hunter carry bandages for my own use and several times in groups, i have been able to heal up someone else during a particularly tough fight (eg the healer is very low on MP)

my best example of using bandages is in ZF when the 2 healers died during the big fight at the stairs. they weren't that good in the first place about healing others not to mention themselves...3 of us meleers were left. we had probably finished just the first round of mobs coming up the stairs. the two healers tried to come back in but would aggro mobs on the way to us and die again. every 1 minute i was able to bandage the other 2 meleers and we actually finished this stage with just us 3.

after that we then tried to go back to escort the healers back so we can finish the rest of it where we talk to the npcs and they start fighting each other, but then here comes one of the healers on a mount and about 12 trolls behind him too...

#19 Sep 13 2005 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
another reason to lvl first aid
remove 1 poison effect
(problem is the lvl 60 recipie costs a rediculous 7g)
#20 Sep 19 2005 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
Well it is worth it to lvl up first aid! As a warrior it makes grinding so much faster when you can heal inbetween without sitting down to eat! All my healers thank me after a battle when i bandage myself and any others that I can that need it. Let them save the mana for when they really need it. I use bandages sometimes in battles with mobs especially if I have someone to kite the mob so I can run and bandage even if it is only 1000 Hp that keeps me in the fight sometimes. Just depends if i am with a healer or have healing pots and last stand up. As far as I know there is no aggro for bandaging at least not what I have experienced.
#21 Sep 20 2005 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
267 posts
Healing using bandages creates ZERO aggro! Sorry "xorq" but it sounds the the rogue dropped all aggro on you (vanish maybe?) I have tested this many times and always the same result, Zero aggro. Me and a guildie tried by pulling a mob on us, both level 60 toons. He pulled using his lowest damage/threat generating method. The mob would run up to us and start wacking on him. He would stand there and take it, not fighting back or increasing his aggro in any way. I would stand right next to him and use a full 2000 health rejuv from a heavy runecloth bandage and never once pulled aggro. Tried this many times with tons of mobs and all of the types of bandages. Bandages will not Cause aggro!! That being said, they will also not decrease aggro either! If im bandaging a class that pulls aggro and they feign death/vanish/ fade and I'm next on the aggro list, the mob is coming straight for me. If I shield someone to bandage them, the shield spell might pull enuff aggro to get a un-tagged mob on me. But it's still tons less aggro than Shield + Healing spell, meaning the mob is pulled of me easier or fade works better!
Also a note for those that don't learn First Aid (FA), you will probably be dieing ALOT in endgame instances! A non-tank/healer class that can't heal themselves are usually left to die if battles are close. Simple math; When the healer starts running low on mana the main healing targets are tanks/healers only, lose too many and everyone is going to die. When everyone is taking damage, main healing targets are tanks/healers only, trying to heal everyone at once will pull aggro on healers and once you have no healers, everyone usually dies! There is no reason not to lower aggro with an ability(fiegn/vanish/ect..), back out of the battle long enuff to heal yourself for 2000 health pulling ZERO aggro with a bandage, and then jump back in where needed. And any tailor that is to cheap to use a bandage, deserves to die and pay a bigger repair bill, as It is your choice to not use then.
ISFREAK, I think you might have got that formula backwards. I know for a fact that healing 1 point causes less aggro than hitting a mob for 1 point of damage. It is probably pretty close to say 2 points healed equals about 1 point of damage to a mob.
#22 Sep 20 2005 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
89 posts
The reasons first aid would get interrupted:
1) The bandager takes damage
2) The bandagee takes damage

(Be careful to watch for DOT's, poisons, etc)

Bandaging does not cause any aggro as far as I've noticed, and in your case a shield might very well fix the problem.

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