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#1 Oct 28 2005 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
161 posts
any details? please post!
#2 Oct 28 2005 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
652 posts
Allows you to craft jewels.

Highley likely that this is specifically for use with socketed items, in a simlar way that you can add stats to an item with an enchant.
#3 Oct 28 2005 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
I would hope that this allows the crafting of necklaces and rings, if it is jewls/gems as in DiabloII then I am scared, unless jewls will work as a addtional slot for weapon upgrades.
#4 Oct 28 2005 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
Hehehe Im figuring this will just be yet another gold sink for me to dump money down.

300 Tailor
287 Enchanter
#5 Oct 28 2005 at 4:33 PM Rating: Decent
161 posts
Yeah, lets hope we here something from the Blizzcon people soon.

Maybe a list of mats, something, anything! :)

#6 Oct 29 2005 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah i hope this dosent tie into socketed items beceause im not really into soceted items in the 1st place beceause it would make enchainting useless beceause wich would you rather have a fiery and an unholy proc or just a fiery?....But if it isnt dealing with soceted items it could be an awesome tradeskill considering the number of neclaces and rings are few. I just hope it can also maake trinkets.....
#7 Oct 30 2005 at 12:49 AM Rating: Decent
618 posts
It'll scare me if they make runes at some point like they did for D2...that'll be the day of Apocalypse.
#8 Oct 31 2005 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
681 posts
any details? please post!

You know what we know from the blizz site. Everything else rumor related is not confirmed.
#9 Oct 31 2005 at 1:51 PM Rating: Good
an excerpt from the Gamespy article

Dabiri announced the introduction of a whole new profession -- jewel crafting. Jewelers will be able to make rings and necklaces that can be sold on the auction house, but they may also be able to make new "socket items." Taking a page from their own Diablo franchise, World of Warcraft players will now be able to enhance armor and weapons with customizable gems that impart new abilities and powers.

from the IGN article

Last but not least, Blizzard is introducing socketing items, like in Diablo II. They're still hammering out the details (can gems be removed, what would be the penalty, etc.), but there will be the Jewel Crafting profession, which will allow players to make necklaces and rings in addition to socket jewels.

From the GamePro Article

"LF Jeweler PST"
With the expansion, Blizzard will also be introducing a new profession: Jewelcrafting. Similar to enchanting, Jewelcrafters can give bonuses to items by placing special gems into sockets. Will only certain items have sockets? "Initially we're trying the Diablo approach where certain items come with sockets," says Rob Pardo, Lead Designer of World of Warcraft. Will the socket buffs be interchangeable? Nothing seems set in stone (no pun intended) as of yet.

#10 Nov 01 2005 at 9:11 AM Rating: Default
ahhh crap there goes enchanting
#11 Nov 01 2005 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
na, it wont get rid of enchanting(hoping atleast), u can, hope atleast, have the crap put in it and the enchants, cause i like my 2 dawn edges with +15 agi on them, but if u could get socketed, itd make them ever better, but this prob wont get rid of enchants, only if they can top +15 agi, +22 int, +30 spell power, and all the other "elite" enchants(which they prob wont, those enchants are too nice)

Edited, Tue Nov 1 11:36:35 2005 by Uhyun
#12 Nov 01 2005 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
ahhh crap there goes enchanting

This Poor attatude makes me scoff, can we take a moment and remember some of the "Well Blizzard is going to mess everythign up" moments.

ZOMGOD Pallies are getting a ranged attack, This is going to mess up the game forever and distroy ballance, Way to go Bliz, way to ***** up the whole game, Pallies dont need range.

ZG will distroy the current Endgame content, Think of all the time i spent in MC now all my gear will be worthless because the drops in this eazy 20 man raid will make gettign better gear eazer than I had it, Thanks Bliz!

WFT Feral druids with the new patch can have 10K armor and generate extra thret with attacks, Heck who needs warriros now,Thanks Bliz! Way to ***** up the game!

Well now hutners are useless, they broke my MS and aimed shot, Pets are still useless in a instance, my dammage went down, and Fein Death is now more resistable, Gawd Bliz Thanks for the stealth nerf!

Holy snot stuns are resistable, way to make rogues useless, guess i have to be a backstab rogue now since my mace spec is USELESS!!!!

The new ones are no diffrent, folks crying about BloodElfs hunters, enchanting being useless.... why not sit on your hands, then you dont look like a idoit when everything works out ok.

Untill you see the sepcs on jewls and socketed items, why not act an adult and let the folks that made the game figure it out.

Side Note on socketing, most likely gems will go in to a socket for gems,and NOT occupy the enchant slot for a item.
#13 Nov 01 2005 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
thank you for quoting me and thank you also for clarifing all that for us and by the way not to sound like a noob but but what is every one meaning when they say "socket"
#14 Nov 01 2005 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Tue Nov 1 12:24:27 2005 by Mokonojoko
#15 Nov 01 2005 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
dang i keep pressing the wrong button sry every one
#16 Nov 01 2005 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
Holy Snot Mokonojoko, you jumped on the bliz messed up the game bandwagon and you didnt evern look in to what the profession is aobut? , you just started seeing the negetive? Man Thats silly.

Just to summ it up, jewlcrafting is going to be used to make rings and necklaces(has this
  • Ruined
  • Enchanting yet?). Secondly they will make Jewls, Theese will be items that fit in to a "Socket" and provide a bonus of some sort(still dont see how this affects enchanting other than reading soembodys speculaion and runnign with it like a negetive nancy) Socketed itmes will be new items that have a slot in them to place player made gems, MEANING that if I have a Twig of the Wrold tree, I cannot just go put a gem in it(like I can just put a enchant on it), the item has to be a spcial item that is Socketed.

    Just some notes on Bliz and socketed items/ jewls

    This idea is NOTING NEW, it was a idea that they put in to Diablo II , and it worked out well. Now take the folowing with a grain of salt, as this is a diffrent game, but the basics are probly the same.

    In D2 socketd itmes came in 3 flavors, items that had their magical property that they had sockets, this was usualy limited to 1-3 sockets(even on the huge stuff like armor or 2 handed weapons, Next were items that became socketed, this was done with a quest, allowing you to put one socket in a exesting magic item, and was limited on how menny items you could ever socket, and finaly the generic socketed items, they had no magic properties what so ever. They were like a grey or white soward, they had nothing special, no magic properties, but could come with a pile of sockets, so players could make magic items with jewls and gems, they coudl have lots of sockets, up to 6.

    Who know what they will change, or if any of the old D2 socketing methods will cross over, but complaining about it before it is out is just silly.
    #17 Nov 02 2005 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
    161 posts

    ZOMGOD Pallies are getting a ranged attack, This is going to mess up the game forever and distroy ballance, Way to go Bliz, way to ***** up the whole game, Pallies dont need range.

    What my pally is getting ranged attack?!?!?!?!!1111!!1$#%^%#@

    Edited, Wed Nov 2 12:26:48 2005 by poppybeatrix
    #18 Nov 02 2005 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
    4,877 posts
    What my pally is getting ranged attack?!?!?!?!!1111!!1$#%^%#@

    Ummm visite a trainer, all pallies got a ranged attack, requres target to be below 20% HP.
    #19 Nov 02 2005 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
    161 posts
    WHAT!!! I was just at a trainer last night. What level do i have to be?..damn it all...
    #20 Nov 02 2005 at 4:05 PM Rating: Good
    1,748 posts
    you have to be level 44 I believe. At least, that's when I got it. Don't get too excited, it's mainly to finish off PvE runners.
    #21 Nov 02 2005 at 7:30 PM Rating: Decent
    Ok!!! i discovered this much. I think blizzard is planning to also add to the enchanting so that any enchanters can add sockets to items. This makes perfect sense knowing that if the jewels are like diablo II, then enchanters would be done for. I'm not sure how powerful these gems are but i know that they add damage to the items along with other stats.
    The only thing now is when the expansion is coming out. My guess will be in mid april or so. I know that blizzard said the expansion would be in stores by the new year, but knowing how blizzard tests everything except BWL, it has to be coming out later than this!
    Keep me posted with an up to date day when the expansion will come out. I think they are going to official say at the up coming blizzcon.
    #22 Nov 03 2005 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
    72 posts
    jewels could turn out to be one more thing that we could enchant, increasing the demand and giving enchanters a bigger market. this is just speculation, of course, but i think it'd work well if jewels where able to be removed and switched between weapons.
    assuming that jewels and enchants can be active at the same time, jewels should make enchants even more necessary. think about it. presently, the folks that spend time farming or crafting and make a good living are the ones that could afford enchants. poor/lazy people just have standard, no enchant, items. now, those lazy people could end up with a jewel drop or be able to buy one (at least a cheap one). Now, that rich person is at a disadvantage if they don't get an enchant. All other things being equal, the player with the enchants wins. we just have to count on people's desire to be the best. You want to win, then you want jewels AND enchants.
    #23 Nov 03 2005 at 2:05 PM Rating: Excellent
    4,574 posts
    Ummm visite a trainer, all pallies got a ranged attack, requres target to be below 20% HP.

    There’s a BIG difference between a ranged attack and a ranged pulling attack. I doubt paladins will ever be given a ranged pulling attack. But then I never thought wands would get auto fire. Still, I’m not holding my breath.

    As for Jewelcrafting, I’m rather excited about it. It may well change some of the dynamics of enchanting, but I seriously doubt Blizzard will introduce one profession at the cost of another. If anything I’m sorry Blizzard is adding only one new profession. The more choices we have to choose from the better.
    #24 Nov 03 2005 at 10:02 PM Rating: Good
    i think what they mean by sockets is that u may have ur jewels in the sockets which increase the stats but i take from wat i have read about it that u can have enchants as well as the jewels as the gems take up their own slots. i dont know this for sure but i think that is one reason why they have come up with the slots for the gems. this is how i have interpreted the information it ight not be correct but it does get rid of the gems negating enchanting.
    #25 Nov 07 2005 at 9:27 PM Rating: Default
    89 posts
    This is speculation, so feel free to say I know nothing:

    Jewelcrafting will produce rings, necklaces, and possibly trinkets. Jewels will probably take over the item enchant slot (or rather the act of socketing will and only 1 socket can be applied, so I would think you'd have to delete the gem to change the gem inside the item rather than just swap out, if that's even possible). Jewels will add buffs similar to enchants. Jewelcrafters will be involved in cross-tradeskill action (ie some jewels necessary for potions/armor/weapons/enchants) and I would think that to balance jewelcrafting and enchanting, jewels will require (among other thingss) shards and dusts from enchaters. Perhaps even we might have Jewelcutting knives (trade tool) that require us to edge with dust (like diamond cutters in the real world) to create certain level jewels-I believe this would not only increase demand for enchaters but will change the economy so that enchanting mats go for less (more demand) and thus enchants will sell cheaper (because 100-200 gold for a single top-end enchant blows).

    Hope I helped, and tell me if I left anything out or said something wrong-again, this is all a guess so if I'm wrong just give me the data and I will gladly retract.
    #26 Nov 08 2005 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
    if the following is true than i can't be the end for enchanters it just means a new area for them to explore and the will be a slew of new enchantments on the market and i think that that in order to manage the new prof you will need to take up mineing and save all of your gems you will get from this point on.
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